Miracle Cream Ch. 04


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"And she's pregnant?"

"So her doctor says," Cory said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Well, first off, I was scared as all hell! I mean, I was only twenty at the time when your mother informed me she was pregnant with Dayana. What did I know about being a father?! Then as her pregnancy advanced, the fear was still there, but also excitement knowing our little girl would be born soon. When Dayana was born, a whole new world of worry hit me since now we had a new life to care for, to feed, clothe, and teach. Even when you and Zoe were born, that fear never went away. When I found you on that beach..." Cory could hear his father breaking up a little bit over the phone, "the day you took your first step, said your first word, the smiles you had, the pain you felt, the joy in your eyes at every stage of your life flashed before my eyes. That was the hardest day of my life, holding you in my arms, watching you bleed out on that beach, and there wasn't a damn thing I could do to stop it! I prayed and prayed that you would pull through, hoping that this wouldn't be the last day I got to see you, to speak to you, to hold my son," Cory heard the dripping of his father's tears onto his paperwork, "that the last thing we spoke to one another wouldn't be the pain we put you through. That we could at least work through it, yet as you just looked at me with those blank eyes, I just didn't want the last thing we said to one another to be of anger. Yet how could I fix this when I, too, was the cause of my own son's pain? Life as a parent is a mixed blessing, son; half the time, you don't know if what you're doing is the right thing, and the other half, you're just hoping it doesn't blow up in your face. But you don't have to worry about any of that for a while since you say this couple has relieved you of those rights."


"You having regrets?"

"No, not really; I mean, at first, I kind of wanted to get back at Zack, in a way I did, but when my anger cooled off. Given how much I knew Alice wanted a baby, by the time they left to return home, I was a little proud that they had asked for my help. It wasn't easy for Alice to do so, breaking her vows, I mean. My concern is what's going to happen to the baby if something happens to them? Since Zack isn't the child's biological father, will I be told? Will I have access to the child afterwards? Will he or she be sent away to live with someone that I have no clue about? Or will there be a knock on my door saying there's been an accident and the child needs his father?"

"Hmm... I can't say, son, if you're worried about that, why don't you address it with the two of them?"

"Might have to..."

"You know, sooner or later, the child will be smart enough to know there isn't something right about the whole situation, especially if the child looks like you instead of this woman. I'm assuming this Zack fellow doesn't remotely resemble you, does he?"

"He doesn't," Cory agreed.

"That might be a tricky situation to handle, son. I can't tell you how that will go; only time will tell. Are you that worried?"

"A little, yeah, I mean, Alice is a cop, and you know how dangerous that job is. I might not be the one this kid calls Dad, but I am his or her father. I just don't know what to do right now," Cory admitted.

"Yeah, I can understand that; I was the same way when your mother told me about Dayana. This woman is going to let you see the kid, right?"

"Yeah, visitation isn't the issue; just what am I to do while having a kid yet not being the father of said kid?"

"Hmm... all I can say is be there for him or her as much as you can, or as much as they will allow. I'm sure they'll want to keep the secret of his or her birth for as long as they can so not to confuse the child. Yet if something does happen, at least the child will know who you are and have that bond of trust with you should something terrible happen to them. Now, the important question is, will your mother and I get to see this child?"

"Probably, we'll broach that when the baby is born," Cory mused after a few moments. Hearing the walky-talky going off in the trailer his father used as his office that was on-site. "You should go handle that, Dad; sounds important."

"Alright, son, you call if you need to, okay?"

"Sure, Dad," Cory nodded against his phone.

"Love you, son."

"Love you too," Cory said, giving his father this one thing, thinking his father had earned it. Sliding his phone into his pocket, climbing up to his room, and changing into a pair of shorts and an old, worn t-shirt. His toes wiggled in the ankle socks, wondering why putting on clean, fresh socks always felt so comforting before slipping into his tennis shoes. Writing out a note to Dayana telling her he went for a drive to think and would be back later. Gently pulled the car cover off his Mustang and neatly folded it, and then rolled it up to save on trunk space before stowing it in the spot it has been in ever since his father had given it to him. Running his hands along the steering wheel, recounting the hours, the minutes, the seconds he and his family had worked on the car to get it back into driving condition. Reaching forward and switching his car on, feeling the shake of the car as the 429 engine turned over and the gentle rumble of the exhaust.

