Milk Stud


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His breasts continued to fill and they pulled at his shoulders and back as they pressed together in the middle of his chest.

"Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!" he cursed, tapping the button on his center console to call his wife. "Come on! Come on!"

"Hey hun, what-"

"I've got tits!" Tyler yelled, huddling into himself while cradling his breasts with his arms. He could see blue veins against the pale skin. They were far larger than his wife's breasts and still continued to grow, sliding against his biceps before coming to a final rest.

A drip of clear milk fell from his fat, swollen nipple. He bit his lip and groaned, his hand raising to touch himself. Both breasts felt sore and hot to the touch and they ached for his touch.

He licked his lips as he stared at the dark nipples. His long lashes fluttered as his mouth fell open. He grabbed his left tit and moaned, long and low before raising it slowly towards his mouth. Squeezing his own soft, enormous breast caused milk to drip out once more and he felt his limp cock stir, sliding against the large black spot on his thigh. More short fur grew from the spot and it tickled the head of his dick.

"You- I'm sorry, you what?" his wife asked.

Tyler leaned forward. His cheekbones cracked as his ears folded at the tips and flicked, sliding through his lengthening brown hair. His full lips brushed the nipple.

"Mmmm-oooohh," he moaned, bringing the nipple eagerly into his mouth. His wet lips smacked as he sucked at the long nipple and surrounding areola.

His cock throbbed and tried to grow hard but, instead, pulled back, receding slightly between his thighs. The nipple swirled in his mouth as he kneaded on his breast with one hand. His other slipped between his thighs and he squeezed his small cock as his left testicle shrunk.

A twin opening formed within his body, widening with each passing second into a fully functioning fallopian tube. His shrunken testical slipped inside, squeezing past internal organs and traveling deep within his body as it began to change into his first ovary. His second testicle trembled and shriveled. Cells divided and changed, dividing again and again until it formed an ovum and pushed inside, traveling along the path to his second fallopian tube.

"Tyler? What was that noise?" Judy asked, her voice showing increasing concern. "Tyler!"

"I-" Tyler said, blinking his eyes as he released his breast. It slapped against his chest and he pressed his hands against his temples. The nipple at the tip of his left tip stood erect, in contrast to his long, limp right nipple. He felt dizzy and confused but so warm.

"Tyler? Talk to me, baby, you're making me nervous," his wife said.

"Judy!" he gasped, suddenly remembering what had happened. "Judy! I- I know you're going to think I'm crazy but I have- wait, I'll show you."

He grabbed his phone from the magnetic dock and pointed it at his breasts. In the picture, he spotted his cum covering his shirt and he took his phone away.

I can't let her see that! It's so gross. So sticky and gross. My cum. Covering my clothes. Smells- smells so good. Thick and white. So hot. So fucking hot. I just- I just want-

He reached down to scoop his cum and shoved his hand in his mouth. Again and again he grabbed the cum, sloppily cleaning it from his fingers until only dark spots were left on his clothing. He leaned his head back, grabbing at his breasts and pulling his nipples as he rubbed his tongue against the roof of his mouth. His shrunken cock flopped, uselessly trying to grow hard as he savored the taste of his semen.

"Show me what, Tyler? Tyler, show me what?"

Oh god. Oh God! What did I-

With a trembling hand, he grabbed his phone and pointed it down before snapping a picture. He tapped on his screen and sent the picture, dropping the phone into the seat next to him.

Yet he glanced over at the picture still covering the screen. He could barely see his belly past his enormous tits. They were so big. He moaned, brushing the bottom of his right breast as he stared at the image. A small black spot was growing on the side of his left breast. He grabbed himself there and squeezed as he looked at the picture. His fat ass rocked in the seat and he shoved himself back hard, grunting at a sharp pain in his back. The car shook as he shoved back once more and a bulge appeared at the seat of his pants.

"Baby, what- what is this?" Judy asked. "Is this some kind of joke? Is- oh no. Oh shit!"

The curse word was awkward on his wife's lips. She cursed so rarely that even in his dazed state, he noticed. His ears, sliding through his thick, curly hair, rotated forward. Tiny black hairs grew from the inside of his wide, folded ears.

"What?" he asked, suddenly alert again. "What is it?"

