MF Max Intel Ch. 06-10

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Justice is served cold.
52.4k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/14/2024
Created 04/02/2024
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A note to the reader: These chapters were recreated here with the written consent of both the original fanfic author and the original of the epic upon which this fanfic is based.

Max Intel: Melinoe Chapter 6


Astrid was excited to be calling her aunt Yumi. She called up a holo-interface and tapped in the long address.

The connection was made, and a hologram coalesced. The white streak haired image of Obasan appeared, "Thank you for calling 'Tiger-Tiger-Teahouse'. May I help you?"

The woman's jaw dropped, "Asa-chan! I still do not recognize your address! Where are you now!"

"I am just leaving the Slarmian Dynasty, Obasan. I am on vacation, and I am coming to Terran space. My wives and I would like to come by and spend some time with you." Astrid said through a beaming smile.

Obasan's face immediately lit up with joy, "Oh Asa-chan! All of you must come to my summer home and stay for the duration. Oh Astrid, I am so happy you are coming to visit!" Yumi exclaimed.

Astrid smiled broadly, "Thank you, Obasan. Ingrid, must not learn of our coming, she has designs that need to die on the vine."

"Come Asa-chan. We will have a glorious feast with your many wives!"

Astrid smiled as she did a short bow, "Thank you Obasan, We will be with you in a week's time."

Yumi smiled, "I will look forward to your arrival, sweet Asa-chan."

"I need to go Obasan, please keep our arrival on the quiet." Astrid asked with some humor.

Yumi nodded with understanding, "Ingrid will not learn of it from me."

"Thank you Obasan. I love you! Be well and stay safe." Astrid said with emotion.

Yumi raised her hand and waved as the hologram dissipated and the connection ended.

Joon sat in the Med Bay and opened a holo-vid call to her parents. Howard was in the kitchen when an untraceable call came through. Realizing it was probably his daughter he answered and smiled at her, "Hello! How are things?"

"Well, my appetite is good (appetite meaning shit hit the fan again and good saying everyone came out unhurt). We will soon be restocking (visiting) on food so the menu will expand (tell you more later) a bit for a few days (we will be arriving in two days time). How are things with you and mom?" (a visit is okay/safe?)

"Well that is wonderful to hear! (Yes, all is safe here.) Your mother will be happy you are eating well." (Happy to hear everyone made it through safely.)

"Tell mom I love her." (Lots of news to share.)

"I will, honey. You be safe!" (Looking forward to hearing it. Will not advise anyone you are coming.)

Joon blew her father a kiss and ended the call as Max put out a call to the family, *I need the entire family in the cargo hold, please. It is time we brought the twins up to speed.*


The family gathered in the cargo hold; Agatha having let the twins know the family was going to bring the kids up to speed on their abilities.

"This is going to be so exciting!" Nike squealed while the twins walked as quickly as they could to the cargo hold where everyone took a seat along the wall except Max, who set the atmospheric force field over the bay door before opening it into space.

"Emma, Nike, I thought it was time to bring you two up to speed on all our abilities since the two of you will soon begin to experience yours. Agatha, would you mind explaining what fantasy characters their gifts will be based upon so they can get a quick feel for what to expect?"

Agatha smiled softly, "I don't mind. As a matter of fact, their fantasy ability sets are going to be somewhat dramatic so it is probably a good idea to clue them in, even though they will have had a load of experience using them already."

"Emma your fantasy gifts will center around Ghost. I am pretty sure you already know of the skill sets that will give you since you game as one. I also suspect you will gain your abilities rather quickly as you are already familiar with using them."

Emma giggled, "Oh Agatha! That is going to be so cool! Yes, Darkvision, Incorporeal, Immune, Fly, Knowledge, Sense both Motive and Enchantment, Frightful Moan, and Stealth are the main ones."

Joon asked, "Is Darkvision what we have?"

Agatha nodded, "Yes and no. A creature with Darkvision can see in total darkness, usually to a range of 60 feet. Within this range the creature can see as clearly as a sighted creature could see in an area of bright light. Darkvision is black and white only but otherwise like normal sight. What the rest of the family has is multi-spectral vision. If there are any photonic wavelengths, the family can see. With Darkvision, Emma can see without any light at all."

"How is Incorporeal different from my Spiritwalk?"

"You leave your body to Spiritwalk. Your body stays where it is until you Shadowstep. Emma is just a vapor all the time when using her base ability which means she can walk through walls body and all."

Astrid then spoke up, "And Immune?"