Cory didn't know how he had found himself at that little out-of-the-way gazebo, yet there he was, sitting alone on that wooden bench he had eaten his sister on and fucked her on, just staring out on that little placid pond. Counting the years on his phone before the child would turn eighteen, pondering on if or when the child would grow curious if he or she didn't look like Alice or Zack. What would the child do if he was constantly around to remind him or her that they didn't resemble their parents? Wondering what kind of legacy he would leave his child if all they saw was the anger he felt toward his family. Would his child want anything to do with him if that was all they saw - anger? Would his child want to live with him if something happened to Zack and Alice if that was all they saw from him? Setting down his phone, rising to his feet, pacing around the gazebo, trying to wrap his mind around it all. He never thought he be a father, at least not this soon; still, the child was coming regardless if he was ready or not. The question he was asking himself how far he would go to show his child he could be counted on if the time came without overstepping his bounds with Alice and Zack. He wasn't trying to make Zack appear less than a man or father figure to their child. Cory might not like what he had done with Dayana, yet overall, Zack was a decent person. He could understand where Zack was coming from. Even he had a hard time saying no to Dayana when she really wanted sex. Yet the question remained how was he to let go of the anger he still felt, just hid and still be a good father? Turning his head as his phone vibrated on the bench. A smile did touch his lips at the text his sister had sent.

"You okay?"


"Want to talk about it?"

"Right now, just need time to get my head straight."

"This is about the baby, isn't it?"


"So you heard from Alice?"


"She's pregnant, isn't she?"

"Yeah, she called me on her way to inform Zack after her doctor's appointment."

"Baby, come home, come talk to me; I'm here waiting for you!"

"I know, but I just need time to figure things out about myself; I can't really do that when I'm distracted."

"So... I'm a distraction?"

"In a good way."

"I knew that, Cory." Cory snorted at the little devil emoji his sister had sent. "But you're okay, right? No thoughts like you had before?"

"No, nothing like that."

"Good, but you'll come home soon, right?"


"Good; when you do, we'll take it on as a couple, and we'll face this together, okay?"

"Sure, sis," Cory said; he knew one thing, he had to talk to Zack and Alice alone.

"Cory?! I didn't think you'd be calling me... at least not this soon after everything," Zack spoke in a surprised tone once he had answered his phone.

"You at work?"

"No, bugged out to go celebrate the news with Alice; why?"

"We need to talk," Cory said, looking over to his car. Wondering if his child would like to have his old man's car when he gets to that age.

"Okay, this sounds serious; want to come to the house? Is Dayana coming with you?"

"No, just me, since this just involves the three of us, given... well, you know."

"Ah, okay; when do you want to come by here?"

"Say in an hour?" Cory uttered, hearing the rustling of the sheets of their bed, so he knew how they were celebrating.

"Okay, we'll see you then."


"Hello, Cory," Zack greeted as he stood on the stoop of his home when he heard Cory's car pulling into their driveway about fifty minutes later.

"Zack," Cory nodded. Letting how he felt slide away, knowing it wouldn't do him any good and knew it would probably keep him from seeing his child.

"Come on in," Zack said, gesturing for Cory to enter his home.

"Hello, Cory, it's nice to see you again," Alice said, with this hidden look of want in her eyes that her husband failed to see.

"Hello, Alice; I hope the pregnancy isn't causing you any troubles," Cory said politely.

"Heavens no, just tired a lot, and my breasts are tender as fuck, but I can't complain," Alice sighed, gazing down at her stomach as her hands rested over her sleeping child; little did she know it was children she was currently caressing with a mother's touch.

"Good, I'm happy to hear that, not the breasts thing; I don't know how Zack can keep his hands off of them for... however long," Cory joked, getting a chuckle out of Zack and a knowing grin from Alice at how he had played with them one final time before she went to be a wife again, and not a horny slut for his cock.

