Mike & Karen Ch. 24


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Having finished her feet, Alex stood up and started drying himself with another towel he'd brought in. Alexa watched in fascination, following his movements as he made his way down his body.

When he reached his waist and thighs and his cock was concealed from view by the towel, she noticed something else while she was staring toward the floor. Her eyes widened.

"Holeeeee shit..." Alexa said in a drawn-out whisper as she brought her hands up and cupped her large breasts. "Alex, I have absolutely epic tits! Did you know about this?"

"It's not exactly a secret, Alexa," he sighed, shaking his head while he kept drying himself off.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" she asked, still fondling them in awe. His cock had come back into view and she looked at it, and then back down at her rack. "We should find out if they're big enough to hide that monster of yours, see if it disappears when I titty-fuck you."

"We don't really have time for that," he started to say, but she was already on her knees in front of him and pressing her tits up against his groin. "And we already know th-"

"Get it up," she breathed in a husky, lusty voice, clearly fixated on the task at hand. She began squirming against him, and whether he liked it or not, his body began to respond accordingly. She had that effect on him, the way no one else ever did. She took hold of both of her breasts and started massaging his swelling member, purring as it came to life. Before long, she had it erect and rock hard, and she pushed it between her soft, pillowy tits. The tip poked out from between them and every time she saw it, she kissed it or moaned and slithered her tongue around it.

"Alex!" came a harsh reprimand from the door.

His head snapped around and he saw his mother standing just inside the room, giving him the hard-eye, her hands on her hips as she witnessed the scene unfolding. "In no way, shape or form is this what I meant when I said go get Alli cleaned up! It's the exact opposite!"

Alex shrugged helplessly.

Alexa's mouth was wrapped around her nephew's cock, her cheeks bulging like a chipmunk's when she turned her head slightly, and saw her older sister, her eyes widening in shock and then panic. She almost spat his erection out ('BLAH!') as she leapt to her feet and bolted.

"Run for it, Alex!" she squealed as she dashed right by her sister and out the door of the suite. "She's on to us!"

Alex stared in disbelief from where he was standing next to the bed, shivering in phantom pleasure from the feeling of Alexa's warm, wet mouth around his still-erect cock. Karen's eyes followed Alexa as she sped out into the hall, and then the older woman winced as there was a loud THUMP, followed by a tumbling sound.

And then Alexa was running off again, apparently forgetting (or not caring) that she was buck naked.

Eyes flashing in exasperation, Karen looked at her son and flung her hand out in the direction Alexa had fled. Her intent was clear, even if she said nothing.

"Dammit..." Alex grumbled as he wrestled his boxers back on.



The curator frowned as he walked through the open front door. He was somewhat annoyed at having to bring this errant attaché case himself, but Mrs. DeBourne had frightened his staff so badly with that last call that nobody was willing to make the trip here themselves.

Like he didn't have enough to do, as head of the department.

He waited just inside the door, fussing somewhat impatiently. Why did the place seem empty? And slightly chilly? He'd known the DeBournes for some years now, as very active benefactors of the museum, but he'd never been to their place before. He'd been rather stunned by the size of the Manor as he'd driven up. It seemed to have almost the same amount of frontage as the ROM. Even here on the Bridle Path, the most affluent neighbourhood in Canada, it was still an impressive estate.

He wandered around the foyer, looking at the portraits and the art on the wall, examining the suits of armour that flanked the grand staircase, and the-

He heard a panicked yelp and panting. He turned and saw a buxom, naked blonde girl streaking down the corridor, running like a deer. She shot past him quickly, not even sparing him a glance, heading down the hall on the other side of the foyer he stood in. The curator shook his head in confusion before a muscular young blond man trotted down the corridor, from the same direction the girl had come. He was only wearing boxers and he seemed rather frustrated. He stopped at looked at the curator.

"Hey, uh, sorry to bother you, but did a hot naked blonde chick come through here?" Alex asked rather hastily.

The curator pointed down the hall, rather confused.

"Aw, dammit, not the east doors," Alex complained before loping off after her.

Despite himself, the curator couldn't help but follow...


The Bishop Hooper Study...

Val heard a sound somewhere between a squeal and a shriek outside one of the windows. She stood and weaved her way through the bookcases toward the noise and peered through the treated glass, her eyes widening.

