Mistaken Identity

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Detective Katrine Vogel gets herself in a perilous situation.
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Katrine Vogel moaned in annoyance as she woke up from her sweet slumber. Her hand reached for the bedside table in an attempt to switch off her alarm, knocking down the desk lamp -- which she brought a few days ago -- down on the floor.

"Bollocks." She cursed in a groggy voice, "Uuuuugh!" and growled in frustration as she sat up and turned off her alarm clock.

She stared at her reflection in the mirror and sniggered. Her disheveled, blonde hair made her a mess.

Another fruitless day, I guess.

She glanced at the broken lamp, got out of the bed then swept off the broken shards.

Katrine glanced at the clock. It was 4:00 in the afternoon.

"Shit, shit, shit!" She scowled. I slept the entire day! Oh crap, Winston!

She threw the broken shards in the trash bin, then picked her phone up. There was a single message -- it was Winston's.

"Hey, Kat! 'll be there at 5 to pick you up. See you then!" The text said.

"Oh fuck!" Katrine remembered tonight's date with Winston.

She stared at the screen. Winston. They've been dating for two months. 

He's a sweet guy, charming, funny, handsome. 

Katrine smiled at the thought of Winston. The way he makes her laugh, the way he washes all the stress away after a day of her hectic job as a detective. She longed for his kiss.

Suddenly, her daydream was shattered. She loved the way he kissed her. She recalled the many times Winston wanted to go further than that. He wanted to go deeper. To go there.

And many times she halted his advances. It's not that she doesn't want to. She does want it. She wants him.

But every time he makes his advances, and every time Katrine lets him memories of 6 months ago never failed to rush into her mind.

Suddenly, Winston's touch triggered bad memories from 6 months ago. How can she let another man be intimate with her -- even if she wanted to -- after she was raped?

She had been careless. She followed and approached a prime suspect despite her partner, and her captain's orders.

Because of her arrogance and carelessness, she let her guard down. Then she was drugged. Then she was raped. Her body was touched and violated while she was unconscious. And her rapist made sure she knew.

Katrine shivered upon these memories and shoved them out of her mind. She never told anyone. Not the captain, not her partner, and certainly not Winston.

She took a deep breath, then stared at her reflection for a long time. Eventually, she stood up and undressed.

She tossed her clothes and underwear into the laundry basket then went into the bathroom and took a shower.


Katrine was putting her earrings on when the doorbell rang.

"Just a second!" She said as she finished putting her earrings on.

She opened the door, and Winston was standing.

"Hey--wow!" Winston stammered.

Katrine smiled at him. She pulled him close to her and gave him a kiss.

"Stop flattering me." She said with a giggle.

"I'm not," Winston replied, wrapping his hands around her waist. "You're very beautiful."

Katrine was glad. With Winston, all her problems went away. She loved him.

"What?" Winston asked, looking at Katrine. Her head was down, but she was smiling.

"Nothing, let's go. We'll be late." She replied. She held his hands, then they walked side by side.


"Another bottle?" Winston asked Katrine.

"Another bottle," Katrine replied enthusiastically as she emptied her glass. The hearty dinner made her want to drink a lot.

Work has been stressful, and Winston blew all the exhaustion away, but another bottle of wine is also what she needs.

The waiter arrived with the bottle, and Winston thanked him. He watched the waiter leave, then turned to Katrine.

"Sweetie, I have some news." He began.

Katrine, with beaming interest on her face, took another drink, then pressed her hands together.

"Oh?" She smiled. "What is it?"

"I was promoted to Junior Partner today," Winston said so swiftly with excitement.

Katrine's eyes widened then she gasped. "Oh my god! That's amazing! Congratulations! You've been waiting for this promotion for years!"

"All my hard work has paid off! Also, there's another thing." Winston said.

Katrine raised her eyebrows.

"Our biggest client, Hessington Holdings, is having a soiree tomorrow." Winston paused, then continued.

"Everyone from Name Partner to Junior Partner has been invited and we're allowed to bring a guest. I hope you're not busy tomorrow." He winked at her.

Katrine was surprised. Hessington Holdings is the biggest company in the city, it was also the biggest client of Winston's law firm...and Winston was invited to the company's soiree!