"A creature with immune takes no damage from afflictions, conditions, spells, and other effects. Which makes Emma pretty much indestructible, except by a very powerful Sorcerer or Witch who can outclass her Immunity ability."

Nike then raised an eyebrow, "And my abilities?"

Agatha chuckled, "You, my sweet young lady, are a Djin."

Nike laughed and did a quick happy dance.

Paula asked, "I have heard of them, aren't they like fire people?"

"Djin are supernatural creatures that are capable of assuming human or animal form and are said to be able to dwell in all conceivable inanimate objects. They are house fairies who move into a house and keep the firewood dry along with bringing gifts of gold and grain to the master of the house. They can travel the world in a split second and bring their masters a present back from far away places," Replied Samira, "They are beings of smokeless flame by nature, in the same manner in which humans are said to be made of earth, and they cannot be seen by human beings unless they wish to be seen."

Agatha added, "She also has the ability to fly, grant wishes, heal, draw wealth, create luck, push calming auras, possession, and prophesy."

"Are they immortal as well?" Max asked.

Nike answered, "No, if they take the form of an animal, they can be killed just like that animal."

Joon nodded. "Well, we seem to have a good handle on what to expect with our newest family members. Let's talk a bit about our abilities. Max, would you go first, please?"

Max winked, "I am of the Warrior class. I have the ability to slow down time. I can also hit a target at extreme ranges with pinpoint accuracy and I never miss. My reaction times are superhuman. Astrid, who is a Sorceress-Mage, has created magical gloves for me that allow me to pull hard light weapons from thin air such as a bow, arrows, and a long-staffed blade."

Max then demonstrated by pulling her bow and quickly firing 30 arrows out the open cargo bay door in less than 10 seconds. "I cannot shoot targets inside the ship as it will put holes in the Titanium."

Vika then continued with the reveal, "I am a Rogue-Shaman. I have Portent which allows me to live parts of the future many times to find a path where I meet the goals I wish. I have Cloak ability to disappear and stay hidden. I can Spiritwalk through walls, space, and objects as well as Shadowstep or disappear and reappear anywhere I can get a visual fix. Additionally, I and the rest of the family are bulletproof up to 50 caliber weapons...though the bigger ones can still bruise us."

Vika continued, "I am also an Adept Master of the Skewark Wind blades as well as a Ca'tagri Adept Master of knife blades and swords. Like Max, I have magical gloves that allow me to pull up my weapons from thin air."

Vika demonstrated her abilities by throwing a dozen windblades out the cargo bay door while poofing and reappearing all over the cargo hold.

Astrid began, "I am a Sorceress-Mage." She walks over to her battle bots, "I am able to make Oricalcum metal which is a magical metal much stronger than the strongest Titanium alloy and absorbs 99.9% of laser energy. I have also made magic gloves that allow Max and Vika to pull their weapons from thin air. Additionally, I can create a shield that absorbs kinetic energy from strikes or force waves and feeds it back to me as energy I can use.

I'm Paula the Witch. I can push or pull fortune to or from people or Hex them at will. I have a magic mirror which Astrid made for me that allows me to see any scene I desire in real time through its pane. I can also put a trace on anyone I wish so I always know where they are. I have recently worked a spell called Hearth that will pull myself and anyone within my sphere back to this cargo hold from anywhere with a quick incantation."

I am Samira the Paladin. I can create hard light shields for myself as well as others around me. I can also use hard light to isolate others. My melee weapon is the mystical Durandal, the sword of the Paladin Roland, a blade with no equal which can slice the finest steel with ease." Samira summoned her hard light armor and shield before drawing Durandal and brandishing the weapon in a martial display of beautiful arcs, feints, and cuts.

She then dispersed all of her hard light constructs and fired 4 laser blasts through the shielding at the open cargo hatch before opening her thighs and pulling out her four oricalcum pistols, firing four quick rounds through the same hatch.

Finally, Joon stood forward. "I am Joon, the Bard-Priest. I can create a bubble of sanctuary where only those I allow may enter and no harm may come to them. I can bless others with a healing aura, and I am able to give myself multiple layers of glamour which makes me more beautiful as well as strengthens my vocals. My deity is Angharradh, the Triune Goddess and primary deity of Elvish women and she endows me with gifts of health, music, and diplomacy."

Last but not least was Agatha who smiled and merely said, "I am Agatha, the ultimate fantasy heroine with the powers of all the fantasy realm characters. I can create life, planets...even solar systems. I can influence people through dreams, and I can enhance those whom I wish as I wish, which is why my family has the skills they do."

