Missed Appointment


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"I don't, haven't you been paying attention to anything," he said finally in exasperation. "I don't choose these peoples fate, there fates are sealed. All I do is try to get the shot, that's all I want and all I do."

With the interior of the car lit up with the pulsing of the street lights as they drove along, John caught her eye. "Do you think I've never tried to change anything? In the early years I tried of course I did not only to help these people who wouldn't for god sake but I also wanted to see if I could change anything."

"But the thing was I found that if I interfered there was a reaction." Seeing she didn't understand, John tried another approach. "Look, just like you saw back there, if you interfere with someone's fate, death doesn't just give them a free pass. They're still going to die but just maybe in a different way. . Also by interfering you could set in motion a chain of events that could have an even worse outcome than what happened originally. Do you understand now?"

Snorting at the incredible thoughts running through her head, Holly said finally, "We're one hell of a pair. I want to save these people and you want them and yourself to die."

With a sigh John knew she just wasn't getting it, she just wasn't listening. He only hoped that she wasn't going to find out what he was talking about the hard way. Out loud he said, "In a way I do want them to die," John agreed honestly. That comment got Holly's attention and with a sharp look she sat watching him as they made there was along the disserted streets.

"They're the lucky bastards that get to move on. I've been stuck in this miserable existence for so long," he told her. "It's like a nightmare that I can't wake up from. So don't go judging me little girl," his voice cold and hard. I've been around long before your grandparents were alive and the way things are going, I'll still be here long after your grandchildren are dead and buried. I've seen more death and misery than anyone person should ever see so give me that respect or at least pretend too!" he said with more passion than he'd felt for a long time.

John couldn't help himself but think back to some of the times he'd tried to help people cheat death and just how bad those times turned out for everyone. Afterward John had even considered if fate, or whatever you wanted to call it, was just trying to teach him some kind of a lesson about interfering. Sometimes it seemed to take almost sadistic glee in killing off people that John had tried to save; not only them but anyone else that happened to be around at the time too. After seeing all this many times John knew it was just best to leave well enough alone and let fate take its course. This had been hard won experience for the youthful looking but still very old man, but John supposed he shouldn't be to surprised Holly didn't get it, at least not yet. He just hoped learning that lesson wouldn't be too painful for her.

Finally pulling up in front of John's apartment, Holly didn't notice still being lost in thought about everything that had been happening tonight. It was just so incredible. She never would have imagined or even dreamed such a thing was possible. Then a thought occurred to her, it was like everything she'd seen and heard tonight finally jelled into an idea of startling clarity. "You're like deaths witness," she said finally.

"What?" he asked her not understanding this change in the conversations direction.

"You're like deaths witness," she repeated.

"I don't understand," John told her honestly. Holly didn't really understand herself but her mind was flying down this path and she had to continue.

"Suppose death didn't just skip you or maybe it just took advantage of the situation. I mean look at what you do. You record deaths deeds, all of its victims and you'll never die so it can keep you around forever if it wanted too."

Hearing this gave John a shock, he had to admit it was a thought that never occurred to him before. Could death be keeping him around on purpose? If so what did that mean? Could he ever finally get free of it? Now with all these new thoughts that he'd ever considered running through his head he knew he was going to have to do some serious thinking about all this.

Holly though snapped him out of his musing. "So what now?" she asked.

"Now you go on with your life and forget I ever existed," he told her. John knew now with certainty this was no place for her; she needed to get out while she could.

"How could I do that?" she said incredulously. "This is the biggest story I've ever heard of!"

"Just who would believe you?" he asked honestly. "If you try to expose me I'll disappear. I've done it before." John also now knew without a doubt that taking Holly into his confidence had been a mistake. He'd have to leave now he quickly decided and soon too. He shouldn't have been so careless, he admonished, but it was just that he was so lonely. The thought that there was someone that might understand even if just for the few years she had remaining to her had obviously clouded his judgment. He'd have to be more careful in the future.

Holly's ever present cell phone took that moment to start chirping. It was Tami at the station telling her about the hit and run Holly had in fact just come from and wanting her to meet up at the scene to get some footage for the morning show. Hearing this made her blood run cold; she'd have to do the story about what she herself had been involved in. Should she say anything? That would be the ethical thing to do. John who had heard enough of the conversation to figure out what they were talking about had a good idea of what she was thinking and he was watching her closely for her answer.

John already had an escape plan in place and ready to go along with a new identity he was nothing if not prepared, but just how fast he needed to leave town depended on what his young companion did now.

Holly returned his searching look. Staring this strange enigmatic man in the eye Holly made her decision and told Tami that she'd meet up with her at the scene without realizing that she hadn't been given all the details yet.

"You don't know where it is," Tami pointed out to her, hearing that snapped her out of her revere and brought her back what passed for reality.

"What?" she asked confused for moment. "Oh yea give me the address," she said quickly trying to cover her misstep. Tami apparently hadn't thought too much of it, though she did ask if she was alright since Holly sounded a little different. "I'm fine," Holly assured her after saying she'd meet her at the scene then hung up.

