Miracle Cream Ch. 04


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Sitting on the top step, with her chin resting on the palm of her hand and her elbow on her knee. Nodding along as she listened on, growing upset at some parts and siding with the newcomers on others. She could see where Cory was coming from and how it did look like they had set up Dayana the way they did. Yet she could understand Alice's desire to have a child. Even she had stated in the past she wanted Cory's baby. Zoe had a sneak suspicion the woman had other motives for the rush to their home. If she had to guess, it would be Cory's cock, not that she could blame the woman. She recounted the first time she had felt it deep inside her cunt. How it just filled her up like no one else before him. The way it made her pussy just orgasm as if it was a geyser. So Zoe could understand the woman's need to keep Cory around for the time she broke her vows again. As the hour stretched into two, she got the feeling the four of them really needed this talk, given how she got the impression they hadn't really talked since the incident. When she heard their guest getting ready to leave, she made her quiet, hurried way to her room.

Chapter seven

"Can someone please explain to me whose bright idea it was to start the fall semester on a fucking Thursday?!" Cory grumbled loudly at far too early in the morning from his summer reverie. Which as you can guess got a chuckle out of his mother as she sipped on her morning coffee while his sisters had a bowl of cereal as he made his own cup of coffee.

"You could always drop out and go and work full-time, Cory," Celeste mused as she turned the page of her morning paper. "Or you could stay home and be my wanton sex toy," she purred, glancing seductively over at him. "You know I'd take care of you."

"Then whatever would I do with the other twenty-three hours of the day after I leave you comatose on your bed?" Cory asked as he sank down into his seat, placing his bowl and mug on the table.

"Oh, I can think of two somethings, maybe three if Cassy were around," Celeste teased, watching her daughters blushing into their cereal bowls.

"Yeah, okay, but that still leaves me twelve hours if you subtract the hours of sleep I'll need," Cory jested as he poured himself a bowl of cereal and finished off the last bit of milk once he had sweetened his coffee; how he liked it. His eyes looked at Dayana, then glanced at their mother. If they were going to be living there like how his mother wanted, they could at least chip in on the food bill.

"What's this for?" Celeste asked, perplexed when Dayana handed her three crisp hundred dollar bills.

"Cory and I thought if we're going to live here, forever," seeing the luster in her mother's eyes, "we thought we could at least chip in on the grocery bill, lights, water, cable," Dayana said before bringing her spoon up to her lips.

"And just how did you get this money?" Celeste asked, knowing that now Cory wasn't working, and Dayana never did since she opted to go to school, which she and Jairo fully supported; she knew they possibly couldn't have that much free cash on hand.

"Umm... I invested Cory's money," Dayana mumbled into her bowl.

"Do what... we'll talk about this later tonight," Celeste said, noting the time, knowing if she didn't leave, she would hit the heart of rush hour traffic, and she had no wish to be stuck on the interstate for an hour-long crawl. Pouring her coffee into her traveling mug, placing a kiss on top of Cory's head. Remembering how Jairo had called her in tears, telling her how Cory had finally said those three words to him. Wondering when she would hear those same words once again from her son's lips. "I love you, Cory; I do hope you know that," she whispered into his hair.

"Love you too, Mom," Cory mumbled from around his spoon. Seeing Dayana's eyes widen, knowing what him uttering that phrase meant, and feeling his mother growing still above him. That was until his mother crushed him in a hug, nearly causing him to lose his hold on his spoon; he couldn't say about the spilled Apple Jacks on the floor.

"You don't know how long I've waited for you to say those words," Celeste spoke in a loving voice before placing a wet kiss on his right cheek. Huffing that she couldn't hold Cory longer when she really had to leave. "Dayana, Zoe, watch out for your brother on his first day, don't let any of those harlots get our cock!" she called back to her daughters as she walked happily out the door and to her car.

"You finally said it?!" Dayana gasped as her spoon fell into her bowl.

"I'm a father now, have to rise above my troubles; how else can I look at my child and show him or her how to be a decent person if I'm not willing to lead by example," Cory uttered, burying his face in his bowl when his sisters got this rather lovey-dovey look in their eyes when he said that. It kind of creeped him out.

