Melody for a Long Weekend


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"Yes, Mom. We are getting along really well. It's so nice to have her company this weekend. Her ankle is healing up really well. I think another day of staying off of it should have it healed up well enough for her to be able to get around on her own."

There was a pause. "How has she been getting around now?" Jackie asked.

"I carry her. She's not allowed to put any weight on it. The swelling is going down with the icepack treatments, the anti-inflammation ointment, and the tensor bandage. But not putting any weight on the ankle is what's making the biggest difference," he explained enthusiastically. He noticed Melody gesturing to him to give her the cell.

"Oh, she'd like to speak to you. Hang on," he said and handed her the cell.

"Jackie?" Melody asked.

"Hi, Melody? How are you feeling?" the mother asked, and Melody heard the edge in her voice. A mother's intuition and her protectiveness for her son were flaring. She'd have to be very careful.

"My ankle is feeling much better. The pain killers David picked up for me from the pharmacy this morning are really helping, as well. Listen, I want to thank you for offering his help this weekend. Being alone and injured would have been a disastrous combination."

"I'm so glad David was able to come to your rescue. He tells me he's been carrying you—"

She knew she had to get ahead of this immediately, so she interrupted her friend. "David is remarkably strong, and there are so many stairs in my home. He's been a lifesaver! He's also quite a cook! He made us breakfast this morning, and he's making dinner tonight. He tells me you taught him how to cook. You are so lucky to have such a responsible son!"

"Oh, yes! He's wonderful in the kitchen!" Jackie blurted happily.

"My son left the nest a while ago, but I understand you'll have David around while he's going to university to become a physiotherapist," she said, and suddenly felt something twist in her heart. She realized she was jealous. After the divorce, she would be completely alone. That didn't change her mind about following through, but it shone a stark light on her future.

"We're happy he's chosen to go to a local college, as well. Does your son not come to visit?" Jackie asked.

"With him being stationed overseas, he doesn't get many opportunities," Melody said quietly. She didn't tell Jackie that her son chose to remain overseas instead of returning home during the last three times he'd had leave. He'd told her he was no longer comfortable at home as he could no longer relate to their world.

Like father, like son.

Jackie heard her pain and wasn't sure what to say. David came to the rescue. "I need to pick up something for dinner, so I'm going to take the phone back and say my goodnights to my mom," he said, speaking loudly enough for his mom to hear. Melody handed him the cell.

"Okay, Mom? I gotta go. Have fun tomorrow! Say hello to Cindy Parsons for me," he said.

"Would you like to say hello yourself? She's right here at my elbow," Jackie said, and the cell was fumbled over to the young woman.

"Hello, David?"

He froze then forced himself to speak. "Hi, Cindy. Sorry I couldn't be there with you this year."

"A-actually, it might be a blessing in disguise."

He paused. "Oh?

Her voice was strained. "David, I have a boyfriend."

He was stunned, but he forced himself to continue. "Oh! Ah, that's... really great! I'm happy for you. I really am." He looked inside, and he realized he actually was happy for her. He felt a little disappointed, but he really had nothing to complain about. His weekend had been excellent so far. Besides, he liked Cindy, and he never understood why she hadn't found a boyfriend. He was doubly grateful for his mother's insistence that he stay home as it spared him the embarrassment of meeting her with expectations.

It was her turn to be quiet. "I'm sorry—"

"Cindy, I'm being honest here. I'm so happy for you! You're such an awesome woman, you deserve this. Hey, you let me know if he starts acting like a jerk, and I'll set him straight for you."

"Daaavviidd! Stop acting like such a gentleman! You're making this harder for me!" she whined pitifully, but he could hear the smile on her face.

"Sorry, okay, uh, let's see... I never thought your pretty face was all that hot and your body, ugh, it only gave me a boner most of the time, not all of the time. Good luck to your new boyfriend when all the blood rushes from his brain to his dick every time he sees you!" David griped theatrically.

Cindy was laughing, but he heard some sniffling too, so he had to nip that in the bud. "Didn't you hear? There's no crying in theme park campgrounds! Mom will tell you!" She giggled. "Really, go enjoy yourself, it's in the rules!"

"Bye, David," she said sweetly, then the phone made fumbling noises, and his mom was back on the line.