On the front lawn, she saw Alexa, naked as the day she was born, running around in a panic, while Alex, (wearing only his boxers), Freja, and Jeanie tried to catch her. Alexa was very quick, though, and seemingly highly motivated to not get caught. Val thought it almost looked fun, until she could hear the frustration in Alex's voice, almost pleading with his aunt-wife to stop running and come back inside.

She didn't hear the curator come into the room. He walked into the study, hearing the noise outside, but then saw the aniline leather attaché case sitting on the table. Clearly that was the one that had been mistaken. He took it and simply set the other one down to replace it. He looked at his watch, grimacing as he thought about how behind schedule he was. Leaving the room, he saw the east door the young man must have been referring to at the end of the hallway and made his exit. Whatever was happening around here, he had no time to find out. He just needed the artifact for the exhibit.

Val watched as Alex, Freja, and Jeanie finally managed to box Alexa in. She was covered in mud and bits of flora from skidding around on the lawn in her attempts to escape. She was so preoccupied with avoiding Alex that she didn't notice Freja glide up behind her. The Danish girl spun low and used her leg to sweep Alexa's feet out from under her. The blonde landed on her back, her limbs flapping in the air as she exhaled violently when she hit the lawn, winded.

Alex was on her instantly, picking the stunned Alexa up and throwing her over his shoulder before heading toward the front doors. Freja sighed in satisfaction, her hands on her hips as she watched Alex trudge off.

"If I ams being honest, I think I have always wanted to do that," she said to her wife. Jeanie shrugged, and then they both headed after Alex.

The fun seemed to be over, so Valentina left the window and went back to her chair, sitting down and staring intently at the bag.


The foyer...

"I know, I know, go get her cleaned up again, yadda yadda yadda..." Alex sighed as he went by his mother and carried Alexa up the stairs, still slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Karen attempted to not to scowl at her son's retreating form. "Do your best not to end up inside her again, will you, please?"

"I'll try, but no promises, mom," he replied, throwing up the horns with his free hand before disappearing around the corner to the second floor. Freja and Jeanie had already made themselves scarce, hoping that Karen wouldn't notice. She shook her head and grumbled to herself before tromping down the hall and turning into the Bishop Hooper Study, noticing that Valentina was still sitting in her chair, staring at the attaché case, as assigned.

"Well, at least one person around here can follow simple instructions," Karen grunted while Val stood and curtsied, moving away from the table. Karen picked up the bag and froze. Her head swiveled as she goggled down at the case, eyes wide in horror.

Controlling the trembling in her hands, she unlocked the case, pulled the mouth wide open, and turned it upside down.

Out tumbled her sets of lingerie onto the table.

Karen slumped onto the chair Val had vacated moments before, staring at the pile of intimates, dull-eyed and despairing. Val didn't say anything, unaware that she was holding her breath. She didn't dare move. She could feel the danger in the air.

Slowly, Karen stood up, her eyes closed, taking deep breaths. When she opened them, she looked at her maidservant, her voice as level as she could possibly manage. It didn't comfort Valentina one bit.

"Correct me if I am wrong," Karen said slowly. "But did I, or did I not, ask you, Miss Prospero, to keep your eye on this particular bag?"

Valentina nodded. "That's what I did, Mistress. I kept watch on the bag of underwear."

"It wasn't underwear when I left, it was a bag full of coprolite!" Karen almost shouted, her golden eyes flaring. Val shook in terror, barely avoiding peeing her panties.

Karen turned away and rubbed her face with her hands, murmuring in some language her servant didn't recognize. Her Mistress' shoulders finally sagged, and she felt safe enough to ask a question.

"How did stone poop become your underwear, Mistress?" she queried.

Karen whirled around and looked at her. "That's what I want to know!"

Valentina thought about it. "Maybe it was a miracle. Y'know, like the wedding at Cana!"

Karen just closed her eyes.


The west wing, grand suite...

Alex was thoroughly drying his wife's skin with a plush towel. Jeanie was brushing Alexa's hair out now that it had been washed again, and she was impressed with the fact that Alex, who was just a guy, had managed to get all the grass, twigs, and muck out of Alexa's thick, golden hair. Most guys she knew could barely brush their teeth. Freja was standing nearby, just in case Alexa needed to be tripped up again. Alexa was just sitting on the edge of the bed, looking very zoned out, not paying attention to what was happening.