"The woman!" his wife answered. "The old woman! She, oh shit! She told me, remember? That she could show you what it's like! She did this somehow! She had to have. Oh god, how is this even possible. Are you- baby, are you alright?"

"Yeah," Tyler said. His eyes grew unfocused again. He pressed the seat control and it leaned back, taking him with it. His heavy breasts pulled to the side and he lifted his hips. Two drops of milk fell from his exposed teats to his bare stomach and coursed down his body. "There's- there's something else-"

"What?" Judy asked. "What is it?"


You can't tell her. You can't. Look at yourself. This is more than she can handle.

"Nothing," he said, touching the teat carefully. The dark skin around the small nipple was paler than the rest. He touched the base and his finger slid against the solid, smooth texture. While he watched, the color drained away and then shifted to a solid white. With his finger against his belly, he felt it move and press outward into a small bulge around the four teats.

"Judy," he gasped, straining to pull his hand away from his udder. "What should-"

Pain enveloped his body and he shrieked. His voice cracked and broke, rising higher and higher to a feminine pitch. A hole opened between his legs, wet and sore and empty. His new cervical canal spread, pushing everything else aside as bones cracked and popped.

Tyler's cock grew slim. Black and white hairs infiltrated his curly brown pubic hairs as flesh built up just above his shrinking cock. He grabbed at his door handle and the console next to him as Judy tried to speak to him. His dick receded while his head shrunk until the fleshy hood enveloped it.

When the skin of his cock lay flat between his thighs, it grew wrinkled and bubbled outward into his inner labia. More skin flowed to surround the lips and a slit appeared at the center. Clear liquid slid down his virgin pussy to soak the back of his pants and his seat. He shuddered in his seat and his enormous breasts quivered against his chest.

"Tyler, answer me!" Judy yelled. "What's-"

"It's- it's passed-" he said, his voice unrecognizable to him. He pressed delicate fingers to the front of his slender neck and blinked long lashes. "I- My voice. I can't-"

"Oh god, baby, it's okay," his wife said, her tone betraying her own stress. "Just- just wait for me there and I'll come get you and we'll find this woman and-"

"I can't stay here!" Tyler moaned. He pressed the button to move his seat back up but turned away from the sidewalk. "Everyone can see me!"

"Ma'am, are you okay?" a young woman asked, tapping carefully on his passenger side window. Her boyfriend stood behind her, carefully looking away from the car.

"Yes! Yes, I'm fine!" he answered, hiding his breasts once more. The other woman hesitated and then walked away with one quick glance back. "Judy, I can't stay here. I have to go inside. There's a store. It's a clothing store. Bel- Belo- Why can't I say the word? It's a long word. I can't-"

"Baby, it's okay, it's okay," his wife said, trying her best to be soothing. "What street are you on?"

"I don't know," he whined, leaning forward. His breasts pressed against the steering wheel. "I can't see. Oh! There's a grocery story. The little one where you got those chips you liked."

"Okay, I know where you are," she told him. "Can you go into the store and wait for me? Maybe- maybe in a changing room?"

"Yes!" Tyler said, bouncing in his seat and clapping his hands. His breasts shook against him. "Yes, I can do that!"

"I'll be there soon," she said. "Be safe!"

The call ended and Tyler leaned over to look at the clothing store next to him. A pair of men passed and one elbowed his friend hard in the side. They both turned to stare and Tyler smiled shyly back at them.

"Wait, no!" he yelled, pulling back to hide his body. "Goddammit! What is wrong with me?!"

His hand brushed the door handle before he pulled it back. His simple golden wedding band slid down his slim finger to the floorboard but he was distracted as he grabbed his jacket from the passenger seat. He leaned forward and shoved his arms into the right sleeve and the end of it completely covered his hand. He struggled with his other arm, crushing his breasts against the wheel as he tried to pull it on.

Finally, he sat back and slipped the three buttons in place at the bottom of the jacket. Once finished, he nodded, smiling with his full lips and slightly vacant eyes until he frowned and brushed a long bang away from his eyes. Something was off. He stared at himself, thinking through the haze.

"Oh, dammit!" he cursed.

