Michelle's Story


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Swallowing hard Michelle forced herself not to throw up, "Please Mervin there's a good boy now. You just go on home and we won't say anything about this, okay?"

Their eyes met and she looked at his face. Ever since they'd met, she had always detested the way his facial flesh sagged beyond his cheekbones and the way his eye was exposed. Seeing the way his eye moved in its socket just made her cringe and a shiver run down her spine in fear of him. Now as he stopped just inside her splayed legs as they dangle off the side of the bed a smile formed on his lips and as it formed so the drool run down and over his chin.

"Oh God, please Mervin?"

He slobbered on the drool, trying to suck the salvia back into his mouth, and making a disgusting sound as he did. However, his smile only allowed more to dribble out. "I can't do that Mrs Stevens." he managed to say after clearing his throat.

"Please Mervin?"

Andy got to the door to their bedroom. It was then he heard Mervin's voice. Christ, he thought, he shouldn't be here. What's he doing in our bedroom?

He stood at the door; it was open. He could see most of the room but not enough to see all of the bed. Then it hit him, the thought had his cock growing instantly; "Mervin is trying to fuck my wife," he thought

Andy looked round the door to find Michelle still lying in the same position, her long black hair sprayed about her head. There was Mervin crouching down between her knees; Michelle's pleated skirt high up on her thighs revealing her sex and stocking tops just how he'd left her. Mervin was obviously looking at her black haired slit. He really couldn't see much from his position and if he moved further into the room, they would see him and he wasn't ready to make his entrance just yet.

Andy suddenly realised that he was probably looking at the remains of what he'd deposited there earlier. Mervin stared at Michelle's minge for what seemed like ages. Moreover, as time went by so he began to think that that was all he was going to do but then he saw movement at his crotch and the sound of Mervin's zipper.

"You look beautiful Mrs Stevens. I always thought you were a lovely lady. I told Mr Stevens the other day and he agreed with me."

"Thank you Mervin. Would you please leave the room now so that I can get dressed and we can talk to each other properly?"

"I can't do that Mrs Stevens. I've seen the ladies in the magazines," he tittered knowing what he was saying was naughty, "You know Mrs Stevens, the ones with the naked ladies showing all their bits," this time he snorted and sucked in air through his nose making a whinnied sound. As he did he spat saliva; bursting out in a fine shower to land over Michelle's thighs.

She groaned in despair. Never in her life had she been so embarrassed. The drink she'd had tonight, like always if she were to over indulge, not only had it gone straight to her head but also incapacitated her.

This is a nightmare; flaked out on their bed with a retard gawking at her naked sex.

Michelle closed her eyes knowing that she was laying with her dress up a pillow under her bum and her cunt pushed up for anyone to see. Andy had left her like this after using her, she couldn't move, she daren't move for fear of puking up everything she'd eaten today.

So there she was hoping for Mervin to see sense and go home. The thumping in her chest was hurting as she thought of her abandonment by her husband and the only sound in the room was Mervin's heavy breathing, a mild wheezing sound.

Michelle had to do something and looked back down my body. She was horror stricken; to see Mervin was now kneeling between my open legs taking a closer look at her sex. His fascination seemed to boarder on the ridiculous. Never having seen the female genitals in real life before must be an attraction that needed to be experienced. Michelle drunkenly giggled.

Then above the noise of his breathing, she heard the distinct sound of his zipper. To her, the sound seemed to vibrate throughout the room making the horror of her predicament even more acute. Michelle wanted to get up and get away.

"Mervin what are you doing?" she asked craning her head for a better look. Michelle felt her head was on the verge of spinning out of control.

"You have a beautiful cunny Mrs Stevens," Mervin said as he rummaged in his trousers.

She couldn't see it but Michelle knew he had his penis out. He shovelled forward moving further up between her legs until she left him touching my inner thighs with his body.

"Mervin don't," she cried out tears welling up, "You must not do this." The obvious slur of her voice was more noticeable. She could not control it. Her head span out of control, she was going to be sick.

Andy stood watching his face a mixture of excitement lust and fear all rolled into one.

"My God, he really is going to do it," he thought.