"You kind of sound like Dad, you know?" Zoe teased, giggling when her brother just madly blushed at that. "Look at him being all cute, huh?" she taunted her sister with a nudge of her elbow.

"Cory?" Seeing his eyes glancing over to her, "is this how you're going to act when we have our own baby?" Dayana asked, gazing dreamily at her man.

"No, sis, the next baby he's going to have is with me," Zoe said, sitting proudly in her chair.

"Mom's already beaten you to it," Cory interjected as a drop of milk fell into his bowl, wondering if he was about to die, given the looks they were shooting him.

"How can you know that?!" They hissed as one.

"Found the test stick in the trash can in Mom's bathroom; unless the two of you dropped it in there, she doesn't know that I know," Cory stated before draining the milk from his bowl. "Although, I wonder why now of all times does she want to get pregnant for?"

"To keep you home, duh," Zoe said, stating the obvious. "Come on, Cory, you know by now Mom is never going to give that up; even if you went all the way to the Antarctic, she would follow you there."

"Okay, that does make sense," Cory mused, tapping his chin.

"We need to get ready if we're going to make it to class on time," Dayana said in a sisterly voice as she noted the time on the clock of their microwave. "You ready, Cory?" she asked as Cory walked out of his room with his old bookbag slung over his shoulder with the two textbooks he would need for that day's classes along with his notebooks.

"Yeah," Cory uttered, seeing his sister blush when he held out his hand to her before they walked down the hall and the stairs where their sister was waiting on them by the door.

"Dayana, let me sit up front today, please?" Zoe whined a little as Cory unlocked his car.

"Alright, just this once," Dayana teased, shooting Cory a smoldering look as he walked around the car to the driver's side.

"I'm so going to look hot showing up in this thing," Zoe taunted as she wiggled her ass into the passenger seat as Cory cranked up his car.

"Remember Cory, your classes for today are on the North end of campus if you want to park there. Mine isn't too far from there," Dayana said as they neared their college.

"Bummer, mines on the west end, Cory. Could you...?"

"Just point me where you want me to drop you off," Cory offered since he had no idea where he was going on campus as the sound of his blinker clicked as he waited behind a row of four cars to turn into the campus. Throwing his gear shifter into neutral when the sound from the new style Mustang seemed fake, giving his engine a few revs to show the owner what a real muscle car sounded like before shifting back into drive as he noted the light was about to turn green. Not missing the pair of eyes staring back at him in the rearview mirror.

"Show off," Zoe teased, pointing to the turn to take once they had pulled onto the campus. "Cory, you don't have to worry about waiting for me; Cassy and I are going to hang out at her place after our last class," she said, peering into the open passenger door as Dayana settled into the passenger seat.

"Okay, but we are having lunch, right?" Cory asked, a little nervous about being seen eating alone since he was starting a new school with no friends to back him up like he has had throughout his past twelve years of schooling.

"Mmmhmm, of course, we are, you're paying for it," Zoe stated, grinning madly as she shut the door and bounded off to find Cassy before her class started.

Following Dayana's directions as they looped around the campus. Noting the heads that were turning young and old at the sound of his Mustang. Slowly pulling into the northern parking lot that was used mainly for the dorm close to it. Once he had parked and shut off his engine, Dayana wasted no time in making-out with him in his car.

"Now I can get through my morning," Dayana sighed as she rolled up her window and locked the door before sliding out of the car and closing it behind her. Seeing Cory shouldering his bookbag as he walked around the front of his car. Wrapping herself around Cory's right arm, her fingers on her left hand interweave with his as they walked towards their first class of the day. Hearing the chirping of Cory's alarm as he armed it before he got out of range. "My class gets out at eleven-thirty; Cassy's and Zoe's shouldn't be any longer than that; then we can decide if we want to eat on campus or go off campus for lunch."

"Wait, you mean we don't have to stay here all day?" Cory asked, starting to like college life all the more.

"No, silly, this isn't like high school; no one is going to keep you here if you don't want to be here; as long as you're on time for your classes or what clubs you join, the college doesn't care what you do as long as you're not disrupting or damaging the campus."

"You think we got time to go to that little Italian place close to here?" Cory asked, watching his sister's face heat as he squeezed her ass.

