Metallic Ambition


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[I'm ready to assist the main assault now. Fully loaded and ready to push to the reactor core. I'll make sure to infect as many soldiers on the way~]

Gina felt a giggle over the link.

[Have fun, Gina~ And when this is over, you can fuck as many humans as you want~] ABYT answered.

[Assuming there's any left to corrupt, ABYT... especially knowing you~]

Gina chuckled to herself, but she remembered that she was tasked with ensuring the reactor could not be made to self-destruct under any circumstances.

So speed was of the essence from now on.

Gina passed by a foursome, with a single half-corrupted Machina taking a cock from three others in each of their holes, their moans and shrill cries of delight making the Growler's body shiver.

She approached a door connecting one of the outer ring segments to one adjacent, where a Machina stood guard, as a partially corrupted UOF soldier sucked her cock with gentle guiding motions from a hand to their head.

The Machina smiled and nodded.

[There's an access to the maintenance network running beneath the station. Most of it's blocked and sealed, but we've detected weaknesses in some of the sealed bulkheads. Might be a bit of a maze, but easier to get to the reactor than through the city, even if forces are a bit stretched.]

She moaned aloud, pouring cum down the throat of the utterly lust drunk soldier.

[I'll be able to manage, and thank you, sister~ Have fun with your friend~] Gina answered.

[Oh, I shall~] The other machina giggled, and started thrusting her hips rapidly into the human slowly losing their humanity.

Gina smirked and passed through the bulkhead door leading to the next industrial sector, where a large elevator, enough for several forklifts, was descended into the bowels of the station.

Gina jumped down and arrested her descent with her thrusters to land with only a modest clank.

There, another Machina was busy releasing a small swarm of Larvae from a canister, dusting her hands once all the little critters were released into the tight passages to look for weaknesses or vents that hadn't been sealed, openings that had been missed.

This Machina smiled at Gina and gave her a kiss as she passed by, heading to the elevator. Gina caressed the other's breasts before they went their separate ways.

The Growler frowned as she peered down the gloomy passages, the metallic floor rattling with each step. She tucked in her wings and antenna as much as she could, it was rather tight moving forward.

Only red running lights and the occasional blue marker light lit the passages, bathing everything in an unsettling red, with the cones of blue from the ceiling feeling like places of sanctuary from the encroaching dark.

Not for Gina, her eyes pierced the gloom in more ways than just the visible spectrum. She could see it all, especially the welded metal plate ahead of her.

She pressed her hand to it, and though the welding was rather haphazard, it was rather sturdy, and a quick punch confirmed it was reinforced behind it, and even though she put a deep dent into it, that'd take too long.

She doubled back and found another passage, and another plate, but this one had already been broken open. Ahead, she spied a larva that had nested itself into the floor, breaking itself down and forming the beginnings of Machinium growth. A single Larva could form itself into a hive, with time, but often enough time they lacked. UOF and REPAIR learned to be thorough when cleansing facilities they'd successfully defended.

But as long as this attack succeeded, the many, many nascent Machinium growths would quickly turn this entire station into ABYT's new crowning jewel.

Gina continued, making several turns and finding another steel plate, but this time, she felt it yield to a punch. She smirked, and brought up her gun, switching it to Directed Energy mode.

Several super-heated blasts later and she was able to force the metal plate open, clattering to the ground as parts of its edges glowed with slagged metal.

She kept going, finding several more weak panels she forced her way through, before having to dive quickly as a sentry gun fired at her with a remote coil gun.

She shot the turret, but not before it left a small hole just above her right breast. She winced, feeling what amounted to pain for her as orange M2 leaked like blood, but she was largely fine. The perks of being a much tougher Attacker type.

She stomped over to the slagged turret and ripped out some of its electronics, stuffing them into the wound. Her M2 'blood' would make use of it for self-repair.

She kept going, keeping cautious as she advanced, though her electronic monitoring equipment was proving less effective in the tight environment; she could connect with the Cluster just fine, but anything else struggled amongst the dense and complicated mess of metal and concrete, and there was oddly very little in the way of monitoring systems for her to hack into; she came to a junction box and jabbed her tail into it, but found no cameras 'below-ground' she could access, just a lot of sensors for monitoring machinery and structural integrity.

