Milo and the Manosphere


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Milo's orgasm began to build from the moment he was inside her. He fucked Jessie with slow strokes, feeling her tongue in his mouth, her hands on his torso, the insides of her feet on his legs--a woman in full receive mode. Part of Milo's mind wondered why this felt so spectacular, and he realised it was because he didn't feel loved... he felt selected. Jessie wanted sperm to make a baby and she had chosen him. And that thought, that knowledge, took him over the edge.

He pushed his cock deep and held it there. The orgasm came, pulse after pulse shooting into Jessie's body. Milo tried not to grunt--he still had the woman's mouth on his--but he couldn't help making a noise in his throat. He felt Jessie smile under his mouth, her legs pressing against the sides of his hips. Her arms were around him, her hands on his back, holding him close as his body jerked and shuddered. This was heaven, pure heaven. Was there anything on God's Green Earth that was going to make him happier than this?

Afterwards, Milo lay on top, his cock inside his woman, bathing in the swirling ecstasy of his body, the smell of her sweat, the feel of her pussy. He shifted a little, unable not to worry about crushing her, and Jessie laughed and ran her small, pointed tongue along his upper gum. It tickled and Milo laughed.

'Behave yourself,' he said.

'I don't want to!' said Jessie. 'I like being naughty.'

Milo looked at her face. Jessie's eyes were alive with mischief and happiness. He loved the way she was looking at him, like he was the best thing to ever happen to her. Jessie watched his face and ran her fingertips through his hair.

'Do you want a boy or a girl?' she said.

'What, are you taking orders for the baby factory?'

He got a sharp slap on his butt. But her smile was still there and she waited for her answer.

'I really don't mind,' said Milo and then realised this was not quite true. 'Although I do have a slight preference for a girl.'

'I knew you would!'

'How about you?'

'The same.'

Jessie looked away and said:

'I want to be the mother my mother never was.'

Milo's expression turned serious. He shifted position, his cock starting to pull out. Jessie grabbed him, pushing her hips down to keep him inside.

'Don't go!' she said.

'I'm not going anywhere,' said Milo. 'Well, not yet.'

Jessie stared at him in horror. She looked so stricken that Milo had to suppress a smile. He put a hand against her cheek to reassure her.

'Darling,' he said. 'I only meant that, after breakfast, I'll be going to the conference.'

'But why?'

'It's the last day. I don't want to miss it.'

This was clearly not what Jessie wanted to hear. Milo looked down at her.

'What is it?' he said.

'Well... I thought we could spend the day together. This is a big day for us!'

Milo looked at Jessie. She was giving him the earnest face--eyes pleading, worried eyebrows crunching her forehead in a way that was devastatingly cute. Milo found his mind suggesting that he had already spent two days in the Manosphere, that he had learned plenty already and what was more important anyway? Listening to a bunch of guys talk about pickup or spending time with his beautiful--and now maybe pregnant--wife?

Except... Jack had predicted this would happen. He not only predicted that Jessie would try to get Milo to skip the last day--he also predicted Milo's thought process in response to it.

'You'll find yourself rationalising why it's actually a good idea to change your plans,' he had said. ' "Maybe she's right. Maybe I should put off what I want to do, and instead do what she wants us to do." '

'But what if she is right?' Milo had said.

'Listen,' said Jack. 'There are times when a woman wants something reasonable. And then there are times when she just wants to get her way. You, my friend, need to learn to tell the difference.'


As Milo walked along the shopping street, pulling his roller case with one hand and holding his wife's hand with the other, he couldn't believe how well Jack's strategies had worked. Indeed, they had surpassed expectations. Jessie was clutching his arm and happily chatting away as though their disagreement had never happened.

'If you really want to do something, just do it,' Jack had said. 'Women respect men who know what they want and who stick to their guns.'

'But what if she really objects?'

'Then let her talk out her objections and when she's done, give her a big smile, say "Nice try" and go do what you want anyway. What's she going to do, barricade the door?'

So Milo had followed the advice and it had worked out beautifully. Jessie called him a selfish pig, went off to the toilet in a huff, and when she got back, she said that if she wasn't going to see him for the whole day, she wanted to skip breakfast and spend the rest of their time together in bed.

Milo and Jessie arrived at the square with the fountain. Milo saw a bunch of men heading towards the five-star hotel on the other side and he stopped. He stood the roller case up on its base and turned to his wife.

'All right,' he said. 'Time to say goodbye.'

'I want a kiss.'

