Melody for a Long Weekend


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"She can get a little naughty from time to time," he said calmly as he looked deeply into Auden's eyes. She nodded timidly, and a small smile appeared.

"I kissed her," she blurted to David.

He cracked a sudden smile, looked to Melody, who was getting a little dreamy-eyed as her breast pressed against his chest and rubbed her hip against his hard stomach muscles. "Did you enjoy that, Melody?"

She gave him a quick little nod. David smiled at the need he was seeing on her face. He turned back to Auden, who was watching Melody with a thrilled little smile. He was relieved to see Melody hadn't frightened her off. If anything, Auden seemed willing to play along. Maybe there was an opportunity here.

"So, you can be a little naughty from time to time, as well?" he asked the woman who now filled out her top so well.

Auden's eyes flashed to his as she heard the challenge in his voice. She nodded to him, desperately wishing he'd take her in his arms like he was holding Melody.

He suddenly got the craziest idea. Melody was telling him that confidence was just experience repeated, so he recalled his time with her last night and felt his nerves settle. He glanced to the cash desk and saw all the sales associates were continuing to gab and ignore their customers. He caught Auden's eye once more.

"Come here," he said. She stepped closer, and he nodded. "Closer."

Auden was trembling with excitement. Soon, she was standing before him, with Melody squeezed between their bodies. David had a confident little smile on his lips as he leaned his face closer to hers. She found herself leaning towards him; their lips met and her heart soared. Sparks leaped from her lips throughout her body, and she felt a little light-headed.

It was Melody's sigh that brought them back from the kiss. They leaned away from each other and looked to the woman in David's arms.

"That was beautiful," she gushed quietly, tears in her eyes.

"What's with the tears?" David asked.

Melody shook her head, but he gently bounced her in his arms until she agreed to tell him. "Seeing you two together with so much life ahead of you, it fills my heart with joy and a little sadness. I wish—"

David suddenly lifted Melody to him and took her mouth with his. She made a surprised sound and melted against him as he caressed and tasted her mouth with his. When he pulled back, she was watching him with wide eyes.

He needed to know what was up with her. That kiss was exactly how passionate and loving their first kisses had been. This flirty playing that she'd been up to today stood out in contrast even more clearly.

"Excuse me, sir. Just what are you doing?"

The belligerent tone of the voice cut through the haze in David's mind, and he automatically prepared to apologize until his frustration slammed on the brakes. There was no way he was going to apologize for this. He'd passed by the cash desk and knew they'd just been gossiping idly, ignoring their customers. He aimed a steely gaze at the approaching sales clerk.

"These ladies have been waiting for some assistance since we arrived, but all of the sales associates were too busy socializing to pay attention. We were wondering if we'd have to start having sex back here before one of you would notice you had customers and approach. Is this how head office trains its employees?"

Something in David's tirade must have struck a nerve, perhaps an earlier complaint to head office, as the woman's high ground immediately evaporated from under her and her expression became contrite. When David gently set Melody down in an actual wheelchair, the sales clerk looked like she might begin to cry.

David locked eyes with her again. "Now that we have your attention, please attend to their needs." He stepped away to move to the front of the store, leaving the three ladies to watch him go. Melody was the first to recover and hid her proud smile as she cleared her throat to get the girl to focus on her.

"Yes, ma'am!" the girl squeaked from her tight throat.

Melody read her tag. "Vikkie, is it?" The girl nodded. "You can call me Melody, and this is Auden. She needs to be measured for a new bra. Can you assist with that?"

Vikkie nodded quickly and joined Auden in a fitting room for a few minutes. Melody could hear quiet voices as they took the measurements before Vikkie returned to Melody.

"Her best size would be a 32 G, but we don't have anything in that size," she said. "Her best bet in this mall would be a shop called Starz, which has a broader range of sizes in their lingerie."

"I see. Thank you. Could I ask you to get David to join us?" Melody said, and the woman nodded nervously and hustled away. Melody wheeled herself closer to the curtain. "Auden? Are you doing okay, honey?"

The door opened, and a glum face looked back at her. "She told me they don't have anything my size."

"So we move to another store. She mentioned another one called Starz. Let's go find it." Melody held out her hand, and Auden took it and gave it a squeeze.

