MF Max Intel Ch. 06-10


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The food was pared with hot Wunai Moon tea which the family brought with them and Dassai Junmai Daigninjo Sake with a sweet and sour flavor profile that was both soft and smooth.

Vika, Emma, and Nike were hesitant at first, but after being shown how to use the Wasabi and Soy and using the gari to clean the palate they began trying some of the Sushi Rolls before gradually working their way up to some of the more exotic offerings.

Vika after one bite of Maguro / Toro was in love and Emma loved the Tako while Nike was partial to the Negitoro maki. The newbies to Sushi, having been warned, went ahead and used forks while the rest of the family enjoyed their meal with chopsticks. Soon the Wagyu Beef was ready, everyone having put in their preferences on the way to the Sushi Bar earlier and the family sat down to some cut with a fork beef and stir-fried vegetables with Miso soup.

Yumi was overcome with the tea, "Oh, Asa-chan! You must send me as much of this tea as you can! It is both delicate and full bodied at the same time with unique flavor notes I cannot quite place. Please, where is it from?"

Astrid smiled, Obasan, it is from a planet named Dau. The tea only grows under the light of their second moon and it is currently not distributed. However, Joon-chan has diplomatic ties with the rulers of Dau."

Yumi looked a bit embarrassed, but Joon rescued her, "Obasama, I apologize most profusely, but I anticipated you would enjoy the tea and I have enjoined the government of Dau to ship you 15 pounds of fresh Wunai Moon tea every two weeks. I hope I have not caused offense. I know Asa-chan would have mentioned it, but she did not want to appear as if she was being presumptive. It is my hope that your house and your tea shop will enjoy this offering as a gift." With that, Joon walked over to Yumi and bowed slightly as she offered her 15 pounds of ground Wunai Moon Tea leaves.

*Yumi is ecstatic with the gift.* Agatha informed.

Yumi accepted the tea with both hands. "Again, you honor my house. Domo arigatou gozaimasu Joon-chan."

Vika then spoke, "Obasan, in our culture, if one wishes answers to questions, one need only to ask. I know you have done a background check on us, but you will have found more questions than answers. It would be dishonorable for our family to hold secrets from one another. Would you allow us to explain who we are?"

"Vika-chan, you are very perceptive. But my first observation involves the changes in Asa-chan's appearance." Yumi replied as she turned back to Astrid.

Astrid then responded, "Obasan, as you know, I have always loved the fantasy genre. Well, Agatha-chan is not human and she has gifted us with requested body changes and given us magical fantasy class abilities.

Yumi raised an eyebrow, "Magical?"

Astrid smiled, "Chichi, would you please call one of your cats for Obasan to examine?"

Howard nodded and summoned one of his cats on duty which came flying over to land a respectful distance from Yumi. It bowed politely and purred, inviting head scritches. Yumi's eyes were clear and calculating as she reached out to softly scratch behind the big cat's ears. The purrs got louder.

"Osolomoriah-san, you have come far in your teachings since we last met."

Mercedes, along with everyone else--but she was the one to voice it, "You have met before?"

Howard blushed and cleared his throat, "Yumisama's Otousan was both her and my Sensei."

Astrid was floored, her mouth hung open in shock. Vika walked over and lifted her chin with a gentle touch of her jaw and Paula smiled. Mercedes, Joon, and Max were just dumbfounded. Samira just laughed, "Small universe indeed!"

Everyone had finished eating and Howard asked, "Yumisama, would you like to fly on the back of my sigil?"

Yumi smiled and in a very deft move she, opened side slits on her kimono, and stepped over the now prone, enlarged animal, sitting just behind the shoulders and above the wings of the Panther. The large cat slowly gained speed before extending its wings and Yumi was squealing like a little girl as she flew around the estate. Soon the well-set hair, held in place with long needles, was flying behind her like a silver cape, her arms outstretched to the wind.

Slow circles slowly moved to minor acrobatic moves and soon Yumi was doing barrel rolls and immelmanns. Astrid looked to Howard and asked, "Please do not kill my aunt, dad."

Howard laughed, "I am not directing the cat. Yumi is with her feet and legs."

Soon other enlarged winged panthers arrived and laid down on all fours for Joon, Max, Samira, Paula, Vika, Astrid, Howard, Mercedes, Nike, Emma, and an Agatha who mounted and soon were all flying with Yumi in two Octahedron shaped flights: one lead by Yumi and another by Howard. The flights were perfectly synchronized and flew as if of one mind... the cats seemingly communicating with one another.

