Midwest Mom Ch. 06


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As he stood on the shore ready to gloat he totally forgot about the nakedness. His cock was half-hard and stood almost straight out. And as his father and sister approached it never even occurred to him that he was pointing at them in a rather unusual way, he was so busy talking smack.

Of course, Chris also didn't notice the very troubled look on his dad's face. Apparently, Rob didn't realize that Chris was only the second hand possessor of the stolen swim trunks. Rob assumed that Chris was responsible for the theft as well as the ancillary activities, and his consternation was very evident.

"You little bastard! You spoiled my plot!" cried Sandy as she finally emerged. And then the pieces fell into place for Diane and Rob. And the whole family laughed so hard they were rolling on the ground. Of course, that got them dirty again and they had to take another cleansing dip. Which only led to more naked tomfoolery. After a while they were no longer self-conscious about their nudity. Which is not to say, of course, that they were no longer aware of it. Both Chris and Rob were sporting hard-ons for almost the whole time. And very often these became a useful handle for the females, in executing their underwater pranks. The men on the other hand, found plenty of excuses to grab and squeeze the breasts of the two women.

Before long the whole family was exhausted and waterlogged. So they decided to get dressed and head back to camp.

It was lunch time, and they left the food preparation chores to Diane. The other three stripped down and laid out in the sun. Chris was planning on leaving his shorts on, but when he saw his mom and dad strip down naked and plop down on a towel, he decided not to break with form.

After a few minutes, Diane called everyone to the table for lunch.

"Whoa, looks like I'm overdressed," she said, as she saw the three naked people converge on the table. It was funny because Diane was wearing the skimpiest swimsuit of all time. But she wasted no time in slipping it off and going au natural with the others. The sight of Diane's nakedness stiffened both Rob and Chris' dicks considerably, and they both quickly sat at the table in order to hide the evidence.

Lunch was sandwiches and pudding. Chris thought the pudding had a kind of strange aftertaste, but he didn't dwell on it. Instead he just headed to the cooler and grabbed a warm beer to wash the food down.

Returning to the table, he asked what was up for the afternoon.

"I was thinking of taking a walk to the airplane," said Diane. "Would anyone want to come along?"

Perhaps predictably, Chris and Sandy declined and Rob eagerly accepted the invitation. The airplane was an old prop jet that crashed long, long ago. It was pretty rusted, but it was clear it was an old plane, and it provided a good destination for a half hour hike in the woods.

So Rob and Diane put on some clothes and trudged towards the woods. Rob had a few second thoughts when he realized he was leaving his wife stark naked with a handsome 25 year old man. His mind flashed to the kiss he thought he saw at the rest stop on the way up. But the prospect of having exclusive access to his daughter's sexy form was enough to push those thoughts out of his mind, and he followed her eagerly into the woods.

Chris and Sandy were ready to jump each other the moment Rob disappeared into the woods. He didn't know why, but Chris's cock was rock hard and he was immediately hornier than he had ever been in his life. He attributed it to all the nakedness and outdoor stimulation, but he didn't think too much about it. He had only one thought on his mind: fucking his mom.

Rob was suffering a similar affliction. Five minutes into the walk, his cock had shot up in the air, even as he hiked. Of course, he was following his daughter, who despite the perils of cross-country hiking was still wearing tight little shorts. She was twitching her ass back and forth as she walked and generally doing everything she could to look sexy to her fellow traveler. But Rob was shocked that he had such a massive boner even while he hiked.

The hike was a blur. As he subconsciously put one foot in front of the other his total concentration and focus was on the ass of his daughter, and what he so desperately wanted to do to her sexy little body. Fragmentary objects floated through his vision; breasts, her pussy, her come hither smile. Then memories; her lips on his cock, her sexy voice calling him daddy, the drop of semen on her chin as she smiled at him. Then fantasies; grabbing hold of her hips and plunging his cock into her, the sound of her coming, the taste of her pussy. He couldn't contain himself. He was almost coming inside his shorts, altering his steps to increase the friction of cloth against cock.

He had to snap out of this frenzied state when they arrived at the crash. His daughter stopped, looked back and flashed her gorgeous smile at him. It was a simple smile, saying "look, we made it!" But Rob was in another world. To him, that smile was about sex. It was seen through a filter of the nastiest, most depraved sexual images that had accumulated through the unbelievably stimulated jaunt through the woods.

Rob moved towards her with that look in his eye. It was a look of pure, unadulterated need.

But Diane coolly side-stepped his approach. She didn't appear taken aback by him, but she sure didn't seem like the same girl who gave him a blowjob on a ferris wheel at a crowded fair.