"Thank you," Auden said quietly as she stood and bundled all of her bandages and clips.

Melody looked up at her. "For what?"

Auden dipped her head forward, her hair hiding her face once more. "For being so nice to me."

"Oh, Auden, you don't need to thank me for that. I really like you, and from that kiss David gave you, I can tell he does, too," Melody said with a sly grin.

The tall woman lifted her face and spotted David, standing behind the wheelchair.

"I do," he said, causing Auden's face to light up with a shy smile.

David looked to Melody. "The woman asked me to come speak with you."

Melody nodded. "Yes, we're going to go check out another store as they don't have her size here."

He looked back to Auden. "Would you like me to carry those?" he said, gesturing to the bandages. She nodded, and he dumped them into a shopping bag hanging on the back of the chair. David began to move, then stopped to look back at Auden, who seemed reluctant to leave the privacy of the back of the store. "Please come with me," he said and held out an elbow. She rushed over and looped her hand through his arm so she could be by his side as they left the store.

Melody directed them to an information screen and found where Starz was located. They backtracked through the food court, and a short distance down another corridor they found the shop. Melody pointed to a bench where David parked the chair. She looked up at him. "I'm going to wait out here. The aisles in there look a little cramped for a wheelchair. I'll be fine." She gestured for David to bring his face closer. "32 G."

"Oh! Great!" he said, his face warming up. He looked to Auden, who watched him closely. "Let's go buy you something pretty." She flashed him a smile.

They walked into the store and saw it was a little more playful as there were some naughty costumes as well. Auden drew them to a wall display of bra and panty sets. They were arranged by size, so they walked to the end of the wall where the larger sizes were. Only three were flagged as 32 G, but one immediately caught David's eye as it was a close match to the black satin bra Melody owned. He reached up and lifted it down. Auden's eyes lit up with excitement when she saw what he had chosen.

She bit her lip as she accepted the items from his hand. She noticed the accompanying underwear was a thong, and her eyebrows went up. "I've never worn one of these before."

"We can find a more traditional style—" he began, but she touched his arm to stop him.

"No! I'll give it a try." With a timid little smile, she walked to the back and went into a fitting room.

David looked around some bright colors in another display caught his eye. He wandered over to the display, and he saw they were swimsuits. His mind immediately pictured Auden in one of these dazzling suits, and his mouth watered. He scanned the rack and found one size 32 G. The cups of the top were brilliantly colored with shiny gold accents. The bottoms were once again thong style. He recalled Melody's suit, imagining the two women enjoying the pool behind his home, and suddenly decided he had to get this for Auden if the bra fit.

He carried the swimsuit to the back and waited outside the fitting room area.

"Can I help you, sir?" a sales clerk asked him with a suspicious look.

He smiled at her. "My... girlfriend is trying something on, and I brought her something else to try."

David heard a squeak, and Auden peeked out the curtain to check the area for strangers. Seeing just David and the saleswoman, she suddenly threw the curtain wide. Auden stood there in the sexiest underwear David had ever seen, next to Melody's. The smooth black satin clung to her ample curves.

She looked into his eyes while she gave him the most adorable smile. "I'm your girlfriend?" she said, biting her lower lip as she enjoyed his admiring gaze.

"Yes, if you'll have me as a boyfriend." She nodded quickly. "Auden, you look..." David's mouth worked, but his words failed him. She had a fantastic figure, but her extraordinary bosom took his breath away.

"Uh, you're going to have to buy that! You're supposed to try it on over your underwear," the saleswoman said indignantly.

Auden's happiness dimmed at the scolding, so David came to her defense. "Lesson learned. Besides, of course I'm going to buy it! Can't you see how amazing she looks in it!" That brought her smile back and put one on the saleswoman's face as well.

Spotting the colorful fabric in David's hand, Auden gestured to it. David lifted the bikini and wiggled his eyebrows at her with a grin.

"It's beautiful," she said as she admired it.

"Would you like to come swimming at my place tomorrow? Lunchtime? Oh! Are you working?" he asked.

She shook her head. "The shop is closed tomorrow. I'd love to come over."

"So, I'll get the swimsuit, too," he said with a smile. Auden nodded with a grin.

