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Do the wife's messages have the desired effect?
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I like the loving wives category but it can be difficult to come up with something different and the comments are often ruthless. I try to explore alternate realities or situations with angst.

I don't work with an editor but I do spell and grammar checks and proof read but bound to miss some. If that bothers you too much maybe think about reading something else.

Also check the tags and avoid the themes that make you angry, otherwise I hope you enjoy them, they are free and they are just stories.

This one is more of a scene/ short story, based on messages during a 'date', and has no sex in it.

Best Wishes Satin.


I am not sure how this all began; I love my husband John very much. Everyone thought we were the ideal couple and John the ideal husband, quite handsome, professional and great sense of humour. People seemed to respect him even though he never made an effort or tried for that.

He was nearing 50 and I his wife Trish wasn't far behind him. People told me I was attractive, I tried not to pay much attention to that; the worst people were the arrogant and vain ones. At 46, 5ft 7 with brown eyes which matched my hair colour and a decent figure. I was content with my looks, did gym and yoga but wasn't obsessed, I liked good food and drink accepting that meant I carried a few extra pounds; it was in keeping with my age.

I worked as a retail manager and had a passion for reading, puzzles and all sorts of games. Our children Jason and Vicky were grown up but still lived locally and would often share games nights with us and our extended family.

Our sex lives remained great; the only sticking point was that I never experienced an orgasm during penetration, it bothered John a lot more than me, he was exceptional at oral and I enjoyed sex with him immensely.


I took John to our Christmas party, it was nice to be all dressed up and we always had a good time there. John was comfortable in new company and could talk intelligently about most topics.

I left John at the bar to circulate, and enjoy a bit of dancing, it started with the girls, but some of the younger guys at work joined in. I liked the company, especially from the new supply manager. I really enjoyed working with Martin, there was an instant connection when I met him, he was young, fit, charming and for some reason very interested in me.

I went to look for John and finally found him sitting at the bar, he didn't look happy and seemed like he was about to leave, "Sorry babe, I got distracted talking to everyone and circulating?"

"Everyone or just him?" I turned to confirm John was nodding toward Martin.

"That's Martin, he is just a colleague and it was a fun dance, that's all."

"I saw how you looked at him, you are attracted to him!"

It was a statement rather than a question, "What... no, well maybe, I haven't really thought about it."

In truth I had thought about it, thought about it a lot, it felt good and I really liked the attention. Damn though, why had I disregarded John, "We're friends and that's it; even if he wanted more, that's never going to happen."

I was surprised John wasn't angrier; he seemed to accept my explanation. We stayed at the party and I made sure I was far more attentive to him.


We went home, I was quite worked up and just about attacked John, we had a wonderful bout of sex.

"Do I assume it's Martin that got you so worked up?"

I decided to take a risk, "He might have helped some, but that was all you honey."

When John didn't object I went on, "It's flattering that a younger guy finds me attractive, but he can't do anything about it, so I get to save it all up for you."

After that we talked about sex a lot more, especially about our fantasies, the frequency and variety in our sex life increased and we were having a great time. The variety included lots more oral sex, hand jobs, using toys and watching each other masturbate. I bought lots of new lingerie, knowing John loved stockings and heels. We would go out for dinner or a drink and I would tease him mercilessly.

I loved my new sexual side, our fantasy talk got around to other people. Who would we most like to have sex with, hypothetically of course? Mostly film and sports stars as it turns out.

Throughout all this time, I repeatedly told John how much I loved him and was lucky to have someone so willing to experiment and consider my enjoyment. We even started watching pornography together including some cheating scenes.

At the same time Martin was flirting remorselessly at work and I was enjoying it. He kept asking me out, I declined but found myself wanting to go.


I sat John down for a talk, "I love you more than anything and you are the most wonderful husband in the world."

"Thanks, I love you too, is anything wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong; can you remember asking me if I was curious about having an orgasm during sex? Well that has been praying on my mind and I want to explore that before I get too old, I am wondering if it might be different with someone else."

John just looked confused; I genuinely thought we could both benefit and just needed to explain this properly.

"Martin has asked me to go on a trip with him next weekend... and well, I want to go. I am hoping I can discover something and bring it back to us, you know the whole orgasm mystery. I know you liked that hot wife video we watched and I thought we could explore that fantasy."

"That was just a fantasy Trish."

"It could be a reality for us babe, Martin has shown an interest in me and pursued me for months. He knows all about you and isn't a threat to our marriage. I'm flattered and wanted to be honest with you. I will tell you everything that happens, none of this affects how much I love you."

"Have you had sex yet?"

"No we're professional at work and nothing has happened, I want to have some fun but always come home to you. It hasn't been a quick or easy decision John, I do love you but I feel like I need this."

I could see the hurt and confusion in John, the no orgasm thing was something that worried him. I knew it wasn't that unusual for women not to orgasm with penetration, but I was curious about the possibility with someone else. John seemed to slump against the wall; damn I didn't want to hurt him but at least he didn't get angry.

There was very little sleep for me and I suspected it was the same for John. I kept asking myself if I was doing the right thing and remained restless and full of self-doubt.

