Melody for a Long Weekend


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"You-you made Becca lose her job..." she said quietly, then her expression twisted into nervousness. "Is-is that real?"

David snorted in surprise. "Don't you think it's kind of rude to ask that?"

Auden returned and came around to the front of the counter next to David, where there was a small table set up for preparing flowers. She set the carnations down and smiled timidly at him before looking to the odd expression on her co-worker's face. "What did you say to David that was rude?"

It was the longest sentence David had heard Auden say, and he suddenly caught the lovely accent. She was British! Why hadn't he known that? Shit! He'd been in high school with her, and she was still a complete unknown to him. How was that possible?

He sighed as he realized he just hadn't made an effort. Too tied up with his little group of friends. Another black mark against him.

Looking at Lucy, he watched with interest as her expression became a little desperate, and she sputtered a little. It was almost like she was speaking to a... manager.

He suddenly recalled roll call at school. Auden. Auden Wright. Wright Florist. Ah!

"Go ahead, Lucy, repeat your question," David said.

That woman's face became quite red. "I said, is that real?" she blurted heatedly, and pointed to David's now pronounced bulge.

Auden's eyes went to it as well, and her blue eyes lifted to his.

The next thing David felt was her long fingers and warm palm pressing against his pants and gently squeezing his cock.

His eyelids fluttered with the delicious sensation she was giving him, and he sucked in a quick breath as Auden did the same. She came out of the bliss quicker than he did as she looked back at Lucy. "Yes, yes, it is. Could you finish the window displays, please?"

Lucy's mouth was opening and closing, and she stared wide-eyed at Auden before quickly walking away.

Auden looked at David and spoke quietly. "My apologies. It felt good to take that one down a peg or two."

David could just nod. He wasn't sure what to think.

It took only moments for Auden to artfully place the flowers into a bouquet wrapped in clear plastic for him to carry. She moved back behind the counter and rang up the sale. She didn't act any differently for having just squeezed his cock, but there was some residual heat on her cheeks when she glanced at him.

David paid then gestured towards the back room. "The woman who was here earlier?" David asked.

"My granny. She's a hard one to please. The whole lot of them are," she sighed in frustration.

Auden bit that delectable lower lip then wrote something out on one of the shop's business cards. "Please pardon my forwardness, for this and the touch, but perhaps you could give me a call sometime?" She handed him the card which had her name and number written on it.

He smiled and nodded, tucking the card into his pocket. "I'll see you at school on Tuesday?"

She blinked at him in surprise. "I thought you'd be with—"

"You'd be wrong. The people I hung out with are jerks, so they're no longer my friends. I could use a new one."

She smiled at him, and he'd never seen that expression on her face before. He liked it. "Just a friend?" she asked cheekily, her face reddening at the boldness of her words.

David had reached the extent of his ability to be smooth. His face flushed, too. "To start?"

She chuckled, and he felt that in his pants. She nodded. "Tuesday."

As David left the shop to head back to his car, he felt his head spinning. He was feeling so pumped about how awesome this weekend had turned out. Now all he needed were a few more lessons on keeping his cool.

Chapter 6

The moment Melody heard the thump of David closing the front door, she slipped her panties down and pulled her right leg out. Then she relaxed back on David's bed and pulled the sheets up to her nose to breathe in his manly scent. She picked up a light floral scent of the detergent as well.

She hadn't felt so surrounded by a masculine scent since the early days of her marriage. She used to wear her husband's shirt from the previous day as she did her morning chores. They'd go into the wash in the afternoon, and he'd have a fresh shirt for the next day.

Melody felt her mood slipping into depression, so she inhaled deeply, and that all went away. She thought about how hot David looked in his dress pants and shirt. She knew he looked good in t-shirts, but he looked so much better in quality clothes.

Fuck! She was getting so horny!

Her fingers slid down her stomach as she replayed David's striptease for her in her mind. When she reached her pussy, she began the tight circles that felt so good.

Her mind took her to the massage he gave her by the pool. His powerful hands on her body, squeezing out the tension, drawing in the energy, stroking her skin until she... oh god, that felt so good!

