Memoirs of a Shared Wife Ch. 13

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Pippa gives alan a choice.
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Part 13 of the 45 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/15/2022
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Arriving at our house with an increasingly nervous looking alan, a problem soon became apparent....

The very obvious stain on his trouser crotch.

There were people about in the street, they would see.

I suggested going in the house and getting one of johns coats, he could carry this in front of him to cover that area up.

Looking continuously out the car windows alan said

"Alright.... it'll have to do....are you sure there's nobody in?"

He'd already asked me 3 times during the car journey here so i snapped back

"Yes!....I'm sure"

Immediately regretting my outburst, noticing alan flinch. Breathing out, sighing i apologise then proceed to get out and go get the coat.

The coat trick works perfectly and i soon have alan stood in our hallway looking like a frightened rabbit.

Locking the front door, taking johns coat from him and hanging it back up i instruct alan to take his bottom half clothing off while i check upstairs.....just to be sure chris or steve hasn't come back unannounced.

This of course, is my chance to activate the cameras in our bedroom.

Earlier that morning the cameras were made ready just in case a chance came along. It's best to be prepared.

Switching both on to record i then went back down to the hallway, and a worried looking alan.

He was bottomless except for socks and held the soiled garments in front of his groin.

I took them from him and stepped back, watching him closely for a moment.

Alans hands were clasped together in front of his manhood preventing me from seeing it.

He looked so..... vulnerable.

Suddenly a wicked idea came to mind, i began walking slowly backwards while beginning to grin

"I've got ya now..... haven't i.....your not going anywhere while I've got these"

I said, holding up his trousers, alans face suddenly changed from nervous to shocked as he realised what a predicament he was a strangers house?....nude from the waist down?....

"Oh...wait a on pippa reasonable....I've been nothing but nice to...."

He didn't get the 'you' out, as i broke down into fits of giggles, just that look on his face as he realised.....


Regaining some composure i said

"Sorry....i couldn't resist it....I'm just pulling your leg.....your so..."

More giggles interrupt my sentence

".....your so.... serious"

Fortunately alan does lighten up and sees the funny side, grinning he informs me that i....'had him going there'.

With the giggles all but gone i dive in at the deep end and offer alan a choice...

"Well.... I'll put these in the washer and then get them dried for you.... should take about an hour....."

At this point i locked eyes with alan, giving him a 'naughty but nice' stare

"You could....go upstairs to my bedroom....if you want?.....we....have an hour"

I felt like i was being so cheesy and cheap.

Alan was blushing, he looked so... pathetic....stood there with his hands covering his modesty, guarding it almost.

He looks so.....old...and that moment.

"...or....we could...just have a chat in there"

I motioned with a sideways glance and nod of head towards the living room door just to my left.

Alan followed my glance then looked back at me

"Pip.....pippa....i....erm....I've never met.... you....i....erm..."

I let him trail off...

Then said

"Tell you what..... I'll go and put these in the washer while you decide ok? might be easier if I'm not here watching know what I'd rather you do"

Turning to go in the kitchen i paused and glanced over my shoulder

"Oh....our bedroom is right next to the bathroom"

I said it calmly, in a matter of fact way.

Then, i wandered off into the kitchen and began loading the washing machine up.

Inspecting the mess in alans underpants as i did so, he'd produced a lot so i wiped as much as i could off with some tissues before putting them in the machine.

While doing this i had one ear cocked towards the hallway. Hearing nothing, neither the tell tale creak of step or sound of living room door opening.

Upon finishing with the washer i returned to our hallway to find it, surprisingly.....empty.

I honestly hadn't heard him move. Checking the living room first with my heart thumping, hoping against hope to find it empty.....

It was.

A wicked grin spread across my face and i whispered to myself..

"Good boy"

Now it was time to have some proper fun. I had him to myself and right where i wanted him. This cat, was going to get her cream.

My first old man.....after all those years of fantasising.

Now it was time to enjoy the real thing.

I could already feel myself moistening up, once more downstairs as the prospect of what awaited.....filled me with excitement.

And of course, john would be able to witness everything that was about to happen thanks to the cameras.

