Merchant & Monster Girls Ch. 08 Pt. 02

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The girls continue their shopping.
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Part 9 of the 14 part series

Updated 03/07/2024
Created 01/26/2022
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"Now to go get new clothes!" Azalea sang as they exited the goblin smith's shop. She was happy and a bit amused, watching Chitchat walk unsteadily trying to acclimate to her new accessory.

"Yes, we've had enough distractions for one day," asserted Reina.

"We have a bit of a walk," groused Chitchat. "This way."

The job Chitchat had anticipated to be simple was proving more than she and her rear had bargained for. She rubbed her temples. Friendship buttplugs? Really? Who even thinks of something like that? I've never even put my fingers in there before. Thought I was gonna pee myself. This should have been easy -- answer some questions, follow two rural girls around, watch them window shop, and make some money. Easy and simple. You can do it, Chitchat. Just a few more hours, and you'll be eating good and plug-free.'

"Hey, Reina, look!"

Chitchat's introspection was interrupted. She looked over her shoulder to see Azalea pointing from between Reina's breasts at a large bronze statue of a young arachne woman operating a loom.

Reina surveyed the plaza. "They sure do like their urban sculptures."

Lanterns placed strategically around the outer edge of the plaza aimed their light at the arachne woman's tapestry which reflected the colors back, bathing the surrounding area in variegated hues.

"They are more than just decorative pieces," answered Chitchat. "They help people know which plaza is which since they are all designed the same. This one was erected in front of the tailor and seamstresses' neighborhood."

Halfway down the street, Chitchat stopped at a storefront with an unusually wide set of double doors and a hanging sign of two crossed bobbins. "Here we are."

"The Silky Loom," read Azalea, wiggling free from Reina.

Chitchat leaned against a wooden post holding up the awning. "I'll wait out here while you two conduct your business."

"Why?" asked Azalea.

She looked down at her tattered cloak. "I'm usually not welcome in nice places like this."

Azalea grabbed Chitchat's hand and pulled her past Reina."Then, I'll speak up for you if they don't like you."

Reina gave an apologetic look as Chitchat was dragged once again by Azalea. Being the last to enter, Reina closed the door against the outside noise.

Shelves of wool, hemp, muslin, and silk were neatly sorted by material, hue, and size on three walls. Hanging from the ceiling were nets filled with balls of yarn. Behind a heavy curtain lining the fourth wall, the patterned sound of a long clack followed by two short ones was heard.

Reina took a step forward and felt the floor give slightly with a small creak. The clacking stopped. She looked down curiously. The carpet she stepped on had white threads extending out from it and underneath the veil.

"Coming!" called a cheerful voice. A worn hand pushed aside the curtain, and out stepped an older arachne woman with an apron stuffed with needles and scissors. Her salt-and-pepper hair was tied in a bun. Her mature face had telltale crow's feet beginning to develop around her kindly eyes.

"Not often do I get so many cute dearies wandering into my shop! Welcome!" She re-adjusted the black and gold shawl over her shoulders.

"My name is Gertrude, one of the oldest shop owners in the city! How can I help you today? If you're just looking, you're welcome to browse as long as you wish, or if you have a specific request, I can make everything from formal to loungewear, made with any fabric you find in the store, including my own silk."

Reina stepped forward. "We would like a price estimate for formal wear for a business meeting and two winter coats."

"Three," Azalea corrected.


"Yes, something for Chitchat."

Chitchat, who had been studying a display mannequin, looked up in surprise. "One gift was already more than enough. No need to trouble yourselves."

The large arachne shook her head and marched over, looming over the younger girl.

Chitchat slunk back.

"Now, sweetie, none of that. I can't rightly feel good with such a young an' sweet thing such as yourself catching your death out in the cold this winter. Granny Gertrude will get you girls properly attired."

She ushered them into a side fitting room, fawning disapprovingly over the tiny flaws in their current clothes: "The stitching on this cloak is abysmal! How do you even make clothes out of flowers? The hems on this blanket are way too low -- they'll fray them in no time!"

She stopped mid-complaint. "When did you need these completed?"

"The formal attire we need by tonight," replied Reina.

"That doesn't give us much time. I think I can modify some pieces I already have. I should also have some doll clothes left over I'll be able to modify quick-like. Won't take any time at all! Any particular pattern or cloth you want them to be made out of?"

