Mine...Yours Pt. 10


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I heard Mr. Brook's voice push past those thoughts in my mind.

"I think that you should come with me when we are done with the dumpsters." He said with a smile. It wasn't a really Happy smile. More like the smile Mother gets when she is doing something fun.

"We need to pay a visit to some werewolves."

Chapter 31: Paladin.

I was surprised when we pulled up late at night to my neighbors. No lights were on in the Gatewatch's house. I watched as Mr. Brooks opened his door and stepped out into their driveway.

"It's late, and they are probably all asleep..." I started to say, then remembered that Jemima was a vampire, and probably still awake. "...Greg told me it was rude to call on people in the middle of the night." I finished.

He paused, looked up at the few stars that could be seen above us, then bowed his head and laced his fingers together. I heard him speak softly, and wondered again if he had a poem to say as well to himself. Does every human have a poem of their own?

I watched Mr. Brooks face harden and carefully said, "Hildy's pack is the one that attacked Greg, but she didn't do it. I think her father was the one to send the Weres since she really likes my Greg. I don't think she did anything wrong, she is his friend."

He nodded his head once and then continued walking to the front door. "This is important, if we are going to visit Hilda's father, then we should tell her why we are going to do so."

I stepped in front of him and put a hand on his chest. He stopped and contemplated me in the streetlights. I was surprised at my own...brashness? I think that's the word.

"If we do go to see the Alpha, Hildy's father, and we tell her that we are, she will warn him. He is her papa! She will be more loyal to him than she is to a friend." It made perfect sense to me, as a hunter I would isolate my prey so I could take them down easily. Sure, sometimes a big fight is a lot more fun, but I wanted to make sure we killed this beast! Having him be warned ahead of time before we got there could make things tricky.

Besides...Mr. Brooks was human, and he maybe has a couple of guns, but what could he really do? I was sure the fighting would all fall to me.

Mr. Brooks nodded in agreement with me. "That is all true, but also it is what I am counting on. Now...let me by, Lucretia." His voice was warm and I caught the hint of a small smile on his face, and for whatever reason I let him pass. Though I don't remember why I had gotten in front of him in the first place...strange.

He knocked on the door and it slowly opened after a few beats to Jemima, looking at him in confusion.

"Hey Lucky, and...Mr...Brooks! You're Greg's dad. What can I do for you?" Jemima asked. She noticed the gun on his hip and kept him on the porch instead of inviting him in.

"I need to get a message to Hilda Roberts please." He said politely. Jemima glanced at me, and I nodded.

"Wait right here." She told us and closed the door. I bounced from one boot to the other, waiting, and Mr. Brooks just smiled and hummed quietly to himself. Hildy appeared at the door with a sleepy Gwen rubbing her eyes and Jemima was standing close by the little witch. Hildy had a baggy T-shirt and loose gray sweatshorts on and her hair stuck up in places.

"Lucretia...Mr. Brooks? What are you doing here? Is everything okay?" She asked. Jemima put a protective arm around Gwen causing the witch to look up at Jemima and rub the side of her face into the vampires shoulder. She was wearing a fluffy pink bathrobe and her mussed hair made her look like one of those raggedy dolls.

"My son..." Mr. Brooks began, then stopped as if his air had stopped. I glanced at him and I could see he was struggling. With what I didn't know. I put my hand in his and he turned to look at me. I remembered how Greg would smile at me, and it made me feel Comforted. Even Mr. Brooks smiling at me helped me feel better. So I smiled at him as well. He gave me a nod, then turned his attention back to the three Gatewatchers who were now all wide awake.

"Gregory was attacked and hurt badly by some werewolves on the way to visiting my wife and I. He is in the hospital right now after suffering some severe injuries. Last I heard he was still unconscious." He delivered it all in a flat tone of voice that felt very cold to me.

"I have reason to believe that it was members of your pack Hilda that attacked him. I came as a courtesy to you to let you know that I am going to be visiting your father and letting him know of my displeasure. You may want to stay home tonight." He said. I saw Gwen's hands cover her mouth and her eyes go wide as she squeaked. She sounded a lot like Nancy when she did that. I wondered if I should call William and Nancy? They are friends, is that what you are supposed to do, call friends when someone is hurt?

Hildy looked Shocked, and her words confirmed that. "No! My Dad wouldn't do that! I just saw him this morning and he knows about Greg. He said he was going over to apologize to him and let him know that his hands had been tied! He hadn't wanted to declare him guilty. He would never do...what you said, he wouldn't!"

Mr. Brooks nodded. "I understand. I am just going to go talk with him at his home and see what he has to say. I will not escalate things unless he does."