"I have to go."

"I know," John said. Then, with more than a mild interest, "What are you going to do?"

"I'll leave you out of it," she told him having already decided, since like he'd said before, who really would believe her?

"Thank you," he said and meant it. He was relieved about how things seemed to be going but was still concerned about Holly's interfering with fate and the possible repercussions that may yet come about from that. Still though, he saw her to her car and wished her well. But being the pragmatist that he was he still packed a bag and had his all important camera gear and lap top gathered up and ready to go just in case he still he had to leave in a hurry. Now with everything ready all he could do was wait but even after all these years John found the waiting worst of all, so finally giving it up, he started to drive and almost in spite of himself he found himself back at the scene of the crime so to speak.

Standing with the other news people behind the police tape, John could feel that death was near; it had come back here. That wasn't all that unusual really but still after the night he'd already had a really bad feeling about it. There were so many people milling around he wasn't sure who it could be after at first. In time though he was able to zero in on who it was, unfortunately.

Looking for and then finding Holly and her camera women Tami finishing up there work, John knew that was where death was lurking. For a moment he was sad for one so young to die but then he was reminded again that she would get to experience what he had looked for, for so long and he felt the familiar flash of jealousy. John pushed all that aside after all, there was a job to do. If Holly was right in her supposition it might be a different job than he originally thought but he still felt like he needed to do it.

After finally finishing up their spot, Tami cut the powerful light on top of the camera off and pulled it from her shoulder. "Ok we got it."

"Good," Holly replied. The sooner she got out of here the better, she thought; this place gave her the creeps. .

"You sure you're ok?" Tami asked, concerned and not for the first time. "I can tell something is bothering you, you're little off your game again tonight."

"No I'm fine," Holly quickly replied, again lying to her friend. "I'm just tired that's all," she continued which was true enough. She hadn't had any sleep in what seemed like forever and even with the coffee she'd been drinking she still needed to get some rest. But still she couldn't tell her friend anything about what had been happening over the last few days. Just like she couldn't tell anyone else either after all how could she ever explain all this without any real evidence to back her up without sounding like a complete nut?

No, if she hadn't seen and heard it all herself she wouldn't believe it so how could she expect anyone else to do it. Maybe John was right, maybe she just needed to forget all about this and get on with her life. But how could she do that either? Her eyes had already been opened to what was going on around her and how could she now go back to the safe ignorant life she'd been living before? That was the question she couldn't answer.

But whatever she did or didn't do, Holly still had work to do in the here and now with the piece shot; someone still had to get it ready for the morning news. It should have been Tami's turn to do it tonight but Holly, even though she was tired, didn't feel like going home just yet.

Tami who had been stifling her own yawns as the evening had worn on wasn't really looking forward to having to go back to the station and do the editing on the video they just shot, but she also knew it was her turn so what could she do? What she got was an unexpected reprieve from Holly when she told her that she'd take care of the video tonight and that Tami could head on home in her car and she'd take Tami's later from the station and they could swap back the next day. It wasn't the first time they had done something like this but Tami was still a little surprised at her unexpected good fortune. But she sure wasn't going to argue about her lucky break so she just said, "Let me get by bag and I'll take off" she told her friend. .

Unfortunately for both of them, the young thugs who Holly had pepper sprayed earlier had come back when the body had been found by the police and were watching unseen from the crowd. Only the leader of the group, a young entitled creep by the name of Steven Johnson, had gotten a look at the woman who had interfered with their little bit of harmless fun. The others had been too blinded by the unexpected attack to do much more than run away. But now much to his surprise he saw her again, working with the TV people. He wasn't really sure what was going on here but knew it was her from before and that's all he really needed to know.

Telling the others what he had discovered, even after everything that happened tonight he was able to bully them into doing something about this now. She could ID them, he had argued, and if she hadn't already gone to the cops, which it didn't look like she had, then they still needed to get rid of her while they had the chance. All three of them were going to graduate from high school in the spring and already had good schools lined up; she could ruin all that, so he argued forcefully that she had to go.

The nosy bitch he'd recognized was talking to another woman who actually looked a lot like her but he was sure who was who even in the dark. That was til he lost track of the two skanks for a moment in the press of the crowd then he caught sight of them again over by a red car. Not wanting to lose her again the boys ran back to their own car and managed to get everyone in and ready just as the red car pulled away and they followed it. Tami remained oblivious to all this and just like anyone else after a long day at work headed home as quickly as she could.

From his own unseen vantage point, John had been watching all this too; he already suspected what was going to happen, and then even with his warning to Holly about interfering still ringing in his ears John had to admit that for just a moment he was tempted to do something to help her but also knew that this was the way it had to be. .

Arriving at her apartment Tami parked on the darkened street, it was technically early morning by this time but the sun was a long way from showing itself. After making sure her friend's car was locked she wearily headed to her front door looking forward to falling into bed for a few hours of much needed sleep.