Reina looked at the other girls. "We'll leave it to your judgment."

"Splendid!" Gertrude effused and then regarded each girl's overall build and height. "I have a few ideas. I love when my customers give me creative freedom! I'm going to need to take some measurements. Who'd like to go first?"

"I will." Azalea landed on a nearby table and assumed a T-pose, standing straight with her arms held out parallel to the table surface. "My name's Azalea, by the way."

"And you certainly remind me of one!"

Azalea fluttered her wings happily.

"Just let me get something to jot some notes down."

As the seasoned arachne turned around, Azalea's eyes were drawn to the darkened entrance to her silk hole at the back end of her abdomen. She wondered what it'd feel like to stick her arm inside. Shaking her head at the impolite thought, she jumped as a thread of silk shot out, clinging to the table edge beside her.

With paper and chalk in hand, Gertrude snipped the thread and started sectioning off lengths with black marks. "Are you ok, dear? You look a bit red."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare. I was just startled."

"Good heavens, that was a bit improper of me, waving my bottom in front of your face like that. Technically, I'm supposed to get consent before I do that since some people get hot and bothered seeing me do that. Though I find it rather odd since my unmentionables are actually under my thorax. My memory isn't what it used to be."

"We had to sign something like that at the last shop we visited," acknowledged Azalea. "If I sign it, can I see you do it again?"

"I don't see why not."

"Azalea, isn't that a little rude?"

"It's alright, Reina, dear. I'm more than happy to indulge a healthy curiosity" She handed the girls a list of past signees. Upon receiving and nodding approvingly at their signatures, she turned around and reintroduced her abdomen.

"All arachne produce silk, but not all use it because they either don't need to, due to their fast running speed or jumping prowess, or only use it sometimes. Take a look." She back up to the table.

Azalea helped spread the opening as Gertrude relaxed her hole's entrance and peered inside. Seven little spinnerets were nestled in the shallow, moist cavity.

"Arachne silk is a versatile substance; very strong yet light. We produce seven different types of silk: one for raising our young in, a thick one for web scaffolding, a sticky one for making the core part of a web, a strong and non-sticky one we can use like a rope, an intricate one for connecting threads to other threads, and one for creating little sticky droplets we can place along specific parts of a thread."

"What's the last one for?" Azalea queried.

"For wrapping up things, but male arachne have an alternative use. They don't have that organ humans use for mating, so they use it to hold their seed when they wish to mate."

"Was your husband human?"

"Yes. He was the most charming and sweetest man I've ever met. He didn't properly know how arachne conducted courtship, but he heard a rumor that male arachne give gifts of their seed to females. So he went out of his way to ask a male arachne for their special webbings just so he could deposit his seed into it and use it to propose to me." She put a hand to her cheek. "He misunderstood the meaning, but I found the attempt very romantic."

"What did you do with it?"

"I ate it."

"You... ate it?"

"Normally, when a male gives us that kind of gift, the two are already mates. It just means they want offspring, but I'm infertile, so I ate it. It's not uncommon. Silk-making takes a lot out of an arachne body, so they often eat their silk to recycle it."

"My husband may have gotten the particulars mixed up, but it turned me on so much! Before he realized what was happening, I dragged him back home and spun a little suspended-web bed since he was a fair bit smaller than me. I accepted his offer, if you know what I mean. Was my first time mating human style. I quite liked it... but here I am just talking about myself."

She set about measuring Azalea with the marking thread. "Are you three from around here?"

"Reina and I aren't, but Chitchat is. I'm from a little fairy village in the north-central region. Reina is from the northeast. We both met Life-mate and arrived in town just today to live here with him."

"How lovely! Let me welcome you to Iceford. It's a bit noisy at times but a safe place to live. Always lively and innovative. Ok, Azalea, I'm going to need to measure your chest next."

Azalea lifted the flaps covering her chest, proudly displaying her breasts.

"Ah, to be young again! Such soft, clear skin. I was quite a looker when I was your age. All the young men used to compliment me when I wore lacy stockings or very short skirts that barely covered them." She stroked the glossy black exoskeleton of her thigh and pedipalp. "And for some odd reason, a few wanted me to tie them up and do lewd things to them."


"I didn't really understand it but always found it amusing."

"I'm sad for you not being able to have children," lamented Azalea.

"I appreciate your feelings, deary. I do have regrets, but I'm busy enough where I don't get lonely much, and I'm content dressing up all you youngins in pretty clothes."