The sentry guns must have been set to IFF-targeting and left off any network... smart. And spoofing IFF would've been only marginally useful, as they had developed targeting systems to visually identify Machina... and Machina stood out compared to humans.

She rounded a corner, and discovered another sentry gun. She popped it quickly before it could open fire. But behind it, a latticework of laser trip mines, their sensor beams invisible to the naked eye. Some were set to have sensor cones.

She could see them in the right wavelengths, but she was loathe to set them off; sometimes she felt the rumbling of an explosion above ground, but down here, explosions were probably a greater risk factor. And she didn't want to make her mission pointless by causing a cascading failure that jeopardised the integrity of the station.

She looked around for any other way through, and discovered a hatch leading to a level just below. She opened it and slithered her tail down; she couldn't see with it visually, but it gave her enough sensor data to realise it was safe.

It was cramped and parts of her equipment snagged on pipes. Sometimes, being larger than most humans was a problem, but she was able to sidle her way through and came to another hatch, this one welded shut and guarded by more mines. But there were fewer of them, so she was able to disable them relatively swiftly using her tail and fingers, before shooting a hole in the hatch to stick her tail through. She detected a sensor beam, and carefully pulled the rest of the hatch down to give her room to access the mine.

She disabled it and pulled herself out of the pit, now on the other side of the laser mine corridor.

She had to bypass several more such sentry gun and mine traps, including one that she had no choice but to painstakingly disarm each and every mine.

She could tell the battle topside was heating up, but they were about to unleash obscenity upon civilians. The amount of corruption about to occur would ensure the station fell, the UOF unable to resist the explosion in numbers of ABYT's forces, even if most would not be suited to combat... though some new Attackers would surely be born.

Ahead, though, Gina heard voices.

"C'mon, hurry up with those mines, man!" a man hissed.

"You just get that sentry ready, we need to get out of here," the other growled in return.

Gina crept up to a corner and peered around it, seeing two UOF soldiers setting up a sentry and more mines.

If they were in the process of setting these up... that likely meant there wouldn't be more ahead of her. She wondered why they hadn't done it ahead of time... or maybe they did, but they weren't finished by the time of ABYT's attack.

She smirked, and switched her gun to darts.

She took aim at the soldier setting up the sentry... a quick high-pitched whizz sent the solid dart straight through his chest armour, likely embedding half an inch into his torso.

He let out a winded, shocked gasp as he was knocked to the floor. The M2 in the Dart would already be pouring into him.

The other soldier dropped the mine he was holding and turned towards Gina.

"Bimbot!" he cried out, one of many slurs humanity had for machina, picking up his rifle off the floor.

Gina laughed and charged down the passage as he began to unload into her, but he was panicked and his shots were unfocused, pinging off her body and ricocheting into the surrounding environment, though thankfully deflected rifle rounds were not all that dangerous even here.

He ran out of ammo just before she reached him.

"Shit shit SHIT SHIT!" he blurted out.

She slammed into him knocking the wind out of him. Gina quickly pinned him with a salacious laugh, and ran her tongue up his helmet. He was shivering and squirming, but there wasn't a thing a human could do beneath a much stronger Machina.

"Please, don't!" he begged.

"Please, do~" Gina crooned, and ripped off his helmet.

She was initially shocked how young he looked, probably just barely 18 years of age. Likely signed up just around or before his birthday. And probably only recently completed training.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, and utterly afraid. She felt sympathy for him, but it also made her want to utterly ravish him. She, alas, didn't have time for that. It made her a little annoyed, really.

So instead, she drew her long, orange tongue up his face slowly, firmly, depressing his skin and making him whimper as a semi-translucent orange trail followed behind her lick.

Then, she lapped at his lips... before thrusting her tongue between them, parting his jaw a little and making his eyes go wide. He let out a panicked sound of confusion, and tried to break free of Gina's grip, but it was hopeless. Her breasts squashed against his torso armour and leaked M2 across it. Her lips met his in a deep, firm kiss, working her jaw away as if she were trying to suck the life out of him, before finally pumping M2 up out of her throat and into his mouth, guiding it down his gullet with her own tongue.

