Mommy's New Daughter Pt. 03


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Melissa stood frozen in the foyer as she fully took in the scene before her. Her son-turned- "daughter" was being fondled on the couch in his itty-bitty maid's uniform. Jacob's giant hands were squeezing her son's little tush with everything he had as Luke stared longingly down at the man. Do they know that's Luke? Is my son straddling another man? Did Lisa approve this?

She didn't know how to react, and she didn't have much time to as Luke turned to see his mother standing in the doorway. He pried Jacob's hands from his bottom and hopped off the couch, running to her.

"Mommy!" he yelled, hugging her. "I'm so glad you're home. I missed you so much!"

Melissa held back a tear. She wasn't sure what she'd just witnessed but she was happy to hear her son... or daughter so excited to see her. The old Luke would never even acknowledge when I arrived home from work.

She hugged him back. "I missed you, too, pumpkin. I see you have some friends over..."

"Oh, yes," Aunt Lisa chimed in. "This here is Mark, and this here is Jacob. They came over looking for Luke, but I told them he was staying at his grandparents' house, and that his cousin Lucy came to visit his favorite aunts!"

Okay, so that's the story we're going with, Melissa thought to herself. No doubt you thought of that idea Lisa... But little Luke just slipped. He called me Mommy. Let's hope his friends are too dumb to catch on.

"Anyways," Lisa said, "I decided to invite them in to enjoy some sodas while Lucy did her chores for the day. There were times the boys had to lend a hand, and let me tell you, girl, they sure had their hands FULL!" She laughed at her own little joke.

"I sure as heck saw that when I came in," Melissa replied, giving Luke a knowing glance, though he had his head down. "Well, thanks for the help boys, but it's getting pretty late. I think you should be heading home now."

Mark and Jacob shuffled off of the couch, "Umm, sure Miss. We just have to use the bathroom real quick, if that's alright."

"Of course! You guys are here so often, I'm sure you know where the bathroom is. Just go through Luke's room and you can't miss it." A realization came to her mind. "Oh, and, Luke's room might look a little different. We wanted to make it feel a little more girly for Lucy to feel more comfortable, and..."

"Oh, I already explained the whole sitch to them, girl!" Lisa interjected. "They know the deal! Plus, Mark was already in there to help Lucy change into her uniform." Lisa smirked at Luke as she said that, and he looked back at her with pleading eyes.

Melissa shot a look down at Luke, then continued addressing his friends, "Okay. So you boys go do your business."

"Make sure you say bye and give Lucy a big hug before you leave!" Lisa said, smiling.


They walked into Luke's old room, though it didn't look like Luke's room much at all. Mark had been too distracted when coming in before to fully realize it, but the room was completely done up. For starters, it was clean - cleaner than he'd ever seen it. The bedsheets had some sort of Disney princess on it, as well as stuffed animals and frilly pillows. The walls also contained girly posters. Though it did strike Mark as slightly odd they'd completely changed Luke's room, he didn't think that much of it. Maybe he's going to be gone for a while and Lucy will be staying with her aunts for a while. Shit, I sure hope so!

"Dude, that girl is such a slut!" Mark exclaimed.

"I fucking know, bro!" Jacob said just as excitedly. "Did you hear her moan when I grabbed her ass?"

"You should've seen her when I had to help reach something on top of her closet. I didn't get a good grab of her ass, but she literally shoved her asshole into my face. And get this dude... she's wearing a buttplug!"

"I fucking thought I saw that when she was prancing around the house cleaning! She's gotta be so fucking horny, bro! I didn't even know people really wore those things."

"Only real freaks who like to put out. And this is a whole family of freaks! Who just walks around like that with her aunt around? And did she call Luke's mom, 'Mommy?' Isn't that her aunt?"

"Who cares, bro? The whole family is fucking weird I guess. I just can't stop thinking about her ass."

"You and me both, bro." Mark took a look around the room and Luke's dresser. "You can go to the bathroom now if you want. I don't really have to go. I just wanted to kill time for my boner to die down."

"Dude, same! But it's not going anywhere. I'm still rock hard."

"Same, man! Ugh, why'd that slut have to get us so worked up?"

