Mike & Karen Ch. 30


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She wasn't the risk-taking type, normally. She'd had one passionate romance, but it had faded away, and she'd had another, secret fling in which she'd turned out to be the other woman. While she'd ended it, she remembered those days fondly for how they'd made her feel. She just wasn't interested in scandal. She had other concerns in life, thank you.

Life on Sheppey was quiet. Shellness Abbey, her home, was quiet. She would drive to whatever villages or towns needed a substitute teacher that day, and by night she was one of the DJs for the local radio station, specializing in playing oldies. It wasn't much, but it was enough for someone who preferred to live modestly, as she did.

Did she like living modestly? Okay, maybe she enjoyed the luxuries of the moneyed life, but not enough to put up with the headaches it brought her peers. What good was all that wonga if you spent all your time looking after maintaining it?

Millie wasn't terribly religious, but she seemed to recall a Bible passage about a poor man being able to sleep, where a rich man stayed awake worrying.

She thought of her sister, and then Mike and Karen. Having pots of money didn't seem to faze them, but then, she saw them as being above money to begin with. They were too big for money, really. Mike had apparently come from nothing. She couldn't imagine him changing just because he had dosh now. She hoped he never did. The world would be a worse place if that man ever changed.

The woman snuggled into her sister's scent, letting it surround her and carry her off. She would sleep well tonight.


Master Suite East...

He was on top of his wife, looking down into her golden eyes now, those hypnotic eyes holding him spellbound as he thrust inside her. Karen had her knees hooked over his shoulders, she was almost rolled up beneath him. But it meant his powerful, slow thrust drove him so very deep inside her, and she moaned at him with every movement.

Gone was her bra, and the heels, leaving her clad on in her garters and stockings now. Her large, soft breasts wobbled with their rhythmic movements together, a dance perfected over decades of lovemaking. Her hand was on the back of his head, caressing through that mane of golden hair while his laser blue eyes held her rapt.

She could feel his cock swelling, and she knew that he would be cumming deep in her any moment now. He had already made her cum three times, and she would join him with this fourth. She never let him cum alone, she had a duty to him, after all. Much as he felt that she needed to climax several times before he released himself. It had always been this way between them.

Karen grappled onto him now, holding him as her body shuddered, her pussy tightening as she felt him expand and then begin to climax, filling her with his molten cum. She could hear his customary growl in her ear, she could feel the overwhelming power of his body, dominating her, but also revering her form, and she knew that he considered that his purpose in life.

Her mind was floating on this scintillating cloud, her universe composed only of him, all around her. In moments like this, she remembered the words he'd whispered to her the first time they'd admitted they were in love, and right before he penetrated her.

"With my body, I thee worship..."


Don't forget to read the stinger after this notes, folks!

Author's Notes: A relatively short chapter, compared to what's been happening with the Alexaverse these days, but I got everything done that I wanted to, so I saw no need to drag it out. It's not a spoiler alert to tell you that the posse reunites with Alexa next chapter, so look forward to that.

I enjoyed writing Alexa's perspective of things from the condo, watching and getting more terrified with each moment. The next day is going to be an emotional one, certainly.

Yes, Lisa is terrified of Blong, but what sane individual isn't?

There really was a crack Furby, and yes, he was indeed taught to dance for crack. One day, though, I nailed him to a long board, surrounded him with firecrackers, and blew him up. I was known as 'The Furbinator' for quite a while after that.

I own a shirt with a QR code that rickrolls people. You can find such codes online, or make your own on a QR code website. Don't hate the player, hate the game!

If you don't like the sound of Donna already, just wait until Lisa's Little Lesbian Life begins.

Yes, the girls have Josie and the Pussycats outfits, they've had them for thirty years. And we're talking about the music from the 1970s cartoon, by the way, so be ready for real cheese.

What happened in Jakarta? To be honest, even I don't really know. But it occurred to me recently that Mike and Karen are the kind of couple to generate a lot of noodle incidents, so I might has well have fun with them. Freja can't be the only one out there to have noodles, right?

Well, back at it over here. Have a great spring, folks, and keep your stick on the ice!

- Management.


Outside Cardiff, some two years earlier...

Alexa sat in the chair, smiling as she held her mother's hand. They were talking about a visit they'd made to Bucharest just over a year ago, taking in the sights of the much-fabled city. Miranda seemed as bright-eyed as ever, but she tired easily now, and spent most of her time in bed. They'd moved her here to this hospice, while Alexa was living not far away, in their little home in Caerphilly.

"We got a lot of good pics from that trip," Alexa agreed, stroking the back of her mother's hand. It was thinner now, and not warm the way she remembered it. Miranda seemed frail, and she knew her body was killing her. "I'm gettin' 'em on transferred onto portable drives. It'll go in the right folder."

"Who do you plan to show it to, my love?" Miranda asked, smiling.

"Anyone and everyone, of course," the beautiful young blonde woman replied, smiling. "I'll drive the planet crazy with it, you know how I am about showin' off pics of our life."

Miranda nodded. If her daughter had anything remotely resembling a personality flaw, it was her insistence that she take pictures, 'selfies' as they were called, of her and just about everything she did. However, in this instance, maybe that was a good thing. It was a life worth remembering, even if her own had been shadowed in regret for two decades.

She couldn't help getting lost in what she'd found out about their former life.