Inhaling David's warm scent, her fingers moved over her pussy faster and faster until she was gasping for breath.

She thought of the first shower she had with him. He'd held her body against his, his powerful arms wrapped around her, his pelvis driving his thick cock between her thighs, slapping her ass, bumping her clit— FUCK! He was so hot between her thighs— "AHHHH!"

Melody writhed under David's sheets, and her mind finally took her to an image of him over her body, lowering his cock towards her, preparing to drive himself deep into her body.

She threw her head back in ecstasy as she pushed three fingers deep into her pussy. Her release made her eyes roll back in her head as wave after wave of bliss hammered her. She felt her body rocking through a series of intense spasms, and it felt hot and wet between her legs.

Minutes passed as she tried to catch her breath, but the tingles faded so slowly. It had been such a powerful orgasm. She nodded off for a few moments, and when she woke, she pulled her hand up from her pussy and saw how wet it was. She sat up, threw back the sheets and saw they were drenched between her legs. She stared in shock. What the hell? Then the scent wafted up to her nose. Had she squirted?

"I'm back!"

She screamed. Just a little, but it was enough to have David charging upstairs. He burst into the room with a worried look on his face and stumbled to a stop halfway across the room as the scent of excited woman reached him. He saw Melody's worried expression then looked to the sheets on his bed. The wet sheets on his bed. The sheets on his bed that smelled of sex.

"What-what happened?" he asked in confusion.

Melody looked at him in embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I just got a little excited and touched myself. It was more powerful than I expected."

"Okay. Let's just get you cleaned up," David said. He walked into the washroom and grabbed a towel and a washcloth soaked in warm water.

When he returned to the bedroom, he saw Melody was sitting on the edge of the bed. She looked a little lost and upset, but embarrassment was the most visible emotion. He didn't want her to feel bad at the beginning of their date, so he took a deep breath and handed her the washcloth. He didn't release the cloth when she tried to take it, and her eyes went to his. He gave her a smile. "Was it good?"

She snorted in surprise and grinned weakly. "Yes, very!"

She still looked embarrassed, so David decided to share a story of his own.

"Last night, after I saw you in your baby-doll sleepwear and had to carry you to your bed, I was so excited I thought my erection was going to spontaneously explode. I ran home to collect my clothes and books, but before I did that, I had to... relieve that pressure. It was so intense, it drove me to my knees, and I almost passed out. It had never felt that good before. When I got back to your house, I was sure you would know what I'd done just by looking at my face."

Melody was smiling at him as she realized why he'd just confessed, and she did feel better. "Thank you. For sharing your story and for making me feel desirable."

He nodded and let her get cleaned up, handing her the towel when she was ready to dry off.

He pulled the top sheets off the bed and spotted her panties at the bottom of the bed. He knelt and helped her slide them up her legs. She managed to get them over her hips, and when he helped her stand, she tugged them up to fit correctly. While she put on her blouse, he pulled the sheets off the bed. He assisted her with her skirt, and she was dressed once more.

"I'll take you downstairs, then I'll start a wash and finish making dinner," he said.

She looked at him in surprise. "You know how to use the washing machine, too?"

"I'm not completely helpless around the house," he said with a little smirk.

Melody shook her head as he effortlessly carried her down to the main floor. "Helpless would be the last word I'd use to describe you, especially when I'm being carried everywhere."

He sat her at the kitchen table and examined her ankle. The swelling was gone, but the bruising was still quite colorful.

"What's the prognosis, doctor?" she asked with a cheeky grin.

He nodded thoughtfully as he felt the area. "I'd say full recovery. You'll be able to put weight on it comfortably by Monday. The swelling is pretty much gone, so it's healing well. You've been a truly excellent patient."

"And you've been excellently patient with me!" she returned.

He left her with her foot up on another chair then rushed upstairs to grab the linens. Back downstairs to start the load, then to the front door to pick up his dropped purchases. He walked into the kitchen and dropped the bread and cheese on the counter before kneeling once more at Melody's feet. "Flowers for a beautiful woman."

The look of surprise on her face was priceless, and the smile that came after made all the effort worthwhile.

"So, are flowers suitable for a first date?" he asked with a raised eyebrow and a little smile.