"David, before you go, the wheelchair we had to get when you hurt your knee the first year you played football is in the storage room in the basement. You shouldn't have to carry Melody all the time."

"Oh yeah! Thanks, mom! I gotta go. I love you!"

"I love you, too, baby boy."

David hung up and looked to Melody. He paused as he saw the hungry look in her eyes.

"That was really sweet, the way you let Cindy off the hook," she purred.

He smiled and nodded. "Cindy is really great. I am happy for her! I'm also thrilled I was spared the embarrassment of going up there with expectations that couldn't be met. Now, I get to learn how to achieve a successful first date!"

Melody laughed, sharing his joy.

"Speaking of which, I do need to quickly run to the store. Do you want to wait here or at your place? I won't be long, maybe twenty, twenty-five minutes?" He bent down to pick up his baggy shorts.

"I'll wait here if you don't mind, but don't you dare put on those shorts! Wear what you are wearing now when you go out," she insisted.

He froze and looked back at her. "But I'm going to the grocery store. I think people I know work there."

She nodded firmly. "This is the perfect opportunity to take charge of your future and own how good you look! As there will only be some of the people you know, you can dip your toe into the experience."

He paused as he thought about that. He was still nervous about showing off like this, but he knew Melody was right. As long as he acted like he was ashamed of his body, they would be able to control him and make him miserable.

David looked at Melody and saw her admiring gaze. She thought he was dreamy. Wasn't her opinion more meaningful than those of his so-called friends? She'd seen him completely naked, and she didn't turn away in disgust. No, they'd had... well, they'd masturbated each other, and she'd enjoyed it and him. If she thought he looked good in these clothes, then he'd wear them with pride!

He nodded to her with a smile.

"What shoes do you have for this outfit?" she asked.

He went back to the garment bag and pulled a pair of black leather loafers. When he turned to show them to her, he watched her smile with satisfaction.

"Those are perfect! No socks," she insisted.

David dropped them on the floor and slipped them on. He closed his closet door and looked at himself in the mirror there. He had to admit he looked pretty good. He smiled back at Melody, and her grin was happy and satisfied.

"Is there anything you need before I head out? You need to use the washroom?" he asked.

"I didn't until you mentioned it," she said with a grin. He snorted and carried her to the bathroom he shared with his brother's room. He went out and waited for her to call, and when it took longer than usual, he was about to call out she announced she was ready.

He opened the door and froze with his jaw hanging open. She'd removed her blouse, skirt, and shoes. Her ivory undies almost glowed against her tan skin. "What?" he breathed.

"If you don't mind, I'm a little sleepy, so I was hoping I could take a nap while you do your run for groceries. Would that be okay?"

"Oh! Yes, that's fine," he said, tearing his eyes from her breasts to look up into her smiling eyes. He stepped into the washroom and moved her clothes out to his desk before returning for her. He lifted her up and brought her back to his bed. It felt a little surreal, bringing this beautiful woman to where he slept. "Did you want to be under the covers?" he asked, slightly breathless as his heart beat a little quickly in his chest.

"Yes, please," she said, equally breathless.

He set her on her right foot and threw the covers back. Melody sat on the mattress as he lifted the sheets so she could slide her legs in. He covered her with the blankets.

"How's your ankle? The blanket isn't applying too much pressure?" he asked cautiously.

She gave him a sweet smile. She was already picking up the warm masculine scent of David from his sheets, and her mind was spinning with desire. "I'm good. Thank you, David. I'll just rest here until you return."

"Sure, as I said, I won't be long," he assured her. "Mom also reminded me that we have a wheelchair in the basement I can use for you instead of carrying you everywhere."

Melody pouted sexily. "But I like you carrying me."

David felt a pinch in his pants as his erection struggled to grow. His expression showed his discomfort. "You're making my pants tight."

She burst into giggles, and her delight sparkled in her eyes.

As he looked down at her, he was frozen by how lovely she looked and had to tear himself away. "I-I'll be back shortly."


David grabbed his wallet and keys, leaving the room to hustle downstairs. He checked on the sauce, saw it was gently bubbling, not burning, and gave it a stir. It already smelled so good! He headed out the front door and locked up. Hopping into his truck, he headed out of the neighborhood.

