Memoirs of a Shared Wife

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Pippa's new job brings a new opportunity.
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Part 1 of the 45 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/15/2022
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This story is part of an ongoing series and follows on from my previous story 'the first one'.

All my stories will now be titled 'memoirs of a shared wife'. But will have a subtitle which will usually be the next guys name.

We are a married couple, pippa and john who, many years ago now, began to indulge in our fantasy of wife sharing and threesome fun.

This is a real life recollection of our experiences. A record of each encounter we had in chronological order.

So please join us on our journey.....


Chapter 1.

After our little adventure with neil the painter, it was very clear that we both wanted to take things further.

It had been tremendously exciting for both of us and this 'taster' had wet our appetite.

But, again, we were unsure of how to proceed. I didn't fancy any of john's friends, not at that point in time anyway.

Months past.

We had toyed with the idea of posting some of my intimate photo's on an amateur porn site but eventually decided that this was not what we wanted. The idea that lots of men would be gazing at my naked body and tossing themselves off was..... appealing.

However both of us felt we were past that stage. The experience with neil had left us desperately wanting more, not less.

We needed to experience something real.

John suggested my old 'flame', randy george, the flirtatious old man that used to live near us at church view.

I must confess that I too had him in mind, I fancied him, he definitely liked me, it seemed perfect.

An arranged 'chance' meeting perhaps? I could bump into him and get chatting, become friendly again.....

One thing could lead to another.

I had seen him out and about in town so it was only a matter of time, or better still, I could make an excuse up to call at his home.

We got quite enthusiastic about our plans, but ultimately it was not to be.

I hadn't seen george about the shops for several weeks and, with our excitement getting too much to bare, I was about to visit his home.

But a few days before, I bumped into a friend who knew george, they told me he'd taken ill and was in hospital. He'd been there a few weeks.

My friend didn't know exactly what was wrong with him but there was a rumour it might be cancer. Apparently he was not expected to come out of hospital any time soon.

Upon hearing the news I instantly felt bad. I felt so sorry for george, but there was not much we could do.

All we could do, was move on. But where to?

The desire was still strong and becoming stronger.

Then, i had an idea.

When younger I enjoyed having a pen pal. Perhaps there would be a chance of meeting someone through writing?

If i joined an email pal site it would give us an ideal opportunity. Here I could advertise to write to the type of man I wanted to meet, get friendly, then flirty, then.....arrange a meeting.

It wasn't perfect. What about john? I would have to pretend that I was the bored housewife type, hubby away at work all day, wanting some fun.

The idea was simple enough. Invite them back to our house....and film what happened next....all in secret of course.

I would have to vet them first, go for a drink or something, get a feel for them, I am a good judge of character.....or so I thought....

Get to know them, given time, they may be ok with john watching in person, and taking part.

They may be broadminded like us.

So, as summer gave way to autumn we gave it a try.

Posting my ad on the email site was a lot of fun. I wasn't even flirty in my description etc, it was respectable. But the replies I got were....shall we say....a little risque!

Eventually, after weeding out the dedicated perverts, I was able to single one out.

We got on quite well. He was married too but obviously his wife didn't know what he was up to.

Trevor was his name, in his sixties, lived not far from us. It was ideal.....

After a couple of month's writing, things were hotting up, he'd sent me some revealing pictures of himself and I had sent him some of mine.

It was looking promising.

Then, just after christmas. I had an email from trevor, at least I thought it was him, until I opened it.

The letter turned out to be not from trevor himself..... but from his wife.

She had discovered what her husband had been doing, gone through all the emails we'd sent each other.

She was angry.

I don't think I've ever seen as many swear words in just one paragraph before. It was just as well I hadn't given trevor my address yet.

She told me what she thought of me. And that, as they say, was that.

But, something else 'they' say is....when one door closes... another opens.....

And as it turned out another opportunity was waiting, just around the corner.

It was a big set back when thing's didn't work out with trevor, we had both been looking forward to it, even bought a new and better camera for the occasion.

The plan was to hide both camera's in the bedroom to capture two different angles.

We were so eager but, after this failure? a bit deflated.

I wondered if our joint fantasy would ever move forward.

There came a week or so where nothing happened. I was about to suggest trying the email pal thing again, but then, approaching my 37th birthday.....

Something happened.

Although it didn't seem like it at the time, it was just a job interview.

Well, I say job.... it was actually volunteer work at a charity shop in town.

What with the boys getting older and able to look after themselves more I decided it would be good to get back into work again.

But, it had been a while so I thought it a good idea to start slowly, volunteer work was ideal also it would look good on my cv.