In the morning John appeared more relaxed thank god; maybe he could see the advantages and had resolved himself to the situation. He might even get off on it, I knew it was a common fantasy, there are so many stories about it, and I hoped to use it to ramp up our sex life even more. I didn't want to draw out the conversation and thought it better just to get on with things.


It felt so strange putting on lingerie for another man, it was also intoxicating. The new set included a suspender belt, bra and a tiny thong, they felt naughty... decadent even. The fact he was handsome and really fit made it even more thrilling. There was some guilt about John but the feeling of excitement was overwhelming it.

I packed my weekend case, mostly full of dresses, heels and lingerie and said my goodbye to John, "I'll be back Sunday, be ready to reclaim me. I'll stay in touch honey; I want you to be part of this."

John didn't react, but I knew he was nervous and had some mixed feelings about things, I intended to stay in touch with him and make sure he was ok.


Once Martin saw my outfit he seemed delighted. I let him catch a glimpse of my stocking tops and loved his reaction.... pure lust. I didn't hide or cover it up; I made sure to give him an eyeful. The sexual tension was ramping up and I was really curious about being with him.

"How did John respond to us going on the trip?"

"Not good, but not as angry as I thought. It was almost disappointing that he didn't fight it more."

"Did you explain our intentions?"

"Yes I made it obvious without being crude; I described it as a trip and a date."

"He didn't fight it at all, maybe he is a wannabe cuck, why don't you text him, guys like him love the torment and teasing."

"Don't say that about him; I'll try a text but just to check if he sounds ok."

I typed away, "Hey babe, arrived safe and sound, hotel is lovely. How are you coping?"

I frowned when there wasn't a quick response, then thankfully my phone pinged.

"Don't worry about me, had dinner with Jason and Vicky."

That made we worry, what would he have said to the kids? I didn't think he'd say anything, it would only embarrass him. I'd hoped he'd be alone and thinking about me, I guess it was understandable that he'd try and distract himself.

I replied, "Martin is being a perfect a gentleman, it feels so exciting to be fulfilling this fantasy."

"I understand the excitement; it's sometimes hard to distinguish fantasy from reality."

I was bemused with his rather cryptic response, his reply was shorter than I hoped but he seemed ok with things, no threats or hurt emotions.

Martin asked about his responses, he seemed to be getting off on it, a bit more than I was comfortable with, if I was honest, "He might be a full blown cuck, try sending him a selfie of us, see what he says."

I wasn't sure but took and sent the selfie of us in the restaurant, adding the caption, "I value everything we have and we can have it all... having a lovely time." Then I changed the word 'time' to 'date', yes 'having a lovely date' and sent it; that kept with the hot wife theme and might turn John on.

"Very happy memories of that place for our anniversary. Looks like you're having a lovely time. You certainly made an effort for him and no wedding ring."

I reminisced about our anniversary at the same hotel, if tonight was anywhere near that, it would be a great night. Maybe we should have picked somewhere else; I didn't want to give the impression of John being replaced in anyway.

"I wanted to respect your ring babe; it will be back on Sunday when I come back to you. I love you."

"Ok, I understand."

I felt a little guilty but I was confident that I could repair any damage after enjoying my time with Martin. We finished the meal and enjoyed a drink, the tension was at boiling point and we declined the option of more drinks and headed up to the room.

I quickly texted John, "Heading up now, I hope this is turning you on, I will soon become your hot wife. Tell me how you are feeling?"

As soon as we got in the room Martin kissed me, it was a passionate toe curling kiss, "You won't regret this Trish; maybe we can make it a regular thing if John accepts it."

The thrill of having another man desiring me was exhilarating; I was aroused by the newness and what it was going to be like with another man. Martin was all over me kissing and touching, it felt electric. I told him to wait on the bed whilst I got ready; I went to the bathroom and unzipped my dress, checking myself in the mirror, admiring the expensive lingerie I'd bought.

I quickly checked my phone, the lack of a response from John made me worry. Perhaps this was tougher on him than what I had thought, but he hadn't objected to the plan.

I messaged again, "John, are you there? You have been quiet all night. I do love you baby, we can make up when I get home."

"Really... I struggle to believe that is possible."

I stared at the phone for a moment trying to process what my husband must be feeling. It certainly made sense that part of him might be regretting or questioning where things were going.

"Honestly babe we will, I'll dress like this for you as well." I sent a selfie of me in the bathroom mirror showing off my lingerie and stockings.

Martin called out from the room, asking if I was trying to torture him with the wait.

My phone pinged, "Certainly an eye opener, but I don't want his seconds."

Shit, that was a mistake, the photo was bound to torment him. I tried to ring but got no reply. Maybe he wasn't as turned on by this evening as I'd hoped. I was about to send another text when I heard the ping again.

Enough of this: you like puzzles, check the first letter in the words of my replies, see if you can find the word.

I looked back at the first word of his messages... Definitely, I, Very, Ok, Really...DIVOR... Divorce, SHIT!