The grocery list contained a baguette and some fresh parmesan cheese. He also wanted to pick up some flowers for Melody. It was a first date, so flowers seemed appropriate. Maybe carnations?

The grocery store wasn't too far, and there was an auto parts store on the way. He pulled into the parking lot and saw a police car parked in the handicap spot. He recognized the officer putting a shopping bag on the passenger side floor of the cruiser. He changed direction to approach the man who turned to him.

"Hi, I'm David Spencer. You picked up Becca Langley for breaking my headlight this morning." He gestured back to his truck.

"Right!" the cop nodded. "I spoke with her parents. They were pretty upset."

David sighed. "I have to pick up a replacement headlight, and I was going to go to their place tomorrow with the receipt to ask to be reimbursed. That's not unreasonable, is it?"

The officer shook his head. "Not at all. Her father was very upset with her. She's never done anything like this before, according to our records, so she just got a warning this time. From what I heard her father say, you shouldn't have any issues getting them to pay for the new light."

David smiled and relaxed a little. "Thanks!"

"No problem. Have a good night!" the older man said with a smile as he pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

"You too. Be safe out there," David said with a wave as he headed to the store's front door.

He walked up to the counter and smiled at the clerk. "Hi, I need a new headlight for my truck."

"No problem, sir. I just need the make, model, and year," the clerk said, sliding a piece of paper and a pencil across the counter. David wrote the info down, and the clerk went into the back to get the headlight.

Only a minute later, David heard angry shouting from the back of the shop. He recognized Jeff's voice. Looking out the front window, David caught the eye of the officer who must have heard the yelling.

David turned back to see something flying at his face. His hands snapped up and caught the thrown headlight box. That hurt his hands, but there was no real damage. He set it down on the counter and moved back into some open space as he saw Jeff charging at him.

"David, you fucking piece of shit!" Jeff's first punch missed his face by a fraction of an inch as he jerked back. He knew the next one would connect, so he caught the fist in his palm then grabbed the other fist in his free hand. Once he had both, he bent Jeff's wrists back. Jeff was a big guy, but not as big or strong as David, so when David bent the wrists back, Jeff had to drop to his knees or have his wrists broken.

"Police! Break it up!" the officer said to David's left, so he released Jeff's hands and stood back immediately.

Jeff wasn't finished and threw out a sharp elbow to catch the cop in the groin. It was only then that he realized the man wasn't just an intrusive customer but a police officer. He froze.

David grabbed Jeff's hair and yanked him forward and down until he hit the floor, face first, then he dropped a knee on his back to pin him there with his larger mass. He pulled one of Jeff's arms up behind his back. Once his ex-friend was pinned, he looked to the officer. "Are you all right?" he asked in concern.

The cop looked a little green in the face, but he nodded brusquely. "You know this guy?" he managed to grunt.

"Yes. Jeff Ducane. We go to school together, played on the same football team, and up until a few days ago, were attracted to the same girl. I wasn't aware he worked here, though."

The officer looked David in the eye. "Let me guess. Rebecca Langley."

Jeff struggled under David's hold, cursing at him. The officer had had enough and pulled out his cuffs. Once they snapped on Jeff's wrists, the steam went out of him, and David stood, helping the officer up. An older man in a uniform matching Jeff's was glaring down at his employee.

"What did you say to him?" the manager growled at David, who blinked back at him.

"I didn't say anything. I ordered that headlight from another clerk. The next thing I knew, Jeff threw it at my head. I managed to catch it. Then he charged at me. I have no idea why!"


The gathered men looked down at Jeff. "You cost Becca her job, then you got her picked up by the police! Her parents grounded her until the end of the school year!"

David looked at the cop. "Becca acted like a jerk to me in front of her manager. She lost the job all on her own."

The cop looked back at Jeff. "The young woman broke the headlight in front of me. Mr. Spenser was in the store at the time. He's hardly responsible for the punishment her parents assigned to her. Do you also have a problem with accepting responsibility for your actions? You attacked an officer of the law after attempting to assault Mr. Spencer."

The manager had heard enough. "He can trade excuses with his girlfriend as he's fired too. I have no room for a hothead in my shop. Turn in your uniform when the police are done with you." He looked at David. "Wayne will give you a thirty percent discount on that headlight." The manager nodded and stormed away after gesturing to the clerk behind the counter to ring through the purchase.