Making my way upstairs, feeling the moment building..... atmosphere..... electric.

Our bedroom door is open....and there he our bed with the cover pulled up to his bashful....i love it!

Fixing him with the 'look', i say

"There you are...."

Going into our bedroom and closing the door behind me

".....i was afraid i was going to find you in the living room....."

Beginning to undress, removing my suit jacket

"...... I'm so glad you decided to come up here"

Alan remained silent while i undressed, his eyes wandering.....all over me..... exploring.

That sensation of being watched in this's intoxicating.

I'm enjoying teasing him, taking my time. Alan stares, silently as i srip down to just my bra, knickers and stockings.....

His mouth slowly opens, eyes widening.....that hungry look....i can see it again...... lurking behind the shy timid facade.

When i remove my bra alan finally breaks the silence with three words

" god"

I go to him, crawling up onto the bed, pulling the cover back away from him, it won't do to be covered up now alan, the cameras won't be able to see....

And i need john to witness what I'm about to do.

My first impression of a naked alan is.....not great.

I don't want to use the word 'scrawny' but, that's what i was looking at.

A thin wrinkly old man. Wisps of gray hair adorned his flat chest and ran all the way down over his belly and to his pubes.

After the man mountain that was harry, alan couldn't be more opposite.

The contradiction continued where it counted too.

Alans dick is already fully erect and it's around 5" long, maybe shorter.

About the same length as neils, but whereas neils was quite thick, alans is thin.

He's circumcised with a fine looking hood. The nut sack is quite big and covered in thick gray hair.

While crawling up over him i lower my head to his crotch and, maintaining eye contact, gently run my tongue up the length of his cock, before planting a soft kiss on the bell end.

Alans reaction is pure erotica..... I'm so turned on at that moment that i cannot accurately describe it with words....

He flinches like neil used to, drawing in a sharp breath, while staring disbelievingly at what I'm doing to him

"Oh god!"

The Whispered to my ears.

Alans reaction does strike me at the time as, over the top, however i do put it down to the fact that he hasn't been with a woman in years.

I'm soon to learn however, just how sheltered alans sex life has been....

Moving further up over him, face to face now. His hands are on my back as i straddle him.

Going down for a kiss, feeling him tremble as i rub my groin against his stiffy...


He groans as my tongue slides between his lips and coils around his own tongue...deep breaths through his nose indicate just how excited he's too.....I'm getting very moist indeed rubbing my fanny up along the length of alans stiff cock.....he's so hard.

Feeling him quiver beneath me is wetting my appetite for more, with curiosity burning i break our kiss and, straightening up, sit myself down on my favourite kind of seat, feeling its length fit snugly into my love groove, pressing through thin material of the french knickers.....

Moving my hips gently up and down creates..... exquisite sensation.... causing a satisfying sigh from me and another louder groan from alan.

He's staring up at me wide eyed and breathing quickly, cheeks going bright red.

Alans hands move slowly from my back to obvious targets round front, grasping and caressing, going for my nipples again....


Purring approval, i let my head flop backwards, eyes closed, concentrating.....on it.....the growing pleasure swelling outwards from my groin...


Hearing myself gasp lustfully..... quickening my rhythmic pace of hips thrusting.... feeling that stiff rod between my legs.....

I'm going fast....soon I'll be lost...


At the same time as my own.... inevitable destination....looms.

So does my lovers.

He's thrusting upwards ever more enthusiastically, groaning louder with each second...

And I'm keenly aware of what happened to him, earlier.

He's going to come again, i have to do something, regain some control.

Slowly, reluctantly, dragging myself to my senses.....i slow down my grinding action....take several deep breaths while watching alan closely.....then....with great effort begin to lift off his stiffy.

Leaning down to kiss him tenderly, sucking in his lower lip....a suggestion.....of what's to come...

Leaving him gasping i kiss my way down to his chest, wrapping my lips around first one then the other nipple, sucking.

Moving lower across alans belly, kissing as i go..... feeling him tremble in anticipation....he knows where I'm heading.