"You think Luke took his bong with him to his grandparents'?"

"No idea, but we might as well check his drawer to see if it's still here." They opened the drawer that usually contained the bong, and were instead greeted by tons of frilly, girly tops. "What the heck, where's all his stuff? There's no way he took everything with him to his grandparents', right?"

They continued searching through the drawers, only to find more feminine clothes. They finally reached the bottom drawer, which contained about a little over a dozen panties.

"Dude!" Mark exclaimed. "Jackpot! Look at this!" Mark grabbed a few pairs and sniffed.

"There's no point in smelling them, bro. They're all clean." Jacob rubbed his cock through his pants as he grabbed a neon yellow thong. "You know, Mark. I think I have an idea on how we can get rid of these hard ons we got."

"What's that?" Mark replied, half listening as he grabbed a frilly orange pair.

"I think we should leave our slutty new friend a little parting gift," Jacob said, lowering his pants.

"You're brilliant, Jacob," Mark said, doing the same.


"So... do you mind explaining to me why you were straddling your best friend, missy?" Melissa asked her son.

"I didn't try to!" Luke said defensively. "Aunt Lisa made me clean the picture behind the couch and I didn't get a good angle and I slipped and Jacob picked me up and..." He started to cry into his mother's shoulder.

"There, there, angel," she said, hugging her son. "It's alright. Mommy's here now But now you know how disgusting you've been acting. Men, like your friends... and like you used to be, are real pigs." Feeling bold, she reached around and grabbed a handful of her girly boy's butt. "And you had this thing right here on full display! Of course they're going to get a little handsy with you."

Luke holding back tears said, "But mommy, this is my uniform! I HAVE to wear this when I do my chores. Aunt Lisa said so."

"That's right," Aunt Lisa chimed in. "A good little girl like you always dresses in her uniform when doing chores. Isn't that right, Melissa?"

"Of.. of course," Melissa replied. It may have been a little much having Luke wear an outfit like that in front of his friends, she thought, But I'm putting my full trust in Lisa. This punishment was her idea, and who am I to call her out on her tactics? And, man, Luke is getting really emotional about this. I guess this entire punishment is really allowing him to get in touch with his feminine side. Let's see if we can't push his limits...

With a hand still on her son's bubble butt, she worked her finger near his hole. "And it seems like we have a new friend down here, don't we?"

"Mommy!" Luke said scurrying backwards. He whispered. "Don't say that so loud, I don't want Mark and Jacob to know that I'm wearing a buttplug."

Both Melissa and Aunt Lisa laughed. "Oh, baby. Let me show you something." Aunt Lisa crouched down behind Luke and took a picture. "Look!"

Luke looked at her phone with horror in his eyes. The black device only slightly protruded from his hole. But it was noticeable - VERY noticeable.

A door closed shut and they all turned around to see Mark and Jacob leaving Lucy's room with wide grins on their faces. "See you all later!" Mark said, waving.

"Hope to see you soon, Lucy!" Jacob added.

"Wait!" Lisa yelled. "Don't leave without giving Lucy a big hug, boys. She was just telling us about how much she's going to miss you guys."

Luke slowly scampered over to the boys in his heels, with a look on her face that said he was happy the day was finally over. Mark initiated the hug with the feminized man, gripping her around her waist and letting his hands roam down the small of her back. Mark released his grip, and Jacob went in to initiate a similar hug. He noticed Melissa's back turned, straightening up the couch pillows, and used that as an opportunity to squeeze Luke's ass one final time for the day. Luke squealed as the vibrator turned up in intensity. Despite trying to fight the urge, Luke quietly moaned with pleasure.

"I'll sure be missing this," Jacob said. "See you soon."

Mark and Jacob left, and Luke stormed towards the couch in anger.

"What the fuck was that?! Oh my god." Luke took off his apron and threw it on the ground. That's the Luke I know, Melissa thought to herself.

He dived belly first into the couch and started crying. "I hate my life. I hate this punishment. My best friends know it's me. They know this Lucy thing is bullshit. They know I'm some sort of fag playing dress-up. My life's ruined."

