Metallic Ambition


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She didn't provide too much, having to preserve what M2 she had left after using quite a bit on those agents and other humans. She needed to find a Support-class Machina or other to top her up.

Fortunately, as she left the man to shiver against the counter, slumping down its front, she stepped out into a lovely scene; she was in the middle of the second ring sectors of the station, as a veritable orgy between humans in various states of corruption and Machina unfolded before her very eyes, many fresh Machina mating with their friends, colleagues and total strangers alike.

All were loved among the Machina.

A few of them, however, were older, more well equipped non-combatant Machina that journeyed with the main force to provide all the necessary rear-line support and to corrupt hiding civilians.

A yellow-skinned Machina with strawberry-red energy and M2, especially evident in the large tanks lining the equipment on their back, pumping several half-corrupted humans full of her scarlet nanomachine goop with several tentacles with phallic tips.

Gina approached, and the Injector waved with a smile.

"Gina, hello~!" she beamed, red 'milk' trickling fro her nipples. Britney was her name. The cluster made everyone know everyone.

"Hello, Britney~ I don't suppose you have some left for me~?" Gina inquired with a salacious lick of her lips.

Britney smirked and leaned forward, squeezing her breasts together enticingly.

"Wellllll, it might cost you~" the Injector teased.

"Oh~? How much~?" Gina asked, happy to play Britney's game.

"When we're done conquering this station, you can show me how good corrupted Agent cock feels~"

Britney's price was quite agreeable.

"Deal~" Gina replied.

It wasn't genuine negotiation, just a bit of quick fun and a promise for longer, raunchier fun at a later date.

With that out of the way, Gina spread her arms wide as well as her legs, and let Britney's four tentacles coil around the Growler's four limbs, feeling her ass, her pussy, her mouth, and her cleavage, subsequently stuffed, each appendage pushing deep to begin their slow, lecherous pumping.

Gina moaned salaciously as the twisting, turgid limbs wormed and scraped about in her innards and squirmed between her breasts, already leaking red M2 across her bust and in her body.

They moved faster, Gina's belly starting to distend as the tentacle penetrated her cervix with exquisite pleasure. Her throat bulged, and the tentacle in her ass reached deep.

Britney herself moaned softly, fingering her pussy and fondling her own hefty chest, squeezing out red M2 with each grope.

Gina watched as a human man crawled behind her and grasped her rump, squeezing her hips and burying his face beneath her tail and deep between her glutes to start eating away at her ass.

She looked down at this and laughed gleefully.

Then, after numerous swift thrusts of each of Britney's tentacles, the Injector moaned and released her heavy load into each of Gina's holes and across her chest and face, Gina loosing a muffled laugh as she was inundated with the red M2, causing her to gain a glow in her belly that contrasted with her blue skin.

The tentacles subsequently retreated, and Britney moaned softly to herself before fixing Gina a lusty expression.

"Go get 'em, sexy~" she encouraged.

"I'll see you later, slut~" Gina answered affectionately. The two exchanged a parting laugh, and then Gina turned and took a flying leap away from the ongoing orgy, her last glimpse being Britney turning to the man desperately eating out her ass and angling all her tentacles towards him.

Gina passed a pair of Assaulters sharing a captive UOF officer, hanging limp in the air between them, impaled upon their cocks.

Overseeing the battlefield was quite a sight, seeing the growing number of glowing forms on the ground as humans were gradually transformed into Machina, though most of the new Machina were the result of Larva mergers, the rest having to take a longer process.

But towards the outer edges of the middle ring, where the industrial zone was separated from the habitation sectors, the signs of hive growth was obvious, the beginnings of Machinium roots and veins creeping across the wall and along the roads, drawing up and repurposing unneeded material. It'd need more to truly grow, but there were plenty of resources in the Jupiter system, and a lot of machines that would no longer be necessary.

But ahead, things were less joyous; tracer fire from rifles and trails left behind by supersonic and hypersonic coilgun slugs cut lines in the air towards the gathered Machina lines, the numbers very lopsided.