"Mmmhmm," Dayana hummed hungrily.

"Good, rather not be starving, and I'm not ready to trust the food here yet," Cory said, coming to a stop in front of the building his first lecture was in.

"I'll see you soon, okay?" Dayana whispered as she pressed her chest into his own. Noting the envious and jealous looks of the passing men that were levied at her brother as she did so.

"You know how to reach me," Cory said, getting a quick kiss in, looking back, and waving to his sister before entering the building.

Dayana was walking dreamily along toward the admission office to drop off the forms her Professor had given her over a week ago. Then she knew she had to hustle to get to her first class of the day. Yet so far, she hoped their college life would go as smoothly, minus a few bumps, as their summer life had been. On the way to her class, she was very happy and surprised to see a group of her friends, then remembered the text they had sent to her brother.

"So, you horny bitches tried to fuck me over, huh?"

"Sorry, Dayana, but can you blame us? That thing has to feel so fucking awesome?!" her friends spoke as one, drooling at the prospect of riding Cory's dragon.

"Don't do it again, or I'll scratch your eyes out," Dayana warned as they walked to class together.

"Once he shot us down, we haven't, we swear."

"I know; I read your texts," Dayana said, proud that her man had rebuffed all their attempts.

"So what's it like? We're assuming you got fucked all summer long."

"Think of it like fucking a Monster energy can just longer, thicker, hotter, harder, and fucking orgasmic!" Dayana groaned in lust. "I think there were a few times I actually passed out because I came so hard on that fat thing."

"So, what did the two of you do during the summer?"

"Mostly stayed in town, did go up to my uncle's cabin at the beginning of summer break. Yes, we fucked like mad there," Dayana said, answering their unspoken question. "Then, in the middle of July, we went down to the beach with this couple we know. Cory was going to enter his car into the show but didn't place as well as he hoped he would. But the rest of our time was magical down there. Especially the Thursday night before we came back. I did not know that man had a romantic bone in his body; boy was I ever wrong," she stated, going into detail about the night as they entered where their lecture would be taking place in five minutes.


Cory was using his phone to record his Professor's lecture like Dayana and Zoe had told him to do so he could go back and add to his notes if he missed anything or if he just didn't understand the work he was doing at the time. He had turned off his ringtone and vibration so he wouldn't disrupt the class as his pencil was moving quickly along the sheet of paper as he was taking notes as he was three-fourths done with his first lecture of the day. Noting how his mother, Cassy, Zoe, and Dayana were blowing up his phone with texts. His father had sent him one before his class started wishing him luck on his first day. His eyes were moving from the whiteboard, copying down formulas and reading the texts they were sending while his voice recorder was operating in the background. Then something in the formula caught his attention, something that didn't appear to be right. Quickly raising his hand, he just wanted to be sure he wasn't seeing things and/or copied it wrong, to begin with.

"Yes... Mr. Miller, what can I help you with?" asked his Professor as she checked her attendance roll.

"Not to be that guy, but if the formula you wrote calls for a base, can I ask why that diagram is one of an acid, or am I just seeing things?" Cory asked as politely as he could. Noting how his Professor looked at the board, then her notes, then at him, and back to the board before a smile touched her lips.

"I seem to have made a mistake in my haste to depict the formula that I made and error; thank you, young man, class, thank Mr. Miller, since this will be on your first test of the semester." Feeling his face burning as he quickly set out to correct the diagram in his notebook as she did the same on the board. "A minute if you would, Mr. Miller," his Professor called out to him when the class was over.

"Yes, Professor?" Cory spoke when he ambled down to the lower section of the lecture hall.

"What was the highest chemistry class you took in high school?"

"Well, my high school only had AP Chemistry, so that's the highest I could take," Cory said truthfully. Keeping his eyes on her face and not how she looked lean/sitting on the edge of her desk.

"And did you seek out other means of advancing your knowledge in chemistry?"

"Umm..." Cory rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Please, I'm not trying to demean you or anything; I'm just trying to gauge your knowledge in this field, given how you're the only one that spotted the mistake I purposely put on the board to see if anyone was paying attention. Science is about questioning everything, even what people call proven science. So, please, I would like to know, do you have any more than what your AP class taught you?"