"Please, come, sit, and tell us what you need to talk about," Alice said, gesturing for Cory to enter their living room. Resting her hand on Zack's thigh as he sat down beside her while Cory sat across from them on their loveseat. While her hand might be on her husband's body, her eyes couldn't look away from Cory's crotch. Recounting how his cock felt, the way it stretched her pussy, how good it felt rubbing deep inside of her cunt. The way it would always make her quake in the most explosive orgasms she's ever had in her life. To the feel of his balls slapping away on her clit just driving her crazy in lust for more and more of his cock.

"So, Cory, what brings you by?" Zack asked, noticing how Cory was troubled by something.

"I'm wondering, I'm not saying I'm expecting it to happen, just wondering, what will happen to the baby if something were to happen to the two of you? Will one of your relatives take the child in? Will I still be able to see him or her? Or..." Rolling his hand, leaving the last part unsaid.

"Oh... we haven't thought about that yet," Zack uttered, looking at his wife.

"We're still just coming to terms that we're having our first child, but if that does happen, I think Zack will agree, if the worse does come to pass, the child should be with his or her father. I think that would be best for the child, don't you, honey?" Alice asked, seeing Zack nodding in agreement.

"Then you need to know my medical history in case the baby inherits anything I have," Cory said, nodding when Zack told him to give him a moment to get a notepad and pen. Going over the list of things that he definitely had and what might be passed down to the child through his genetics. From his Uncle's childhood epilepsy to his mother's father's Alzheimers, to his father's father's Parkinsons, his mother's mother's high blood pressure, and his cousin's diabetes and all the rest that ran in his family. "Now... I don't know how to say this, but..."

"I know, Dayana's your sister," Alice said, interrupting a very shocked Cory, whose mouth was clearly on the floor at the moment. "Come now, Cory, I'm a cop. Did you think you're similarities would go unnoticed, and what high schooler is dating a college woman if they weren't already living together? Give me some credit, Cory; I am a very good cop. Why do you think Zack and I chose you... okay, after I saw what you have there," waving to his crotch, "it did pique my interest; what woman wouldn't want to try it out, so we thought if we could keep your secret, you could keep ours. I have no wish for the world to know that Zack isn't the father of our baby. I have no desire for the men out in the world to think my husband isn't man enough for the job. I'm sorry for what I said that night, baby; you know I didn't mean it; I was just hurt," she said affectionately.

"I know, honey; I am truly sorry that I hurt you like that," Zack stated, resting his hand over his wife's.

"I see," keeping his thoughts from his face at the fact they were just using him. That's all they ever thought of him as, "well, when the child is born, my parents want to see the child," Cory informed them, wondering if he even truly knew these people. He had a lot of practice at keeping his anger hidden; he didn't think anyone liked being used and thought of nothing more than a sperm-injecting human dildo as the two before him seemed to think of him as.

"Of course, with moderation," Zack offered, glancing over to his wife, wondering if she, too, sensed a change in Cory.

"That's all; I'll show myself out," Cory said, getting to his feet.

"Cory, have we said something to upset you?" Alice asked, stopping Cory's advance towards the door.

"Next time you want a baby, find someone else to do the chore; I will not be used as some piece of meat; I do have some damn respect for myself. And," seeing the worried looks on their faces as his anger-filled eye peered over his shoulder, "if I find out you orchestrated that and used my sister to set this whole thing up... well, I'm smart enough not to threaten a cop. But make no mistake, this is as far as our friendship goes or what little there is of it; I'll be civil when I'm around once the baby is born. I'll keep to my word, but if you keep me from seeing my child, well, you get the picture," Cory said coldly as he walked out the door.

"Cory! It's not like that, I swear!" Alice shouted, yet she doubted he heard her over the roar of his engine as Cory sped off.


"Fucking assholes!" Cory snarled as he stormed into his house, slamming the front door as he did.

"Cory? What's wrong?" Dayana asked as she and Zoe quickly got to their feet as their favorite TV show was playing reruns on the DIY channel. Looking at her sister as Cory screamed out a 'Fuck you!' at his phone as it rang in his hand before he ended the call before it even connected. "Cory, please, calm..."