Milo smiled and kissed Jessie. There were people walking around, so he tried to keep it modest, but Jessie was in no mood for restraint. Milo gave in and they snogged like teenagers, Milo realising that his feelings about people snogging in public were very different when he was the one doing it. When they were done, Jessie reached for the handle of her husband's case. They had checked out of the hotel and Jessie had offered to put Milo's case in the car so that he didn't have to drag it around the conference. Milo took the car-key from his pocket, but hesitated.

'Jessie,' he said. 'You do know that I would have let you take the car.'

'Darling, even if I could drive,' said Jessie, 'I wouldn't have gone home without you. I want us to go home together.'

That deserved another kiss. Afterwards, Milo gave her the car-key, shouldered his small bag and walked off across the square, heading towards the hotel. He went through the giant revolving glass door, flashed his red wristband to one of the grey-shirted volunteers at the row of tables and went through the open double doors.

Milo's first thought was to thank Jack Tarrant and he headed to his book stand in the hope of catching him there. Jack was there all right, but there were already over a dozen men around his table, listening to him talk Red Pill principles. Milo was crestfallen.

'Morning!' boomed a voice and Milo felt a slap on his shoulder.

'Harry,' he said. 'Hi.'

'How's it going?'

Milo hesitated. Harry had sent a text the previous evening asking that very question and Milo still wasn't sure how to answer it or even whether he wanted to. That said, Harry's expression made it pretty clear that his lack of an answer was an answer in itself.

'Look, Harry,' said Milo. 'I know you disapprove...'

'Milo, have you learned nothing here?'

Harry put a beefy hand onto Milo's trapezoid muscle.

'Wanting other men's approval is just as bad as wanting a woman's,' he said. 'Respect is the prize! Have you handled your situation in a way that feels respect-worthy to you?'

'Yes,' said Milo seriously. 'Yes, for the most part, I do.'

'Then fuck my disapproval! Fuck everyone's! It's your marriage and your choice. Do whatever you believe to be right and let the chips fall where they may.'

Milo considered that and then nodded his agreement. Harry gave his shoulder a final slap.

'Come on, let me get you a coffee,' said Harry. 'And you can tell me all about it!'


Jessie stood and watched Milo disappear into the shiny glass and concrete structure of the hotel complex, his bag over one shoulder. She ran a hand through her hair, puzzling at the mystery of her feelings. Milo wasn't her type. Okay, he was no pencil-neck, but neither was he the macho guy that Jessie had always gone for. Even as a teenager, she'd had crushes on the antisocial tough kids who strutted around in gangs and thought studying was for losers. Carl was the embodiment of that type of man.

Yet here Jessie was, maybe pregnant by a moderately good-looking man with a moderately good income and living in a moderately good neighbourhood. And what was even more surprising: she was happy with that. Right now, Jessie felt happier than she could ever remember feeling in her life. Absentmindedly, she kissed the tattoo on her wrist for luck.

Jessie turned and began to roll the wheeled case back down the street where they had just come. The parking garage where Milo had left the car was ten minutes away and she checked the map on her phone. It occurred to Jessie as she walked along that if she had gone to the strip club last night as planned, she'd be at home right now, probably wracked with guilt and in a panic over what would happen when Milo got back. Talk about dodging a bullet.

'Thank you,' muttered Jessie under her breath.

If her angel was there, it didn't say anything. Or maybe it shrugged, like a plumber who had just fixed a toilet. In any event, Jessie spotted the French-style café where she'd had the blue cheese salad and remembered that she hadn't yet eaten. Smiling, she rolled the case up to the door and went in. She had all day to go to the car.

Right now, it was time for breakfast.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

'I'm serious, "Gary",' he said. 'I've been here two days now and I've heard a lot about how to attract a woman and seduce a woman and keep a woman's interest. But not one man has spoken for five minutes on how to love a woman. Is no-one interested in that? Or is Love itself a "Blue Pill construct" and I'm a beta-simp for even asking the question?'

===> This was the turning point in this story. At first it was hard to find the plot with all the "philosophical" trappings of purported feminism (early on) and the the Red Pill schlock that read like stumbling into an Incel Anonymous meeting or some type of LW sub reddit on QAnon. People are more complex than the assertions at the conference.

The one message that holds true is that if you place your value based on the approval of your wife or alternately the approval of your male friends (see Harry's statement) at the end then you have (potentially) emasculated yourself. You can love your wife and family, but who you are as a person should be something more. You can consciously make sacrifices but who you are in terms of self respect, preserving your honor, how you treat others, your beliefs, your principles, your interests, and your personality should not be wholly wrapped up in your romantic relationships. Your romantic relationships are an important part of your life but should not define you. That is worthwhile advice. But so much of the rest was such silly pablum that it left me wondering if this was a parody.