Melody nodded as tears welled up in her eyes. Her emotions swung between delight and despair. This was just another example of how little effort her husband made to ensure her happiness. David's simple gesture of bringing her flowers with a few kind words was rocking her world. It'd been years since she'd received either from the man who was supposed to be her life partner. She wondered why she'd waited so long to make this decision to leave him.

"If it was a good idea, why do you look so sad?" David asked quietly.

She shook her head and dabbed her eyes with a tissue he handed to her. "No, they're perfect. I love them. I just realized I haven't received them since I was dating.

"Oh! Well... sorry, your husband is an idiot."

"Soon to be ex-husband," she blurted in frustration.

David's eyes went wide. She looked at him nervously. "Sorry, I didn't mean to divulge that until it happened."

He smiled. "Let me be the first to congratulate you. Leaving him is the best decision if he no longer makes you happy."

She nodded firmly. "I think so, too!"

David checked on the meat sauce, and the kitchen filled even more with the mouth-watering smell.

He got the burner going under the pot of water for the pasta.

"How did it go with your trip to the store wearing the tighter clothes?" she asked.

"It went much better than I expected. You were right. Not hiding is so much better!" he gushed.

"Did you meet anyone from school?" she asked.

He grinned. He didn't think mentioning his little ordeal with Jeff would be a good idea. "Yes, I bumped into a friend of Becca's at the florist shop. She started bad mouthing me about what happened to Becca, then she saw how I was dressed, and it completely derailed her."

"How did you feel?" she asked.

"At first, I was a little nervous, but then I remembered what you said so I just owned it... and it felt good!"

Melody clapped her hands together happily.

David was still dazzled by what else happened at the florists. "I also met another student. Auden Wright. She asked if I could call her sometime."

Melody's smile got wider. "That's wonderful!"

He looked down at himself. "I'll see her at school on Tuesday. Now I don't want to show up with baggy clothes, but that's all I have." He looked to Melody. "Auden wears loose-fitting shirts and sweaters. Maybe she's like me?"

Melody nodded thoughtfully. "She might be." She thought about it and had an idea. David needed a new start as much as she did. "How about we visit the mall tomorrow and pick up some new clothes. I need some new outfits for my new life, and so do you!"

He looked over at her from the oven, where he was adding the pasta to the boiling water. "That sounds like a good plan. I'll look for that wheelchair after dinner. Carrying you through the mall may be a bit much." He grinned at her pout.

"Are you hungry? I just realized we missed lunch," he said apologetically.

"The pills skew my appetite, but now that you mention it, I'm starved!" she said. "It smells so good!"

David cut the bread into chunks, put it into a basket and brought it to the table. He placed virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar next to the basket with two small plates. "Feel free to start with this."

He went back to the counter and grated the parmesan into a small bowl. This went on the table, too.

"When did you take your last painkillers?" he asked. "I only saw you take the one this morning at breakfast."

"That was the last one. There's no significant pain, so I think I'll wait until I'm going to sleep before I take another one," she explained.

He nodded. "Okay, then I can offer you a glass of red wine with dinner. Just one."

Melody grinned at him. "I think it's so sweet how you're taking such good care of me. I will have wine with dinner, please."

He smiled self-consciously and nodded as he pulled the red wine out and poured two glasses. When he saw Melody's raised eyebrow. He raised his own eyebrow. "Mom allows me a glass. But just one."

He poured them glasses of water, as well, and set them on the table.

Draining the pasta, David added it to the plates and ladled the meat-sauce over it.

With a napkin hanging over his sleeve, he carried the plates to the table and set Melody's down before her, then he placed his and sat next to her.

"Oh, David! This smells delicious!"

"Ha! My secret ploy was successful! By making you skip lunch, you're ravenous for dinner, guaranteeing you'll find it the best you've eaten!" He laughed maniacally.

Melody burst into giggled as he grinned happily at her. "You are a nut!" she laughed, and he shrugged as he reached for his wine glass.

"Can I make a toast?" he asked.

Her eyes flashed with delight. "Please do!"