So, one bitterly cold monday morning in january, I got on the bus and headed into town.

The shop was a british heart foundation, a big place. I'd been in it many times with my friend kate. It was just such an outing with her that I had noticed the sign for a volunteer.

The interview itself was just a formality, a friendly chat really. Sign some forms etc.

The lady I spoke to was the manager, a nice girl in her 50's called stella, we got on well and she even recognised me as a regular customer.

I was to start that next morning 9 while 1 every weekday, which suited me perfectly.

The next morning I arrived just as stella was opening up, a few customers were already waiting impatiently outside in the cold and rain.

Stella led me into the back room of the shop where there were lots of boxes and bags everywhere, it was quite messy and stella was not pleased.

She could be heard muttering, cursing, something about 'them two idle bastard's', as she picked up several bags and moved them to a large wooden box in one corner.

Other staff began to arrive.

I was introduced to everyone and all had a nice smile and friendly hello for me. There were 4 others besides myself and stella. All women.

Mostly older, in their 60's but one, tina, was not much older than my eldest boy, she must have not been long out of school. Tina worked on the till.

My job was to work in the backroom, sorting out all the donations as they arrived.

I would be 'on the table' as it was known to the other staff. The table in question was actually two large old wooden things pushed together in the middle of the room.

The 'head' of this table and indeed the backroom was a friendly lady called doreen. She began showing me what to do. It was easy really, grab a collection bag from the big box, open it and sort out what was inside. Discard anything that was junk.

My first day went very well and I got on with everybody, but doreen was my clear favourite. Down to earth and very humorous, kind hearted, she took me under her wing.

However, I hadn't met everyone yet.

On the second day, wednesday, I met.... him.

The man who i would eventually go all the way with.....

He, was called harry and was one of the collection drivers, the other was called tony.

From the moment I first set eyes on him, I knew he was the one....the way he looked at me.....looked into me.....

Harry and tony, the collection drivers who's job it was to go out and get the full charity bags, bring them back for us girls to sort out.

I didn't meet them that first day out of chance.

But sometimes fate can play with you.

I remember it was late morning on wednesday and I was in the backroom at the table.

There came a loud knocking on the fire exit door that made us all jump.

Immediately after that doreen sighed, rolled her eyes and said.

"Here we bloody go"

While turning and walking briskly towards the door. She turned briefly mid stride and aimed a shout into the main shop floor where stella was.

"Stella..... delivery"

I could feel a tense atmosphere quickly developing within the backroom. Mary, a stout, plain speaking lady was on my right at the table, she tutted and began to make her way out towards the shop floor, mumbling something as she went.

Yvonne, a slim tall woman positioned on my left sighed then cursed under her breath looking across at me, she spoke to me in a quiet confidential tone.

"You haven't met these two yet have you?"

I shook my head replying.

"No....why what's wrong?"

Yvonne continued.

"Tony's alright.... he's a nice quiet lad... respectful....but harry.....he's a bit full on....if you know what I mean"

She gave me a 'knowing look', and went quiet as doreen pushed open the back door.

"Do you have to knock that flaming loud"

She scolded the young man as he pushed past her laden down with bulging charity bags. Tony just grinned as he came into the room, ignoring doreen's comment.

He acknowledged yvonne with a smile and a 'hi', then he saw me and did the same, a faint hint of surprise within his expression.

A handsome fresh faced young guy, about 20, he instantly reminded me of david, mary's bit on the side at church view.

Tall slim and bloody good looking, he was just mary's type....

Mine too.

Although at that point in my life I wasn't really interested in much younger guy's, I certainly wouldn't have said no.

I smiled warmly back and repeated his 'hi'.

Tony dropped his bags into the big box in the corner and went to go back out for more.

By now doreen had propped open the back door and was coming back to the table, passing tony she pretended to hit him, drawing her hand back.

Tony ducked out the way, still grinning madly.

"I've told you about banging on that door..... I'll ring your neck next time"

Doreen shouted after him. She came up to the table with a broad grin then made a frowning expression and formed an 'O' with her lips, looking from me to yvonne and back again, in a quiet voice she said.

"Oooo....i know what I'd like to do with him"

This gave me the giggles, along with yvonne.

But my hilarity was short lived....

From my position, facing the back door I could see tony moving up to the open doorway, however his path was suddenly blocked by a large tall figure carrying lots of bags.....the figure was harry.

As soon as he was in that doorway his eyes fell upon me.....and my laughter faded away....

Harry's eyes, a piercing deep blue, held me in their gaze. Everything seemed to stop.