"Awww, my poor baby," Melissa said, coming to console her son. "Don't cry. And you're overreacting! You've seen yourself in the mirror. You look nothing like the boy you used to be. And look!" Melissa said, grabbing Lisa's phone from her. "Look at this butt," she said, showing her the picture. "This butt is all woman... And from the looks of it, Jacob sure as heck couldn't get enough of it!"

"Who just grabs a girl's ass like that!?" Luke exclaimed. "Hasn't anyone taught that boy manners?"

Melissa was delighted to hear her son not only refer to himself as a girl, but to continue to sound like a girl too, using a higher pitched voice even when his friends weren't around.

"Come on, darling, sit up," Melissa said, helping her "daughter" to a sitting position on the couch. "You just have to stop stressing about Mark and Jacob. I promise you, they had no idea it was Luke under all this makeup. Do you think if they knew it was you, they'd be feeling you up as much with their hugs?"

Luke sniffled. "I guess not."

"So there you have it. No point in worrying. Now stay here for a little while, if you like, and decompress. Aunt Lisa will keep you company while I shower."


"Come here, baby," Lisa said, tapping her lap. "Sit right here on your aunt's lap and tell me all about how today made you feel." Lisa licked her lips as she eyed up the young man dragging his feet towards her. Luke removing the apron in his fury revealed the front of his panties, which in turn, revealed the very obvious wet spot. Precum? Really? He enjoyed this evening even more than I thought! Lisa smirked as various scenarios worked in her mind. He can deny this all he wants, but he's enjoying this! So much for a punishment, huh? I guess I'm helping him discover himself.

Luke gingerly sat his nearly bare bottom on Lisa's lap, and at such an angle that the pressure from her thigh onto the plug went deeper inside his rectum. He squirmed in her lap, and Lisa noticed the wet spot darken in his panties. Oh, so he enjoys anal stimulation? Very interesting, my little Lucy.

"Today was... weird, Aunt Lisa," Luke responded.

"Tell me about it, baby. What was so weird about it?" Lisa stroked the girly boy's smooth thigh, inching closer to his caged member with each stroke.

"It's just that... I've never been so objectified. Mark's face was completely in my ass. I could feel Jacob's hard on against my thigh when I was on his lap. And they were both so strong. They picked me up without any resistance. And I know I'm small but... I've never been so manhandled before... and I..." he trailed off.

"You liked it didn't you, baby?"

Luke didn't respond. Lisa brought her hand up his thigh and touched his caged member through his thong. Luke, startled by the touch, shot up, fixing his slouched posture. That change of position caused the plug to hit a different angle in his rectum, putting more pressure on his prostate. Lisa felt more precum soak the panties.

"You don't have to answer, honey. I know you did." She whispered in his ear, "You're so wet right now, baby. It's so adorable." Lisa stopped touching him for a second to reach into her pocket and raise the intensity of the vibrator. Luke moaned hard and sank deeper into Lisa's lap. "Now, baby, listen to me. You want to feel pleasure, right? You want to release all the cummies building up inside that little penis of yours, right?" Luke nodded his head as Lisa returned her hand to the boy's lap and began to play with his balls. The boy was putty in her hands. She could do anything she wanted with him. Sure, I could make him cum right now if I wanted to. But does he deserve that? She decided he didn't deserve it, and removed her hand from his balls. She lowered the intensity of the vibrator just a tad, but kept it humming to keep him aroused.

With him still on her lap, Lisa slowly removed the boy's panties as he continued to moan in pleasure from the vibrator and recent touch. "Wait, Aunt Lisa, why'd you stop? I was so close. I was..." Lisa shoved the boy's precum soaked panties into his mouth.

"Hmmmph! Hmmmmmmmph!" The boy tried to protest, but was unable to, as Lisa held her hand over his mouth.

"Savor the taste, baby." Aunt Lisa got close to whisper in Luke's ear. "You're going to get real used to this taste soon enough." Luke whimpered with the panties in his mouth but fought less, as he realized he was helpless in Lisa's strong embrace. Lisa herself got wet thinking about just how weak and effeminate the boy really was. He knows his place... "Now, suck all your juices out, baby. That's right, there you go." Luke did as he was told until Aunt Lisa removed the panties from his mouth. "Now, put these back on before your Mommy sees you. Imagine her seeing you this exposed! She'd freak out!"

