Midnight Movie Club Ch. 07


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"I know my roommate," countered Piper, "and that was her basic level of flirting. Right now she's moving to phase two. Sometime during the next movie, she'll initiate phase three, and the result is not going to be me sleeping in the dorm's lounge again."

"But..." Tricia gestured vehemently in the direction of the basement door. "...they just met tonight! You don't have sex with someone when you first meet them." The room fell silent at Tricia's statement. Tricia looked around as the remaining students - Julie, Piper, Brian, Gwen, Eleanor, and Beatrix - all averted their eyes. Finally, she let out a deeply exasperated sigh. "I don't know why I believed so. I have a mountain of evidence from my first few weeks here at Farragut that told me otherwise."

Piper stood up. "And on that note, I'm hitting the bathroom. Anyone else?"

"I need to use the restroom as well," Tricia said.

"And Gwen makes three." Gwen stood on the couch cushion and lightly stepped over the back of the couch to join Piper and Tricia. "Heh," she said, "look at us. We're the girls from the movie. "You're Lynda, Piper, with your braids, my haircut puts me close to Annie, and Tricia... well, you've got that prim, proper, virginal babysitter vibe down pat."

"Thank you, Gwen," Tricia said with an appreciative smile as the trio walked out the door. "I appreciate the compliment."

"There goes one strange girl," remarked Brian.

Beatrix gracefully got up from the floor by uncrossing her legs and pushing herself up without the use of her hands. "She isn't strange. She's evolving. I have the feeling that Tricia is in the process of coming out of her shell, an experience being shared by many of her fellow freshmen. I know nothing of her past, save where she went to high school, and that she has a mother and father. This evening is the initial crack in that shell. So I ask, and I will even use the word 'please,' that you give Tricia a chance."

Eleanor put her hands up. "Hey, she agreed to start over, and so far I'm on board with her. I thought Tricia would be an absolute wet blanket if she happened to show up, and I am pleasantly surprised to have been proven wrong. As long as tonight isn't a one-time thing, I'm cool but wary."

"I haven't interacted with Tricia," Julie added, "but she seems pleasant enough so far. And I relate to the struggle of using college to discover who you are. If she is coming out of her shell, I look forward to watching her grow." She glanced over towards Brian. The young man's fingers tapped out an irregular beat as he drummed them against the armrest. "Brian," she inquired. "Your thoughts?"

"I'll give her a chance," Brian answered after a moment. "But I'm getting this vibe from her like she's five seconds away from calling me a 'hellbound Sodomite.' If she drops a glay sur...gay slur," he corrected, "I'm letting her have it."

"Of course," Beatrix agreed. "I wouldn't ask otherwise. And if you do hear Tricia utter a horrible word or phrase, please let me know. I would lay money that there is a decent human being under what I'm assuming is years of Christian fundamentalism."

"And if I could use that as a very poorly constructed segue..." Julie walked over to the middle couch and sat down next to Brian. "As a lover of film, your favorite movie being Freddy's Revenge intrigues me. Would you mind going into detail about your..." She held up a finger as she struggled to find the words. "...'enjoyment' seems an inappropriate term, but I can't conceive of a better one."

"Oh, no, 'enjoyment' is the right word." Brian ticked off his fingers as he said, "it's scary, it's funny, and the damn thing drips with homoerotic subtext..."

At the keen look of interest in Julie's eyes Eleanor, having also stood up from the floor leaned forward and whispered in Beatrix's ear. "And this is where we lose Julie for the next few minutes."

"Hmm." Out of sight from Julie and Brian, Beatrix ran her hand over the curve of Eleanor's butt. "I believe I promised you a piece of candy in your bucket if you were a good little ghoul, didn't I?" Her question was punctuated with a firm squeeze of Eleanor's shapely rear. A thin, promising smile touched Beatrix's lips. "There's a women's bathroom on the second floor that locks from the inside. Would you care to accompany me to answer the call of our most basic instincts?"

"Well, we do have time before the next movie starts..."

A series of buzzing noises interrupted Eleanor. "Apologies," Beatrix said as she reached into her black tights for her smartphone. Eleanor watched as Beatrix checked who was calling before answering. "Hello Mother," she said. "Yes, I can talk." The pale blonde was quiet for a few moments before responding. "Is he OK?" After another brief silence, Beatrix laughed quietly. "Yes, I hear him complaining in the background. One moment." Beatrix turned to face Eleanor, giving her a chagrined look. "I need to take this."