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, then nodded. "To the strangest twists of fate that prevented me from going on a family vacation but instead delivered quite possibly the best weekend I've ever experienced in my life with the most beautiful, sexy, intelligent and delightfully interesting woman I've ever had the privilege to spend time with."

Melody was staring at David with a look of amazement as he raised his glass and tapped it against hers. They sipped the wine, and she nodded in appreciation. "David, that was a beautiful toast and very sweet, as well." She gestured to the table. "You made this delicious looking meal, and you're treating me so well. I think you have the first date experience under your belt."

David shook his head. "As I said before, I can speak with you comfortably as you're so easy to talk to. Let's stop looking at this delicious meal and taste it!"

Melody sprinkled a little cheese on her food, then scooped a forkful into her mouth. She closed her eyes as the flavors filled her mouth. She chewed and swallowed before she opened her eyes. She saw David's pleased smile as he dipped a piece of fresh bread in the oil and vinegar. "It's so good, David!"

"Thank you!"

As they ate, Melody peppered him with questions she imagined first dates might inspire. She did her best to rattle him, and there were a few topics he got tangled in. By the third one, he gave her a worried glance. "See, I get stuck again and again!"

She smiled at him. "David, these particular topics are minefields. There are no safe routes through them. The idea is to identify you're stepped into one and step back out gracefully. Religion, parenting, politics, abortion, and sometimes sports, these are not good candidates for first date conversation topics. If the subject matter can inspire strong opinions, save them for future dates, like number five or six. You need to find common ground on more neutral subjects first."

David blinked at her. "Those were trick questions."

She nodded. "Yes, and you're doing very well. Truly. Just be aware of the nature of the topics and avoid those that seem potentially explosive. You might still stumble into subject your date feels strongly about. It can happen. How they react to it tells you if you can accept that. It's all a learning process."

Melody managed to get through a little more than half her plate as she'd been enjoying the bread, as well. She noted that David had cleared his plate and used some of the bread to mop up the last of the sauce.

"Would you like a coffee or tea?" he asked.

She smiled and shook her head. "I avoid caffeine at night."

"I can offer you ice cream for dessert," he suggested.

Hands held up in surrender, she chuckled. "I'm full. Thank you, though."

David collected her dishes and moved to quickly rinse the plates and place them in the dishwasher. The table was cleared and put away until the kitchen looked spotless once more. The leftover spaghetti and sauce went into containers in the fridge.

He returned to the table and sat facing her. "So, it's still the first date. I've filled you with good food, and now I..."

Melody enjoyed the earnest look on David's face. He was doing so well, yet he was so eager to learn how to do it right. "It'll depend on the energy level of your date. After such a heavy meal, exercise like dancing or something athletic might not be advisable. A stroll might be nice or maybe a movie. If they seem a little sleepy, you should suggest they might like to call it a night. Then you take them home and prepare for the potential goodnight kiss."

David could see the day had taken a little bit too much from Melody, and sleep time might be the best option for her. He put on his best date face.

"I've had a wonderful time tonight. I think we should call it a night as it seems the meal has made you a little sleepy. How about I take you home?"

Melody's smile was perfect, and David felt his confidence soar.

She nodded. "I had a wonderful time, as well. You are an excellent chef, and the meal was perfect. I really enjoyed our conversation, but you're right, I am a bit sleepy."

David stood. "Okay, just give me a second to see if I can find that wheelchair we'll need for tomorrow's shopping trip." She nodded again, and David rushed away to descend into the basement.

He had to move boxes around, but he finally found it folded and tucked behind the Christmas decorations. He brought it upstairs and left it by the front door. He rushed upstairs to get clothes to wear tomorrow, a black t-shirt, underwear, and the least baggy cargo shorts he had. Going back to the main floor, he stuffed the clothes into the pouch on the back of the wheelchair then moved it out onto the sidewalk to unfold it there. He went inside to collect his date.

"Sorry, I got everything ready. Now I'm ready for you," he remarked.

Melody just held her arms up, so he moved in to lift her against him. She sighed happily, drawing a smile from him. He shut off the lights as they left, and he locked the house with her balanced on his leg. She giggled at how easy he made it look. He sat her in the chair and began to wheel her over to her home.