I was aware of tony trying to get past him but he didn't move, just kept staring into me, those eyes held me for longer than I wanted, and it was with some effort I averted my gaze back down to the table

My heart beat madly as a surge of adrenaline passed into me. It was as though, within those brief few seconds our eyes met, that he had somehow looked right into my inner being....and knew everything....all my secrets..... and desires.

I suppose that sounds quite dramatic, like maybe some tacky wording from a romance novel.

But, it is how I felt at the time.

I continued sorting through a bag, pretending nothing had happened, I could just hear harry talking quietly to tony.

"Who's that?"

He asked in a deep voice. I could not resist looking back up at them.

Harry's piercing stare was there waiting...he was addressing his friend but watching me closely. Tony glanced around at me then back at harry.

"New girl....I think she started yesterday.....can I get past!"

Tony replied saying the last bit louder, sounding impatient. Harry didn't reply, he just pushed past tony and into the room, striding easily over to the big box.

"Good morning ladies"

He said in a loud deep voice, while continuing to watch me closely as he moved across the room.

The others said a cheery good morning but before I could say anything harry got there first. He'd dropped the bags into the box and had moved up to our table into mary's spot on my right.

He was studying me closely, looking me up and down.

"Well now.....who do we have here?"

Again, I was about to reply but this time doreen spoke first.

"This is pippa and she only just started don't you go bothering her"

As she said it doreen pointed an accusing finger at harry.

Harry ignored her for the moment and came right up to me.

Turning to face him I said.


I realised absently, that I was craning my head back at quite an angle....

Harry is very tall 6'3" I later found out.

Broad with it too. Even though he was wearing a fleece I could see he was heavily built.

He had a square jaw and robust hard look..... kind of ageing movie star air about him.....and.... completely bald on top.

He looked in his late 40's but I later found out he was actually 55.

A very handsome older man?

Yes, he was my type. And yes.....I very much fancied harry right from the start.

As I gazed up into his blue eyes there came that strange feeling again, like I was being probed, almost like he was there in my mind having a good look around, taking notes.

An odd sensation.....but one I happened to like.

"Hello there sweetheart"

He offered me a hand and I took it, watching mine disappear into his, feeling stout fingers wrap around and then pull upwards to his waiting mouth.

Bending down dramatically while maintaining eye contact, he kissed the back of my hand gently then let go.

I blushed, my face and neck felt like they were burning.

Harry stared into my eyes for a second longer, a smirk beginning to form on his face, enjoying the effect he was having upon me.

Then, the spell was broken, he stepped away and focused on doreen, while gesturing at me, holding out his arm.

"You see.....I can be a gentleman"

Doreen snorted.

"Yeah right....she doesn't know you like the rest of us do"

It was all good humoured and said in jest. Harry replied with a comment about doreen just being jealous and it all ended up with harry grabbing doreen in a bear hug and her trying to clout him while calling him a 'big gormless get!'.

Harry just laughed and tried to kiss her as she struggled.

It was quite funny and I found myself giggling along with yvonne.

Just then mary walked back in, she stopped in her tracks saying.

"Oh god.... is he still here"

Upon seeing mary, harry let doreen go and made towards her with outstretched arms.

"Nora.....the love of my life.....come here.......give us a kiss"

Mary immediately turned about face and scurried back into the main shop with harry in hot pursuit. Seconds later there was a loud shreik from mary.

It appeared that harry had caught up with her.

While all this was going on I asked yvonne why harry had called mary, nora?

She leant forward and spoke quietly.

"You know......nora batty"

At hearing this I burst into a fit of giggles as I made the connection. I had been wondering who mary reminded me of since the first day, couldn't put my finger on it, until now. Nora batty....a famous character from the tv comedy show last of the summer wine.

She did look like her but also her mannerisms and even her voice are very similar.

So caught up in my giggles as I was, I hadn't noticed that harry had finished with 'nora' and had in fact sneaked up behind me, right up close behind me.

The voice in my ear making me jump out my skin.

"What you laughing at"

Although he only got 'what...' out before I shrieked.

Jumping to one side and turning around there he was grinning, watching me closely.

I stood clutching my hand to my chest, breathing hard while staring back at him.

Before I could say anything harry said.

"Oooh.....pippa sweetheart....that's a nice look you got I'll have to make you jump more often"

After saying that he winked.

"You bloody sod! nearly gave me a heart attack"

I protested.

Harry just laughed and walked away saying something as he passed tony, something about 'its the training...'

I couldn't hear the rest.

Tony just rolled his eyes and continued walking.

I've included this memory of our first meeting here at length because I wanted to give a strong impression of how harry was.