"Is everything alright?"

"My father was dealing with an overturned tanker truck and they were afraid the firefighters may have inhaled toxic fumes. The results from the hospital came back negative, but they want the crew to stay overnight for observation. My father, as usual, is being stubborn and my mother would like me to tell him to stop being foolish. Apologies for cutting our encounter short before it even began."

Eleanor waved her hand. "It's cool. Go yell at your dad and make sure he's OK."

"I do not yell. I talk in a calm, rational tone. It gets the point across." After a moment, Beatrix spoke into the phone. "One more moment, Mother. Yes. No, I'm just saying goodbye to a friend." Mischief danced in Beatrix's eyes as she said, "If I may propose? Cole is up on the third floor. Perhaps if you catch him, he'll provide the treat that I cannot for the moment."

"Really? You don't mind?"

"I'm making the suggestion, am I not? Besides, isn't wandering off on your own to have sex a trademark of horror movies?" Beatrix smiled one more time while making a gentle shooing motion with her hand. "There will be time for trick-or-treating later. Go forth. I'll tell anyone who asks that you went for a breath of fresh air." Beatrix turned back to her phone, and with Brian and Julie deep in conversation, Eleanor was able to slip out the door without either of them being the wiser.


Cole whistled cheerfully as he washed his hands. From his perspective, the evening was a success so far. Fun was being had and conversations were made. So far all of the attendants seemed to be good people. Piper and Lynn looked to be having fun, Alcide struck Cole as a more confident Julie, Brian was someone he could see himself chilling with outside of the gaming club, and Beatrix struck him as detached but approachable. Even the two religious girls were cool, with Gwen throwing herself into the movie and the ice queen persona Cole had been warned about seemed to be slowly thawing from Tricia. And of course, Eleanor was enjoying herself by being herself.

Perhaps most importantly Julie, the organizer of the event, was completely in her element as not only the host but also as its MC. Cole had picked up a touch of nervousness from his friend when she was introducing the movie. During the first act, Julie had spent more time watching people watch the movie. By the middle of the second act, however, Cole couldn't pick up any apprehension from his friend as they sat next to one another enjoying the first half of the double bill.

Only two things bothered Cole at the moment. One, he had hoped that Caroline, the blonde from the Gaming Club, would be in attendance. Their discussions about fantasy role-playing and music over the past few weeks had been a highlight of Cole's time with the group. He had yet to meet her boyfriend Sam, even to exchange a brief handshake, which was why he had made sure to include him in the invitation he had texted to Caroline. Cole could understand the appeal of a Halloween party among friends over watching Halloween with a bunch of strangers. Still, it was a bit of a disappointment. He genuinely liked Caroline. She was cool and fun to talk to. "Well," Cole mused as he grabbed a paper towel, "always next time when one comes about."

The second thing was bothering him only because it was bothering him. Just over 48 hours earlier Cole and Lynn had hooked up rather vigorously, and tonight she had greeted him with a firm hug and a smack on the ass. However, since then her attention had turned away from him and towards Julie's friend Alcide. Cole had caught Lynn's flirtatious laughter when he was heading for the elevator. For some reason, the sound had set off a flash of jealousy inside of Cole that threatened to turn into frustration. He and Lynn weren't an item. She had specifically said their dalliance on Thursday had been nothing more than stress relief. Lying on her bed afterward listening to music for almost two hours without any hint of another carnal go-around had struck Cole as the icing on the cake.

However, he couldn't help but contrast his feelings towards Lynn with those towards Gwen. Since the two of them had slept together several weeks earlier their friendly interactions had been strictly platonic, with an utter lack of sexual tension. Even last night when Alexander had told him that he and Gwen had hooked up, Cole felt no emotion other than approval for his roommate. Cole had expected his relationship with Lynn to be akin to the one he had with Gwen. Maybe he was wrong...

He chuckled to himself. "Alright, time for that internal conversation ain't in a third-floor bathroom." Drying off his hands, Cole tossed the crumpled paper towel in the waste bin and went to head out. As he opened the door, however, a hand pressed against his chest. Caught unaware, Cole staggered backward as his assailant shoved him back into the bathroom. "What the... Eleanor?"

"Hey." Eleanor let the door swing closed behind her as she gave Cole a coy smile. "Am I interrupting anything?"