I phoned him again, still no answer. I redressed urgently and in panic, hopping out of the bathroom while trying to slip my heels back on, much to Martin's confusion.

"I need to get home, NOW!"

Martin was shocked at first but then tried to calm me down and get me to explain, I showed him the messages, "Shit, he won't do anything stupid will he? I don't want my wife finding out."

"You're married!"

I texted whilst running down the corridor, "On... way... home:"

We ran for Martin's car, as he drove I called and left a message, "We haven't gone through with it, I am on my way home."

I texted the same thing and got an immediate reply, "So what, the intent is enough, thanks for the notice, it allowed me to make some preparations."

"Please don't do anything rash, this is all a terrible mistake."

"Loving you was a terrible mistake."

Then another message from him, "Under the circumstances you've left me no choice."

"I am not going to see him again, I am choosing you."

"That's a shame... it's clear you wanted him, I don't want to hold you back, it's your body, your choice, you wouldn't want to miss the chance of that orgasm. Do you know he is married and has three kids. No need to rush back, I have already left. I am now on gardening leave, prior to retiring and will be travelling extensively."

"P.S. Look I made another word!"

I read through the messages, So, Loving Under, That's...SLUT!

When I returned, the house was dark and quiet; there was a 'for sale' sign up the garden, shit the house, I loved it... it was my pride and joy. This had become very real and I was panicking. It got worse when I went in; there was a neatly stacked set of downloaded divorce papers on the kitchen table that John had already signed. A lot of his clothes and personal possessions were missing.

I was gutted, it dawned on me that I was losing my best friend. We were always talking; our conversations were easy and he always made me laugh. He was the love of my life and he was... gone.

I send another text, "We are not done, I love you and you love me."


There was nothing from him for two weeks, despite all my efforts to contact him. I was frantic, he had removed half of our savings from the accounts and had taken the things which meant most to him.

An envelope arrived to our address in his hand writing, I tore it open, gutted when all it contained was his wedding ring. That instigated yet another bout of sobbing.

The following day I received a text, "Been a while, just wanted to say I arrived safe and sound, the resort is lovely."

I was hopeful seeing the text, only to be confused by the message. A picture of a beach was attached; the turquoise jade sea looked absolutely stunning.

I replied straight away, "I am so sorry John, please come home."

"You know, I guess it is me fulfilling a fantasy this time and Merlene is being a prefect host and lady."

There was another photo, this time of a gorgeous athletic looking Caribbean woman in an electric green and yellow bikini sitting on the edge of a sun lounger. I couldn't miss the fact John was throwing the wording of my text messages from my night with Martin right back in my face, with devastating impact.

"Every day, we're having some lovely dates, I wanted to respect your ring babe; so sent it back, you should have received it by now. By the way, how are you coping, sorry I can't offer a reclaiming or making it up."

I read the first words, knowing it would be a message: Been, You, Every... BYE!

There was one final message, John copied me into the whole email stream from my night out with Martin, the address list included Martin's wife, my parents and our children.

Martin phoned me furious that his wife had thrown him out and intended to divorce him, he blamed me and my messages for it all, while I blamed him for chasing me relentlessly. My parents were equally furious and couldn't understand what I was thinking, to be honest neither could I. All of that was insignificant compared to the utter disappointment the children had for me: they told me to never expect John to return.


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c24jc24jabout 20 hours ago

I don't know how I felt about this. It was pretty well written, but as for everyone's behavior, I didn't really like anybody in this story. People really do react and think differently, and John's replies were sort of cryptic. I couldn't tell if he wanted her to try this or not. If one isn't DIRECT in communication, it's not the other's fault if intent is misunderstood. In the minds of some of the more misogynistic, there seems to be the idea that any woman they deign to have been attracted to MUST always know exactly what one is thinking, regardless of what one actually says.

In short, I suspect deep down, even if he couldn't admit it to himself, John never really loved her, was subconsciously looking for an excuse to get rid of her, and kind of egged her on in an enigmatic fashion.

I find that kind of irritating. My guess is, she'll get over him and find someone better. He'll probably just flit from one meaningless relationship to another . . . unless he finds someone totally submissive and unwilling to think for themselves . . . maybe a super traditional religious type.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitabout 21 hours ago

John was well under control in light of the situation. She never considered what might happen if she learned it wasn’t John’s technique. That alone would destroy him. Now as for Martin, why didn’t she learn more about him before stepping out? They both got what they deserved.

AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

Another ‘I worked with him all that but I didn’t know he was married ‘ bullshit.

Psychman24Psychman248 days ago

A case of getting to caught up in porn fantasies and confusing them with real life. The husband seemed very passive, unwilling to tell his wife a strong no. Almost like he wanted her to do it. A smart woman would seemingly have left nothing to chance and would make absolutely sure that her husband was on board before jumping off the marital cliff. This does seem like a story that should have ended with reconciliation tho. It was a one off silly fantasy that could easily have been prevented with some common sense. Both parties should have valued a good marriage a lot more than they did.

NallusNallus14 days ago

Intense, short, intelligent woman turned stupid, she telling him what she will do and I guess he performed what he would and did do

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