"They fucking used me!" Cory snapped. "All I ever was to them was a piece of fucking meat!" Tossing his phone across the living room, which, luckily for him, struck the back of the armchair and bounced harmlessly onto the seat cushion. "And I'm under the impression they set the whole thing up between you and Zack to get me to do that!"

Dayana took hold of his left arm as Cory started to walk off. "What the fuck do you mean they used you?! And what is this about your assumption about Zack and me?" she asked heatedly as her anger burned in her eyes; half of it was at the thought they could do this to her brother, her man, and the other half being treated like she was just some common whore.

"Cory, I know you're upset, and you have every right to be if what they did is true," holding up her hands when Cory shot her a burning glare, "I'm not taking sides, okay, but what if your anger is distorting your view of things. Maybe they didn't mean whatever they said as you perceived it as; why don't you take a breath, come sit down, and tell us what all happened," Zoe said in a calming tone.

"So that's why they chose you, fucking assholes," Dayana grumbled as her back thumped hard against the back of the couch when Cory informed them of what they had talked about. Flashing back to the day of the traffic jam, she did recount how Zack was a little eager; then again, what he had told Cory at the car show could also be the truth.

"Hear me out before you bite my head off, Cory. It didn't seem like they were using you in the way you thought they were. Okay, I'll admit it doesn't paint them in a good light. Could this Alice word it better than she did? Yes, very much so. Yet I don't think she said that to be cold or cruel to you. Maybe she was doing it, so she wasn't thinking about that?" Zoe spoke, pointing at Cory's manhood. "You have to know by now what a big cock, especially when they know how good it is inside of them, does to a woman, right? I'm assuming you really put some effort into making her love it, didn't you?" she asked, seeing Dayana's chin drop, and noticed the way Cory huffed and crossed his arms as he bounced against the backrest of the armchair like he normally did when he was forced to see it her way. "That being said, yes, maybe whoever this Alice is did use you a tiny bit if she's been wanting this child for so long. Maybe her obsession clouded her view a tad bit. Not saying it was right; just saying people do get tunnel vision. It's like with us for those five years. Something I'm not condoning what we did, just making a comparison," Zoe quickly added when she saw the look in her brother's eyes. "You have to know you're just as quick to anger as Dayana is. Moreso, due to what we did to you, it's your defense mechanism. I'm not saying that's a bad thing; you have had a need for it when we failed to listen to you. Failed to take into account what our own actions..." Just then, a hurried knock came upon the front door of their home. Rising from her seat, knowing her siblings were in no mood to greet visitors, whomever they might be. "Hello?" Zoe answered, seeing two strange people standing on her doorstep that she's never seen before once she knew they weren't dangerous looking. "A woman couldn't be too careful these days," she said to herself.

"Please, we need to speak with Cory; we think he might have misinterpreted what we spoke about earlier and taken it the wrong way," Alice said, hoping to fix this before it got out of hand. She had selfish reasons; she wouldn't deny that; one: she wanted the father of their baby to be around as much as he could be; two: she wasn't willing to lose access to his cock should they want to try for another baby.

"So, you're Zack, the man that cheated with my sister, huh?" Zoe asked; she would have to give the man credit. The man did look remorseful for his actions.

"I'll admit I did stumble as a husband and let my male ego get the better of me. I know it has caused tension between Cory and Dayana, and my wife and me, yet that doesn't excuse what I knowingly did. Yet this isn't about me or us at this moment; this is about our baby. May we please speak..."

"Let them in, Zoe," Dayana said, standing in the living room archway.

"Thank you," Alice whispered as she past Zoe when she gestured for them to enter. "Hello, Dayana," she greeted in an even tone.

"Alice," Dayana said curtly with a nod. "In here," she spoke, turning on a heel and leading them into the living room. Walking around the couch, coming to rest on the right armrest of the chair Cory was sitting in. Waving to the two of them to have a seat on the couch.

"I'll just give you four some privacy," Zoe said, seeing her sister nod and Cory's brooding look, which she wouldn't admit, at least out loud; it did make him look rather hot in her mind. Bounding up the stairs, making it seem she was heading to her room, yet she just couldn't let this juicy gossip pass her by like any sibling would do when it involved one of them.
