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"Just leave me alone, Jeremy," she told him darkly. "I will leave Kelsey to make her own choices about what Derren said to her, but you. You will leave me alone from now on. I am an employee to you and that is IT. No more hovering, no more invitations or asking me on dates, no more inserting yourself into my life or even speaking to me unless it's about work. And you try and fire me or Marney? I blow it all up. Completely."

"I wouldn't do that! Mercy, please! Can we just have a few words alone?"

"No. No, Jeremy, I am done talking to you. Leave me alone, and I mean it. I have nothing else to say to you."

He huffed angrily, but left.

By the time Lee made it back with Lena, all the bosses were announcing that everyone could leave and go home. They would email when work would resume.

Mercy felt a little sick driving home. She knew who had done it, she was a witness. He'd let her go, but he had her wallet. She could say nothing. Not if she wanted to live.

It was none of her business.

Whatever shady dealings that man had gotten himself into were not her concern at all.

As soon as she got home, she got online and canceled all of her cards and ordered new ones, alone with a new ID. If she hadn't paid for 6 months up front, she might consider moving too.

Her phone chirped.

'Can we meet to talk over dinner?' -Jeremy

Ugh. Was he for real? She ignored the text, and the one half an hour later, and the one twenty minutes after that. After that, they came in steadily every twenty minutes until she finally turned her phone off at bedtime.

An early bedtime since she ached and cramped and she wanted to curl up with a movie and a pint of icecream.

In the morning, she blocked Jeremy on her phone and kept her laptop in bed with her, waiting for an email to return to work.

It didn't come that day, or the day after.

She was starting to feel a little scared, like maybe she'd been secretly and quietly let go, but when she emailed coworkers, they all said they hadn't been called back either.

Finally, on Friday, she got an email that said work would resume on Monday like normal.

Feeling better, especially since her period was finally gone, Mercy went out and went to her favorite coffee place and sat there answering some emails for a while.

Going home after noon, she curled up on her couch and finished all of her emails until she yawned and considered a nap. Closing her laptop, she went to her room, then froze.

There was a white box on her bed and her bed was covered in pink petals.

What the fuck?

Moving slowly, she circled her bed, looking around, then moved closer and poked the box.

It was light, despite being large enough to hold a head.

This entire week was making her mind play tricks on her.

It was probably some bullshit Jeremy had set up because she wasn't answering his texts.

Opening the box, she looked down at the blue fabric, then pulled it out. It was a little dress, cute and exotic looking. Vaguely oriental. She realized then the pink petals were cherry blossoms. There were tasteful shoes in the bottom of the box as well, and another smaller box with jewelry. The white porcelain pendant with a blue painting matched the dress perfectly and Mercy wondered what this was all about.

It was too classy and tasteful to be Jeremy. He'd have gone for a red dress with 6 inch heels or something equally as slutty. Not something she could wear to a fancy restaurant or opera or something. Some place she'd never go.

On the bottom was a card on thick parchment.

'Wear this, you will be picked up by 7. -K.M.'

K.M.? Who the hell was K.M.? She didn't know anyone with those initials?

Pacing, it occurred to her who it was. The man in the elevator.

He was going to kill her.

No... if he was going to kill her, he wouldn't send her a dress and pick her up, he would just slip in and slit her throat. This was something else. He probably wanted to scare her into staying quiet.

Either way, she wasn't going.

Tossing the things back into the box, she scowled at it, then shook her head, going to take a shower.

As she showered, she thought furiously.

Would he let her say no? If he showed up and she wasn't ready, what would he do? He probably only wanted to talk to her and he was pulling out all the stops to really scare her. He had to know she hadn't talked? No one had even asked her a single question about it.

Now she was freaking out about it, too afraid to NOT go.

She didn't have much time left, she realized. Pulling the dress on, it fit like a glove, and that scared her a little too. How had he known her size? Her hair and make-up took longer, her hair was always hard to manage. Long and curly and wild, the red didn't match many colors. Blue happened to be her color.

When 7 PM rolled around, she was only just ready, then she wondered if he would be late.

Peeking out, there was a car out front.

Was it just waiting for her? Was no one going to come to the door?

Waiting a moment, she realized she was expected to go get in the car.