Getting into position kneeling between his legs i take hold of his hard cock, wrapping my fingers around it, gently wanking him

"Oh....oh yeah....aah"

Alan gasps as he watches what I'm doing to him.... intently staring.

Making eye contact with him i slowly lower myself down to this new lollypop, tenderly sliding my tongue up its length.... watching alans eyes narrow...his mouth open wide to emit a loud groan...

Excitement building rapidly within me at his reaction to my affections, i have so much power over him at this moment....I'm in control.

Savouring the moment a little longer, gently sucking in the bell end while still watching him....alan closes his eyes and screws up his face....

"Oh god.....oh my....god.... oh...."

His words are my cue.

Taking my eyes off him i 'go to town' on dear old alans stiff little prick...

Sucking his entire length into my mouth, my head bobs up and down rapidly, tongue wriggling against his hot slick, hardness.

Alan doesn't last long, predictably.

Later while reviewing the footage we find it's just 17 seconds.

A new record for me, one which has survived to this day.

Alan couldn't help it of course, you try going without for 12 years and then suddenly, this happening to you?....

I feel him beginning to hump, his hands in my hair, fingers clutching tightly.

All the while alans words blurted out through rapid heavy breaths...

"Oh god.....oh god.....oh....oh....oh pippa....pippa.....ah....ah.....ah...."

Then the, oh so familiar push forward and stiffening up, feeling his whole body tensing beneath me.....


I feel him pulsing in my mouth......dry at first but then.....a torrent of spunk comes flooding in.

He's practically screaming and as i swallow the thick cream down I'm wondering what the neighbours may think if they're in?

This question brings on a flash church view and mary with her young lover david....

Could there perhaps be someone next door to me right at that moment in their bedroom? listening to me and alan? Perhaps touching themselves? i used to....

The things you ponder....while drinking spunk....

Remembering the wardrobe camera, turning to look right at where i know it is, giving the secret lense a meaningful look.....johns going to love this.

Alans climax is a big one and he continues pumping his stuff down my throat for a while....there is a lot.

Eventually he begins to dry up, still pulsing but nothing coming out.

I bring him out my mouth and clean him up, licking the last drops off his slowly deflating cock.

Looking up to see.....alan..... appearing for all the world like someone having a heart attack....

He's bright red, trembling and struggling to breathe.....concerned i let go his dick and enquire

"Are you alright love?"

He doesn't reply at first, just keeps breathing hard, looking down at me wide eyed

"Alan? alright?..... your...."

I'm about to say 'scaring me' but don't get it out as alan begins nodding.

Thank god for that! How awkward would that have been? I could imagine the headline....

'woman kills elderly lover with.....kiss of death!'

Alan fights for breath for the next minute or so while i hold his hand.

He does eventually find words

"I'm bit.... carried away...."

He's grinning now, like the cheshire cat. It's good to see he's clearly very much enjoyed the experience.

However, alan is about to reveal something to me that even today i still struggle to comprehend.

"......oh pippa.....that was....oh my god that was.....the most....intense thing.....sorry....i.....i never had that felt so good"

Listening to his words fills me with excitement but then i hear, 'never had that before'.

Frowning i ask what he means?

Alan is calming down now and he can talk better. He reveals to me that he's never been sucked before!


I'm genuinely shocked and the word comes out quite aggressively.

He looks at me a little surprised but it's me who's the surprised one

"Your......your 71 and you never had a blow job?"

Alan looks taken aback at my incredulity and begins explaining.

Apparently his wife susan, is very prudish indeed and considers oral sex.....dirty.

I can actually feel myself getting angry at susan as her poor husband tells me this.

I'm torn between surprise, anger and pity.

Denying her husband something so special, to me amounts to a type of abuse.

I absolutely love oral, giving and receiving. It's one of the finest basic pleasures in life and to take that away from someone you love..... that's what even now......years later....i still can't understand.

We chat for a while, there on the bed i share with my husband.

I tell alan that susan is wrong to deny him such pleasure just because she thinks it's dirty. I tell him that yes i can understand a girl not wanting to swallow or get sperm in her mouth....but just.... to not do it at all?

That was wrong.