"I've never worn a bikini," she admitted.

David gave her a hot look. "I'm looking forward to it." He looked to the saleswoman. "She'll wear these out." The woman nodded and moved to collect the tag from the bra and panties

Giving him a sexy smile again, Auden closed the curtain to get dressed.

David followed the woman and made the purchases. He glanced out the front of the store and saw Melody speaking to another woman with a smile on her face. She seemed okay, so he relaxed a little.

When he felt the gentle pressure of Auden's breasts against his back, he looked over his shoulder into her happy eyes.

"Hey, how do you feel?" he asked quietly.

The pressure increased as she pressed herself against him. "So much more comfortable. I'm going to go online when I get home and order myself a bunch more of these."

He accepted the receipt and shopping bag from the sales clerk and guided Auden a few steps away as he took a good look at her. Her breasts were now cradled in the bra and presented up and forward. This made her blouse project outwards more than before, and the shape and size of her breasts were now far more evident. She was showing cleavage as well. He couldn't get over the difference. So damn sexy!

Auden was watching his appreciative gaze, and her eyes twinkled with happiness. He leaned forward, and she quickly met his lips with hers for a sensual kiss that left them both a little breathless. She pressed her forehead against his. "This... this is all happening so quickly," she sighed.

"Too fast?" he asked carefully. "I'm new to this as well."

She pulled back to give him a happy smile. "No! I'm not complaining. It's just that I've always dreamed of having a boyfriend and..." She glanced outside to see Melody laughing with another woman. "...a girlfriend. I don't make friends easily."

David took her hands in his and saw her smile widen. "I need to speak to you about Melody—"

"She's your lover," she blurted quietly to him. He blinked in surprise. "I may not have ever had a boyfriend, but I figured that out when I first spoke with you two in the food court. It was how you looked at each other."

David's expression showed his frustration, and Auden watched him closely.

"She'd been acting... different today. I-I thought... I felt an emotional connection, but today, it's like she's trying to put distance between us. That's why I kissed her as I did in the last shop. To reaffirm that connection with her. I'm sure she feels it, but she's still pushing away. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe she does just want a casual fling with me." He looked into Auden's eyes and saw a little nervousness. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I really want to be your boyfriend and lover, and to see where this takes us. I-I guess I'm not a casual affair kind of person."

Auden moved a hand to his chest and looked him in the eye. "I'm okay with you being emotionally attached to Melody. I've just met her, and I could easily see myself becoming attached to her, as well. She's so open and warm-hearted, I really get a good feeling about her." David was nodding as he felt precisely the same way.

David slipped a hand into her hair at the back of her head and pulled Auden's lips to his again, but this time his kiss was hungry, and she made a cute little mew of need as she pressed her chest against his.

When he pulled back, he saw the excitement in her eyes. "Would you like to join us for dinner tonight?"

"I-I can't make it tonight, but I'll be there tomorrow," she said with a little pout.

David nodded. "One of the things Melody did to pull away is she invited her friend to dinner tonight and hinted the woman might want more. I don't want to be with this woman, so I'm going to ask Melody to cancel with her. This may sound selfish, but I want you and Melody."

"I'm okay with that. Would you be okay with it if I wanted Melody, too?" she asked timidly.

David grinned. "Considering how wonderful she is, I'd be surprised if you felt differently." He pulled out his cell, and he and Auden traded numbers and email addresses. Now they could text each other.

He took her hand in his and left the store to join Melody and her friend, who looked up with a smile as they approached.

"David, Auden, I'd like you to meet Patricia, a friend of mine from the club where I work out," Melody said. They nodded and said their hellos with a smile, and the woman greeted them, then said her goodbyes and left.

"We didn't chase her off, did we?" David asked.

Melody chuckled. "No, she just has a busy schedule with her kids." She admired Auden's new look. "You found a bra! You look very nice; how does it feel?"

Auden clung to David's arm, squeezing her breast against him. "David bought me the most beautiful and comfortable bra and the panties are a thong. I feel so sexy!" she whispered to them, which brought grins to both.

"I invited Auden to dinner tonight, but she's otherwise occupied. She's coming over for lunch and a swim tomorrow with her new bikini," David explained as Auden lifted the bikini from the shopping bag.

