Metallic Ambition


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She was panting heavily by this point, and she'd orgasmed once already, but ABYT wasn't done with her.

Her clawed tentacles let go, pale milk spilling from her nipples as those green tongues from the tentacles lingered, lapping what they could before ABYT reeled them back, and then promptly squished her own bust against them.

The woman whined and struggled weakly, pleading to be released, but ABYT simply cupped her cheek.

"You'll have your freedom... very soon~" the Machina assured. A freedom no human could experience, as the lusty Machina then sealed the whimpering human's mouth with a kiss much like the man just prior, ABYT shoving her tongue into the woman's throat, and plunging it in and out like she was fucking the woman's mouth.

The human squirmed, but they were helplessly bound by several tentacles from ABYT's throne... that didn't stop them squirming even more when they felt ABYT's dick emerge from where her clit was, the nub morphing a little to shift into the tip of the glans of a nicely sized black and green member, ready to stuff the human thoroughly... especially after having her pussy probed deeply by an M2-laced tongue.

She'd be extra receptive by now.

And so, ABYT wasted no further time, and plunged that length deep into the woman's pussy, tip 'kissing' her cervix as the woman let out a stimulated scream into ABYT's mouth, garbled by the green synthetic tongue still pumping in and out of her throat.

And to top it off, ABYT decided to utilise one of her most beloved tools, even if not for its intended purpose, moaning as she extended her tentacular ovipositor from her pussy and made it twist and rub against the woman's pucker... which quickly stretched to welcome the new intruder, having been thoroughly stretched by a tongue just prior.

The woman struggled weakly as three different, thick appendages plunged in and out of her now, ABYT thrusting away with her hips with enough force to propagate loud slapping and make the woman's body jolt.

She too deserved more time with ABYT... a more thorough ravaging, a more tender loving, a more prolonged torment, but there was still a battle to be won and a siege to be broken, reports from her Machina already showing the ring of defences around the inner wall proving to be far more robust.

So ABYT picked up the pace, enough that she forced the woman over the edge with an intense cry into ABYT's mouth and a seizure-like spasm wracking their body.

And soon after, ABYT moaned loudly and plunged each organ as deep as she could manage, and flooded the woman's three holes with M2, in varying degrees of force between them, her cock obviously possessing the most force.

ABYT enjoyed being able to cum on command and yet feel like it was a result of the acts she committed.

She pulled her cock out of the woman, and her ovipositor, retracting both back into her body, and breaking the kiss, as thick, goopy Green M2 trickled from all three of the woman's holes.

ABYT smiled, and laid her next to the shivering man; they'd no doubt end up screwing each other once they grew mad with lust.

With that brief indulgence out of the way, ABYT once more joined her fellow Machina in rounding up helpless humans for corruption.

She saw a man being dragged away by a newly transformed Category 3, screaming as the new Machina laughed in slutty delight.

Elsewhere, a man with tattered pants tried crawling backwards away from a looming Assaulter, his cock erect against his will from exposure to M2.

The dragonfly-like Assaulter smirked, and stepped forward, promptly curling her long, narrow insectoid-tail around, and swallowing the man's cock to the root with an orifice at its tip, making him moan, as the Machina began to finger herself and grope her breasts, leaking M2 onto his body as she milked his cock.

Ahead, a Beetle-Type pushed forward and used her heavy carapace to shield herself from a fireteam of soldiers, their rounds pinging off her body until she was on them, grabbing one and quickly tearing open their armour, revealing a pussy which was promptly stuffed with a juicy synthetic cock.

The other soldiers attempted to save their friend, but they were suddenly grabbed by a small swarm of half-corrupted humans frenzied with lust, and overcome as they were pinned and stripped.

Everywhere ABYT looked, she saw delicious obscenity, but she knew there were still threats.

Such as when an APC suddenly wheeled around the corner of a building, its autocannon-equipped turret turning to bear on several of ABYT's Machina, whilst the defensive RWS turret atop, armed with a coilgun, began to take aim at a group of half-corrupted humans...

ABYT saw red, and would not allow such a heinous act, pouring on all her speed as she charged the APC down, forcing it to turn its guns on her.