She could not contain her excitement.

"Oh, I'll be busy tomorrow. Busy shopping for a dress that is!" Katrine beamed.

"So," He chuckled. "stop drinking that wine and let's have a good night's sleep for tomorrow's event." He said as he signaled the waiter for the bill.

"Oh, you won't be resting for some time tonight, mister," Katrine said slowly and seductively.

The waiter arrived with the bill. In a blink of an eye, Winston paid stood up and asked for Katrine's hand.

"Shall we?"

Katrine smiled. She stood up, took his hand, and walked towards him, swaying her hips as she did so.


"Mmhm" Katrine moaned as Winston gently slammed her back against the door of her apartment as they kissed passionately.

Winston's hand was on her head, while his other hand was opening the lock.

Once the door was opened, they both rushed to the bed.

They kissed, then Katrine took his hand and placed it on her breast.

"Do it." She said, her breath was heavy with lust.

"Are you sure?" Winston asked.

"Please," Katrine replied. Tonight, she finally decided it was time.

In one swift motion, Winston freed Katrine's body from her dress.

He kissed her passionately while his hands were busy removing Katrine's underwear.

Katrine's heart was beating fast. She was filled with excitement. Tonight, she will set herself free.

"I love you," Katrine said between breaths as Winston started sucking her breasts.

"I love you too." He replied, and kissed her again.

Katrine arched her back and moaned in pleasure as she felt Winston's erect manhood enter her.

Tonight, her fears no longer held her back. Tonight, she set herself free.


[The Next Day ]

Winston sat inside the limo nervously. His generous host has sent them a luxurious ride to the venue.

He was worried. What was he going to say to the guests? In terms of experience in soirees, he was a newbie.

Even though he was nervous, he still felt some pride in himself. He was promoted to Junior Partner. He was invited to their biggest client's soiree, and most importantly, he gets to show off his extremely beautiful and sexy girlfriend.

The limo stopped outside Katrine's apartment.

A few seconds later, his eyes were captivated by something.

It was Katrine. She was wearing an elegant, dark designer dress that complimented her beautiful curves. The dress had a plunging neckline that showcased her magnificent cleavage. The slit of her dress opened just enough to offer a generous view of a shapely and smooth thigh. Her blonde hair was beautifully braided.

She sauntered towards the limo. The pedestrian gawked at the beautiful, bodacious young woman.

Katrine Vogel glanced at the black limousine in front of her.

The door was already open, with the driver - a young man in an expensive tuxedo, holding the door for her.

Feeling pleased when seeing where the driver's eyes are directed, she expressed her gratitude. Either for the flattering gaze or for holding the door, only Katrine knew.

"Thank you." She smiled at him as she entered the vehicle.

The driver was flustered. He was staring at the beautiful, blonde woman's chest when he noticed her smiling at him.

He couldn't help but have an erection as he was given a better view of her cleavage when Katrine bent down and stepped into the car, and given another blissful sight when the slit of her dress opened up, giving him a rather generous view of her thigh and black panties.

Keeping himself together, he closed the door, got into the driver's seat, and drove to their destination.


"Come on, say something!", Katrine said and pressed Winston's arm.

Winston just sat and gawked at her.

"I....I am speechless. You look very beautiful. I will not be able to take my eyes off you tonight."

He finally managed to say.

Katrine grinned. "I must say you look dashing yourself, my handsome lawyer." She complimented him back.


The limo rolled to a drive and stopped at a gate. The driver opened the windshield to the passengers' door.

A guard approached and peered inside. Winston showed him his invitation.

"And who do you have with you?" The guard asked in a gruff voice, his eyes fixated on the beautiful woman inside.

"My date for the evening, Miss Katrine Monette Vogel," Winston replied and showed him her driver's license.

The guard checked off Winston's name from the guest list and wrote down Katrine's name beside it.

"You may proceed, Mr. Vanger."

The limo drove off and pulled over in front of the door of a Romanesque mansion.

Men in tuxedos opened the car door for them, and Winston and Katrine stepped out of the vehicle.

This time, the man who opened the car door was offered the same blissful sight the driver was privileged with, and it took all of his self-control not to drool.