At first, the whole idea angered him. He felt like storming in there and punching the shit out of him. However, his desire to see Michelle in this kind of predicament took precedence and though he had actually taken the first steps to make his entrance with clenched fists he held back while his cock strained at his trousers. Andy heard Michelle, with a drunken slur, order Mervin to stop. She was obviously in no state to get up; her desire to keep up with Karen in drinking had left her incapable of protecting herself. Michelle was at the mercy of Mervin's teenage mind.

Andy looked on to see the look on Mervin's face. His lust was evident. Yet he still couldn't see whether he'd penetrated her or not but his face indicated that he had. His look said it all and Andy suddenly felt the lust well up within him. He felt his heart racing, pumping blood round his body at such a rate that he felt lightheaded. His cock strained against the material confining it and he swiftly thought, yes, go for it Mervin, fuck her!

Suddenly Michelle jerked back at the touch of Mervin's penis against her minge flaps. As he pushed so she tried to move her sex away from him but he grabbed her by her hips and pushed home.

Michelle was craning her neck again and Mervin looked at her. She could see the lust in his eyes and the hesitation. "I've got to do it Mrs Stevens. I have to try it," he replied saliva still dribbling down his chin. He licked his lips with a sucking sound as he tried to catch the drool. It escaped and dripped onto her black pubic hair. It was then she got the first whiff of his bad body odour. That smell made her feelings of nausea even worse.

He was in her, his cock head slipped into her with ease due mostly because of Andy's earlier deposit and she suddenly realised that her body had betrayed her even with the horror of it all. His length kept going as he pushed his cock all the way into her and she gasped at the length and girth of it.

Michelle then felt drool splash on my lower belly. "Oh Mrs Stevens you feel lovely," Mervin gasped then tried to suck in the remainder of the drool left on his lips making a slurping sound.

Mervin remained unmoving.

Michelle had her eyes closed in despair as this retarded male started to use her. He still hadn't moved and as the seconds ticked by so she opened her eyes. Mervin was crouching between her open thighs, eyes closed and mouth open with a look of pure pleasure on his face. The room started to spin again and she closed her eyes to try to stop it.

Then she felt the throb, that little jerk deep inside of her. "My God," she thought, "he's actually going to come in me." There was another throb and then she felt it, the warmth of his spunk hitting her insides. Michelle groaned knowing this man had used her, soiled her. Then that nauseating smell hit her and she retched. The closeness of their bodies made the smell stronger, thicker and more defined, it was revolting, that mixture of sweat and urine and whatever else was on him. Michelle covered her nose with her hand to prevent the smell but the combination of that foul stench and the booze she retched causing vomit to enter my mouth. She swallowed quickly several times to bring myself under control.

Now she had this man's cock stuffed up her dumping his load. Yet, though she was disgusted beyond imagination, she sensed her own body stir in betrayal, wanting its own release.

Another throb and again she felt his warm spunk coat her insides, filling her belly. Then his cock went soft but he didn't pull out.

Again, Michelle opened her eyes and looked up at Mervin. His face was flushed with red blotches while his eyes were wide with excitement. He never made a sound while he came in her.

"Oh," he gasped trying to catch his breath, "Mrs Stevens that was wonderful I never thought it'll be as good as that," he added as another dollop of slobber ran down his chin to drip onto her mound.

Andy heard Mervin express how wonderful and good it was. Looking at his blotched face and the way he was breathing he guessed he'd just come in her. He wanted to get closer but it was impossible without them seeing him. Gently he pushed the door open a little further. More of the bed came into view and he could now see Michelle's head and upper body clearly without too much effort. She now only had to turn her head and she would see him. Mervin was telling her how lovely she felt. He'd thrown his head back his mouth was open, as his body gently moved forward rhythmically. A look of bliss on Mervin's face and the way he was moving Andy guessed the lad was enjoying his first come inside a woman - my wife.

Andy now wondered whether it was worth actually remaining hidden.

Michelle was panting, that last throb of his cock nearly brought her off. She was a mess; her mind rebelled against what this man had done, he's a man with mind of a teenager yet her heart was racing and her cunt was gently pulsing in anticipation. The rebellion in her mind wanted her to get up and run. She'd made a fool of herself at the party by drinking too much and now here she was lying on their bed with a retard dumping his load into her. Michelle wanted it all gone, she wanted Andy here but he'd left her to sleep of it off. Why had she been so foolish and allowed another man to soil her? What would Andy say if he were to return now? How would he react knowing his friend had just come inside his wife?