The cop looked at David. "Do you want to press charges?"

"No. Jeff's an idiot treading on thin ice with his scholarship, and he knows it. That's punishment enough for me. If he's with Becca, that's just icing on the cake as they deserve each other," David said with a shrug. "I have to go as I'm still taking care of my injured neighbor. Can I go?"

"Yes, but I may contact you to be a witness," the officer said.

"Certainly. You have my contact details."

David took the headlight and headed outside, where he saw Jeff stuffed into the back of the police car with a sullen expression.

The next stop was the grocery store, where he quickly picked up the baguette and cheese. He felt some relief, as he didn't meet anyone he knew in the store.

Next door was a shop called Wright Florist, so he stepped inside. There were two young women just inside and an old woman standing behind the counter. Behind her was a large glassed-in cabinet with fresh cut flowers. He recognized the women closest to the door as one of Becca's cheerleading squad. Glancing at him, she did her best to ignore him. The other one was staring at him like a deer in the headlights. She was familiar, but he headed straight to the counter and smiled at the older woman. She returned his smile.

"Hi, I'd like to buy a dozen pink carnations, please."

"Certainly sir—" The phone began to ring, and she glanced at it in concern. "I'm so sorry; I must take this." She looked over to Becca's friend. "Lucy, could you—"

"I'll do it!" the other girl blurted. The old woman gave her a pinched look then nodded as Lucy kept her back to David. "Fine. Auden, he'd like a dozen pink carnations." She looked at David. "Again, my apologies." She lifted the cordless handset and walked away.

David looked at Auden as her name set off a flare of recognition. Auden. His old gang of friends at school called her Oddy because she was smart, quiet and didn't seem to socialize at all at school. He couldn't recall ever seeing her talk with anyone, share a lunch table with someone or even walk together with another student or teacher. She was almost as tall as he was. She was also slim and long-limbed. She hid her body from view with loose flowy tops and skirts. He recalled that she got excellent grades, but she never spoke up in class or participated in anything. Looking at her now, he could see her trademark baggy shirt under her apron.

Baggy clothes resonated with him, now that he knew what they meant.

He'd worn them to hide something he wasn't proud of, but Melody was helping him break that habit. The tight pants he wore now boldly stated he was no longer afraid, and he would no longer hide his body. He looked to Auden as she approached and wondered what she was uncomfortable with.

Then he noticed her eyes behind her dark-rimmed glasses. She was staring at his groin with an almost disturbing intensity. She had long wavy black hair, which partially hid her features. Up close, he could see she had lovely expressive blue eyes and thick dark brows behind those ugly glasses. Her face was a little long, her mouth was just a little wide, her nose just slightly more substantial, but he thought it all worked together so well, he thought she was beautiful. He became a little fixated on her bottom lip, which was fuller than her top lip. For just a second, he imagined what he'd like to do to that plump lip.

She continued to stare at his groin, seemingly frozen.

He borrowed a little courage from his conversations with Melody and faced Auden straight on. "Auden, was it? Hi, I'm—"

"David Spencer," she finished for him, making him pause. Her eyes darted to his face, then back down. He was beginning to feel self-conscious, but he forced that down. He had to get used to people seeing him as he was. That said, Auden seemed kind of fixated. Eyes up here, he thought, then caught himself in the role reversal and almost chuckled aloud.

He turned his full attention to Oddy— Auden. He had to use her real name. He wasn't one of the jerks who'd teased her in school, but he hadn't stopped his friends from doing it, either. Now that he saw them for what they were, maybe it was time he made amends. He took a deep breath.

"I'd like to apologize for not stopping those jerks at school from teasing you," he asserted and saw her look up at him in surprise. "Auden is actually a beautiful name."

"Oh! Thank you," she squeaked. "Carnations!"

She quickly moved away to enter the cooler to select the fresh blooms.

"I heard what you did."

He turned around to see Lucy glaring at him. Her eyes dropped then her glare slid away as she seemed to lose a little bit of her composure.

"And what was that?" he asked calmly. He was beginning to feel liberated from his fears. Melody was right!