She gently rubbed her synthetic, segmented muscle to his utterly inferior tongue, though Gina found it rather cute. At times, she wished she could keep some people human, just so she could forever enjoy the pleasurable torment she could inflict on them.

He gurgled as she fed him her M2, Gina moaning softly and arching her back. He began to squirm some more, fingers clenching into fists as her M2 affected his mind and his nerves, her synthetic pheromones serving to calm him a little and make him more susceptible.

Eventually, she finished her corrupting kiss, and pulled her tongue out of his throat. The soldier coughed a few times and rolled onto his belly.

"N-No..." he whimpered.

Gina leaned down and kissed the side of his face.

"I'll find you later~ Maybe you'll still be mostly a man, and I'll get to have my fun with you~" she told him, and left him with another kiss.

She did feel a little sorry for him. It was not a pleasant thing to feel like you've let your people down. To be so utterly defeated. Even thinking one was betraying those they swore to protect and serve.

But he would wake up soon enough, and realise the joys and the future the Machina could realise.

She disarmed the two soldiers, the one she shot with the dart convulsing in corrupting pleasure, M2 nanomachines in sufficient doses quick to overwhelm a human's nervous system with stimulation and render them incapable of resisting.

With a lusty sigh, she left the two behind, and continued onward, finding her path rather clear from this point onwards, though as she got closer to the core, she started encountering sentry guns again, though they were quickly dispatched.

She eventually began descending stairs and ladder shafts, until, eventually, she reached the outer shell of the reactor core, disarming two more UOF guards and jamming their comms equipment before they could call for help.

She wanted to keep a reasonable amount of M2 in reserve, so she instead gave them a smaller dose with each kiss she gave them, and restrained them with repurposed bars from railings she ripped off and bent into crude shackles. Once their corruption progressed far enough, they'd break down the bars for material and be freed.

Gina hacked the door, and slipped inside, already able to feel the thrum of electricity and power from the fusion reactor at the heart.

She passed by elevators and staircases leading above ground, to the central hub section of the station, worker access no doubt.

There were even more sentry guns that slowed her approach, and she frowned at this, knowing that her presence was now known to whoever was guarding the reactor core.

She destroyed the turrets as she went, weaving into corridors and side passages, at one point passing by a cowering worker hiding in a small substation room. Gina blew her a kiss, and promptly hacked the door, locking the woman inside with a panicked cry.

The Growler encountered a UOF fireteam, holding the entrance to the control room with a mounted coilgun. It was a terrible approach, not a lot of cover. It'd be great if any of those UOF soldiers she'd taken out prior had some stun grenades or similar, but they were largely ineffective against Machina, so they only ever carried frags, HE, or marker smoke grenades and beacons for directing strikes or marking positions.

There were some experimental stun grenades meant to temporarily disrupt Machina systems, but none of these poor fools had any.

She did, however, have an idea, switching her weapon back to Energy mode.

She waited a split second, and then popped out. The reaction time of the soldier behind the coilgun was just slow enough that by the time he fired, Gina had already shot the ceiling above them, causing molten metal and sparks to rain down on them, Gina only catching a glancing round in her shoulder.

Their suits would've protected them easily, but it surprised them for a split second, allowing Gina to quickly switch to M2 shots.

She raced up the stairs and fired accurate shots at the heads of each soldier, only getting a few rifle rounds pinging off her body, stopping one from readying a grenade launcher.

But the soldier behind the coilgun managed to get one last shot off before he himself was smacked in the face, the round catching Gina in the gut, almost stopping her in her tracks.

She grimaced, and looked down; her body had stopped the round, but it'd penetrated just slightly, orange M2 trickling around the deformed slug. Her body had hardened just enough to limit the impact, but still, she didn't like the way it marred her.

At least the round was acting somewhat as a plug, and the trickling M2 would quickly break it down to help repair the wound.

But now, there was nothing stopping Gina breaching the control room, hacking the doors and forcing them open.