Sighing, she went out and the driver got out as she approached and opened the back door for her. He was an older man, also asian like the man in the elevator. He said nothing as she looked up at him, then got into the back of the car. The empty back seat. He closed the door, then got in the front and pulled away, saying nothing.

"Where are we going?" she asked him, leaning up.

He didn't answer or even acknowledge that she had spoken.

"Is this about the other day?"

He didn't even blink.

"How long will this take?"


Sighing, Mercy sat back and once again considered calling the police. She'd considered just going to them, letting them hide her. Then thoughts of corrupt police handing her over had made her second guess herself.

No. Let the man scare her into silence and then she could go about her life.

The house the man pulled up to was intimidating. New and huge, it was the kind of house she'd only seen online as she looked on Zillow millions of dollars above her means.

The man got out and opened her door for her, then led her to the front door and opened it for her as well.

"Thanks," she whispered, stepping in and looking around the dimly lit foyer.

He said nothing, only led her deeper into the house to another room that was lit by dozens of candles.

As Mercy was shown in, her eyes went to the man on the far wall, facing the room of people facing him. The man from the elevator. His eyes lifted from the man speaking to Mercy as she came in and his lip curled. The stunning woman curled up on the loveseat next to him had her head on his shoulder and she lifted it to look Mercy over as well.

"Step up, Mercy Covington," the man sneered as others in the room looked over their shoulders at her. "I'm surprised you came of your own free will."

"I... assumed you wished to reiterate your point," she told him, her face going red as she looked at all of the dangerous and menacing faces around her.

"And what is the point of reiterating what you already refused to listen to?" he asked mockingly.

"What? No! No, I never told a single soul! I swear!" Mercy breathed, taking a step back.

The driver took hold of her arms below the shoulders, holding her in place as he tossed her purse to the floor.

"You look lovely for your funeral," the man smirked, standing and moving closer.

"I didn't tell! I swear! If I'd told, why would I have come here? I would be in hiding with the police or something! You're mistaken! I don't know what you were told, but I swear I didn't say anything to anyone! Not ever!"

"And yet, somehow there is a description of me," he spoke lightly, cocking his head as he looked Mercy over from a few feet away. "Who wishes the honor of killing this girl?"

"ME!" the woman who'd been sitting with him cried loudly. "I wish to kill her and prove myself to you, my Keen!"

"Very well, Isoka, you may kill the girl," he laughed, backing away.

"Wait! I didn't DO anything!" Mercy cried, trying to free herself as Isoka jumped up and went to a nearby box.

"Keen!" a man called, hurrying in the door. "I found the police report. The witness is a man named Lewis Avery, he works in the mail room and says he saw you leaving the office along with Isoka and two others. He described all of you."

Keen canted his head slightly, then looked down at Mercy. "It seems you were not lying. Isoka, we won't be killing her just yet. You may kill the man, Lewis Avery, though. Discover where he lives and go."

Isoka gleefully pulled out two long blades from the box, then left the room, skipping.

Mercy was horrified.

Keen looked back down at Mercy, his lip tugging into another disdainful smirk as he looked her over. "And now what shall I do with you?"

"Let me go home! You know I didn't tell and I never will!"

"But now you have seen my residence and my associates, little Mercy. No. You will leave here only when you die," he told her, then tapped her nose condescendingly. "Lun, take her to one of the rooms reserved for special guests."

The driver nodded, then pulled Mercy from the room and led her up the stairs.

The room he pushed her into was small and windowless. There was a twin sized mattress low to the ground and a bench to sit on. A hook on the wall held what looked like a robe or nightgown, but that was all there was. Nothing else.

Trying the door after a moment, it was locked.

Letting out a scream of frustration, Mercy pounded a fist on the door. This wasn't fair! She'd done as she was told! She hadn't said anything to anyone! Now she was a prisoner!

At least she wasn't dead?

Not yet.

How long until it was easier to kill her than keep her alive?

Two hours later, she was still up, sitting on the low mattress and hugging her knees when her door opened and Keen came in. He had folded clothes in one hand as he looked her over from across the small room.

"Mercy," he spoke, as if tasting the name. "A change of clothes for you," he offered, lifting the clothes in his hand, then bending double to set them on the low stool. Standing, he looked her over again, considering.