The coilgun RWS began to fire, ABYT using her scythe arms as an impromptu shield, strong enough to deflect the shots but inappropriate given their narrow size, but it was enough to close the gap before the first autocannon round was sent her way, a quick duck ensuring it deflected off her throne.

Soon, she was upon it, the RWS attempting to unload on her. She sliced it off.

It popped thermal smoke, attempted to escape, but ABYT stabbed her front legs into its sloped frontal hull, pinning it down as she loomed above it, and impaled her scythe arms into the turret, wrenching it this way and that before ripping it away with several bright showers of sparks, throwing the entire ammunition silo in the unmanned turret basket with it, and exposing the terrified crew.

ABYT showed no mercy, and extended her throne's massive cock and shoved it into the exposed compartment, flooding it with an enormous load of M2 that splashed over every operator within.

With the APC neutralised, she continued onward towards the wall, knowing that the cascading growth of new Machina and corrupted humans would take the pressure off her combat forces, Markha reporting that she was splitting only a handful of her forces off to cover the other sectors, as access between them was made easy for the growing horde of Category 2s and new 3s.

ABYT suddenly paused, and looked down; the ground where she was standing seemed a little different than elsewhere, and each step felt less stable.

She leaned over, and stabbed into the ground, and ripped off a large slab of concrete, exposing a small maintenance tunnel network packed with terrified civilians hiding from the Machina.

They screamed, and ABYT laughed, quickly plucking several from their hiding place with her throne's tentacles, but the rest were quickly retreating where she couldn't easily reach.

So, instead, she widened her stance, and released a cloud of green-tinged M2, small electrical generators in her wings sending a powerful charge through the M2 that let it float and linger, acting as a potent gas that afflicted anyone who was caught in it with an intense arousal and natural M2 infection.

It flooded the tunnels, subduing anyone who couldn't avoid it.

Alas, it was a short lived cloud of area denial, ABYT unable to produce too much, or prolong a charge and maintain such a cloud, like some Machina, but it was very useful for quickly flushing out humans in hiding or clearing some space around her for a few seconds.

A man nearby, who crawled out of the tunnels to attempt to flee, dropped to his knees, panting heavily, and involuntary bucked his hips as an erection raged in his pants. A woman just a little further ahead was rolling on the ground in agonising arousal, groping herself as though she couldn't control herself.

ABYT let them be, walking over as she rounded a corner, and discovered what appeared to be a large stack for the station's atmospheric processing system, distributing breathable air throughout the sectors.

She walked up to it, and stabbed the cylindrical exhaust, pumping M2 right into it, hoping to corrupt the system slowly, but at least, in the immediate area, cause this exhaust to taint the air it released, making the atmosphere itself a lusty hazard for the humans still hiding from ABYT and her growing horde.

She passed the stack by, rounding a nearby corner, and finding some amount of surprise as a car suddenly barrelled towards her at high speed. Its electric motor whined as it was pushed to its limits, a woman at the controls.

The driver aimed for ABYT's legs, seemingly a defiant attempt to take ABYT down.

It was not an effective strategy, and ABYT brought one scythe arm down upon the hood of the vehicle at an angle, in such a manner as to cause the vehicle to spin out around the impaled blade, rather than cause it to come to a dead stop, metal screeching as rotational forces twisted the hood and electric engine around the sharp blade.

Airbags deployed, and the woman behind the wheel was stunned.

ABYT promptly used her other blade to tear off the roof of the car as the airbags deflated, revealing the dazed human; their brown hair was cut short, and they seemed to have a tight-fitting jumpsuit marked with the symbol of a sports brand. An athletic type, perhaps.

Her physique seemed to support that, slender yet toned. And the suit only accentuated this.

She groaned and rubbed her head, and realised only too late that ABYT was still standing, looking down at her with a grin.

"Shit!" she cried out, attempting to flee the vehicle, but ABYT quickly caught her with the clawed tentacles attached to her back.

The human screamed, and struggled defiantly, kicking and throwing fists as best they could despite their limbs being restrained.