"Do you want to take a rest here, daddy? Or should we just head right back?"

Rob's penis ached. His mind refused to process. He caught his daughter's eye and gave her a pleading look. She knew what he wanted. He knew she did, but she wasn't giving it to him. She was teasing him. Finally, he managed a pathetic "Please?" It was the most needy, pathetic, inferior word he had ever uttered. He was in a position of complete subservience, absolutely at the mercy of his daughter.

Diane, on the other hand, was eating this up. She loved to push his buttons, revel in the turmoil she could stir up in his depths through her manipulations. She felt pity for him. She knew the level of his desire, but she also thought of it as something of a gift. How great was his pleasure fucking mom the night before? How great would be his pleasure when she finally gave him what he wanted? It was torture, but it was also a gift. Of course, this time she had taken it to another level, by putting a crushed viagra pill into his chocolate pudding. And it had worked quite well she thought. He looked like he was just about to crack. But she still wanted to stretch it out yet further.

"Daddy. Stop with that nonsense. Can't we just enjoy a pleasant walk together? You know, like we used to?"

This appeal hit Rob in the most non-sexual place, talking about before he was depraved, before he yielded to desire for his precious daughter. He was immediately thunderstruck by guilt. Dropping his gaze, he mumbled something, and started back towards the camp, slowing to let his daughter take the lead. The sexy ass, the spontaneous sexual images of her, they didn't go away. But they stabbed him with pangs of guilt, each just slightly more intense than the mind-shattering pangs of lust. His body was wracked by these competing, contradictory impulses. Present only to this interiorized emotional firestorm, Rob's eyes glazed over, and he simply put one foot in front of another, totally lost to the world outside of that gorgeous, twitching ass.

At the campsite, Chris and Sandy were almost as far gone. In perfect, athletic unison he pumped his hips against her thrusting pelvis. If they weren't slaves to desire, they surely would have felt discomfort at the intensity of the impact between their pelvises. But as it was, each time Chris bottomed out in his mom's vagina, the explosive contact between them sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through them, and urged them, like addicts, forward towards the next, even more powerful thrust and counter-thrust.

Her breasts were shaking wildly with each thrust. Her pussy was frothy with lubrication. Her body was drenched with their combined sweat. Finally, reaching the heights of pleasure, Sandy's pussy clenched down, a protracted muscle spasm of extraordinary power, literally capturing Chris's cock at the depths of her vaginal canal. The release of such a powerful muscle spasm caused a torrent of pleasurable sensations to rush through her. The electric wave of pleasure coursed through her every fiber, and left her gasping and crying out, when after several more strokes Chris joined her as his penis jolted with pleasure and volleyed forth for what seemed like an eternity inside his mother's pussy.

The cataclysm of pleasure left the two lovers, soaking in sweat, entangled and unmoving for several minutes. But the powers unleashed were not yet spent. After a brief respite, her hips were once again rocking against her son's pelvis, and sexual thoughts were pouring through her consciousness. They were overrun with horniness.

"Eat me." It was not a request. She had an image of her son feasting on her own freshly fucked cunt, and the image turned her on. Now, as mother, she commanded son to make it happen.

He could only obey. He scooted down between her legs. She bent them at the knees and spread them as far as possible, fully exposing her well-used cunt for his lingual servicing. He looked at her quim and hesitated. Her inner lips gaped open, and he good see a pool of his gathered semen, against the shiny pink background.

He licked up and down, tonguing her labia gingerly, reticent about plunging in. Then she grabbed his head with both hands and pulled him into her. His tongue protruded her inner labia and was bathed in his semen. At that point he could only lick and suck. Still under the spell of his drug-induced sexual trance, he soon got into it, finding the task to his liking. He licked and lapped, canvassing his mom, inside and out, with his tongue, and consuming his own seed in the process.

If he had stopped to think, he might have rationalized his activities. It was his own semen after all. Plus, if his sister and mom and sister were able to enjoy his cream why shouldn't he. But these thoughts never formed. It was a subrational form of excitement, as he enthusiastically ate out his mom under the most perverse circumstances possible. His cock was tingling again, ready for more action. And just as his enthusiasm was peaking, as he was moving his lips and tongue in and out and causing his mom to buck her hips against his probing mouth, he sensed a drastic change. The shadows of Rob and Diane were now cast over him with his mouth sucking deeply on his mom's vagina.

For a moment, in the long late afternoon light, there was the pregnant tension of a wild west standoff. The shadow that fell over the mother-son cunnilingus served as a much harsher accusation than any words might have. During that protracted moment of realization, accusation and admission, Chris's mouth didn't move from his mom's nether lips. Her hips stopped bucking. His lips and tongue stopped wriggling. And the world fell still.