The Machina returned fire, but sparingly, and accurately, acting only to disable to suppress weaponry, not strike UOF soldiers to avoid their comrades executing them to prevent corruption.

Unfortunately, there were bodies in front of the UOF defences... not soldiers. Of varying ages. Not many, but one was one too many.

She felt the fresh M2 in her begin to metaphorically boil with rage, and it seemed to speed up the pace of processing, turning it into her own M2, refreshing her reserves.

Behind the Machina lines, glowing figures began to pile up, and Gina was quickly privy to ABYT's plan, both through her own intuition and cluster information; wait for a critical mass of new Machina, and force the UOF lines so the newly transformed could sweep in after the main attackers and utterly overrun the UOF positions with little risk.

After that, they'd breach the central hub. That would be swift and efficient, to completely prevent the risk of any further scorched-earth attempts, and to cut off the command of any remaining UOF units in the station.

ABYT was in another sector, ready to make the final push. Markha was in another.

Only about a dozen combat Machina led by a particularly burly Scorpion type were present in the position in the sector she was currently in, with a few tens more newly corrupted Machina ready to follow them in, but with the resistance they were facing, over the cluster link, Gina could tell the Scorpion-type was hesitant, and they were normally quite aggressive.

She touched down out of sight of the UOF lines, and connected to the Scorpion-type - a rather unassuming name of 'Missy' for a nominally dominant and bestial sort - to discuss tactics.

[Ah, the covert saboteur herself!] Missy greeted. [You're aware of the Queen's plan, but I was not entirely sure we'd be able to achieve it here. The same is true in several other sectors, but if we can punch through here as well as Markha and ABYT's sectors, I think we stand a chance of routing the entire defence and give the other sectors opportunity.]

[Agreed. I think I can get in close and covertly disrupt their comms and some other systems right before the push, and then run interference with my gun. Split their attention where they don't realise, since they won't be able to spot me on any scanners unless they get a visual. I don't need long, just enough to mess with them so you can force their lines] Gina added.

[As long as we can cross without much damage, we'll be able to cause enough disruption their former charges will happily take advantage of~]

Gina gave Missy her confidence that the Scorpion-type's troops would be able to cross that gap.

The Growler moved into position covertly, disrupting several motion trackers left behind in a building near to the wall, the UOF troops not foolish enough to leave it unmonitored. Unfortunately for them, they weren't prepared for a Machina with a Growler's capabilities.

Masking herself from the motion trackers wasn't exactly possible without a lot of very careful manipulation of their sensor beams and her own ECM. But what she was able to do was spoof them as they were poorly encrypted, and made them send no alerts to the UOF units... not unlike what she and the other Growlers did with the sensor buoys on the way to the station, masking the approach of ABYT's ships until it was too late to scramble a firmer defence. And the result was going to be the same for the defending troops at the wall.

She found a favourable position and observed the assembled soldiers; she'd have to be quick with whatever she was going to do, because there were enough heavy weapons present they'd be able to tear through the building, practically raze it to the ground and her along with it.

She only had a few injector darts left, and she wanted to save them for when she invariably breached the hub.

But, she was willing to spend one such dart when she found a rather juicy target; a hybrid ECM/Scanner and tracking system kept out of the line of fire. It'd make a small hassle for the gathered Machina... but compromised, and it'd be a big hassle for the humans. And they'd not realise it was hit with M2 until it was too late, not with what they were about to face, only that it was taken out.

So she readied herself, sticking to the gloom, staying out of sight, planning her attack in her head.

She waited, and waited, ten minutes passing, the sound of the skirmish between the two lines constant. Ten minutes more, which then stretched into an hour as the Machina attempted to wear down the defenders, detonating mines on the approach.

Then... a single arc across the cluster link. The order was given.

Gina whipped herself up and took aim through a window, and fired a dart at high velocity, threading the shot between the legs of a UOF soldier who fell on their ass in surprise.

The dart struck the device and it sparked and fizzled. At first there was confusion, but they quickly spotted Gina and opened fire with coilguns, rockets, autocannons, small arms and grenade launchers, Gina having thrown herself to the other side of the room she was in to avoid the inevitable retaliation, watching the wall and window explode in a fiery, angry display.