ABYT laughed softly, and brought the woman close, making them wince as the Machina slowly and luxuriously trailed her hands across the human's slender frame, cupping their breasts and fondling their glutes.

Inferior they may be, but ABYT enjoyed touching them. Especially groping them when they wore such slutty suits.

Sometimes, ABYT thought about having a similar suit made for her... or some other Machina, just so she could grope and touch them until they beg to take it off.

Alas, ABYT was being requested to attend to a position near the final wall before the hub section itself. She'd not have a chance to play with this human until later.

So, instead, ABYT raised herself high upon her legs, and pulled the woman's face in for a deep kiss, the human making startled sounds, eyes wide as they were forcibly kissed, gagging shortly after when ABYT's tongue wormed into their throat and pumped a small amount of M2 into their body, retreating and letting them cough, before pulling them below, ABYT curling her throne's abdomen around to take possession of the woman, her panicked cries filling ABYT with a sense of primal glee as the tongues of her throne's maw reached out and wrapped around the writhing human, sliding between her thighs and curling between her glutes, wrapping around her torso and depressing her breasts, utterly smothering her face in fat synthetic tongue flesh and snaking around her legs, all of the appendages constantly worming against the helpless woman as ABYT drew them into her abdomen, the walls of the 'throat' squeezing around the human in rippling waves and keeping them constantly smothered in slimy artificial flesh, soon to join the two other humans within ABYT's abdominal cavity, who were already fucking each other relentlessly, their bodies gliding around one another with lurid slickness, utterly coated in M2 secretions.

They were sure to appreciate a third.

At that point, ABYT continued onward towards the wall, the sounds of battle in front of her heating up, whilst the sounds of fighting behind her grew faint as the great orgy began.

She leapt between tall buildings, until she landed near a former UOF position atop of a car park, several combat Machina waiting for their Queen.

She was quickly briefed, via the Cluster to keep things short.

[My Queen, we have pushed the human forces back to this last line of defences, and have directed the freshly created Category 3's to create a cordon to head off any retreating civilians. Unfortunately... the UOF have already gunned down several.]

The news made ABYT's metaphorical blood boil. She enjoyed a good fight, delighted in preying on humans, enjoyed the cocktail of fear and arousal her presence could bring... but she did not take pleasure in causing harm. She wanted to help these people, help them ascend to the next stage of evolution.

To kill without cause was abhorrent. But she couldn't be too reckless, despite her rage.

That could cost more lives... a point driven painfully home when she felt the pang of sorrow as another Machina was severed from her cluster to slumber with the Main.

Markha then made contact.

[All UOF forces that haven't been cut off have retreated to the final line. It's... rough] Markha admitted.

ABYT had to agree, already linking into the eyes of Machina pushing the defensive lines around the gates into the main hub.

There were hundreds of troops still remaining, numerous heavy weapons and portable fortifications, mines, automated defences with advanced tracking systems, the last of their mechs and armoured vehicles, including several tanks that were seemingly press-ganged into acting as defensive emplacements, likely brought to Salt Lake Station after retreating from a terrestrial garrison that was lost elsewhere in the Jovians; tanks generally suffered on space stations. Their firepower was often more of a risk.

And the walls themselves were unusually thick, though ABYT suspected they were designed so that the hub and an emergency power supply could survive almost any catastrophe. Regardless, it meant ABYT wasn't carving her way through in short order.

[We could attempt a concentrated attack] Markha suggested. [Gather as many of our forces in one place and attempt to break through. Though we risk being caught in between other positions. Otherwise, we can wear them down until they're weak enough we can overwhelm them with our newest additions.]

ABYT considered the two options, and decided that the latter was the most sound for their circumstances; if they could keep the soldiers distracted for long enough, they might be able to poke some weaknesses in the overall defence, and when ready, ABYT's forces could make a push, disrupt the human line, and let the newest Machina sweep over the humans when they were least able to respond.

Had they more combat Machina, and she and Markha more confident, ABYT would've certainly gone for the first option.

It's only been three hours since they first invaded. What was an hour or two more? Though she didn't think it'd take that long.

Just then, Gina made contact.