This is how he behaved every day with us girls.

Loud, confident, an ageing 'jack the lad', type.

Always wanting to be the centre of attention.....a show off...... completely the opposite of neil.

After the 2 men had gone that morning, the ladies at the table had plenty to tell me about harry.

Apparently he had been a soldier, the royal marines. He was a falklands veteran.

He was married, but, as doreen later told me 'didn't let that stop him'.

A well known womanizer, his wife either didn't know or didn't care.

In a hushed conversation with doreen when I was about to finnish my shift that day, she gave me a warning about harry.

"Watch him pippa......he's a bugger for women....."

Giving a knowing look while nodding towards me

"....and he's got his sights on you..."

I smiled at her and faked surprise, narrowing my eyes and frowning, shaking my head. I was about to say that I didn't think so but doreen kept going.

"....I've seen the way he looks at want to watch out......he's after you pippa....I've seen him do it before"

I tried to get her to elaborate on what she meant by that but doreen clamped up.

I knew of course, that old harry was 'after me'. I had noticed the way he looked at me, his childish behaviour with the others.....all the while watching me closely. And when he had crept up behind.....

His words in my ear I can still hear clearly to this day.

Then what he said afterwards, about me looking sexy when scared.....

I spent a lot of time that morning, daydreaming of harry.

By the time my shift was over the crotch of my knickers was damp....with all my.... imaginings.

So harry was after me?

Well, I had a mind to let him catch me.

End of chapter 1.

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goodsonformomgoodsonformom6 months ago

Bravo! I'm intrigued...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

You would swear there are nothing but 60 year old frustrated english teachers reading the stories here. It’s a entertaining story with decent character devolopment. Quit your whining and move the fuck on.

26thNC26thNCabout 2 years ago

Mrs. Marple returns in another hot adventure.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarabout 2 years ago

Capitalization isn't that difficult.

SirviceSirviceabout 2 years ago

I hope the next instalment isn’t to far behind Pipa

WetheNorthWetheNorthabout 2 years ago
I only got a dozen sentences into your story and quit

There are two shift keys on every key board.

Learn their function or quit posting.

iameaseliameaselabout 2 years ago


Truly terribly written memoirs at that.

Theres been 2 closeted male writers here that wrote decently but still handed out by the numbers, telegraphed cuck crap.

kennyboy82kennyboy82about 2 years ago

You seem to have received a rather mixed reception to this first chapter of what I think is a story with a lot going for it. Don't be disheartened by the unwarranted criticism, although not perfect your story is good, and I'm looking forward to reading more of it. I'm coming in to your saga part way through, so I shall have to go back to the beginning to read them all in sequence. I liked it enough to give you 5 Stars and I favourited it too. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Too many composition errors for the story to pique my interest. Seek the help of an editor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Too many misspellings.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

You want to write stories which to me is great. But you want to write them as memoirs which to me is fine. The real problem is that most of the writers put there memoirs ( and a few more chapters) into the novel category. Now again I’m not going to say anything like what a idiot for putting your so called memoirs into a category that slams stupid stories like this. I’m just want you to know your stories would have been twenty times better in the novel category so you can write stories on how you want to write stories. Not be held back because you chose the wrong category and only write in what’s fine in that category. But hey don’t blame me if you’re slag off later for writing such crap. Where you would not get anything like that in the novel category you would be free to exercise your mind. Oh well good luck

Kilroy_of_AusKilroy_of_Ausabout 2 years ago

Could you please make amendments to your writing style to make your efforts very much more readable and easy on the reader's eye.

1/ Capitalise Christian Names, always. Stella, Tina, Harry, Tony.

(also Proper nouns, eg Wednesday, Church View, Tales of Summer Wine,

2/ Apostrophes do not go on plurals photos, cameras, 50s 60s guy's.

3/ In the midst of text, don't put numbers, eg 'There were fifty people', and not 'there were 50 people'.

4/ Punctuate quoted speech. "Here we bloody go" needs a full stop before closing.

5/ Homophones are the very devil. "Months past." oops. Should be "Months Passed", and Whose, Who's.

Cheers, and Best Wishes,

Hoping to read lots more from you :)


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Just another cheating slut married to a spineless wimp. Puke.

weylandweylandabout 2 years ago

Your writing is good, but you need an editor. Proper names should be capitalized.

OdiouserOdiouserabout 2 years ago

The story line sounds promising, but I won't likely catch the next episode. Your refusal to even go to the trouble of capitalizing the names of people and places, and your habit of making every sentence into a new paragraph show disrespect for your readers.

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