His tits lay exposed in the middle of the jacket. He tugged his shirt down. It dragged against his long nipples and he twisted his feet while biting his lips, panting until his shirt covered his breasts. Next, he pulled his dress shirt together and struggled with those buttons, straining and grunting until he was finally able to do the buttons beneath his breasts. He didn't even bother trying his vest.

He stared down at himself. His dress shirt was open and showed his undershirt and his breasts were on full display for all to see.

The thought made him squirm and press his thick thighs together. He tensed a muscle where between his legs and his pussy clenched, the muscles inside slipping together . That made him gasp and he moaned, pressing his face and lips against the steering wheel. He could see himself tearing his shirt off on the sidewalk and kneeling in front of the gathering crowd. Raising his ass-

"Have to-" he panted. "Have to keep it together."

Grabbing his phone, he opened his door and stumbled out. His feet ached within his shoes and his toenails dug painfully into the side of his toes. The webbing between his index toes and big toes slid forth, pulling them together. At the same time, the other three grew connected until he was left with two large, separate toes on each foot.

People murmured around him and he blushed to the tips of his furred, black ears. He could feel the cooling wet spot at the seat of his pants and the air rushed into the gap of his open zipper as his underwear.

He could feel it against his soaked pussy lips.

Tyler stumbled and a loud rip made him press his thighs together. His slacks tore between his thighs as his ass continued to expand. His cheeks grew red and he rushed forward, holding his jacket together. Walking was made difficult as the underwear twisted around his thighs, forcing him to hobble.

His tits bounced with each step, pulling at his back. Muscles developed beneath the swelling soft skin of his ass, breaking and doubling and tripling as they spread to his legs and along his back. Fat grew over the muscles as they grew dense and readied him for the touch of a bull. His underwear stretched painfully tight over his thighs. His back muscles cramped as they developed but they quickly released and he found himself walking taller, which forced his breasts out.

The doors to the store opened before he got to them and he rushed inside, avoiding the welcoming sales associate as he raced to the back.

At the back of his pants, the bulge lengthened. He crashed into a rack with a squeal when his hairless tail slid down his ass. It writhed as it grew and the tip curled to slip through the tear in his slacks.

"Oh no, oh no," he whined, stepping from one foot to the other.

The changing rooms were all full. WIth each step, his shoes strained against his feet. The nails of the merged toes were growing over the tips and pushing forward. As his foot grew shorter, it widened and the soles of his shoes groaned quietly under the pressure.

Turning, he came face to face with a saleswoman who looked him up and down with a critical eye.

"B- bathroom?" he stuttered, tugging at his jacket.

"Over there, hun," she said.

I'm not-

He turned to see the women's bathrooms where the sales associate appointed.

I'm not a girl.

His cheeks burned as he walked in the direction she pointed. His jaw ached and he couldn't stop grinding his teeth over and over. A single white hair emerged from his chin and a second followed. He sneezed, wiping his nose as his jaw creaked forward. With another sneeze, he licked his nose and hurried.

The tip of his white tail continued to grow, sliding down to his thighs. It widened the hole in his slacks as it grew thick and heavy on his spine, counterbalancing the weight of his gigantic tits.

He glanced back at the sales woman who quickly looked away from him. With her gaze averted, he turned and pushed open the men's restroom. His shoes popped as he crossed the threshold and his split hooves clacked against the hard tile.

I'm not a girl, he told himself again, panting as his swelling pussy lips rubbed against his thighs. Bones spread in his hips as his body prepared himself for the girth needed for his changed form and the babies he'd birth as the result of it.

The stalls were mercifully empty. He clip-clopped to the end, shaking his feet to rid himself of the remains of his shoes but the width of his hooves kept them in place. He opened the stall and then turned to sit on the toilet seat.

As he sat, he spread his legs. His large ass and wider hips ripped his slacks and underwear completely in half. His freed tail curled behind him as he leaned forward, grunting when his breasts pressed into his thighs but his torn pants gave him a wider range of motion. His nails caught into his shoelaces, forcing him to undo them more slowly than usual but he finally loosened them and pulled the tops of his ruined shoes off. He threw them under the door and they hit the far wall.

His heart raced and he clutched the phone against his body.

Please make it soon, please, please, please-

"So I- oh, hey, what's this?" a voice said as the door opened.