After about 20 minutes the two flights landed and Yumi ran up and gave Howard a huge hug. With blushing cheeks she announced to Howard, "Payment in full."

Max looked at Dad and raised her eyebrow this time. Howard chuckled and said, "The agreement between my Sensei and myself was Yumisama would hold my marker. And should she ever call it in, I was to accept whatever she asked of me in payment for being taught his style. But Yumisama, this cannot be payment as you didn't call in the marker beforehand. This was a gift from my heart."

Yumi then proclaimed, "Meet back here in 15 minutes with your Panther rides. We will ride them to Fanta-Con! Shitsujisan, we will eat at the convention tonight." With that, Yumi clapped her hands and everyone moved like the wind.


It was total bedlam in the CQ as all the women were rushing to get dressed:

Howard and Mercedes wore their armor.

Samira wore a grey Solomoriah imprinted in silver tabard,

Joon wore a cape of deep purple over her shoulders collected with a gold chain, navy blue jeans, a frilled white silk form fitting blouse and a silver vest.

Max wore her black knight uniform trimmed in silver...and carried Joon's double necked guitar in its armored case.

Paula wore an iridescent green pointed witch's hat with matching cape, vest, pump shoes, and pants along with a yellow blouse.

Astrid wore an outfit made of Oricalcum, but made to look like a pleated skirt and vest with a golden blouse. As soon as she saw Max with Joon's guitar case, she also packed her holovid drones.

Vika wore a brown cowl with a Solomoriah sigil on its back and a dark red leather top, black leather pants and no shoes.

Nike and Emma decided to go as their fantasy characters... so Djinn and Ghost. Emma was able to hide her lady bits with mists while Nike hid hers with flames.

The crew were ready except for Agatha. Joon asked what she intended to wear, and a hand looked at her and then at the door to the CQ. Agatha walked in and everyone's jaw dropped. Agatha decided to change the likeness of one of her hands to an upright cat based upon Max's Agatha... complete with fur, retractable talons, and feline facial features.

Astrid yelped, "Agatha! You are so cute!" Everyone nodded their agreement as Max reached behind her ears and gave her scritchens, eliciting loud purrs from the cat woman.

Everyone then sprinted down the gangways to the cargo bay and got their ride, except for Nike and Emma who decided to just fly themselves. The oversized, black, winged cats then took one bound and flew back to the cherry orchard where Yumi was waiting for them in a white silk Onna-Bugeisha fighting Gi with her family sigil, a pouncing winged tiger, emblazoned on her back and on each shoulder. She had two crossed Katana bound on her back, the hilts above each shoulder.

Yumi assessed her guests, realizing each one had worn a costume relating to their fantasy class powers. She did a double take seeing the Djinn and Ghost and looked to Howard and slightly nodded, "Now I understand the intelligence reports."

With those who could not fly riding their winged Panthers, the troupe rose up into the early afternoon sun and proceeded southward to the Jericho civic center and outdoor festival where Fanta-Con was being held. On the way, Joon swiped her 'Glamour' a maximum number of times.


"Base to JPD unit 069, be advised we are picking up 12 small flying craft heading into the Fanta-Con no-fly zone and are not responding to hails. Your path to intercept is 73 degrees relative, over."

"10-04 unit 069 in route."

... "Unit 069 to JPD Base."

"JPD Base to Unit 069, report."

"I have video to prove this, but the reason they are not responding is because we have what looks like a ghost and a fire demon along with various other Fanta-Con characters who are on flying Panters. Over."

"JPD Base to Unit 069, knock off the bullshit and report, over."

"Unit 069 to JPD Base, hence the video. Uploading now. They are circling in an attempt to land on the grounds, what are your orders? Over."

"Holy fuck! Get the Major down here, NOW!" The dispatcher yelled, "JPD Base to Unit 069, follow and investigate only. Take no further action until the Shift Captain has arrived with backup. Over."

The officer heaved a sigh of relief, "10-4 JPD Base."


Agatha pushed, *We have company. Seems to be a police officer.*

Mas looked back, seeing the hover car, *Hostile?*

Agatha pushed a giggle, *In wonder, curious, a bit intimidated, but not hostile.*

Max pulled out of formation and flew parallel to the door of the police hover car, motioning for the driver to roll down his window for a confab. "Hiya officer! We are not a threat, the Ambassador and her Aunt Yumi wanted to take her family to Fanta-Con. If you want to ask us any questions, we will be available after landing. That work for you?"