Diane stood aghast. She had never seen anything so dramatic in her life. And she spent a good deal of her life instigating drama. Clearly, here was her greatest achievement. But perhaps she had gone too far. She knew she had pushed her dad to the edge. He was frenzied by her eroticism, and unfairly tortured by her invocation of guilt, even as she mercilessly flaunted herself in front of him. As he stood over his son at his wife's vagina, jealousy, a two-fold betrayal, and probably a whole new double layer of lust and guilt were added to the already volatile emotional mixture. During that moment of realization turned confrontation, Diane saw something snap in her father's eyes.

Then came the action. His gaze was set. He would no longer plead for pleasure, he wouldn't grovel. Now he would take. What surprised Diane the most was how he took.

There was a calm determination to his actions. He lowered his pants, releasing his turgid cock. It bobbed upon release, and all three pairs of eyes focused on it. Then he grabbed Chris by the hair and pulled him to his cock. Chris was caught so offguard that he was unable to move. Compared to his father's forceful, determined movements, Chris was pliant and his mind was reeling, nowhere near coming to grips with his reality. Passively, he watched as he was pulled towards his dad's engorged cock. From his perspective it appeared huge, and angry. The head was a shade of dark red, and it pointing straight at his face, Chris saw a small bit of clear liquid form at the tip. Chris's mouth was probably already opened in shock, and the cock slid inside. Instinctively, he just started to suck, slowly moving up and down on his dad's penis as his dad held a grip on his hair and pushed and pulled, encouraging the movement of his blowjob.

There was a look of determination on Rob's face, but also pleasure. Diane couldn't help but stare at her father. He seemed so violent, so unhinged. She wasn't sure if the pleasure she could see in his features was a result of the physical stimulation at his cock, or a result of sheer domination and power.

A feeling of sickness rose in Diane. It seemed like her father's rage, or whatever it was, had assumed cosmic significance. Dark summer storm clouds were rolling quickly through the sky, casting a dark pall over their troubled gathering. Still the scene persisted. Rob with a twisted look on his face and Chris servicing his father in such a humiliating way. It was so violent, so exploitative, so obviously vengeful. It just didn't look right seeing her brother getting face-fucked by her father. She was overcome with guilt over what she caused.

She tried to make amends. Kneeling next to Chris she moved her head to the cock, and brought her lips to the side of the shaft, which was sliding in and out of Chris's mouth. But there wasn't much she could do. Moreover, it seemed like Chris was actually sucking. There was nothing to read in his eyes. They were glazed over and his actions were mechanical.

But, then, all of a sudden, something shifted in Chris's eye. It wasn't horror. Or sickness. Or even hatred. It was lust! And then the look in his eye transformed into action, as he started to blow with a bit of a flourish. Instead of deep-throating his dad's cock, Chris moved his lips and tongue over the head. He slowly ran his tongue under the head, then, gently up, forcing the slit open, and drawing away a bit of precum. Then, he took the whole head in his lips and was tonguing away. Next, he started jerking his dad's cock with his fist as he sucked on the tip. His powerful neck muscles tensed as he moved back and forth and sucked like a pro.

Diane, still kneeling next to Chris, watched the transformation with fascination. The horrible sickness she felt at doing this to her father and brother, melted away. In its place a complicated, powerful tidal wave of love and passion welled up. Her pussy felt like a floodplain, and once again, she was ready to take charge.

She pushed Chris off of Rob's cock. She moved her mouth to her father's and kissed him, as she forced him to the ground. In no time she straddled him and she was giving her father the pussy that had almost pushed him to the brink. She rode him energetically, bouncing up and down, while her father thrust upward to meet her in her deepest place possible. In no time, he spasmed and spewed his come deep into her vagina. Falling forward, Diane deeply kissed her father.

Just then, the rain clouds let loose. With a crack of thunder, the sky opened and it poured. In seconds, everyone was soaked.

Moving quickly, Diane hopped off her father's cock, and jumped to grab the packages of food and clothes that were laying out. The others just sat there, unsure how to react, battered by the pounding rain.

"Well come on! Get inside the tent!" Diane shouted. They all piled into the kids tent, which was a tight squeeze, and looked like a indistinguishable tangle of naked body parts. Diane was the last to jump in, setting down a plastic container and a spoon before zipping the tent behind them.

It was almost impossible to hear anything as the rain drummed against the rain fly. The dark clouds also dimmed the daylight considerably, making it very hard to see in the tent.