Tyler picked his feet up, placing them carefully against the inside of the stalls. His ears burned and flicked and quivered as he heard feet shuffling around the bathroom.

But what distracted him more than anything was the position he was in.


With his legs spread and raised.

Staring down his massive tits.

Ready and waiting for a lover.

His favorite position for Judy.

Was this what she saw when she lowered herself on his cock? Was this what it looked like? Bouncing on his dick? Her breasts slapping until he grabbed them and held them?

"Is someone there?" the voice asked. Male. Smooth and low. It vibrated within Tyler's body and his hand lowered, sliding against his body to rest between his thighs. He rested his fingers against his hot pussy lips and his long nails pressed gently into the swollen labia. His other hand pawed at the buttons of his jacket until it opened completely and he dragged his shirt up and over his tits, baring himself completely.

"Probably just a homeless guy that got in," a second voice said. "Nice shoes, though."

The bones at the base of his toes creaked. He stared at his split toes, watching as the incredibly dense ivory nails slid against the smooth stall door while they lengthened. As detached and distracted as he was, it bothered him that he couldn't feel his feet any longer.

Beyond the stall, the two men grew quiet. Tyler's ears rotated forward and he brushed his long hair away as he tried to listen. The quiet rasp of zippers sounded and one of the men coughed.

Peeing, he realized. Just peeing.

He tried to stop the image forming but a growing part of him enthusiastically reached for it.

The one who spoke first would be larger. His voice was deep and it made sense to him. Larger with a rough beard. Not too long but a few weeks growth. Short hair.

His breath came faster as he pictured the man holding his dick out just beyond the door. It would be thick and long and hard. Just like he was. Just like Judy loved when she sat on it. Like he was sitting now. Legs spread like a dumb slut hungry for cock.

He groaned and his tail tapped quietly against the back of the toilet. Drool formed in his mouth as he pictured the man standing before him. He was on his knees while the other man looked down at him, holding himself ready.

Tyler's fingers touched his clit and his nails tapped his swollen labia, causing him to jerk. His left hand reached for his tit as he explored himself, slipping a finger between his wet folds. The sensation was intense and the sounds beyond the stall faded as he squeezed and pulled at his breast. Slowly, his left hand raised to his nipple. He tugged at it while rubbing himself.

Black hairs emerged above his breasts. Three more followed it and they expanded in a wave, flowing out and down over the inside swell of his right breast until white hairs replaced black. He felt them grow beneath the hand squeezing and milking his breast. They tickled the sensitive palm of his soft hand and he bucked, pulling hard on the nipple.

A solid stream of milk spurted from his nipple, striking the stall door. He watched it with lidded, lust-filled eyes while it raced down the door to drip to the floor.

Tyler's pointer and ring finger rubbed his labia as his index finger pressed inside his pussy. Blood rushed to his labia and they bulged over his fingers to match his changing form and larger frame until they were puckered and his three fingers slipped between them into the hot, slippery lips within.

"Mmmm," he gasped quietly, pushing his chest forward while thrusting his ass back. It felt like a puppeteer pulled his strings, forcing his body to move despite his wishes. The moan was swallowed by the sound of running water while the men washed their hands.

His nail scraped painfully against the opening of his pussy. He whimpered as the aching void called out to be filled but he didn't know what to do. He needed- he needed-

He needed to be filled. His ears angled back, parting his ears as his cheeks burned red and he panted, his massive chest bobbing before him with each breath.

Don't, his internal voice pleaded with him. Please, don't.

Tyler lowered his legs and leaned forward, groaning as his face cracked and lengthened. He stood awkwardly on his hooves, resting his palm on the side of the door. Roaring filled his head as his mouth hung open and milk dripped from his nipples. He felt pressure surrounding his teats and his knees buckled for a brief moment. The young man pressed a hand against the smooth, white skin. It felt feverish to the touch and rock hard but it pushed back against his hand while it expanded.

Don't- he groaned, struggling through the heated buzzing as his hand fumbled for the simple door latch. Don't.

He opened the door, catching himself on the edge of it as he stepped out into the bathroom to stand beneath the bright light. The bathroom door was hissing closed. He reached out and took a step. Clear liquid leaked from his distended pussy lips, connecting with the short, coarse fur on the inside of his thighs before he took another step.