Hildy shook her head and reached for Mr. Brook's arm. "Please, you're just a human and..." She stopped as her hand landed on thin air. I blinked and saw Mr. Brooks was no longer standing beside me.

"What does my being...just a human...have to do with anything?" Mr. Brooks asked. He was standing on my other side and I hadn't seen him move! Neither had the others as they turned to look at him and stare when he spoke.

"How...did you...?" Jemima began to ask when Mr. Brooks interrupted her.

"I can do what is needed when the time comes for it...I just have to be there and be willing and available," He said simply. Then I felt his large hand on my back and he gently steered me around and we walked back towards his truck.

"Wait." I heard Gwen call out. I stopped and so did Mr. Brooks. She came running down the steps wearing jeans, backpack and a coat. I could smell the scent of her magic on the air.

"I want to help..." she began but Mr. Brooks interrupted her.

"Tuality Hospital, second floor, room N23. My wife is there already."

Gwen's mouth opened and closed a few times then she turned and whistled. Her bicycle came rolling out quickly from behind the front porch and she hopped on. Then with a few muttered words it's back wheel spun quickly leaving streaks on the asphalt and she shot off down the street, her hair streaming out behind her.

Mr. Brooks was smiling as he watched her leave. "I always liked her! I had thought..." His voice trailed off as he glanced at me and then chuckled.

"Thought what Mr. Books?" I asked, wondering what he was going to say. He paused, considering, then finished his thought.

"I had thought something might happen between Gwen and Gregory..." I scoffed. He raised and eyebrow in question as he climbed into the truck and I had settled myself into the passenger seat.

"That would never happen!" I said. "First off, she is much too nice and secondly she doesn't like the same things Gregory likes. She doesn't like Mountain Dew and doesn't like to get dirty. She is very...what did Greg call it...? Ah! She is too "Girly" is what Master called her. Also she concentrates too much on "Tree hugging" did I say it right?"

Mr. Brooks laughed as he pulled out of the driveway, and we saw Hildy get into her car and take off the opposite direction on the highway. I watched her in the back view mirror...rearview? I can never remember.

"Wouldn't we get there faster if we followed Hildy?" I asked Mr. Brooks.

"Yes, but I would like something to eat first. Besides, we need to give her time to talk to the Alpha first."

He pulled into the parking lot of "The Canyon Café" ordered two burgers, fries...a Coke for himself and a chocolate milkshake for me.

I sipped on the milkshake and he watched me with slightly puzzled eyes.

"How do you feel about my son?" He asked suddenly.

I shrugged, "He is my Mast..."

"I know all that, but how do you Feel...about my son?" He asked again and I heard the difference in the words this time. So I thought about it. I remembered the words we spoke to each other, my promise to him. I thought about my reactions to him being hurt. I remembered his soft kisses, and how I almost lost control that one time kissing him in his truck and how he kissed me again right after. How he told me that he just really liked kissing me! I never told him how in the early morning I would lay snuggled up with him in our bed and how tempted I was to feed from him. I didn't want to worry him, though knowing how he is, he would just smile or make a joke.

"Lucretia..." I heard Mr. Brooks say. I looked up from my milkshake to see him patiently waiting for my response.

"I care about him Mr. Brooks. He calls me his friend and he trusts me. I feel for him like I do for Mother, or my sisters, or like my Papa...but different." I frowned and drank some more milkshake. I Hoped he wouldn't ask me any more questions, because I didn't have the words to answer them. I didn't understand it. Words...

Oh Yeah...

"Mr. Brooks...what is a Sweetheart?" I had forgotten to ask earlier. He took a sip of his Coke and studied me.

"It depends on how it is used and by whom...the circumstances around the word use."

I sighed. Just like all the other words I had been learning. Like the word "Dough" had a lot of meanings. It could be a female deer, money, or the stuff used to make cookies! Greg just had to call me sweetheart right before sleeping. Then not wake up to tell me what it means!

"My Greg said it to me, right before he couldn't talk anymore. I didn't know how to help him and I told him so, he said that it was alright "Sweetheart" and I don't know what that word means." I thought for a moment,

"Is it like when I am called "Sweety" by Mrs. Brooks or Jemima?" I asked.

He shook his head. He was now staring at me thoughtfully. "No, that just means they think you are nice, or cool, or hip or whatever the youth of today call it." He waved a waitress over for a refill of his drink, and when she left he said quietly.

"It means he cares about you, really...truly cares about you. Not just your physical needs but about your inside, about what makes you Lucretia."