And what about alan doing oral for her? Nope, she didn't want to do that either, he confided.

So, i had here in my oral virgin.

Which excited and worried me at the same time. Excitement that i was the one who would 'break' him in but a little worry that he would be rubbish at giving least initially.

I did quickly decide however that i was much more excited than worried.

Especially when alan shyly asked me

"Pippa.....erm..... could i..... could i perhaps lick know.....down there?"

I could see he was nervous but also very excited at the prospect of trying something new....better late than never.

He was also getting 'happy' again downstairs, already semi erect and getting bigger.

Looking him in the eye, grinning wickedly, i said


While moving up into position on my back with my head on the pillow.

Watching him closely as i remove the french knickers, his eyes focus on my honey pot..... revealed to him for the first time.

Glancing briefly past him i give the camera a quick little look.....'hi john...look what I'm doing' what the sly little look says.

Laying back, making myself comfortable, opening my legs wide for alan.

He instinctively gets down on his front with his head right there at my fanny....

I've already decided I'm not going to instruct him how to do it properly just yet, I'm going to let him explore.....parctice on me....just enjoy his curious, eager attention.

And this is what he does, let's his curiosity run riot. Alan starts licking me quite low down at my entrance, it does feel good and he soon has me purring....but it's not quite where i like to be licked.....he keeps missing my clit....which soon becomes almost unbearable.

I'm getting very wet and alan is lapping up the juices while whimpering....he's very much enjoying the experience.

Greedily sticking his tongue right inside.... relishing his first taste of my slick juices.

Deciding to let him continue licking my hole i play with my clit myself, rubbing a forefinger across it.....gently at first but soon applying more pressure...

It's not long before i feel a big one coming on.... should i warn alan that i sometimes gush?

It soon becomes obvious that there's no time and it might spoil the moment the camera one last cheeky look before I'm immersed in a sea of pure pleasure.

It hits me like a freight train, all the pent up sexual tension of the morning rushes upon me

"Oh god yes.....keep going....yes....yes....yes....YES!...YES!!...AAHHHH"

My legs clamp shut hard on poor alan, seizing his head in a vice like grip.....I'm shaking all over as a powerful orgasm passes through me.... making every nerve ending tingle with delight.

And, while still in the throes of this, i feel alan struggling.

He's trying to get his head out my groin....

Coming to my senses i relax my legs and let him free, looking down at him as he looks back up at is a comical sight and indeed a comical moment.

Alan is bright red, breathing hard.....his face.....covered in my juices....I've gushed.

Talk about in at the deep's even dripping off his nose!

We just stare at each for a moment, both of us breathing hard.

I'm feeling hot, my face burning. I know I'm just as red as alan.

Initially worried i may have put him off oral for concerns quickly evaporate as a grin begins to form on alans face.

A second later he licks the slick juices from his lips and wipes some off his face, momentarily looking at it on his fingers...... before plunging them into his mouth and tasting....he loves it.

I'm grinning back now, regaining my breath and some..... composure.

Alan suddenly speaks

"Oh god.. yes...pippa...i....i didn't know you did that"

He's still breathing hard but dives down between my legs again for more.....

Greedily slurping at my soaking honey pot.

Quickly putting a hand on his balding head and gently pushing's too soon.

"Ooh you yet......alan.... sweetheart...just give me a minute's.....a bit sensitive"

He gets back up, unfazed, still that giddy excited look on his face

"I didn't know you did that....."

Alan repeats

"I've seen this before on the porn videos i watch...."

He wipes some more juices off his face, licking fingers before continuing

" it called gushing?....or something like that?"

I nod and tell him that it usually happens when I'm really turned on.

This news makes alan positively glow with pride!

I don't tell him that i 'helped'.

He did do good though for a first attempt and it is a huge turn on to see that he likes the taste of me.

In fact, in the coming weeks of our special relationship alan expresses a great deal of enthusiasm for oral sex, much to my delight.

We relax on the bed together, calming down and chatting.

Alan asks questions about the 'gushing' and other things. He asks if i will tell john what we've been doing?

I reply truthfully

"Yes.....i tell him i turns him on.....and me"