There was another fireteam inside, as well as several civilian operators.

She laughed and shot the soldiers in sequence, rushing into the control room and weaving around them, preventing them from getting shots on her.

The civilians screamed as she dispatched the soldiers, throwing one into the glass overlooking the main reactor chamber.

She lowered the power on her weapon and shot each of the reactor workers in the head, coating their faces in orange M2 they had no choice to ingest, bar one, whom she pinned against a control panel, and forced into a deep kiss, feeding a small dose of M2, enough to subdue them.

She pulled back from the salacious kiss and let her tongue sweep through the air in satisfaction... before the glass shattered as a coil slug pierced it, almost hitting her horns.

She backed off with surprise, and then realised, down in the reactor chamber... were four REPAIR Agents.

Along with a large amount of explosives. A very large amount of explosives.

Even if it didn't trigger a catastrophic reactor explosion, which likely wasn't possible now the control room operators were subdued, unable to set the conditions to make it possible, it'd still potentially blow the reactor complex itself out the bottom of the station... or at the very least, cause a disastrous chain reaction.

She couldn't allow that.

She peaked again, only briefly, agents were faster to react than regular troops were, she knew that well.

But a brief glimpse was all she needed, having snapped several high-resolution frames. The four were in the standard-issue skin-tight pale orange-brown jumpsuits all REPAIR agents wore, a special design meant to work with their RM, rather than relying on additional armour... even if it was so tight they looked naked. Not that Gina minded now, she liked the look.

What caught her attention was they were all Rank C Agents. Fairly inexperienced, possessing only basic cybernetic replacements and augments. The ones aiming to become combatants were well trained, but often far less specialised than higher-ranked Agents, and definitely less skilled owing to their inexperience, as most didn't deploy to combat.

Only one of them appeared to be Hermaphroditic, their flaccid member contained in an external cradle. Quite fetishistic, but Gina didn't hate it anymore. She just wanted to free it.

They were a mixed bunch, a dark-skinned woman with short, pale hair; a brunette, the hermaphrodite, with blue eyes and sharp facial features and a slight tan; a youthful looking Agent with orange hair, green eyes and freckles; and another young-looking but curvaceous agent with curly blonde hair and brown eyes and pale skin.

All looked utterly delicious to Gina, but they seemed prepared, even despite how scared they looked, to sacrifice their lives to ensure the detonation.

Which made Gina wonder why they were even here to begin with; Rank C agents were typically research staff or trainees, given basic augments and RM in order to resist M2 corruption. Yes, with training, they were more threatening than regular humans, but normally Rank Cs engaging in combat tasks would be led by a Rank B agent, like she used to be.

To have an entire squad here without a Rank B leading them seemed negligent at best, even if, prior to this invasion, the risk to the station was only deemed moderate.

In the back of her mind, it made Gina angry they were expected to sacrifice themselves after effectively being left alone by their superiors.

That was more reason than ever to help them.

"Come out, Machina, and we'll show you humanity won't back down!" one of them shouted.

"Forget it," another hissed, likely the leader, "and finish arming the charges. We can't let them win here, we can't let all those people become monsters."

Admittedly, as much as Gina wanted to ravish them, it did fill her with rage and contempt over how willing they were to sacrifice innocent civilians just to deny humanity's best and only hope at a true future, and rage over how they were sent here without any superior Agent leadership. Their dedication was being exploited to use them as potent sacrificial pawns.

But, they were only Rank Cs, often the most naive Agents around. Still, they were Agents all the same, and they could wield Coilguns just fine.

However, at that moment, Gina's trump card skittered into the control room, and she grinned.

She switched to basic slugs, and shot out the windows of the control room... and let the dozen or so Larvae crawl across the walls.

"Larvae! Shoot them!"

The characteristic zappy twang of coilguns signalled their immediate distraction, and Gina leapt into the fray; the reactor chamber was a circular room with a large metallic shield atop of the core itself, which could lift up for maintenance and other operations. Giving Gina enough space to utilise her flight as she shot bolts of superheated energy at the agents' legs.