As Katrine and Winston made their way into the entrance, all four security officers turned their attention to Katrine. Their eyes were captivated by the sight of the curvaceous and beautiful woman in the black dress.

Winston noticed this and he could not help, but feel proud.


They entered the hall and both stared in awe at the extravagance of the mansion.

As they were walking around the hall, Winston saw his Managing Partner, Jim Edwards talking to none other than Mr. Reginald Hessington.

Jim Edwards noticed Winston and signaled for them to approach.

"Mr. Vanger, it is a pleasure that you could make it tonight!" The managing partner said with gusto and shook Winston's hand.

Edwards turned to Hessington. "Sir, this is the person I was just talking about. None other than the talented Winston Vanger!"

Hessington turned to Winston, but his attention was captivated by the woman accompanying him. "Ah, Mr. Vanger, what a pleasure!"

He beamed without even looking at Winston -- for Hessington's eyes were busy roaming over Katrine's figure.

Winston, noticing where his host's attention was fixated, finally replied. "The pleasure is all mine, sir!"

He gently placed his hand around Katrine's waist, bringing her forward.

"Allow me to introduce my girlfriend and date, Miss Katrine Monette Vogel."

Hessinger's gaze fixated on the lovely and voluptuous young woman before him. His eyes widened like a deer's on the lights of an oncoming car.

His mouth dropped open. "Have the heavens finally blessed my eyes with a graceful sight?" Hessington declared in a loud voice while taking Katrine's hand and kissing it.

"You flatter me too much, sir," Katrine replied in modesty.

She noticed the old man's eyes roam all over her body. She shivered when he smiled as his eyes fixated on her cleavage.

Finally, his eyes met hers and he gave her a huge smile. Katrine was unsure if it was a friendly smile or the smile of a wolf with a delicious lamb in its sights.

Hessington was about to say something when they were interrupted by the MC, notifying them that the first event is starting.

"I am afraid I have to excuse myself for a moment and get myself to the best seat of the hall. I paid for these anyway!" Hessington laughed.

"Vanger!" Hessington boomed. "Come with us!"

Winston looked at Katrine.

Katrine laughed and rolled her eyes. "Go. This is your night. You earned it!"

Winston gave her a kiss on the cheek and caught up with the two gentlemen.

Katrine watched Winston walk away. She walked to the nearest waiter and took a glass of champagne. She found an empty seat with a great view of the stage and took a seat.

A woman approached the stage and she started singing. Katrine pretended to be amused, but in truth, she was never a fan of opera. But to hell with it, it's not every day that I'm invited to these kinds of stuff.


Unbeknownst to her, a set of eyes in one corner of the room was staring intently at Katrine Vogel with a different look in his eyes. His was a look of both admiration and suspicion.

Those eyes belonged to Hessington Holdings' head of security, Del Rio.

He was a Mexican-American retired military sergeant. He was in charge of obtaining all identities of the guests. And he was proficient at his job.

He was in charge of rectifying the threats from Mr. Hessington's illegal dealings. He deals with these threats discreetly, sparing his boss from headaches.

"Did you confirm it?" Del Rio radioed his subordinate.

The subordinate replied. "I did sir. Our informant informed us of an intruder sent by the FBI. He doesn't know the name nor the gender, but it can't be a coincidence that--"

"that a detective is among the guests but did not even show her ID or badge to the gate security. And is the date of a recently promoted junior partner of the firm that represents us. I know, Hinks." Del Rio replied, his eyes still fixated on Katrine.


Katrine Vogel emptied her drink. How long will this go on! I'm bored to death!

She looked around and found a waiter, she signaled him for a refill.

The waiter took her glass and went to fetch her a new glass.

Del Rio watched the proceedings from the corner of the room and approached the waiter.

"Wait." Del Rio said and placed his hand on the shoulder of the waiter carrying Katrine's champagne.

Del Rio reached for his suit's pockets and pulled out a small plastic tube the size of a thumb.

He uncapped the tube and dropped a dissolvable tablet into the drink intended for the curvaceous, blonde woman.

"This is a matter of security. This never happened." Del Rio told the waiter. "Wait for 60 seconds and then give the drink to the blonde woman in the black dress, understood?"

The waiter nodded nervously.