"Well, if I ever see you around town, I'll definitely come say hi!"

"That's very sweet of you. So, you are all together with the same special someone?"

"Just Azalea and I. We both met Herd-mate very close to each other, time-wise. Chitchat is acting as our city guide for the day."

"Does little Chitchat have a special someone?"

"Not in the way you're asking. She's... more like someone I take care of."

"I bet she appreciates you a lot."

"In her own unique way, yes."

"Well, that should do it." Gertrude patted Azalea on the head. "Shall we measure lovely Reina next?"

Upon hearing her name, Reina tensed up and looked away,

Gertrude noticed her trepidation.

"Azalea, why don't you take Chitchat into the front room, choose some colored palettes you like, then take her to freshen up in the bathroom upstairs while I measure Reina. There should be a large, hot kettle you can use to heat up the water."

"Sure thing!"

Reina was still unsure whether it was the sheer force of charisma or confusion, but seeing a ratgirl being dragged away by a fairy a fraction of her size was something she wasn't getting tired of seeing, and she smiled.

"Now, my dear, I noticed you seemed a bit uncomfortable. It's alright. No need to feel shy around granny. These old eyes have seen it all."

"I'm sorry, it's just..." she hesitantly started as she removed her coat to reveal her scars.

Gertrude frowned. "Good heavens! Who would do such a thing to such a lovely young woman? Brutes, I'd wager. People who wouldn't know refinement and beauty if it clobbered them over the head. You don't have to tell me how you got these, but I just want you to know that it's here that beauty continues to mature and blossom," she declared while pointing to her heart. "Take it from me. The outside matters less and less as you get older."

"Life-mate k...kissed them the first time he saw them."

"Sounds like you found yourself a keeper with a good head on his shoulders." The old weaver stepped back and looked Reina up and down. "This old seamstress knows a few tricks, so let's see if we can't turn your blemishes into something beautiful. My old grandweaver had a strong belief that even the messiest and most lopsided webs could be made beautiful with creativity."

"There's really no need for you to go out of your way. I keep them covered well enough."

Gertrude stood up straight. "As the foremost seamstress in the city, I'll tell you now! Us craftsmen don't apply our trade just to subsist on. We take pride in making new and more creative facets of beauty when applying our craft. I take great delight in tackling this challenge, so there is no reason we can't boost your self-image a little as well."

She smiled warmly. "Now, please raise your arms."

A sudden squeal, followed by giggling and a sudden splash, erupted from upstairs.

"Sounds like those two are getting along well," Gertrude laughed.

Reina sighed. "I'm sorry for all the mess Azalea is probably making."

"It's perfectly alright. You youngsters' youthful energy is a delight to these old ears."

She wrapped the measuring tape around Reina's chest. "Such lovely breasts. I'll have to make something special for them. While I can't make many large pieces, my specialty is making lacy lingerie from my silk. I'm sure you probably couldn't guess that."

"May I make a small request?" asked Reina.

"Of course!"

"I'm going to be lactating soon..."

"Oh, you're expecting?"

"No, no, Azalea put the lactation crest on us so we could help Herd-mate with expenses. Could you make it so..."

"So It's easy to gain access to suckle from?"

Reina blushed. "So they don't stain the clothes."

"Sure thing."

Reina had redonned her coat when Azalea and a much cleaner but worn-out-looking Chitchat returned wearing only a towel. Azalea struggled to stay airborne while carrying several examples of colors she wanted, and Chitchat brought the rest.

"I decided I want some combination of these colors! I heard the word lingerie. What is that?" demanded Azalea in her typical high-energy style. She set the spools on the table.

"It's an undergarment worn primarily by humans to increase their sex appeal."

"But how do you see it if it's under your clothes?"

"Some outfits give little peeks and glimpses of the lingerie. Think of it as clothing that titillates or accentuates what's underneath. Oh, I can't wait to show you what I'm envisioning!" she bubbled. "But first, now that Chitchat looks freshened up, I'll take her measurements."

Chitchat removed the towel, still not believing she was exposing herself twice in one day.

Gertrude worked her way around, appraising Chitchat's petite form. "Such slender legs and arms you have, and these tiny hands we certainly must make some mittens for." Gertrude turned Chitchat around. "Your tail is so expressive. Please bend over a little."

Chitchat did as she was asked.