The boys had arrived as well; they watched from what they thought a safe distance as a woman walked across the darkened street and headed into an apartment. They really couldn't see her too well but that was her car and who else but the woman they were looking for be driving it? Another thing they missed was the old beat up car that had pulled into a spot down the street.

John was now content to sit back and let things happen. He watched as Tami disappeared into her apartment and then the boys quickly got out of there car and headed across the street. Pausing a moment longer to give everyone a head start John, after tossing his nearly finished cigarette out the window, also got out and followed camera bag in hand.

Having seen which apartment she'd had gone in, the boys the bats they'd used earlier still in hand got to the door in question and after listening and hearing someone moving around inside as well as what sounded like the TV or something playing they tried the knob.

Watching from a discreet distance John saw the three of them go up to what had to have been Tami's door and after trying the knob the leader of the group started tying to force the door open, not by kicking the door like on TV but rather by pushing on it. John had to admit it was a good idea, nice and quiet. . Fortunately for them or unfortunately for Tami, depending on how you looked at it, the door and door frame were built as cheaply as most are and it finally gave under the pressure.

From where John had taken up a position he could observe what was going on without he himself being seen. He saw them forcing the door open and already had his camera out and ready to go. On a whim he started shooting now, trying to get some shots of the boy's faces but he wasn't sure what would come out since it was awfully dark out here without a flash which he didn't want to use at the moment for obvious reasons.

With the door now open John waited for the inevitable confrontation to begin; he didn't have long to wait. The boys entered the apartment closing the door behind them he soon heard a scream from inside and the sounds of a brief struggle. Then he heard something else, at first he didn't recognize what it was but then he remembered, it reminded him of the old days when he'd worked at a butcher and they would tenderize meat. With a grim look on his face John thought that with the boy's weapon of choice he could guess what was going on.

Moving closer now he got right up to the windows and through a gap in the curtains he peeked in and seeing what he needed to see started shooting frame after frame of good clear digital images. The blows kept landing even after there weren't any further attempts at resistance. Fortunately though it didn't last long. That was good he thought; after seeing what they had done to what use to have been an attractive young woman and well she wasn't now not anymore.

Her life was fading quickly from the terrible beating she had taken and John was truly grateful for that; he'd seen a lot people die slowly and going quickly was indeed a mercy.

After the boys had finished with her they turned to leave, apparently having accomplished what they had set out to do. John though had to quickly get out of sight, but as they left the apartment he had the chance to get some good shots of their faces this time. In addition to the close ups and with a dose of gallows humor, John got what he thought was an especially nice group shot all of them standing together with their still bloody bats in hand. .

After they left he returned to the now nearly empty apartment to get some more close-up shots of the scene, but more than that, he still needed to try to see. Being as careful as he could not to step in any blood which was difficult with so much of it sprayed around the room, John looked down at her with a deep sad sigh at the clear waste he was looking at. .

John was more concerned now than ever about how this would affect Holly, who rightly or not would blame herself for all this. With that thought in mind, John got an unexpected inspiration; but first things first he still had a job to do, either his won like he'd always thought or perhaps in conjunction with what he was chasing like Holly had suggested. In either case he proceeded to shoot a few more pictures of the scene before him and then deciding he'd pushed his luck enough for one night headed home himself. .

At the station Holly was just finishing up with the video from the homeless guy when the phone rang. Hearing that the police were responding to another murder, Holly was more than a little annoyed at first, thinking that she'd have to go out on another remote shoot tonight or rather this morning and she'd have to either do it without Tami or wake her friend up if she'd even managed to make it to bed yet. But when she heard the address of the murder those thoughts were suddenly the least of her worries.

Her blood ran cold in her veins with dread as a terrible realization settled in. NO! She thought oh god no! Quickly hanging up the phone she dialed Tami's number and prayed like she'd never prayed before that she was somehow wrong about this but she knew she wouldn't be and Johns words about the unintended consequences of interfering came back to haunt her.

All her fears were fully realized when the phone in her friend's home was picked up by someone she didn't recognize and the voice identified himself as a police officer.

The next few days were just a blur to Holly. The police of course had no suspects and no one was seen coming or going from the apartment even though Holly had no doubt who was responsible. But how could she go to the cops and tell them her story? She was still hamstrung by the fact she had no evidence and without it who would ever believe her in the first place.

Now on this bright sunny day she and the rest of the station's crew were standing by the grave side of their friend and co-worker. .

Even with everything that had already happened, she'd tried to reach John but his phone didn't answer and when she had gone by his apartment she found his camera gear, most of his clothes as well as his pictures were gone, maybe that had been for the best she'd thought later.

After the grave side service, Holly wandered back to her car only to find a manila envelope stuck under her windshield wiper. Still in a daze and not even thinking about it she opened it up to find a set of glossy prints of a group of young looking men going into and coming out of what she recognized as Tami's apartment. It also showed them through a series of photo's in the act of beating what she recognized as her friend who was already down on the floor and clearly wasn't even trying to defend herself as they attacked her with baseball bats. The photos caught all of them taking turns swinging there bloody bats almost like it was some kind of a twisted sport.