Nike and Emma were speechless for a bit until Nike asked, "How do you manifest your abilities?"

Max replied, "Through an expression of will. You think of what you want and have the expectation it will manifest. New skills seem to create an itch in your mind which you have to embrace and allow to manifest. After the first time you are able to manifest a skill, it becomes much easier...especially with time and practice."

Emma nodded and bowed her head, closing her eyes in concentration. The family looked on and gasped with Nike clapping her hands, "Oh Emma! You can already manifest Ghost!"

Emma opened her eyes, gave a giggle and began to fly around the room, even going through bulkheads and the shielding of the open cargo bay door into space before returning and letting out a mournful cry, "Ooooohhhhhhhhhhh!"

Everyone in the cargo bay was instantly petrified and could not move until they were able to shake off the effects.

Nike laughed, "Damn! Feeling that in real life is so different than in cyber!"

Samira shook her head, "Yeah, we need to practice with you quite a bit so we can work through that fear and still fight. That is one heck of an advantage when you can disorient your foes before you strike."

With a nod from Paula, Astrid held out a pair of gloves for Emma, "Put these on so you can call upon the Staff of Kaladanda when needed as your weapon."

Emma put on the gloves and Paula touched them. Her eyes blazed as she enchanted them, and the gloves became wisps of smoke that covered her hands and forearms like a fog. Paula then smiled and backed away.

"The Kaladanda Staff is associated with Yama, the Hindu God of Death. It is a lethal and ferocious stick, sometimes referred to as club. Yama got Kaladanda as a blessing from Brahma, the lord of creation. The Staff of Death is the ultimate weapon, and nothing can stop it. No boon can protect a living being from it. Once the Kaladanda is thrown it will kill the intended living being. So be sure you want to kill before striking anyone with it. It does, however, have a safety mechanism. You have to want to kill for it to operate properly."

Emma's eyes were as round as saucers, and she reached behind her back as Max and Vika had done. She gasped as she pulled forth a 5 foot staff shimmering with power. It had a distinct shape of a walking stick with a slightly bulbous top. The staff was opaque, looking like it was made of dense fog, with wisps of smoke that poured off it like dry ice smoking in water. "Hhhow, do I use it?"

Astrid replied, "You strike or chuck it at a target with the intent to kill. It will seek the target, if chucked, with supernatural homing and will not miss or be deflected."

Emma nodded, "Okay, how do I practice with it?"

Paula smirked, "You don't. I will make you an oricalcum staff you can practice with. Vika, Max, and Samira can teach you how to wield it properly."

Emma looked over at her older sister with hope in her eyes and Max smiled back, nodding...just as Nike burst into flames.

"Oh, this is so cool!" Nike exclaimed.

"No, it is so hot!" Astrid exclaimed, "Will down the temperature a bit, please?"

Nike nodded and closed her eyes. After a moment the heat of her flames dissipated and she stood before the family as a flame sprite in all her glory. Sadly, she had incinerated her clothes so she was obviously a naked woman in living flame form. Emma put away her staff and the twins held hands as they flew around the cargo bay, laughing and playing to everyone's delight.

When they landed, Astrid held out Nike's gloves and after donning them, Paula enchanted them. They immediately transformed into a set of plasma gloves that covered and protected her hands and lower arms from harm.

"Nike: Your weapon is Dyrnwyn-- Sword of Rhydderch Hael from Welsh legend. When drawn, it will blaze with fire; if drawn by a worthy person, the fire would help them in their cause, but its fire would burn anyone who drew it for an unworthy purpose. The Dyrnwyn, or White-Hilt, is said to be a powerful sword belonging to Rhydderch Hael, one of the Three Generous Men of Britain mentioned in the Welsh Triads. Rhydderch was never reluctant to hand the weapon to anyone, hence his nickname Hael meaning "the Generous", but the recipients, as soon as they had learned of its peculiar properties, always rejected the sword."

Nike grasp her waist as if drawing a sword from its scabbard and in her hand appeared a very dark red sword with a white hilt. It immediately burst into flames that ran along both edges and over the hilt, the flames making a consuming sound as they lapped at the air. "Okay, this is really cool!" Nike exclaimed with glee.

Astrid giggled, "I will make you a practice sword so you can train as well."

Joon asked out loud, "How are they so easily able to manifest their skills?"