With another erection Mervin slowly, gently, pulled back then shoved his cock back in. "Mrs Stevens it feels so good," he whispered softly as he slowly fucked her.

"Please Mervin you've had your fun now go, go home Mervin." Michelle pleaded. As she spoke, her body betrayed her. Her insides were a cauldron of sexual chaos and the beginning of an orgasm was growing, getting stronger by the second. These feelings were developing too fast; she didn't want this. She didn't want Mervin to make her come. Michelle wanted to cry but Mervin's thrust grew faster and stronger.

This wasn't fair.

She struggled with the booze, the spinning in her head as she tried once again to get up but knew it was useless.

The orgasm was there. He was going to make her come.

Mervin stopped!

Michelle gasped. Then the sensations in her sex quickly receded. She looked at Mervin to find he was moving. He came up onto her body while remaining in side of her and lay on top. A soft groan escaped her lips as she took his weight.

Mervin also gave a groan as his head came down beside hers. It amazed her that the awareness and interest in the fullness of another man's cock buried deep inside her even though she was very drunk. He whispered compliments about how nice she felt. Nevertheless, his smell made her choke back the feelings of nausea. She was sickened at the stench that came from him. Worse now that she had his warm body on hers, the rancorous aroma seem to pour from his clothing as he slowly started to fuck her. If he smells like this, what must his cock be like, she thought.

"I love the feel of your minge around my cock, Mrs Stevens," he spoke softly into her ear and she could hear his breathing as his breath blew over her ear sending shivers down her spine. As he fucked her, so her orgasm immediately started to grow seeming to start where it finished.

Michelle gasped at the intensity of it.

"Oh Mrs Stevens you are so good. I just love your cunt," Mervin said into her ear. Michelle could sense his hunger and the lust in his voice. He began to push harder into her forcing his cock to go deeper. He was pushing on her cervix and attempting to gain entry. She suddenly realised that Mervin was fucking her deeper than her husband had ever been and this very fact brought her closer to her orgasm.

Andy had managed to move slightly further into the room without being seen. Both of them were too busy to notice him. He could see Michelle was still very drunk as in the past when she's like this she can't move for fear of being sick. Michelle has told him many times that when she gets like this the room spins and her stomach is constantly on the verge of throwing up. Nevertheless, what makes it worse is the fact that she finds herself unable to move. The fear of being sick is such that she has to stay calm and try to relax. However, staying relaxed was far from Mervin's mind, he was fucking her and she was responding, responding by moving her hips up and down to meet his thrusts. This is what he'd dreamt of watching, his wife responding to another man in this way. He knew that if Mervin kept the pace he'd have Michelle coming on his cock.

Without realising it, she was forcing her bum up to meet his thrusts. Her orgasm grew. Its speed was such that she couldn't stop now even if she wanted too. Then grabbing at the bed covers, she climaxed. Michelle's cunt exploded in a frenzy of lust and yearning. With her back arched up, she shoved her cunt hard into Mervin's groin causing his cock to go deeper still. In her desire to have it all, she felt his cock head force itself into her cervix. Her enhanced senses sucked in the repellent smell of his body. The repulsive odour of his body seemed to make her orgasm even more powerful knowing this dirty filthy retard of a man was bringing her off.

"Mrs Stevens I'm going to spunk again," he cried out. He then gulped in air as he got up onto his elbows. Michelle looked through half closed eyes to see him looking down at her. His face looked like it was about to explode; it was bloated and purple coloured while his eyes were wide and blood shot. Then he pulled back. Michelle felt his cock head slide along her cunt walls then just before he came out he thrust back in; a powerful thrust that took her breath away.

Then Mervin growled holding his cock deep inside her as he came. He cried out. As he released the air in his lungs, a spray of spittle shot from his mouth spraying Michelle across the face. Then she saw snot running from his nose as he continued to pump his spunk into her womb. Eventually she saw the snot drip from his chin onto her blouse. Spit ran down the side of her face with some trickling into her ear.