"Uh, yeah. That works. Do you mean Yumi as in Yumi Komatsu?"

Max laughed, "Got it in one, officer! See you when we land!"

"Fuck! ... Unit 069 to JPD Base."

"Unit 069 this is Major Hendrix, whatcha got. Over."

"Major, it seems the family of Yumi Komatsu, which includes one T-Fed Ambassador, is using flying Panthers to visit Fanta-Con. Over."

"Yeah, I saw those unique hover cars. Land with them so we can verify... and be polite. I don't want the paperwork, copy?"

"Major, no offense, but I got a good look up close when one rider flew beside me. If those are mechanical hover cars, I will be very surprised. Up close and personal they look like real, winged, flying Panthers, Sir. Over."

"Easy son, you are mistaken. No such thing. We both know that. Yes?"

"If you say so, Major. Perhaps you would want to come take a look for yourself. But that still doesn't explain the ghost and the fire demon, Sir."

"ETA is 10 minutes."


Ginny was with her sorority friends and Lisa, one of the group, shrieked and pointed up in the air. Ginny looked up and saw... "Oh my gosh! Are those flying cats? And there are people riding them!!?"

Lisa shouted, "And they have a Djinn and a Ghost with them!... and they are LANDING!"

Soon everyone in the vicinity saw the group in the sky and people made space for them to land.


Max called out to the two flights, "I want Samira and Paula to land first and secure the landing with their cats and themselves. We will then go in and land two at a time, adding to the perimeter in this order, Vika and Joon, Obasama and Howard, Astrid and Mercedes, Myself and Agatha, and Nike with Emma last. After we land make room for the police hover car in our midst. The JPD have a few questions. Obasama and Joon, would you like to handle the JPD?"

Both nodded and the landing pattern got tighter as the group circled, waiting their time to land.


The Unit 069 officers looked at each other and mutually agreed, 360 video coverage as well as body cams on. "We are not going to do shit. Not with Yumi Komatsu and a T-Fed Ambassador in the group."


As the group landed, more and more spectators gathered around, many in their Fanta-Con outfits. The cats were the perfect barrier, no one being quite sure what to make of them. Finally, the police hover car landed in the middle of them and Yumi, along with Joon and Paula, greeted the officers.

Just as they were about to make introductions, a young girl broke away from her mother yelling, "Kitty cats!" and made a bee line for one of the Panthers who was next to Mercedes. Mom screamed, "NOOOOO!" as she ran towards her daughter. She did not reach her before the girl had run up and hugged the huge Panther around the neck. Mercedes smiled at mom, who was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane, and said, "They are our security, but your daughter is safe. She then demonstrated to the little girl, "If you want to make it your friend all you have to do is scratch her behind the ears like this." Mercedes showed the girl how to give her Panther scritchens and the little girl laughed and giggled as she took up the scratching.

The Panther purred loudly and lay down for the girl to climb on top. With mother watching close by, the huge cat stood and walked the little girl around in a slow circle with everyone taking pictures on their holographic devices.

The officers, having heard a woman screaming, turned toward the sound to see the whole incident. One of them had drawn his weapon to try and save the girl if needed.

Joon, in a calming voice said, "Officer, a Terran Federation Dreadnought doesn't have the firepower to kill one of these cats. If you shoot, you may hit the child, you will cause the cat to think you are a threat, and if it decides to attack, you will be dead before you hit the ground. Please, put your firearm away... For your own safety."

His partner put her hand on the firearm and said, "Diplomat and Komatsu."

The firearm was holstered.

The female officer asked, "So, they are real?"

Joon pulled out her diplomatic credentials and introduced herself, "I am Lady Jooniper Anders, Ambassador to the Minor Empires. My family, who are also my staff, are on holiday enjoying Fanta-Con as it is on the bucket list of one of my wives. And the cats are as real as you would be able to understand."

Joon called over her Panther, "She likes scritchens behind her ears." Both officers looked at the little girl riding another Panther and they both reached up to scratch the one standing in front of them...the big cat standing five feet high at the withers. The Panther purred and the officers observed the cat, looking into its eyes and noticing the presence of intelligence behind them.

One of the Officers asked, "Might you be Miss Yumi Komatsu?"

Yumi smiled, "I see my reputation precedes me."

"Ma-am, your philanthropy and tea are renowned." The lady officer replied with a respectful bow.

The male officer then asked, "Please, can you explain the Ghost and Fire Girls?"