The only movement was Diane. She was sitting up, and against the side of the tent, they could see her silhouette as it seemed she was rubbing her tits with a purpose. Next she moved over to the three others, huddled together on the other side of the tent. She took Rob and Chris by the hand and pulled them in to her chest. They were smeared with chocolate pudding! With that discovery, both men eagerly licked her titties clean. Rob took his time, finally gaining access to the breasts, the hard nipples, that had been the agents of his torment for so long. He loved them, their perfection. But when it was clear the pudding was all gone, Diane pulled away.

"Ok, thats enough," she said. Then, taking hold of both of the cocks in the tent, she said "it's time for the ladies."

She spooned globs of pudding onto both cocks and spread a thick layer over each cock. Finishing, she licked her hand and claimed her father's cock for her own. Sandy was not long in latching on to her son's slathered rod.

The sensation for the men was glorious, especially as the viagra started to make its way into their bloodstreams. The coolness of the pudding felt good on their penises, but something about the purposefulness of the ladies in trying to remove the pudding was an extra thrill.

Soon they were done. Sandy, who had been scared to death by the scene between Chris and Rob, was eager to go re-establish a connection with her husband. She grabbed his cock and led it through the dark, electrified, humid air of the storm to her pussy hole. He fucked her with abandon.

Diane wanted to experience the type of energetic cunnilingus she witnessed between Chris and his mom. She had never seen someone put some much energy into licking and sucking a pussy. Plus, she knew she still harbored the semen that Rob injected into her as the storm crashed in.

Chris would have insisted on sucking his sister's gooey hole, even if she didn't propose the idea. He liked the taste of his own semen in his mom's quim. The experience of sucking his father's cock unmoored something inside of him. He'd never been interested in penises before. But being forced to suck cock unhinged something in him, and he kind of liked it. Now he wanted to indulge the thrill of tasting someone else's seed in his sister's pussy. He dove in with abandon. With no preliminaries, he stabbed his tongue into his sister's hole and reveled in the incestuous mixture of liquids gathered there. He drew the salty mixture into his lips, and then moved to kiss Diane on the lips, sharing his prize with her. As they broke the kiss, Diane whispered into his ear. "Pretty rad, huh bro?" He answered by playfully pinching her nipple as he descended back to her creampie.

So the family fucked and sucked for the next several hours. Every position possible was experimented with. Chris and Rob came until they were physically drained of semen. And every drop of semen eventually found its way into someone's mouth. Finally, moments after Chris shot his last load into his mom's pussy, the family cuddled together and fell into a deep, contented sleep. Just about then, the storm let up and gave way to a cool night. Luckily, there was plenty of body heat to go around inside the crowded tent.

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Sex4lf57Sex4lf573 months ago

I loved the series until the last chapter. Like every other commenter, I thought you ruined the last chapter with the guy/guy scene. Five stars for the series. Two stars for the last chapter.

LechemanLecheman8 months ago

The only conclusion I can grab with the father forcing a blowjob on his son was to reinforce his alpha status in the family.

The story up to this point was hot, intense and hinting at a cataclysmic finale only to have the knee caps severed with that obtuse event.

I felt the story was then a rush job to its finish.

Sad, as it was an entertaining story.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Nope. Big disappointment. 1 thru 5 was great. Sexy, hot, etc. You ruined it.

TotosRevengeTotosRevengeover 1 year ago

Well you managed to ruin what until this part was a truly excellent series. The daughter should be in prison, her actions totally criminal. Blew it. I recommend people read the first five parts and skip this one.

FseriesFseriesover 2 years ago

Totally ruined. It was 1/5 the way there when Chris stopped being the main character dude wise. But this page was pure crap.

Wolf82Wolf82about 3 years ago

It was a good story until the father son part it totally ruined the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

That was the best I have ever read. From Start to Finish, I came about 6 times. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I'm all for gay rights, but the male homosexuality brought the story from five stars to zero for me. There's a reason girl on girl action is part of mainstream porn, and why the bible only explicitly has a problem with male homosexuality (not that I'm a believer). Maybe because female sexuality is more fluid across all cutures.

Anyway, you can write whatever you like, of course, but know that adding man on man action will eliminate a huge part of your following. Yes, I realize that incest is worse, but in a sense incest is almost like sci-fi. The suspension of disbelief gets recalibrated to allow for the kink.

On the technical side ... good work. This is a good example of a third person omnescient story.

BigtamBigtamover 3 years ago

Male male bj ruined the series

racfguyracfguyover 3 years ago
This was a good story UNTIL

all the crap on page three of the last chapter. That shit totally ruined the story, especially the drugs and the forced queer blow job.

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