"The sun's still up," Alexa pointed out, smiling brightly. "We should go out, I could push you around the garden for a bit. The fresh air will do you good, mom."

Another smile from the older woman. "No, Alexandra, I don't want to be pushed around the garden in a wheelchair by my daughter."

Alexa watched as her mother slowly pulled back the cover she was wearing and moved to sit up sideways and get out of bed, motioning for her daughter to not assist her. Alexa just watched quietly.

"I will, however..." Miranda announced, standing up straight. "... go for a stroll around the garden with my daughter. It may just be a rather slow one."

"One amble around the garden it is!" Alexa laughed gaily, the sound of her voice lifting Miranda's spirits. Every time she heard that sound, she was determined to stay around a little longer. A day, a week, a month... whatever she could get away with. It reminded her in some ways of Ekaterina's laugh, although Alexandra laughed more frequently. So alike, and in some ways, so different, her daughters. All she knew was that she was so very blessed.

Alexa took her mom's arm gently and Miranda made sure she was standing up straight as they walked slowly out of the room and headed down the hall, greeted by the nurses and other caregivers as they headed for the lovely private garden. Out they went into the sunshine, and the mother smiled, feeling the sun touch her face without the barrier of a window. It felt good. She would miss it.

Alexa listened to her mother talk about various things that interested her recently, things she'd read in magazines or seen on television. Alexa nodded and replied readily, but her mind was also elsewhere, wondering how many more of these walks there might be.

Why didn't she feel more ready?

She thought about all the folders she was creating, dedicated to pictures of places she and her mother had lived or visited. They weren't just stored for memories, they were almost set up like a presentation, an exposition about her life.

For whom?

She knew the answer, but it wasn't one she would ponder right now, she needed to concentrate on her mom. The rest of her life would happen soon enough.

Back in the present...

Alexa was lying in bed between Freja and Jeanie, looking at the ceiling in the darkness. The two lunatics had put a giant mirror on the ceiling over the bed, so that they could watch themselves having sex. Right now, though, she was looking at herself in the mirror, enough moonlight streaming the window to make her reflection visible.

She thought she looked terrified. Had she looked this way when she was getting ready to come home, to reunite after two decades with her sister and family again? Why was she so frightened?

I wish you were here, mom. We all do. You were always my strength.

No. Mom isn't with us anymore. She can't be my strength.


She smiled, knowing it was true. Every time she felt a tinge of worry, she thought of his steadfast demeanour, so very like his dad, unflinching in the face of any adversity. Kar had Mike, and she had Alex. So there really was nothing to fear.

She giggled as the relief flushed over her, followed by a delicious tiredness. She was also thankful that she hadn't woken Freja or Jeanie just now. She smiled happily and closed her eyes, suddenly feeling only a dreamy sense of anticipation about tomorrow, her aunts seeing her again like a radiant angel. She would give them that.

Watch, mom. If you thought you were proud of me before...


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DevilbobyDevilbobyabout 1 year ago

Hi BM I wanted to leave a comment after reading ch,31 but the set up at the end wouldn't allow it, so I hope this goes through I completely appreciate your feelings about writing the last hrs of Miranda's life as she succumbed to the cancer. With Alexandra singing the lullabies it was I felt a very moving scene. I love the way you write these episodes at times moving other times fun and sometimes hilarious, but always written with feeling. I await episode 32 with interest.

DPPHDPPHabout 1 year ago

Waiting on tenterhooks for the next chapters of all the stories in the Alexaverse.

namidaboshinamidaboshiabout 1 year ago

Donna doesn't seem to be a good person at all. Lisa definitely needs someone better than her in any case. May I suggest the lovely Ms. Millie as her next paramour. I believe, they can make each other very happy. Lisa should cut off the dead weight for her own sanity.

Janet and Mona seem to have a little romance growing between each other. They should be open about it, there could be no one more supportive than their friends. Janet and Mona can can make a life anywhere, if you think about it.

The little lord continues to be a nuisance. Hopefully he'll learn some manners in Blackshack. lol

Onward to the next chapter, dear author! Don't make us wait too long. :)


TimcutyourshitTimcutyourshitabout 1 year ago

Onward to chapter 31 at full.speed

inkcredibleincinkcredibleincabout 1 year ago

hello. just wanted to tell you that in the first few chapters of alex and alexa verse stories, you described mike de bourne as having no siblings. karen is described as having brown hair.

i've been rereading alex and alexa chapter 1. you might wanna check that.

anyway, thanks for your continued effort in writing your story. it's a privilege to read it.

bobt2928bobt2928about 1 year ago

Always excellent thank you.

taco1085taco1085about 1 year ago

bravo, another great chapter, you pulled so many activities into this chapter. You really pulled it together. thank you. I cant wait for the next one.

VirlexVirlexabout 1 year ago

Fantastic Chapter as always! Cannot wait for the next one!

JvitoJvitoabout 1 year ago

Great continuation of a fantastic story. Nice to see the old gang come together like it was only yesterday, very believable. Where I thought we would get additional answers on how Mike & Karen finally came to be, we were presented with two additional mysteries involving Karen & Janet and Lisa & Donna. Looking forward to the next chapters and hopefully some answers to some of these questions that all your fans are looking for. Can’t wait!

rumars63rumars63about 1 year ago

Mike as Trajann Valoris or Ra Endymion. . .

WolfenherzWolfenherzabout 1 year ago

Great story. I hope Lisa can get away from her wife.

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