Luke put the extremely damp panties on, and with no time to spare, as his mother burst out of her bedroom with a wide smile on her face, phone in hand. "Great news, Lucy! I just talked to your principal Mrs. Murphy and told her all about your little punishment!" Luke's face contorted into one of worry. "Oh, don't give me that face! How are we going to win that costume contest if you aren't attending school? Anyways, she's agreed to let you be a part of classes starting Tuesday as Lucy! Isn't that exciting?!"

Lisa could tell Luke wasn't exactly thrilled, but as for herself, she was over the moon. Oh my god, Melissa really pulled it off, huh? We'll be sending this little one to school. The outfits I'll make her wear. The pictures I'll make her send. The horny young men she'll be turning on... Lisa really couldn't wait.

"And, don't worry. No one will know it's you. Your secret is safe. The principal assured me she will keep this close to the vest, and for all intents and purposes you'll be Lucy, Luke's cousin from out of state coming to visit her Aunt." Luke still sat open-mouthed on Lisa's lap.

"Well, honey," Lisa asked, stroking his cheek, "Aren't you excited!?"

"Yes, Aunt Lisa," Luke squeaked out. "Thank you, Mommy."

"Awww, don't mention it sweetie," Melissa replied

"I know you wanted to show off your pretty new outfits to the boys when they were over here before," Aunt Lisa said, hugging the feminized man in her lap. "Well, now you'll have all week to show them! I'm so happy for you, baby."

Smiling, Melissa said, "Now go ahead and pick out a nice nighty, sweetie, and I'll be sure to tuck you in before it's night night time. Tomorrow, both Aunt Lisa and I are working all morning, so you'll have the house to yourself. It'll give you some time to relax before school on Tuesday! Of course, I expect the house to be spotless by the time I get home from work."

"Of course, Mommy," Luke replied sullenly.

"Now, get to it! I want you in bed by 9:30!"


Luke walked into his room, and absentmindedly picked out an orange nighty with an orange thong. The thong felt a bit different in his hands than the others he'd worn so far - a little bit wet. Maybe it's made out of a different material? He paid it no mind as he worked it up his legs and put his nighty on. He'd had a long day and was ready for bed. She really talked to the principal? I'm really going to be going to school dressed as a girl? The sudden news of school as Lucy on the horizon made him forget all about how his "Aunt" Lisa had put his gross used panties in his mouth. Or about how touchy, feely his friends got... and how good it made him feel. He put all those thoughts out of his mind as he tried to drift off to sleep. School is a Tuesday problem. Tomorrow's Monday, and I'll have a decent chunk of the day to myself with Mommy and Aunt Lisa at work. I'll find that key... even if I have to turn this whole place upside down!

Edited by neuroparenthetical

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jrrtolkien420jrrtolkien4207 months ago

I hope we get the next chapter. This is really good.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Please continue this story it's really good and I would like to read more

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I think it would be just like the two "buddies" to frame Lucy into getting her ass paddled in her skimpy thong.

Hush1223Hush122311 months agoAuthor

My apologies for the delay in the next part. Just know this story is continuing and I appreciate all the kind words!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Where is the next Part dear

jrrtolkien420jrrtolkien42011 months ago

I need an aunt Lisa.

Great story so far. I can't wait for the next chapter.

SouperKev777SouperKev77711 months ago

Please! Continue the story it’s so good and needs to be continued. I really like this story idea and wish you would hurry up, but I’m somewhat patient and hope you write another great chapter!!!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Every time I read it. I so want to be Lucy .

I so want to be pushed further by his mom and Lisa .

I'd be dreaming of dressing like at the coffee shop but a tighter see through crop top

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

luv b lucy

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I love this story and can't wait read about Luke's first week of school as Lucy. I just know she will have so much fun and met a lot of new friends.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

She needs to be tied down to her bed and played with by her mom, add some sissy hypno with a headset.