He waited for a full minute, then took the spiked champagne to the voluptuous, blonde woman. He handed the drink to her while staring at her bountiful cleavage.

Looking at the woman, and recalling the discretion of the head of security, the waiter had a vague idea of what awaits the beautiful lady with the beautiful chest. He pictured indecent thoughts, giving him an erection.

He stared again at her cleavage, imagining how will her breasts look without the protection of her dress. He imagined how perfectly round they were, how soft, and how they will feel on his palms. He cannot help, but think of the things a person can do once the pills took their immediate effect on the unsuspecting lady.

"What a waste." He murmured, regretting his position for he had an idea of what's going to happen to the unknowing woman, and he won't be there to see it.


Three minutes after taking the first sip of the recent champagne, Katrine Vogel began to feel lightheaded. I had too much to drink again.

Finally, the first presentation on the stage is over and currently in an interlude.

Katrine stood up. I need to splash some water on my face.

She asked the nearby waiter where the ladies' room is. Then she walked to the corner of the room and opened the door leading to a narrow hallway.

She can already see the ladies' room ahead.

She started to walk forward when she heard the door behind her open.

Two men in tuxedos entered the hallway. She noticed one was Mexican, the other was a short young man.

The latter passed by her. When he was a few steps ahead of her, he turned around.

"Excuse me, Miss," Hinks said.

Katrine needed to go to the ladies' room badly. The drink was making her tipsy. What do they want?

Katrine smiled at the men in front and behind her.

"Ah, gentlemen. How can I help you?"

She just managed to say when she felt a hand on her shoulder and felt the prick of a needle on her neck.

"Ow! What did y..." She did not even finish the sentence as her strength flowed out of her body and her legs buckled, then her consciousness fell into nothingness.


Del Rio placed the syringe in a small container then placed it inside his pocket as the beautiful, curvaceous, blonde woman fell limp on her stomach on the floor.

He walked to the door behind him.

"Do not let anyone get in for ten minutes. And tell them to get the car ready." Del Rio told the guards on the opposite side of the door.

"Roger, boss." The guard replied.

Del Rio locked the door from his side and turned around. He scowled at what he saw.

"We'll carry her to the car now. There'll be plenty of time to do that later." Del Rio told Hinks, who already turned Katrine's body on her back: Hinks, whose hands were already inside the neckline of the unconscious, blonde woman's dress -- his palm fondling and squeezing her breast. And his other hand already inside the opened slit of the woman's dress and his palm now running up and down her smooth thighs.

"Sorry, boss. Can't help myself." Hinks smiled, his eyes taking in the lovely sleeping face of Katrine Vogel while his hands were running all over her body.

Hinks reluctantly pulled his hands, then he and Del Rio both carried the unconscious Katrine Vogel's body to the car and to her captivity.


The pain was the first thing she felt. The throbbing in her head felt like she had a hangover. Her headache was so excruciating that Katrine Vogel moaned in pain as her consciousness gradually returned.

"Nngggghhhh" She moaned as her sensations returned. The first thing she felt was pain. Aside from the excruciating headache, her neck is also hurting -- it felt like she was about to have a stiff neck.

As her vision gradually became clearer, the first thing she saw was a door. She noticed that her head was facing sideways.

"Whhhhhrr?" She tried to say but realized there was something in her mouth.

She tried to turn her head, but she can't. She still felt tired. Why am I exhausted?

Then she remembered feeling slightly dizzy. She tried to get to the ladies' room when she was intercepted by two men. That's when she remembered the sharp prick on her neck then everything went dark.

She suddenly felt cold. She tried to move her head and saw her arms are above her. Her eyes widened when she saw leather cuffs around her wrists that were tied to the bedposts.

That was when she also realized that her legs are spread apart. Even though she could not see it, she knew her ankles were also tied because she couldn't close her legs.

"Hhhhmmmmmmmmmphhhh! Katrine Vogel managed a muffled scream when it finally dawned on her. She felt cold because she was completely naked!

She was tied to the bed, naked and spread-eagled! She realized she was lying on her front. She can feel her naked breasts being squashed under her body.

"Hhhhmmmmmmmppphhhhh!!!!" She gave another high-pitched and muffled scream when she felt fingers running along her back, then stopped at her exposed ass.