"I don't think I need you guys anymore," Alex said, not wanting to mention that when Alexa, Freja, and Jeanie were all together seemed to be when the fit hit the shan most often. "I think she's been suitably subdued for now."

"Aw, but I like brushing Lexi's hair," Jeanie protested, meaning it. "It's so thick, healthy, and beautiful. If I had a dick, I'd be stroking off in this every night."

"And I don't doubt that, Jeanie, I'm just saying that I think I've got this covered if you two've got better things to do," Alex replied. "Maybe I'll get her to nap or somethin' before the bishop gets here."

"She is looking rather out of it," Freja mentioned, watching her soulmate sitting on the edge of the bed. "Between all of the THC she did the drinking of, and me taking her down with that beautiful leg sweep, she is probably rather tired, ja?"

"You two go, I've got this," he declared, standing up. "My wife, my issue to see to. Scoot."

Alex didn't quite have the dad voice that Mike had, at least not yet, but when he was giving instructions, the girls were inclined to obey them. They both gave him a kiss and wiggled out. Once they were gone, Alex somehow fit a robe onto Alexa and then laid her down. He sat beside her and stroked her hair while her eyes fluttered for some minutes before staying closed, her breathing slow, deep, and even.

"Thank Sanguinius," he sighed, standing up. "Now to get myself in order..."

He headed into the suite's bathroom.

One of Alexa's eyes snapped open and looked in the direction of the bathroom door to make sure he was gone.


Karen listened to the person on the other end of the call, one that had caused her no end of consternation. She couldn't believe this was happening. How?

"I fail to understand, sir," she said, shaking her head. "How did you end up with the coprolite?"

She listened again intently, nodding and frowning in turn. "So you were here, nobody spoke with you, and-"

She paused while listening. "Oh, somebody did speak with you? Whom, if one might ask?"

The matriarch squeezed her eyes shut as she absorbed what she was being told. "A naked girl. And a young man in boxers. Yes, I have some inkling who you might be referring to. But that doesn't explain how you ended up with the coprolite."

More listening. "You found a bag in one of my studies, you say. You assumed it was the Sargon. Was nobody with the bag when you took it?"

Karen turned her head and looked up at Valentina, who stood nearby. "You didn't see anyone with the bag when you were in the Hooper Study. Interesting."

Val swallowed and shrunk in on herself, her hands behind her back.

Karen hit the speaker button on her phone, allowing the curator's voice to carry through the room while looking pointedly at Val. "I was rather surprised that I wasn't being seen to. I know that your estate has staff. Where was the help?"

"Trust me, they're no help," Karen muttered, taking him off speaker. "I know, you're a busy man, getting ready for the exhibit, I'm sure it's very taxing," Karen replied to the curator in an almost condescending tone. Clearly he was whining, something Karen had no time for. Ever. "No, there's no need for you to return, so long as you send someone you trust... yes, I suppose you could send the coprolite back here and we can have someone from Langstaff come to pick it up from here... yes, I'm sure resources are very tight..."

Karen rolled her eyes as the man continued to complain. "Sir," she said in a firm voice. "A provost mind such as yours clearly has lots of things to see to, and I don't want to take up any more of your time. Send your courier. I will get the coprolite to Langstaff, and send your person back with the Sargon. Are we in agreement? Excellent. We'll be in touch again when you have your artifact. I must go. Good day."

Karen ended the call and was silent for several seconds before turning in the chair to look at Val.

The housekeeper smiled nervously.

Karen beckoned her closer with a finger and patted her lap. Nervously, Val moved forward and eased herself down onto Karen's thighs, sitting sideways and turning her head so that she could see her Mistress.

"Didn't you tell me that you never took your eyes off the bag I'd left you with?" Karen asked in a soft voice, reaching up and running a finger through Val's dark brown hair.

Val swallowed again, trying not to squirm nervously. How many times had she nearly peed herself today? "I... I guess I was away at the window for maybe thirty seconds, looking outside to watch Alex, Freja, and Jeanie chasing Lexi around the lawn while she was naked. I swear, Mistress, this curator of yours made no noise when he came in and switched the bags."

Karen sighed and used her watch to call someone. "Alex? Where are you?"

"Watchin' Alexa like a hawk in our room, mom," he replied. "She's still lights out, but I'm afraid to take my eyes off her."