"Ooo! That's gorgeous!" Melody exclaimed, and Auden bounded excitedly on her toes. That bounced parts of her anatomy, which were no longer strapped down. David's eyes watched the motion with interest. She hugged him a little tighter.

Melody looked back at David. "Don't forget we have company for dinner tonight."

David's expression became a little more serious. "Yeah, about that. Is there any way we might cancel with our dinner guest?"

Melody looked at him in surprise. "Well, that would be rather rude, and she was looking forward to it so much. She'll be so disappointed."

David sat on the bench and took Melody's right hand between his. "I'm more concerned about her expectations for after dinner. She was looking at me like I was dessert, and you weren't trying to convince her otherwise." He saw Melody was at a loss for words. "It kind of felt like your inviting her was to put some emotional distance between you and me. I know I'm a complete novice to relationships. I just became Auden's boyfriend, and I hope I don't screw that up. If you aren't interested in having a relationship with me," He glanced up at Auden with a smile. "...with us, please just tell us. Be warned though, your words had better be damn convincing, because I feel a different answer to that question in your kiss and how you hold me."

Melody's face was red and tears were pooling in her eyelashes as her eyes moved between David and Auden. The younger woman knelt next to the chair and took Melody's left hand and pressed it to her lips as she looked beseechingly into her eyes. With a sweet smile, David copied Auden by pressing Melody's other hand to his lips.

"I-I can't expect—" she began in a little girl's voice.

David stopped her. "That's not what I'm asking. All you need to tell us is if you want to be in our relationship. We want you, with our very souls, we want you. What do you want?"

Melody's bottom lip was trembling, and her lovely brown eyes looked anxiously at David. "I... I want that, too."

After David and Auden hugged her, she gave their hands a squeeze to get their attention. "Until I've dealt with the divorce, we shouldn't do anything in public. I'll file on Tuesday. I know we were indiscreet in the lingerie shop, but this is much more visible," she said with a shaky voice.

David nodded and shared a smile with Auden. They both beamed excited smiles back at Melody, and she couldn't keep her own face from joining in. She felt an enormous weight lifting from her shoulders.

She wouldn't be alone.

David got behind the chair again. "Any more shopping to do?"

Melody needed a nap from the emotional rollercoaster this day had been. "Not for me. I'm done for the day. I still have to come up with an excuse for Chelsea."


David and Melody looked at Auden in surprise. "Didn't I just mention she thinks I'm going to have sex with her?" he said quietly.

"David, I've just entered into a relationship with a handsome and sexy man and a beautiful and sexy woman. I'm so excited to begin exploring what that means. I'm not a virgin, but I've only had sex once, years ago, and it was very awkward and uncomfortable. I don't mind you learning a few things before we get together. You said you aren't emotionally connected to this woman, so I don't need to feel anxious about you dropping me for her, right?"

"Definitely not!" David exclaimed in surprise, and she smiled in satisfaction.

"So, have her over and learn new things from her. Then show them to me. I need to learn so much! One thing I already know, I like to be... taught," she said with a sexy smile.

David moaned at how sexy Auden sounded, and Melody giggled at his expression. Auden joined in as she grinned at David.

Melody's heart was also filled with excitement. Auden was proving to be a catalyst for experimentation. Truthfully, Melody hadn't expected any of this, but getting Auden with David was making her future look much brighter than she'd hoped for. She was having trouble keeping the smile from her face.

"Can we offer you a lift home?" David asked Auden, and she nodded.

David was on cloud nine. Melody finally confessed that she shared his feelings and wanted to be with him. On top of that, Auden, beautiful, smart, quirky and sexy as hell Auden, was his girlfriend! He couldn't believe his luck. He sighed happily.

Melody heard him and looked up to see his beatific expression. "What was that sigh for?" she asked with a knowing smile.

"I just can't get over how amazing this weekend turned out to be. It started with disappointment at being left at home when my family went off to the theme park, but that was the best thing that could have happened. I'm sorry you fell and hurt yourself, but it forced us together, and that was such a blessing. Melody, you gave me the confidence to speak to Auden in the florist shop and break free from being the follower I'd become with those jerks from school."