"If you let me go home, I promise I won't..." Mercy began.

"No. Do not speak of it again. Your job. What was it?"


"Tch," he flipped his wrist dismissively. "Useless to me. Perhaps I can use you another way," he smirked, his eyes roaming. "I have a wonder to know what a child we would create might look like."

Mercy went tense all over. "I... don't want kids. And... ahhh... no thanks."

"You would turn me down?" he asked, offended. "Do you know who I am?"

"A killer?"

He cocked his head slightly, then grinned in a dangerous way. "You assume I held the knife? No. I had words and I watched. Others watched as well. From your office. Men you would know."

Mercy considered that, then thought of how drunk and angry Derren already was at lunch. The things Luke had said.

"What I offer is an honor," he went on.

"I'm sure it is... but I don't really want to..."

"I don't recall asking what you wanted," he spat coldly, drawing up in effrontery. He was a man used to being fawned over.

Mercy wondered if she shouldn't try and soothe his ego?

Turning, he left, slamming the door. It was too late for that, he was offended now, and pissed.

Curling up on the small mattress, she hugged herself and tried to think of what she should do to get out of this mess.

She was still awake hours later when the door opened again and Keen stepped in, two men with him.

"Up," he demanded coldly. "I am taking you to the Seer to see what should be done with you."

Mercy stood uncertainly as the two men with him came in and took her arms like they expected a fight.

Lifting her a foot off the ground, they followed Keen, carrying her out the back door to a pool house that had been remodeled to look like something out of feudal japan. The woman inside was young and she sat lounged back in a kimono with a very modern print fabric.

"Delia," Keen nodded at the girl.

"Aikeen," the girl smiled, jumping up and hugging the taller and more reserved Keen. "You never come to see me anymore! Who is this? An outsider you bring to me now, cousin?"

"I need a reading on her."

"Not so quick to be rid of people anymore?" the girl chuckled knowingly. "Seat her there," she called, motioning to a pillow across from her. Grabbing up a hose from a hookah pipe, the girl sucked on it, taking in a huge, deep breath, then blew it all at Mercy as they sat Mercy down.

Immediately, Mercy slumped dizzily, her cheek on the floor. In moments, hands were moving her. Voices swam in the haze. "I will send for you when it is done, cousin. I will know soon."


Mercy came too when light hit her face, wincing. Opening her eyes, she watched from a low bed as Keen came into the room she was in with the same two men.

"Can I be rid of her?" he demanded immediately, glaring at Mercy.

Delia giggled, jumping up. "I should say not, cousin!" she crowed happily, then pulled back the sheet on Mercy.

Mercy sucked in a breath as her skin pebbled with cold, then she realized she wore nothing at all beneath the sheet.

Keen moved closer, his look confused as he looked over Mercy's body.

"What do these mean?" he demanded.

"They all mean something different, but the most important is this one!" Delia giggled, pulling Mercy to her side so Keen could see her back.

Mercy was trying to move, trying to hide, anything! She was unable to move a single muscle.

"Surely this can't be true?" Keen demanded.

"The ink is never false," Delia shrugged, letting Mercy fall back where she was. "This little white girl is your luck, cousin. You lose her, you lose everything."

"How? How did this happen?" Keen demanded angrily.

"You did this yourself somehow," Delia laughed.

"What about the rest of them?" he demanded, his hand coming to rest between Mercy's breasts.

"That one is a hard road, cousin. Come outside and I will tell you the rest."

Mercy felt her heart pounding as she lay there unable to move, unable to utter a sound. What was happening? What was going on? What had that evil girl DONE to her?

A few minutes later, the two men came in alone and one picked Mercy up, carrying her like a small child. The other tucked a sheet around her, then they took her up to the room she'd stayed the night in.

As soon as the light went out, Mercy slept.

It was light that made her wake and she quickly sat up, disoriented. A woman was coming in with her dress. The same blue dress and the necklace as well.

"Hello, Mercy," the woman nodded. "I am Yuon. I've come to help you dress for dinner. Can you stand yet?"

"I think so... I need the ladies room, please?"

"This way," the woman smiled, leading Mercy down the hall to a lavish bathroom.

Mercy was still weak and wobbly and her head foggy as the woman helped her dress. So foggy she asked no questions at all as she stood numbly and tried to pull the dress on with fumbling fingers.