Yumi laughed, "I take it you have never seen a real Ghost or Djinn before?"

The officer laughed, "No, really."

Joon called over Nike and Emma. "Ladies, our friends here wanted to meet a real-life Ghost and Djinn."

One officer held out his hand to Emma only to find hers went through his. "Oh! A hologram!"

Emma laughed, turned back into a human, and said, "Not exactly." before taking the officer's hand again. The cat had taken up position to hide her nudity from the crowds, but Emma changed back quickly so as not to make a scene... at which time, the officer's hand was grasping smoke again.

"Holy shit!"


Just at that moment 4 different squad cars came over the horizon with their lights flashing and sirens on. "Unit 069, this is Major Hendrix. Is that you on the fairgrounds?"

"Affirmative, Major. Everything is calm and under control. Over."

Joon asked for the mike, which the officer surrendered, "Major Hendrix, I am Ambassador Jooniper Anders but my stage name is Jooniper Smith. I will send you one of my pets to escort you down."

With that Joon handed back the mike and nodded to her Panther who took off and met the Major's holo car; escorting it into a spiral landing pattern to land next to the squad car. The other vehicles holding station over the group.

The Major got out and walked smartly over to Yumi. "Mrs. Komatsu, are your drones dangerous?"

Yumi laughed, "They are not drones, Major; they are Solomoriah. And they are benign unless one of the family is attacked, then they are unstoppable and deadly."

"Solo...yeah, whatever. If they are dangerous they must leave or we will have to put them down."

Yumi smiled, Joon-san, may I give the Major a demonstration?"

Joon looked at her cat, "You understand and up for this?"

The cat purred and nodded.

Yumi pulled one of her Katana out and let the Major inspect it. He raised an eyebrow when he realized it was an authentic Japanese sword. Yumi then drew the other sword and with both, she viciously attacked the Panther. The swords passed harmlessly through the cat."

The Major laughed, "So a hologram, then."

Yumi laughed and, after sheathing her swords, took the Major's hand and put it on the head of the Panther. "That feel like a hologram to you?"

"But, that's impossible!" Major Hendrix exclaimed.

Joon giggled, "Obviously not, Major." Joon continued, "I was going to give an impromptu concert after dusk this evening, would you and your officers like to attend?"

The female officer shouted, "That's where I know you from! Those holovids! The one from Dau and Staverka! And the one for the Military!"

Joon smiled, "I hope you enjoyed my recent works."

"Oh my gosh! They were amazing! And your voice is just otherworldly!"

Major Hendrix replied, "Ladies, with who the two of you are, I think it wise if we just set an unobtrusive watch over you all for safety's sake."

Yumi smiled, "You are most gracious, Major. And, for your peace of mind, we gladly accept."

The Major smiled, "Yeah, that paperwork would be a.....pain."


With the adults being a bit wary of the size of the mythical cats, few children were allowed to ride them, although there were some young girls from a sorority who begged to go on a short ride. The Panthers took it all in stride and gave the girls a toe curdling, acrobatic ride that had them all screaming at the tops of their lungs. After that, no one else asked. Max wondered to the family, *Seems our cats developed their own way of thinning the herd. LOL*

After the children who were allowed got a ride, seeing the sights and visiting the open-air bazaar was on the list. One vendor was selling high quality Fanta-Con t-shirts and Joon insisted everyone get two sets. She made sure Agatha got plenty for all her hands as well.

Everywhere they went, the cats, Nike, Emma, Samira, and Agatha were the center of attention as they were easily the most overwhelming. The Panthers kept a perimeter around the family who enjoyed waving at the crowds now staring at them and murmuring. Some recognized Twix from their gaming days, some recognized Joon from her Holo videos, some recognized Sami-fawn. But the hits of the entourage were definitely the winged Panthers and Agatha.

One of the vendors was serving thinly sliced, rotisseried pork loin that had been injected with key lime juice, salt, and pepper. It was served on a bun with Au jus to the side. The toasted bun was served with a cilantro spiced mayonnaise and a side of spiral cut fried potatoes. Vegetable juice was also served with the meal.

Paula thought to the family, *There is so much that can be done with this dish. Fear not, my family, this will not be the only time you eat this.*

Vika looked to Paula and smiled, having seen what she would do with this in the future.


Howard looked to Yumi, "Yumisama, does Astrid know?"

Astrid looked to dad, then to her aunt. After a moment she asked, "Obasama?"

Yumi looked to her niece and smiled, "Asa-chan, it is time you knew of your real heritage."