"Not at the moment."

"Good." There was no mistaking the look in Eleanor's eyes. It was one Cole had become familiar with since his first weekend on campus. Still, it took him a moment to work through his confusion as Eleanor reached behind her and locked the bathroom door. The click of metal-on-metal resonated off the tile as she said, "The last thing we want is someone walking in on us."

Cole's cock twitched in his pants as his conscious brain caught up with his subconscious. "Gotta admit, kind of unexpected seeing you up here."

"That's kind of the entire point," she giggled, closing the distance between them and gently pressing her hand against Cole's chest. His heartbeat was increasing in tempo as she dragged her fingers across the front of his shirt. "Isn't one of the things you're supposed to do in a horror movie is wander away from the rest of the group to go have sex someplace where they can't find you?"

Cole wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her body against him. "Trope ends with said lovers getting killed more often than not."

Eleanor nodded slowly after a moment. "Yeah, guess that analogy does fall apart under scrutiny. How about this then?" She ran her fingers through his sandy red hair while boldly grabbing his crotch with her other hand. "You and I haven't had a roll in the hay in a few weeks." Unzipping his fly, Eleanor reached into Cole's pants and began stroking his hardening penis. "Don't get me wrong, Alexander's not too shabby, but this right here?" She gave him a gentle squeeze, drawing a low groan from Cole. "I miss this dick. Apparently that Lynn girl's taken a ride on it. I know you and I aren't exclusive, but imagining that redhead bouncing up and down on your cock? I admit I'm a bit jealous and feel the need to reassert my non-existent dominance. I could have waited until after the movie, but I've never had sex in a public bathroom before. Go big or go home, right?"

Cole nodded towards the bathroom, which had two toilet stalls, a urinal, and a counter with two sinks. "Ain't ever in a bathroom either. Recently cleaned by the looks, meaning it's a good place to do something filthy."

"I'm glad you're on board."

"For the official record, according to the bylaws of the Midnight Movie Club, hooked up with Lynn on Thursday. Little bit of midterm stress relief." With that, Cole leaned forward and kissed Eleanor. For a brief moment, the kiss was soft, bordering on tender, before turning hungry. Cole's hands went to Eleanor's butt. He clenched the soft flesh between his fingers as his tongue slid into her mouth. Eleanor responded by wrapping her fingers around his shaft, firmly caressing his erection as it stiffened in her hand. She pushed against his body, trapping him between her and the bathroom counter. By the time his cock was as hard as stone, Cole was gasping for breath. It was almost a relief when Eleanor pulled away. She pulled her hand from his pants. Pure desire was etched across her face as she quickly dropped into a crouch before kneeling on the tile floor. Cole watched as Eleanor undid his belt along with his jeans. She pulled his jeans down along with his boxers, freeing his rigid cock.

"By the way? This is me saying thank you for going to the dollar store tonight." With that, Eleanor took his manhood in her mouth. Cole sighed as she began bobbing her head, sliding her lips along his shaft, coating it with her saliva. She worked the bottom of his cock with one hand while the other fondled his balls. His head fell backward at the intense sensation of his friend blowing him. With his fingers against the edge of the counter for support, Cole looked down. Even as she worked his erection with fervor, Eleanor was staring up at him.

Her eyes, narrow with want and need, met his. As he watched, Eleanor slid her mouth down his cock. She swallowed as much of his erection as she could before slowly drawing her lips back up the shaft. Cole groaned as her tongue dragged along the underside of his manhood. She leaned back, her lips sucking on his tip before she pulled her mouth free. A thin trail of saliva, glistening like a spiderweb in the morning dew, hung in the air for a moment as Eleanor's hand corkscrewed around his cock, spreading drops of his precum along its length. Hunger was evident in her expression. She looked up at Cole from the floor, her breathing somewhat quickened, before once again engulfing his cock and resuming her efforts.

The wet friction and firm pressure of Eleanor's lips and mouth surrounding his cock drove Cole mad with their intensity. The sheer craziness of Eleanor's brazen act, blowing him a public bathroom, was quickly driving him towards the edge. By the time Eleanor stood up, seductively licking his stray essence from her lips, Cole's cock throbbed with an almost intolerable pleasure. Eleanor was in the middle of commenting, accompanied by a playful smirk, however before she could say anything Cole grabbed her by the hips. She made a sharp exclamation of surprise as he spun her around and bent her over the bathroom counter. Eleanor looked over her shoulder, brushing her blonde hair back as Cole proceeded to flip up the hem of her dress, revealing her bare pussy as he buried his mouth between her legs.