Looking down, she stared at a tattoo on her chest in the triangle between her breasts. "Is that real?" she asked softly.

"The Seer gave you four," Yuon nodded. "You have four ties to house Murakami. We are running behind, we must hurry," she told Mercy, tugging the dress on.

Mercy was still trying to focus when she was led into a dining room filled with people. The large, long table was close to the ground and everyone sat on the floor. Yuon led Mercy to sit down at the end of the table, next to Keen who was sitting on the end.

He gave her a cold, angry look, then nodded a thanks at Yuon. The woman on the other side of Keen was the woman from the night before, the one who'd wanted to kill Mercy.

Mercy stared at her and the angry, cold look the stunning woman was giving her. "Did... you kill Lewis?" she asked the girl sadly.

Isoka smiled malevolently. "He cried and begged like a little girl, then pissed his pants!" she laughed.

Mercy cringed, then swayed. Trying to hold herself up on the table, she looked around at all of the faces staring at her.

"What's wrong with me?" she asked Keen, trying to focus on his face.

"Eat and it will pass," he growled, then put food on her plate.

"What is this?" Mercy asked, blinking at the unfamiliar food.

"Eat it," he demanded.

Mercy ate it, putting an elbow on the table and holding her head up as she tried to get food to her mouth.

"She has no tolerance?" a man asked.

"She is small," a woman commented. "It will take longer. Give her pan."

Someone put what looked like bread on Mercy's plate and she looked up the arm to Keen's face.

He really was just beautiful, even if he did look pissed right now.

Her eyes went to the tattoo on his neck that she could see more clearly now. It was a snake or a dragon, something like that.

It looked lickable.

There was a triangle of skin showing on his chest where his shirt opened, and that looked lickable too.

His lips... definitely lickable. Suckable too...

"Eat," he demanded.

Mercy looked down at her plate. It looked much less delectable than her host did, but she made herself eat.

In half an hour, she was feeling much more herself as she sat up and looked around the table, a little terrified of everyone.

"Come," Keen demanded, standing.

Mercy managed to get up on her own, following him out as Isoka glowered back at her following behind. She was draped on his arm, stroking his neck and glaring daggers at Mercy. Mercy knew if Isoka had her way, she'd be dead by now.

Keen led them back to the room from the night before and he sat on the loveseat, lounging back lazily as Isoka draped herself over him.

"Sit," he demanded of Mercy, pointing down at the floor at his feet.

Mercy sat down on the floor, trying not to show too much skin, feeling like she were in a nightmare.

Leaning over, Keen pulled her to press against his leg, pushed her head against him and reached down, pulling her arm around to hold his calf. Like she were hanging on him like Isoka was, but she was less favored.

Mercy turned and glared up at him and he grit his teeth angrily. "You will sit as I arrange you and you will be silent!" he commanded. "Hold my leg and lay against me!"

"I don't..." she began.

"Let me punish her!" Isoka begged.

"You will not touch her! I have told you already! You will not so much as LOOK at her, Isoka! Do I need to banish you?"

"Aikeen! No! I only wish to please you!"

"Then do as I say and never set eyes on this girl! To you she does not exist!"

Isoka threw herself back, pouting.

Keen turned back to Mercy. "You will lay against me and watch, you will say nothing and you will not bring attention to yourself. Do you understand this?" he demanded.

"Keen, I can lock her up until tomorrow?" one of the nearby men offered, glaring down at Mercy. "You can spend the day training her and have her ready for tomorrow nights meetings."

"I want her here tonight!" Keen growled. "I will spend the day punishing her if she steps out of line. You will NOT step out of line, Mercy," he snarled, then shoved her head against his leg.

Mercy stayed still, gripping his leg with a grimace as his fingers slid into her curls and made a fist.

The lights were all dimmed and candles lit, then more men came and stood at the entrance to the doorway. They were preparing for people to come and meet with Keen.

Was Keen the leader? He must be. Mercy had imagined he was one of the henchmen, but it seemed like everyone deferred to him. He sat as if about to preside over matters.

When the first man was brought in, Mercy knew she was right and wrong.

The man was begging for his life, telling Keen he would have his money by the end of the week.