"Oh, this is a pretty little accessory!" Gertrude commented.

"Yes, we just got them from Eitri's shop. Friendship buttplugs! We all got one!" Azalea exclaimed. She turned around and bent over. Peering back between her legs, she pulled her butt cheeks apart. "Such a sunny color, isn't it?"

Gertrude laughed. "Young people have such imaginative ways to express themselves these days."

Finished with her measuring, she compiled all her notes and furiously drew up plans for the girls' outfits. Once the plans were complete, she handed them to Reina for review.

"I don't know if we can afford all this, Azalea. Herd-mate was rather adamant about not wanting to spend the client's money."

Gertrude reached for an abacus and did some calculations. "Taking into account the type of material and estimated amount as well as the number of outfits, we can apply the new customer discount, the cute discount, and the creative-freedom discount." She winked, rewrote a bill of sale, and handed it to Reina. "This should be the final price."

Reina looked chagrined but grateful. "Thank you."

"Then I'll get to work right away! I should be able to finish your coats before you leave, and I'll have someone deliver your formal attire by tonight."


It was late afternoon when the girls met up with Devin, each sporting their new winter coat. They wore matching wool-dyed, bluish-gray cloaks with large wooden buttons and a bunny-fur-lined hood embroidered with images that reminded one of winter. Reina's was different only in its length, extending all the way down her back and over her tail.

"Life-mate! I missed you!" Azalea beelined into Devin's chest, giving him a big hug.

"It's only been a few hours, but I missed you two as well. How'd it go?"

"We had a very... full yet productive shopping trip," Reina replied.

"We had so much fun, Life-mate! I can't wait to tell you all about it! How do we look?" Azalea did a little twirl.

Devin nodded approvingly. "Adorable as always!"

Azalea squealed in delight.

"And Reina, equally as majestic. Though I doubt the cold bothered you much."

"No, it doesn't, but I'm glad you like it. I can't wait to show you our new dresses tonight and... what's under them," she expressed with a slight blush.

He kissed her. "I'll look forward to it."

He turned his attention to Chitchat. She stood there awkwardly in her new coat. "I see you all got matching ones."

"Y... yes, though I tried to tell them I didn't need one. Reina mentioned something about not spending a lot."

"Sometimes it can't be helped. How does it feel?" Devin checked.

"It is quite warm," she mumbled.

"What's this, what's that!?!" cried an excited Azalea buzzing around the packages in Devin's arms.

Reina's stomach growled.

"Let's eat somewhere, and then I'll show you," he laughed, trying to dodge her closer inspection.

Reina looked to Chitchat for suggestions. "Where should we eat?"

"I know!" enthused Azlea, waving her hand. "I saw it before we went to the toy store."

"Toy store?" asked Devin.

"We'll tell AND show you after we eat,." shouted an impatient Azalea, already several paces away.

Devin wondered what she meant as he followed the girls back to the corner with the fenced-off street, causing Devin to pause. Raising his eyebrow at Reina, he challenged, "You went down this street?"

Reina pointed at Azalea.

"Of course she did. That explains the toy store."

"I didn't let her buy anything, Herd-mate," she affirmed.

"I wouldn't have minded even if she did, but thank you for looking out for my coin purse, Reina."

Chitchat lagged behind, trying to make sense of her feelings. She had set her mind on doing what she had to do to survive. It wouldn't be her first time swindling someone, but it was exceedingly rare for someone to be kind to her, much less give her things this nice or brand new. These chumps were too generous for their own good, and it was causing pesky feelings to arise, making her resolve falter.

She pushed the feelings aside and quickened her pace when she saw they were getting too far ahead.

"Found it!" Azalea shouted, nearly a block ahead. She pointed to the store-length sign above the window.

"Bear Buns Bakery," Devin read aloud.

Azalea peered in the storefront window. "I'm loving this street more and more!" she moaned and drooled, face plastered to the window. "They know how to set up an eye-catching display!"

"The baker of such... risque confections such as these could almost have drawn inspiration from your special art collection," observed Reina.

Arrayed behind the front window, on a slightly tilted display table, were cookies artfully shaped in a multitude of human and demi-human genitalia, surrounded by gingerbread men and women in adorable acts of love-making. Along the periphery were an assortment of similarly-themed pies and cakes with fruits, nuts, and glazes strategically placed to enhance the bawdy display.