"My god he's coming again - inside my wife. Look at him he's forcing his cock deeper into her while unloading his spunk."

Mervin growled loudly as he drove his cock in and held it there. Andy knew he was shooting his spunk deep into her body. The look on Michelle's face shocked him. From the light of bedside lamp, he could see her face had a distinct pinkish glow that continued to spread down her neck and across her chest. Her mouth was open as her orgasm ripped through her body. With her back arched up, he saw her naked thighs quiver as every nerve ending in her body burst with pleasure. Andy had never seen his wife look as beautiful as at that moment. In all the times he'd made love to her, he'd never seen that look of pure pleasure on her face.

Andy stood there transfixed; he just could not believe what was happening on their marital bed.

Again, Mervin groaned loudly as his release continued to discharge a deluge of spunk into Michelle's now very receptive cunt. His cock throbbed in her; she could sense his cock injecting her with hot spunk directly into her cervix. Michelle felt every single pulse of his cock as it released his potent spunk. Her orgasm washed over her like a tsunami, stopping at nothing. Her body held in a sexual rigor, muscles taut in carnal bliss as wave after wave of pleasure exploded from her cunt. Even with her eyes were closed she saw small pin pricks of light explode in front of her, bursting with energy. Even her thigh muscles spasm uncontrollably as the pleasure washed over her.

Mervin was panting, Michelle was panting. Slowly she relaxed and lay back on the bed. Mervin remain on top of her trying to catch his breath. As he lay so his cock shrunk. He'd given her two loads of spunk in a matter of twenty minutes. His phallus had shrunk and slipped out and was now lodged in the entrance to her cunt supported by her minge flaps.

Still breathing hard he looked down at her covered tits then his eyes met hers and he gave her a smile. Until now, her blouse and lacy blue bra had protected her tits. However, Mervin had other ideas and very quickly pulled her tits out. Michelle watched him gaze at one breast and then the other. He looked at them in awe.

Mervin grabbed at them and gently mauled her soft malleable glands and then bought his head down and took a nipple into his slobbering mouth. A tingling sensation swept from her nipple and into her breast. It quivered through her body to her sex where it released a shiver of expectation up her spine. Dazed by what had just happened she realised her body wanted more. Mervin pulled away from her nipple, took the other one in, and gently sucked on it. As he moved his head over, he'd left behind enough spittle for it to roll down the side of her breast and formed a pool between the two.

Michelle felt the pressure of his sucking force her nipple to erect and the sensation once again went straight to her cunt. It was then that she felt the slightest movement against the lips of my sex. Realising that Mervin was growing another erection. He continued to alternate from nipple to nipple keeping them both erected and sending pleasure to her cunt. At the same time, his pool of spittle was slowly running down towards her stomach round under her right breast and down her side.

Lying there with her legs open, a cock growing erect against her clit started a muddled emotional swing between the humiliating realities of what had just happened and the pleasure that this man had given her. His bony shoulders and twiggy biceps reminded her again of who it was that still had his plump cock pressed into her tight slit. Michelle's body wanted more and now her brain was coming accustom to it. Yet her confusion went further for she was still afraid and appalled at the way this man had taken her. A man's body with the mental age of a teenager was able to take a forty something married woman to new heights of sexual bliss. Now this retard was about to get a third erection in a matter of thirty minutes. Her drunken mind succumbed to the demands that her body was making, demanding that this retarded person use her again.

As she lay there looking up at the ceiling Mervin continued to slobber over her nipples, she felt his cock grow harder. Mervin moved and his cock easily slipped into her well-used cunt, she moaned at the fullness knowing that she like that feeling of completeness.

Michelle involuntarily clenched her cunt muscles around Mervin's cock causing him to moan softly. His cock slipped in as deep as before and he started to fuck her cunt. He lay down on her and fucked her hard. He began pounding her sex as if he wanted to force it through the bed to the floor. Michelle's head shook up and down as his cock-head drove deep into her body. Mervin changed his angle of attack slightly and was now driving his bulbous cock-head in and out of her cervix. She could actually feel him stretching her as he entered and then contract when he pulled back.