[My Queen, I'm pleased to inform you that the main reactor is no longer in danger of being detonated. And I neutralised a REPAIR Agent squad in the process~]

ABYT could feel Gina's smug satisfaction, and glowing pride, having done something she knew ABYT would love, and Gina was right; an entire squad of REPAIR Agents corrupted? Even if they were Rank Cs, based on the data ABYT was receiving, that was still quite a prize. And knowing they weren't all about to be unceremoniously blown to bits was a big plus.

[Excellent work, Gina~ I've no specific orders for you currently, so go and do what you think will best disrupt the enemy~] ABYT answered.

[With pleasure~] Gina answered.

ABYT was confident Gina was going to cause quite the mess, and Markha agreed.

[You've really been waiting to let her off the leash, haven't you~?] Markha quipped.

[She deserves a chance to go a little wild from time to time, like I'm just aching to do once we sort this little problem out~]

Markha giggled.

[Give it an hour, and those humans won't stand a chance~]

ABYT grinned and looked back behind her, seeing the beginnings of a small horde of Category 2s slowly turning into fresh Category 3s, and the beginnings of machinium growths in the distance foretelling this station's inexorable fate.

"No~ They definitely won't~" she said aloud.

Chapter 6

[With pleasure~]

Gina ended contact with her Queen after receiving praise for mission completion, for defeating a squad of REPAIR Agents, and after being given freedom to persecute the enemy at her discretion.

Machinium tendrils grew across the surface of the console she had her tail embedded in, a Larva having merged to the machinery to fully subsume control.

Gina was in the process of seeing what systems she could disrupt, though ultimately all she did was redirect power away from certain doors and facilities to make it harder for people to hide, and easier for Machina to move around.

But she decided to leave the lights on, so people didn't accidentally hurt themselves fumbling around in the dark.

There were always going to be unfortunate incidents, but as long as there was even a single spark of life left in someone, the Machina could save them.

She pulled her tail from the console, and looked down into the reactor chamber, licking her lips as she spied the Agent squad.

They were fucking each other in a frenzy, halfway into becoming fully-fledged Machina as each now had a larva embedded in their chests.

Their moans were music to Gina's ears, the Growler unable to help stroking her own cock and groping her own breasts, tongue hanging out lustfully as she watched the brunette with a cock fuck the face of the freckled redhead, whilst the other two agents laid sideways against one another, heads buried in each other's crotch, eating out their comrade with gusto, all as machinium tendrils snaked out of their bodies and started picking into the floor around them for material to complete their ascension.

They were going to make fine Machina, and she would lead them well. But until then, Gina left them to their lustful devices, and emerged from the reactor room with satisfaction. Her next stop was the surface, heading towards personnel elevators for civilian workers to travel between the reactor section and the main habitation sectors. However, when Gina checked the elevator shaft cameras, she didn't see anything. But it was odd because they weren't broken.

She came to one of the elevators, and attempted to open the door, but it shuddered and refused. She frowned, and then forced it open, a cracking sound audible as she pried the doors apart; her eyes widened in indignation when she came face to face with a wall of messy concrete.

She checked the shaft cameras again, and discovered all of the shafts leading to the central hub sector had been sealed. Other access elevators remained unblocked. She checked the stairwell cameras, and found they were half flooded with hardened concrete too.

She punched the concrete and broke a sizeable hole in it, but she wasn't digging or blasting her way through that much concrete in any short amount of time.

Gina wondered where they even got that much concrete to fill the shafts with.

She huffed and turned around, making for one of the shafts she knew to be open and free.

The elevator took her up, and she emerged into a sort of office building with a civilian checkpoint for the reactor workers and other maintenance and service staff to clock in.

Suddenly, a man leapt over one of the clerk desks with a metal bat in hand, taking a swing at Gina.

She caught the bat in her hand and squeezed hard enough to crumple the hollow bat. She smiled and wrenched the improvised weapon out of the human's hand and quite swiftly grabbed him by the collar of his yellow and grey jumpsuit and pinned him to the counter top, forcing her lips to his and plunging her tongue down his throat in yet another of her corrupting kisses, feeding him an amount of her M2 as he groaned and struggled helplessly.