Personally after Jessie's confession, would have taken a long hard look before chaining myself to a woman, who only recently proclaims to love me, via getting her pregnant, after she told me she wanted to be impregnated by another man. Normally the answer would be a hard no and instant divorce, but Milo is a bit of an emotional weak noodle and Jessie clearly has mental issues. The reveal about her miscarriage with Carl's baby was important. So that was certainly a marital minefield and honestly, it is hard to imagine after just 3 years, that is rational to put up with the mess of addressing all the problems they both bring to the marriage (especially Jessie). Not to mention what Jessie's little voice will tell in 5 to 10 years. Supposedly Jack Tarrant's lessons will help Milo in the future but good luck with that.

Again people are far more complicated. Diverting and it was good to see Milo stand up to Gary and Harry and also Jessie, but the plot wa obfuscated by a lot of laughable rhetoric passed off as Red Pill wisdom. Honestly the talk between Milo and the curly haired receptionist who got lambasted by Gary on day 1 and also his stern discussion with Harry at the end were the high points, along with his takedown of Gary the sleaze.

On a separate note: how was Jessie demonstrating hypergamy by wanting Carl's child? Carl was much lower in terms of "status" than Milo. Great,.he is a manager of a stripper club with a messed up childhood and a history of being a wife / girlfriend beater. Hypergamy in modern world is about looking for someone usually of higher status or fitness. She thought Carl's child would raise hell and be tough to raise and she had guilt about the miscarriage with his child. Hypogamy is about screwing anything with two legs and a vagina or penis, depending on sexual orientation.

Hiker66BikerHiker66Bikerover 1 year ago

At first I expected a marital train wreck. How wrong I was. This yarn explores masculinity in male/ female relationships in a thoughtful and well written plot. 5 stars and thanks for sharing.

Karl_HundassonKarl_Hundassonover 1 year ago

Perhaps the BTB brigade should reconsider what Harry says "Then fuck my disapproval! Fuck everyone's! It's your marriage and your choice. Do whatever you believe to be right and let the chips fall where they may."

And also remember it's fiction. :)

jocko_smithjocko_smithover 1 year ago

I agree with the Anon who wrote "A five star for demonstrating what NOT to do."

Brilliant writing about a narcissistic female sociopath. I think many woman have tendencies toward hypergamy. As many men have tendencies toward promiscuity.

The key is that a mature adult keeps base impulses in check. As this whack-job female did not. Two years of "I want a baby" without actively working toward it was the red flag lit by a 10,000 watt spotlight.

The narcissistic sociopathy was that she almost tried to have another guy's baby and STILL was not honest enough to walk away from the "rescuer" she never loved at all.

A marriage made in hell, which will NOT improve over time.

I think this story belongs in the Erotic Horror section. Brilliant but horrifying.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

4 stars

"Yet here Jessie was, maybe pregnant by a moderately good-looking man with a moderately good income and living in a moderately good neighbourhood. And what was even more surprising: she was happy with that."

No hottie is going to be happy with a moderately-good anything until she's past the childbearing years, losing her looks, and cosmetic enhancements are impractical/impossible.

dt1784dt1784over 1 year ago

Loved your story, in fact I've enjoyed al your stories I read so far.

inka2222inka2222over 1 year ago

A really really well written story. One may agree or disagree with the contents, but the quality is outstanding. As usual with this author, he gives us the benefit of characters who not only are real and flawed, but also honestly asses the flaws.

My main complaint is that contrary to the advice, she still did not **respect** Milo at the end, at least not that I as observer would be convinced. Love without respect is not good enough to last. Not sure if it was there and I just missed the subtle hints, or deliberately missing by the author.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I would like to have seen this story taken out 5 or 10 years... I just don't see how this relationship will survive over time unless both do some serious work on themselves and the relationship... having a baby ain't gonna fix it... but, there is potential if there is sincere effort on the part of both... all the messiness does make the story ring true.

ibuguseribuguseralmost 2 years ago

Nice, very nice. Unexpected ending but brilliant.

maninconnmaninconnalmost 2 years ago
Oh this one was good!

Freddie, you wrote a real gem. This could easily be published in a short story collection. Your characters were totally real, and the story was totally plausible. Bravo, and thanks for writing!

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