"Would you happen to recall speaking with the curator at any point this afternoon?" she asked.

There was a pregnant pause before a reply came. "I... there was a dude in the foyer when I was chasing Alexa. Didn't really have time to stop and chat, y'know?"

"Was he carrying an attaché case?" Karen queried, waiting some time for a response. "Come now, put that Mentat and Bene Gesserit training your father and I gave you to good use..."

"Now that you mention it, he did, mom. I asked him if he'd seen Alexa and then went off after her. Really, that's all that happened."

"Fine, get Alli cleaned up and ready again," Karen sighed. "I don't care if you have to staple her clothes to her, Alex, just keep her from being naked in front of the bishop."

Karen ended the call to her son and turned toward a very apprehensive Val again, who was still sitting quietly in her Mistress' lap, her hands fold on her own lap, not daring to say anything or even move. The bronze-haired woman slowly reached down and tugged on Val's skirt, which was unusually long and conservative today. The Italian girl squeaked and lifted her bum slightly, allowing Karen to bunch the material around her housemaid's waist. She then used her hands to turn Val in to face her, legs outside Karen's while she straddled her.

Val didn't rightly know what was happening, but the look in her Mistress' eyes indicated that this wasn't sexy fun time.

Karen leaned in enough that her nose gently touched Val's and she whispered against the younger woman's lips, barely touching them.

"Miss Prospero," she said in the quietest but still most lyrical of tones, the scent of roses on her breath making Val tremble in luxurious desire, despite the imminent danger she felt. "You are to stay as far away from any attaché cases that enter the premises for the rest of the day. Do we understand one another."

"Y-yes, Mistress," Val replied in a faint whisper, her own lips touching Karen's as she suppressed a shiver of cold dread. "I... have plenty of other matters to attend to, of course."

"Excellent," Karen said in a factual manner, leaning back now and nodding. "Off you with, then."

Val rose quickly and trotted out of the room, straightening out her skirt and making herself scarce. Karen shook her head and rose from her chair, keying a number into her phone.

"Hello, Nancy," she said in as pleasant a tone as she could manage. "I am sorry about the mix-up. Would you be so kind as to send that jewelry back to me, please? It needs to get to whom it was originally intended. Of course I'll send the negligee and accoutrements to you as quickly as possible. I just need to lay my hands on them again. No, I'd rather you not send Les, if you don't mind. Oh, he says he likes my daughter, does he?"

Karen pinched her eyes. Nancy must mean Alexa somehow. Idiot...

"It's a pity he likes her, because she happens to be married," Karen said, growing tired of the conversation already. "Yes, a pity for Les, but I'm sure he'll find a nice girl someday. Preferably one with a penchant for random catnaps. Oh, you'll send your chauffeur over with the bag? Excellent, I know your man Wulff is quite efficient. Good. Yes, we'll talk soon."

She ended the call and tapped her finger against her cheek, thinking. If Wulff was coming, who would she count on to keep this quick and efficient?

She had an idea and stepped briskly out of the study, the attaché case full of underwear in hand.


"Mr. Malmsten," Karen now said, standing with Dave in the grand foyer and handing him the attaché case. "Nancy is sending over her chauffeur to retrieve this bag. Give it directly into his hands, nobody else's. And take the bag he is going to give to you in exchange. Understand?"

Dave nodded, taking the bag from his employer. It still unnerved him slightly that she and Alexa were as tall as him. He was used to it with Andrea, but the Blackwell sisters were something different altogether. "Sure, boss. What if that Les kid or anyone else shows up?"

"Kill them."

"Now that I can do," he grunted. "I'll stay here and wait for the chauffeur."

Karen nodded and headed off, determined to make up for time lost.

Dave now waited dutifully in the foyer, sitting on one of the chairs spaced around the open area. He kept the attaché case at his feet, tapping the pads of his fingers together. Before long, Marie came through the foyer, wiping at her brow and carrying a pair of shears. "There are you are, David. I was hoping you could-"

"Can't, sorry," he interrupted, still looking across the foyer at the door.

"Why?" asked the French woman, somewhat confused by his curtness. Even for Dave, that had been abrupt.

"Boss lady told me to wait here with this bag of underwear," Dave said. "Told me to kill anyone who tried to interfere. Go find Tunde."