Astrid provided a possible answer, "It is likely because they are used to taking these forms in Cyberspace so it is not something new to either of them to take on these personas."

The family agreed that made sense. Just as they were about to leave the cargo bay Nike spoke up, "Wait a moment."

Nike felt drawn to some of the asteroids around the ship and soon she was traveling faster than the eye could see to each of them. She was able to extract large deposits of gold, silver, and copper and placed them in large plastic drums that lined one wall of the bay. Soon she had collected 5 tons of each metal and she stopped, standing back in front of her family. "Astrid, I got you the metals you needed to make Oricalcum items for Emma and me," speaking as she pointed to the now full plastic drums.

Astrid jumped into Nike's arms as the family gasped, worried she would be burned. However, Nike was able to control her ability to the point Astrid wasn't harmed. "Oh thank you Nike! You are indeed a handy Djin to have around!"


Soumii was working through the manifest of Golamar when she came across an entry stating the platform had acquired about 500 tons of a metal called Tyrenium. She walked over to where Agatha was working on retrofit plans and asked, "Agatha, iss the metal Tyrenium usseful for anything? We have 500 tonss of it on Freeport and if we can move it that might defray the cosstss of our refit."

Agatha looked away for a moment as she spoke to Max, *Max, does the Terran Federation have any use for Tyrenium?*

*Actually, yes, very much so. It is currently worth about 25 million a ton.*

*Well, we have 500 tonnes on Freeport. Should we call T-Fed and make an offer?*

*Absolutely! That would put over 12.5 billion in your coffers and T-Fed can do the trade remotely, setting up an account for Freeport with the Henry Voss Corporation's interplanetary banking consortium for you. Use the proceeds to get Freeport up and running and set up a salary schedule with everyone.*

Astrid smiled to herself, having been included the conversation with Max. Not only had Freeport just paid for itself, it also just paid for the refit!

"Soumii, we should call the Terran Federation. That ore is going for 25 million a ton!"

Soumii grabbed a chair and sat down. "Pleasse, Agatha, make the call and I will sspeak to them with you here."

Agatha made the call to the Terran Federation. It took a few minutes for the call to connect, but eventually a very kind operator answered, "Hello, you have reached the Terran Federation Naval Communications Center for Olympus Shipyard. My I inquire as to the reason for your call?"

Soumii took a deep breath, "Yess. I am the Adminisstrator of Freeport and I sspoke earlier with an Admiral Harriss. I wass wondering if I might sspeak with him if he iss available. We have ssome Tyrenium we would like to ssell."

The Naval person sat up smartly and smiled, "Let me connect you to Admiral Charles Harris' office."

After a few moments the call was transferred and Admiral Charles Harris greeted her, "Hello Administrator Soumii. It is a pleasure to hear from you again. How might I help you?"

"Admiral Harriss, I wass going through our manifesstss and noted we have 500 tonss of Tyrenium we can ssell the Terran Federation. Would you be interessted?"

Charles's eyes went wide, "I'm sorry, did you say 500 tons?"

"Yess, Admiral. If you are interessted in purchassing the ore we can jusst set up an account in our name with the Henry Vosss Corporation'ss interplanetary banking conssortium and we can sship the ore back with your sship as it comess to collect the one we recovered for you, ssaving everyone any additional cosstss. We are aware the Terran Federation iss in the midsst of a masssive rebuilding program and thought the ore would be helpful."

"How much per ton are you asking?" Charles asked with an acquisitive arch to his eyebrow, a slow smile spreading across his face.

"Ass rare ass the metal iss, given it is already refined to 100% purity, and given your recent ssituation along with the sship we are returning free of charge, we believe 30 million a tonne iss a fair price."

Charles whistled, "15 billion credits! While you are right that we need it, I cannot authorize that amount. Is there something we can work out?"

Soumii thought for a moment, "How about we trade you 1/24th of the full sshipment every other month and have paymentss be sspread over 48 Terran monthss in a near interesst free loan? That would be 520,833,334 creditss every two monthss beginning on the day of initial transsfer and further paymentss and sshipmentss due by the end of businesss on each 60 Terran day mark afterward which will provide you with a bit over 10 tonss a month."

"Deliveriess and paymentss after each 6th month may be delayed by either party upon one month'ss notice for not more than two monthss per delivery sso ass not to over stresss the Federation'ss cassh flow. Finally, all deliveriess of all goodss from Freeport to the Terran Federation, after the initial delivery, sshall be negotiated exclussively between the Terran Federation and the Bract Conglomerate."