He sighed and I could smell the salad he had for dinner and the coke he had just been drinking. "Lucretia the word "sweetheart" means literally this. That you have a sweet heart. That you are kind, generous, and likeable."

My mouth dropped open in Surprise! "I am not any of those things!" I almost shouted. "I like to...to...I am not a SWEETHEART!"

Mr. Brooks smiled quietly, "That is how Greg sees you. That is how my son sees you."

I gritted my teeth and growled low in my throat. "How can he see me that way? Is he blind?!"

He shrugged and took another drink of his Coke. "How do you see Greg? That should answer some of your questions..."

I grimaced and thought about it before answering.

"Master is very gentle, and funny. He likes to include me when he does things and he works very hard. He likes to answer my questions. He likes to teach me things, and kiss me." I smiled at that.

"I really like his kisses! His lips touch mine and I want to feed on him, I really do..." I said this last one with a small whine creeping into my voice. Mr. Brooks just arched an eyebrow at me. I didn't notice.

"Even after I started to feed he still kissed me again. He trusted me. I want to be...I like to be trusted." I looked Mr. Brooks in the eye with my brow furrowed.

"I care for Greg beyond a friend and like family but I don't know what to call it." I said finally. "Do you know what it is called?"

He nodded and my heart jumped in my chest!

"Can you tell me?"

He shook his head.

My heart fell down into my stomach!

"Why not?" I demanded.

He grinned at me. "You will know it when you hear the words, and if I have to tell you, then you aren't ready to understand it yet."

I was about to snarl and tell him what I DID understand and make him understand how I don't like to be toyed with! Then I thought about how nice he had been, how accepting he was of me. There were things about him I did not understand, like how he could do some of the odd things he could do. It seemed to surprise Hildy and Jemima and Gwen. I still didn't know everything that humans could do. Mr. Brooks seemed to be able to move very fast, is that something that was rare among humans? Greg could move fast, very fast using his power. But I didn't smell any magic on Mr. Brooks. I chalked it up to one more thing I didn't know about humans and decided to shelve the thought for the time being.

Back to my "nice and accepting of me" thought, I would have to trust that Mr. Brooks knew what he was talking about. Master trusts him and so I shall, simple as that.

Two burgers were put before us. Mine had bacon and avocado. I don't like avocado by itself. It reminds me of the chjorzit back home. They are about the same size and color. But avocados don't have legs and eat our waste. But on food the vegetable tastes wonderful! I was surprised it is considered a vegetable, when it grows like the apples and pears do on the trees in the backyard.

"So, you want to meet the Alpha Were and talk with him about why he hurt my Greg?" I asked. Mr. Brooks took a bite of his burger then munched on his fries.

"I planned on it, but I think I know what is going to happen..." he said with a cold smile. I matched it with one of my own. I could feel my eyes begin to change. This is what I do! He was speaking my language! I could feel it from him, he was going to let me carve a path to the Alpha to "talk" and let me drain, burn tear, rend, and kill! I could feel my muscles bulge as they pushed at the limits this human skin put on me! IT wanted out...I WANTED OUT! He just smiled at me and shook his head a little.

"Only if they resist us coming into talk. Settle down Lucretia, it is not the time..." He thought for a moment and held up a finger. "...it is not the time yet." He amended.

I had been about ready to scream in frustration! It was like Greg all over again getting me worked up then switching his emotions to being relaxed and being concerned for me and then work and his neighbors. Never even thinking of what he was doing to me. Then to have him say that last part helped...quite a lot actually.

"So..." I began, my voice becoming calm. "How do you see this going? What do you think will happen?"

He chewed, thinking it over. Then dipped a French fry in Ketchup and held it out to me. It made me gulp a little. I wasn't used to someone who wasn't Greg treating me as casually as this. But I leaned over and ate the fry, waiting for him to speak.

"Judge Michael Roberts lives on the outskirts of Portland, close to Highway 26 before you go through the tunnel. There are a lot of woods there that he and his pack roam on. He has a very nice home, a mansion really. Are you familiar with mansions?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"A house big enough to be a castle and almost costs as much to maintain but it isn't very defensible so it is basically worthless." I told him. He chuckled.

"Close enough! We will drive up to his gate and request to see him. We will go in, and talk with him. I will tell him to leave my son alone. He will agree. If he does not agree I will take away what is most precious to him." I grinned at that, I wanted to be the one that killed him! He had hurt...wait...

Mr. Brooks was watching me carefully. I felt like I did when I was young and Papa had been trying to teach me something. He always seemed to have me try to find out the answer for himself.

"His life is not most precious to him?" I asked. Mr. Brooks shook his head. "No, he takes life to readily and plays with other peoples lives too much for life to be important. Try again."