SissyBoy1WarszawaSissyBoy1Warszawaabout 1 year ago

After reading this part 3 for the second time, I decided to add a comment with a very important issue that kept bothering me from the beginning and lowered the rating of this story. And it concerns LIsa and her use of the unconscious of Melisa - mother and her child Luka-Lucy, through her behavior towards Luka-Lucy. And breaking the principle of true friendship (at least that's how it's important and treated in Poland.), in true friendship you don't cheat your friends and you don't take advantage of the trust shown by a friend and Lisa broke it both in part 2 and part 3 and at the same time forcing Luka-Lucy to cheat on her own mother. This shows Lisa's desire to completely subjugate both Luke-Lucy and his mother Melissa. This is not true friendship, but possessiveness, discrimination, it scares me and the whole story loses a lot in my opinion. ❗❓❗ SissyBoy from Warsaw, Poland.

Po przeczytaniu drugi raz tej części 3, postanowiłam dopisać jeszcze komentarz z bardzo ważną sprawą która cały czas Mnie męczyła od początku i obniżała ocenę tej historii. A dotyczy LIsy i wykorzystania przez nią nieświadomości Melisy - mamy i jej dziecka Luka-Lucy, po przez jej postępowanie wobec Luka-Lucy. I złamanie zasady prawdziwej przyjaźni (przynajmniej tak u Mnie w Polsce jest to ważne i traktowane.), w prawdziwej przyjaźni nie oszukuje się przyjaciół i nie wykorzystuje się zaufania jakie okazał przyjaciel a Lisa złamała to zarówno w 2 części jak i w 3 części a przy tym zmuszając Luka-Lucy do oszukiwania własnej matki. To pokazuje jakby Lisie zależało na całkowitym podporzadkowaniu sobie zarówno Luka-Lucy jak i jego matki Melisy. To nie jest prawdziwa przyjaźń a zaborczość, dyskryminacja, to przeraża Mnie i całość tej historii traci bardzo w mojej ocenie. ❗❓❗ SissyBoy z Warszawy, Polska.

SissyBoy1WarszawaSissyBoy1Warszawaabout 1 year ago

I really like the whole story 📝❤️, although I have a reservation ❗❓ to mom's friend Luka-Lucy 👩‍👦 , Lisa. He humiliates Luka-Lucy too quickly and harshly, leading to her being perceived not only as a girl but as a whore. Until Lisa forcing Lucy 👧🏻 to show up and take care of the boys, exposing Luka-Lucy to the boys of Mark and Jacob (she showed that she is an easy girl almost like a whore) Luka's feminization process in Lucy I like very much and it is a lesson for him that Respect a woman, especially your own mother. You made me very interested in the fate of Luka-Lucy and I would like to be like him so feminized. I'm already thinking, imagining what will happen at school and also wondering if anyone will find out that Lucy is really Luka? Best regards from Poland, SissyBoy from Warsaw. 📝👩‍👦🧒🏻❤️👧🏻

Bardzo lubię całą historię 📝❤️, choć mam zastrzeżenie ❗❓ do przyjaciółki mamy Luka-Lucy 👩‍👦, Lisy. Zbyt szybko i ostro upokorza Luka-Lucy doprowadzając aby była odbierana nie tylko jako dziewczyna ale jako dziwka. Do chwili aż Lisa zmuszając Lucy 👧🏻 do pokazania się i zajmowania się chłopcami, wystawiając Luka-Lucy na chłopców Marka i Jacoba (uwidoczniła że jest łatwą dziewczyną wręcz jak dziwką) proces feminizacji Luka w Lucy bardzo Mi się podoba i jest dla niego nauką że należy szanować kobietę a tym bardziej własną matkę. Bardzo zainteresowałeś Mnie losem Luka-Lucy i chciałabym być jak On tak feminizowany. Już myślę, wyobrażam sobie co stanie się w szkole a również zastanawiam się czy ktoś odkryje że Lucy to tak naprawdę Luka? Serdecznie Pozdrawiam z Polski, SissyBoy z Warszawy. 📝👩‍👦 🧒🏻❤️👧🏻

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I so love how both want to push her limits . So can't wait for more. Hoping on Monday Lucy gets caught looking for the key and gets punished and hoping she has to go to the principal office first before starting her day to get a good spanking before her classes start

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Lucy is so lucky to have such a sweet mother and loving aunt to teach her how to be her true self.

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