But soon panicked shouts followed; the other Machina were charging, and the few that had ranged weapons fired back.

Gina found another window and peaked out, opening fire at heavy gunners, switching to M2 shots to knock targets onto their feet and splash them with corrupting goop.

Simultaneously, Gina utterly poured on the electronic jamming and interference, disrupting their communications, flooding their frequencies with noise - a lot of moaning and dirty talk in particular - and anything else that could cause them grief.

She, on her own, managed to divide the attention of the defenders, picking off mounted weaponry, including remote guns atop of an entrenched tank's turret, switching back and forth between M2 shots, energy bolts, and coil slugs.

A soldier went down, and it was clear M2 had gotten into their system. Their comrade turned and took one look, before taking aim at the stricken defender's head, ready to enact 'mercy'.

Only, they were suddenly grabbed around the waist by a scorpion's claw, and tossed screaming behind the line of Machina that had just rushed the position. And before they could pick themselves up, they were beset by several newly ascended Machina, quick to indulge in the hapless human.

The entrenched tank took aim with its main gun, firing its coaxial, but soon a Beetle-type was upon it, using her carapace to shield herself as she pried open the hatch on the hull, sparks flying as the numerous electronic locking systems attempted to keep the hatch closed.

And once it was open, three Larvae that had hitched a ride on her dropped into the now open hatch, quickly finding the crew members and subsequently disabling the tank.

The rest of the combat Machina were quick to cause enough chaos before their own resilience was overcome to allow the horde that followed them to breach the palisades, pouncing on soldiers who, even against new, non-combatant Machina, had no hope of fighting superior machines in close quarters.

Gina took this opportunity to take flight, watching as the hybrid ECM/scanner and tracker device started up again, except now it was feeding bad information to every connected device, including the HUDs of soldiers.

Two Assaulters swooped in, now they weren't at risk of being shot down by specialised PD turrets with fast tracking.

Soon, the entire position was overrun, the final few soldiers pounding on the gates leading into the hub, begging to be let in before they were grabbed and dragged away.

Victorious shouts rose up from the Machina, and soon plenty of moans followed as the horde ravenously tore off the armour of every hapless soldier, another orgy beginning almost immediately.

But for Gina, Missy, and the other combatants, the fight wasn't over.

Gina flew down and alit just before the gate, finding a console.

Over the cluster, the other groups were breaching into the central hub, ABYT and Markha's group seeing the most resistance as more soldiers were sent to defend those access points.

Making it a bit easier for the Machina in the other sectors.

Gina stabbed her tail into the console, quickly subverting it.

They all anticipated resistance on the other side, so the Machina gathered behind cover.

The door began to open, and immediately gunfire tore up the air in front of them, rockets flying overhead and detonating in airbursts, thankfully over the combat Machina and not the others, prompting the orgy to halt as the doomed soldiers were dragged away by the horde to be fucked more safely.

Gina, however, took a risk, and during a tiny break in the gunfire, she slipped past the thick wall, taking flight and firing many shots at any exposed UOF soldier she could.

The central hub was considerably more dense with buildings of either a more luxurious and comfortable nature, or more formal for their administrative purposes.

The biggest draw, however, was the central spire, which housed the main control rooms for the entire station, several executive suites, and a number of hardened shelters, where a lot of people were likely hiding.

Unlike the other sections, there were no additional walls dividing the hub like spokes... meaning Gina could see the other Machina forcing their way in.

Soon, they'd be another consolidated force, and already, Gina knew where ABYT was, and where she was heading, her goal a makeshift command post near the top.

Gina dodged out of the way of incoming fire and dove down to retaliate with several hard-hitting globs of M2 against a plucky sniper.

That was when Gina picked up some... interesting transmissions.

"I don't care what your commanders say, we are getting on that evacuation shuttle! You can even join us if you escort us, instead of staying here! We can pay you plenty, the Adler Corporation has deep pockets... and yes, Uris too. If we're lost here, it could be a serious loss to humanity's defence!"