"Oh shit!" Eleanor's cry echoed off the tile walls and floor as Cole's tongue made its way up her moist lips. She spread her arms along the counter, pushing her hips back and widening her stance to allow Cole full access. Digging into his fingers into the firm flesh of her butt, Cole shoved his face forward as far as it would go. He dragged his tongue across the opening to her soaked tunnel several times, gathering her growing wetness along the tip. "Fuck yes," he heard Eleanor groan, "Lick my fucking pussy." Cole did as requested. His nose was pressed firmly between her cheeks as he ate Eleanor out with the same intensity she had blown him with. He could feel Eleanor pushing her hips against his face to force his tongue deep inside of her. Her essence coated his lips and chin as she brazenly ground her womanhood against him. "Oh God Cole," she exclaimed, "you eat pussy like a fucking champion."

Her breath noticeably quickened when Cole began using his thumb to gently rub her clit using a circular motion. His thumb glided smoothly over the pulsing button. "Yes," he heard her hiss, "fuck yes."

After a few moments of simultaneously licking and fingering Eleanor, Cole pulled back. Eleanor was panting, still bent over the bathroom counter, as he leaped to his feet. His cock ached from arousal, and he swore he could feel the blood pumping throughout his body. With his jeans piled around his feet. Cole took hold of his cock, ready to plunge it inside of her. Before he could, however, Eleanor quickly pushed herself up. "Wait," she said urgently. "Do you have a condom?"

Cole blinked in confusion. "In my wallet. Something I need to know about?"

Her blonde hair whipped through the air as she shook her head. "I just don't want you dripping out of me when we go back downstairs."

As Cole bent down to fish for his wallet, a soft chuckle escaped him. "Using a condom for the first time this semester and it ain't for birth control or STD protection. You are a beautifully unique and proper creature, Miss Freeman."

"I'll take that as a compliment. Now wrap that thing around your cock and fucking stick it in me."

Cole managed to resist ripping the foil package. Instead, he gently tore it open, pulled out the latex ring, and rolled it down his erect penis. He took a minute to make sure it was properly fitted on his manhood before once again taking hold of himself. Eleanor looked over her shoulder, trembling slightly with eager anticipation, as Cole put his reservoir-tipped cock against her pussy. Both he and Eleanor sighed with relief when he easily slid inside of her. After a few strokes, Cole looked down to see his lower body pressed completely against Eleanor's butt. Cole drew back until only the tip of his penis remained inside of Eleanor before suddenly pushing forward.

"Oh shit," Eleanor urgently cried as Cole buried his cock inside of her soaked pussy. Her tight walls engulfed him. Taking hold of her hips, Cole began to forcefully fuck Eleanor, driving his cock in and out of her body like a piston. "Yes," she exclaimed, "that's...oh, that feels so fucking good..."

The heat of Eleanor's arousal bled through the latex condom. Any selfish worries about the possible lack of sensation were little more than a brief, momentary blip on Cole's mental radar. Each determined thrust of his cock was rewarded with a wave of intense pleasure. The fact that Cole was fucking Eleanor in a public bathroom only served to heighten the ecstasy he was feeling. His fingers slid against the soft flesh of her hips as he fought to hold her in place.

Eleanor threw her head back. Her long blonde hair momentarily filled the air like fireworks as she gasped lustily. Cole could see her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were closed tight and she alternated between joyful smiles and blissful surrender. "That's right Cole, just like that, just...oh, fuck me just like that." Her butt shook with every impact of his hips against hers as he drove himself as deep inside of her as he could.

After several minutes, sweat began to trickle down Cole's temple. Eleanor's neck had turned a light shade of red and her cries were becoming more and more frequent. After a few more strokes Cole pulled out of her. Eleanor immediately turned around. Before Cole could react his friend passionately kissed him, and he reciprocated without hesitation. "You're not done," she panted, "are you?"

"Almost. Prefer seeing your face to face over your face in a mirror."

Eleanor smirked saucily. "Just my face?" With that, she reached down and proceeded to yank her loose orange one-piece dress over her head, revealing her naked body. Whipping it into the corner of the bathroom counter, she added, "or the entire... oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck..."