I thought about it. He was a judge, decides right and wrong. Likes money and uses it to get what he wants. Does not like being questioned and...

"Power?" I guessed. Mr. Brooks smiled and waggled his hand back and forth over the table. "Close, good thinking."

I smiled at the praise and started thinking while finishing my burger and eating my fries. I was halfway done with my milkshake when it hit me. Power wasn't precious, it was a means to an end. It wasn't influence, it wasn't money or prestige. He as much as told Greg straight out at the table when he came over to drink coffee and threaten us. He said, "I have hundreds, no; thousands of people that look to me for leadership in my pack alone, and I need to be in a position of authority to do what is best for my people. I need to be able to protect them, look out for them. They are my family you might say, and I will do much to protect my family!"

My eyes were wide as I looked at Mr. Brooks and he slowly smiled. "Do you see it...tell me?"

"It's security. He wants to be secure. That's why he plans so much, and what makes him ruthless. I said the same thing to Greg after I swallowed his saliva." His eyebrows shot up into his hairline. I shook my head and chuckled. "I was getting his scent from the mug he used." He nodded and snickered at me.

"So how are you going to take his security away?" I asked. He just kept smiling and didn't answer. I wasn't sure if he wanted me to guess or not, so I just stayed silent and waited as he used a piece of his bun to clean off his plate. Then he left a tip on the table and stood up. "Ready to go?" he asked.

"Why don't you answer my question?" I asked in mild Exasperation.

"Because you wouldn't believe my answer." Came his reply.

"Why wouldn't I believe your answer?" I retorted.

"Because you don't believe in what I am." He said over his shoulder.

I hurried to keep up with him. In human form my legs are smaller than his and I Hated that! In my true form I could keep up easily without having to run!

"How can I believe in you if I don't know what you are...well, besides being human!" I called to him as he opened up the passaenger door of his truck for me. I guess that is where Greg learned it from. I buckled my seat belt and winced only a little as memories of cold metal chain holding me down onto a pedestal came back to me. I pushed those thoughts aside as Mr. Brooks sat down in his seat behind the turning wheel. Or is it called steering wheel? I think it's steering wheel.

I waited, watching him as he started the truck and back out of the parking space. "Mr. Brooks?

"Yes Lucretia?" he said, eyes on the road. I thought carefully how to ask this next question. I went through all of the lessons on manners Gregory had discussed with me, and decided how to best phrase my request.

"Will you please tell me what you are? If we are going into this situation together, I need to know this so we can work together." I said it slowly and clearly and politely...to the best of my knowledge.

He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye and then focused on the road ahead. He was silent for so long I thought he had either not heard me or was just not going to answer. I was just turning to look out the front window when he answered.

"I will answer your questions later...but for now...." He sighed. Then he reached over and patted my shoulder.

"I am a Paladin."

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LeakyFaucitLeakyFaucitalmost 2 years ago

Okay, this was a very good story and then you just pop this chapter on us like it's nothing, of the thousands of chapters I've read, this is by far the best. Clicked next to get to the next one and had to come back.

StrixalucoStrixalucoabout 2 years ago

I suspect you have had very fun while writing this story, maybe even more fun than we readers are having. Why are rounds called rounds etc...

Rabid_Reader_Rabid_Reader_over 2 years ago


skippersdadskippersdadabout 4 years ago

So a Chjorzit is a shit eater. I see the reference now. Funny

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
love it.

so many delightful twists and turns

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
So sorry, happened by mistake.

I went to push the next button on Your lovely store and hit the report button just above it by mistake. I am sorry if this causes any complications. I did not mean to, it is a wonderful story and I have really enjoyed reading it thus far. Thank You so much for making it available :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Why am I writing this Gregory...

...should be "why are we recording this".

It leaves the method of recording up for interpretation, but allows the freedom to present dialogue from the present (or future). Lucretia would be speaking with Greg not writing it.

Really been enjoying your story, can't wait to read more!

JasonRTaylorJasonRTayloralmost 9 years ago

I'm so pumped up right now - so frustrated with the slow reveal and yet the romance and dramatic fantasy just keeps getting better.

Must see what happens next!!!


AaliyahMAaliyahMalmost 9 years ago
Is it just me?

Or is Greg's father irritating. Like Peter Parker's uncle is irritating. 5 Stars though. I'm so glad I found this story now only. No waiting to be done!

manlycheemanlycheeabout 9 years ago
excellent story

each chapter seems to reveal so much more. times are tense, can't wait for more :)

i'll certainly be rereading previous chapters to catch what i've missed.


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