She traced the transmission... and it wasn't coming from anywhere on the schematics they had.

But Gina wasn't surprised the station had a secret area... and that corporate executives were there. A secret escape bay? Quite likely.

Gina, however, wasn't going to let such people weasel their way out of much deserved justice.

She flew down amongst the buildings as the fighting intensified, going for the base of the spire.

There was little room between the spire and the outer walls, so Gina had to contend with a lot of potential eyes spotting her as she found an entrance into the central structure... but it also proved unexpectedly useful, as the close proximity to a rampaging Queen meant the UOF had more pressing worries, a squad of soldiers rushing out the door with anti-tank launchers but completely missing the bright blue Machina pressing herself against the wall adjacent to the entrance as best she could with her protruding equipment.

She let them pass and slipped into the building.

It wouldn't be long before troops came after her, she couldn't screw with all the security systems, and sure enough, the halls in the spire were packed with people who sounded the alarm in panic.

But Gina ignored them. She found a maintenance elevator that she took down to the levels just below the spire.

There were a few soldiers on guard, but she quickly dispatched them, even when she found the cramped environment difficult to move through.

Eventually, she found herself at a dead end in a quieter part of the maintenance tunnels... but she knew it wasn't quite so.

She rather easily discovered the hidden door, and hacked it, the dead end wall sliding open with a hiss, revealing a brightly lit hallway.

In it were several UOF soldiers, and a number of people in business suits and fancy bodysuits.

They all turned around, and the executives' eyes widened in terror.

"M-Machina!" a woman in a green suit cried.

"Kill it! Kill it!" a man pleaded.

The soldiers took firing stances, but the only weapons they had capable of hurting her quickly were underbarrel grenade launchers... and they were not quick to use them in such tight spaces when Gina rushed forward, cackling madly.

The soldiers cursed as they emptied their mags, but soon Gina was upon them, smacking them with quick jabs with her free fist to their guts, swinging her gun into their chests, sweeping their legs with her tail, and knocking them over with flaring wings.

She even pinned one soldier to the wall and licked their visor salaciously, even giving them a nice view between her deep cleavage, before she threw them up into the ceiling, leaving them dazed and hopefully a little aroused.

She quickly disarmed them and blasted them all with M2 shots, right into their faces, further stunning them and ensuring they'd end up too contaminated to think of anything self-destructive.

That just left the cowardly executives, who had fled down the hall through another door. Gina went after them, and discovered it was locked.

But she didn't even need to hack it, able to force it open.

Inside was a small prep area with lockers and even space suits, connected to an airlock on one side, and an access door to a secret escape shuttle. Between them was a window looking into the launch bay, and now she understood; evacuees would board the shuttle and when it was ready to launch, it would be rotated vertically and shot out through the bottom of the station, the tube likely running through a large support frame.

It reeked of corporate selfishness.

Evident by the execs who had left those soldiers behind quite merrily.

But Gina grinned wickedly; she found a nearby electrical panel, and ripping it open, she stabbed her tail into it.

She got what she wanted; though the systems were insulated, mostly, from outside networks, to protect from snooping, the systems within the escape facility weren't all that well encrypted between one another. Probably considered an unnecessary precaution.

It was doubtful they ever factored something like Machina into the equation when it was first made. And so, Gina was able to lock the shuttle down with little effort, the panel sparking as she assumed control.

Now, those slimy executive types were going nowhere. And Gina knew how she was going to help them best redeem themselves.

She strolled over to the access door, and opened it up without a care, the corporate suits already strapped in, ready to leave.

Only one was standing up, having been interrupted in the middle of banging on the automated launch controls, no pilot in the cockpit. Most likely, the shuttle was programmed to head to a predetermined point where they'd receive pickup... if they were valuable enough to their corporations for them to bother.

Of course, they would likely never get far before one of the patrolling Assaulters caught up with them... and they'd be extra ravenous after having to stay outside the station.

But Gina wanted to do this... personally.

She grinned.