"Well... until my senior year, I used to go to the museum downtown, they had a workshop, had to pay, of course, but I got some hands-on experience with it, far more than I did in school," Cory said truthfully.

"Ah, I do know of the workshop you're talking about," his Professor nodded. "That was a good choice. I know the people who set that up. It's very informative," she nodded in approval. "Well, Mr. Miller, I certainly look forward to seeing you bright and early Monday morning; I hope you enjoy the rest of your classes." With that, his Professor dismissed him so she could prepare to take her own lunch break and get ready for the Sophomore chemistry class she had that afternoon. Pulling out his phone and texting his sister that he was out of his class. Pocketing it when she sent back that she would meet him there and they were going to pick Cassy and Zoe up from the same spot he had dropped her off.

"Yeah, babe, take you anywhere you want in this baby." Cory heard some unknown speaker say as he neared his car, only to hear his alarm go off.

"Next time," the chirp of his alarm turning off caused the older boy and a girl about his age to turn towards him, "keep your hands off my car; you think I want your fingerprints ruining my paint?" Cory said coldly as he eyed the man. "Now step away from my car," he ordered, seeing how embarrassed the man was in being called out on his lie and his words to win the girl he had been flirting with back as they moved off to where Cory didn't care as he placed his bookbag in the trunk. Unlocking the driver's door and turning on the A/C, knowing how much it would suck up his gas, yet it was hotter than hell that day, and he didn't feel like having his clothes stick to his seat. Reaching over and unlocking the passenger door, throwing the car into reverse, and slowly backed out. Staind's 'Right Here' was playing as his sister's form appeared, a smile formed on her face as he sat idling, waiting for her.

"Hey, baby!" Dayana cooed happily as she slid into the passenger seat and set her bag down on the floor between her feet. Getting a quick kiss in before he drove slowly off to pick up Cassy and Zoe.

Cory watched as the two of them walked hand in hand along the front of his car as Dayana got out and folded the seat forward. Nodding to Cassy when she said hello to him as she climbed into the back. Listening to the buckles clicking as he shifted into drive.

"Let's go have lunch, mmmkay?" Dayana said in a loving tone as she laid her hand over Cory's right.


"Nerd?!" Cassy teased as they sat at a booth as Cory told them how his first class went as she and Zoe sat on one side while Dayana and Cory sat across from them.

"Yeah, maybe, but you just drool all over yourself when you see this nerd's cock," Cory retorted into his glass once their waitress took their orders and brought them their drinks. Seeing how red her cheeks were getting knowing that was the truth.

"So, what do you think of college so far?" Zoe asked in a curious tone as she snuggled up to Cassy on their side of their booth.

"Can't say yet; it's only been one class," Cory shrugged. "Although, don't know about the Professor, though."

"Why's that?" Dayana asked, resting her hand on Cory's thigh. "Hmm... seems she just wanted to see who was taking her class seriously and who to look out for as the semester progresses. I bet half of your class will drop the class by the end of October."

"You can do that?" Cory asked, confused.

"Oh, yeah, I know a few people that should have graduated by now, yet they keep changing their majors like every other semester. I don't know how they can afford it. I bet when they get done, if they ever get done, that is, their student loans will be like 300k or something like that," Cassy chuckled. "So, anything new on the baby front?" she asked with that mischievous smirk on her face whenever she brought up the subject.

"Nope, haven't talked to her since last week," Cory mumbled as he pulled out his phone as it vibrated in his pocket. "Why is Mom constantly texting me for?" he whispered to his sister.

"You know why," Dayana stated with a bemused grin on her face. "Did you think you could say that and not have the unshed emotions she's held back not break the flood gates? Plus, if it's true you did get her pregnant, do you expect her to stay silent when her baby daddy finally starts letting her back in?" she whispered into his ear.

"Hope, you're not saying you'd go all clingy like she is when that happens?" Cory hoped; he didn't know if he would survive.

"Maybe," Dayana spoke, drawing out the word as she got a bashful look on her face.

"Two years from now, on Halloween, you will be getting me pregnant; count on it," Cassy stated firmly.
