Moms and Two Sons


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"Oh darling," she cooed. "I love it when you tongue me ..."

She had good reason to love it. He had gone this route with her countless times before, proving to her time and time again how good he was at devouring her cunt. He thrust his nose into it and that thrilled her, because she knew he was inhaling her feminine scent. What woman isn't thrilled to know that her man loves the

smell of her cunt? Tina knew that her son was delighted with hers. When he had his fill of her heady scent, he went back to licking and kissing her legs.

His mother spread her legs farther still and with the hair drawn aside, he could look in past to her oily quim. It was a tantalizing sight for any young man to see. Then there was no more fooling around. He got right down to the business of kissing, licking and sucking his mother's cunt and before long, he had her popping off every few minutes.

When he had her so that she was no longer sure whether she was here in her bedroom or up on a cloud somewhere, he got to his feet and leaned over her. Supporting his weight on his arms on either side of her, the head of his cock came to her moist opening, touched it, and then began burrowing its way in.

His mother took it with a sigh of delight, brought her legs up over his back again, a motion that brought her clear off the bed and up to his belly. Their mouths came together in a feverish kiss, while he was feeling her jiggling tits with both hands.

In this awkward position her son was in, she found that she had to do most of the work, which she was only too happy to do. She did it fantastically well. Bob shot off his load at the same moment she sailed into her climax, and he fell sideways onto the bed. She clung to him, like she never wanted him to get away from

her. Her leg was locked about him so that his cock would stay in her, until it had been drained of every last drop of his juices.

Chapter 4

"Ahhh, Bob," she cooed softly sometime later, as she lay snuggled in his arms. "If other mothers knew how happy I am right now and how good I feel, they'd all be getting into bed with their sons!"

"You think maybe they aren't?" Bob chuckled.

Surprised, she looked at him. "You're putting me on."

"Do you think you're the only mother who ever thought of letting her son screw her?"

"Well . . ."

"This is a new age we're living in, Mom. Everybody is screwing everybody else these days."

"What makes you think that?" Tina asked.

"At church our assistant pastor gets all the pussy he wants," said Bob. "The girls are fucking the Bible class teachers and the deacons are fucking the wives in the choir. Even the sexton has a cot set up behind the furnace, so he can screw whatever hot pussy that finds its way there for a quickie between Bible study."

"My God!" Tina gasped.

"So what we're doing isn't so far out as you might have thought," said Bob. "It's the most natural thing in the world for a boy to fuck his mother, if she wants him to."

"That might be the way it is at our church," Tina conceded. "But I'm sure that's not the way it is at a megachurch."

"That's what you think," said Bob, grinning at her. "Evangelists are getting so much pussy they can hardly wobble around stage during an altar call." He added, "What do you think 'laying on of hands' means?"

"You know somebody around here who's screwing his mother?" Tina challenged.

"Sure. Ron Orsini. He's been screwing his mother even longer than I've been making it with you."

His mother looked shocked. "I can't believe that of Marianne. She'd never allow her son to take liberties like that. She's a deaconess ..."

Bob laughed. "Well, if she's got you and everyone else fooled with that innocent, respectable look of hers, there's a good chance you've got everyone fooled, too. You look just as respectable and goody-goody as she does. Who would ever suspect that your son is humping you, even getting his prick up your rosy anus when Dad isn't around?"

"How come you know about Ron and his mother?" Tina asked.

"Well, Ron and I are good buddies," said Bob. "And I went over to see him one afternoon. I went up to the front door and pushed the bell button but I guess it wasn't working. I could hear sounds in there, but I didn't hear the doorbell. Well, instead of knocking, I looked in the front window."

"Shame on you!" said Tina.

"Yeah, I don't know what made me do that," Bob agreed. "But what I saw really shocked me!"

"What did you see?" asked Tina eagerly.

Bob laughed. "See? It's terrible for me to peek in a window, but it's all right for you to be curious about what I saw."

"Oh stop being a nag and tell me what you saw," said Tina impatiently.

"I saw Ron and his mother," said Bob. "And they were both naked. I couldn't believe it. They were on that thick white rug they have in front of their couch in the living room. Ron was on his back and his mother was on hands and knees above him, in the sixty-nine position.

"I couldn't see Ron's face at that point, because he had it buried in his mother's crotch. His arms were around her bare ass, pulling her down onto him. And Mrs. Orsini must have liked it, because she was wriggling her ass around like crazy. But she was busy too. She was sprawled out on top of him, those big tits of hers flattened against Ron's chest, and she had his dick in her mouth. Boy, she was sucking on it like you wouldn't believe."

"My God!" Tina gasped. "Marianne, of all people. I never would have guessed it."

"It got better and better," said Bob. "I guess they brought each other off, because they were wriggling, twisting and sliding all over that rug. Then they finally broke apart and lay there panting and gasping."

"You'd think Marianne would be smart enough to draw the shades, if she's going to carry on like that," said Tina. "My God, if word of that ever got around, she'd be disgraced."

"Yeah," Bob agreed. "This town isn't ready for the news that a mother sucks her son's cock, and that a guy eats his mother's pussy. I'm sure glad you're careful about drawing the shades, when we're fooling around downstairs."

"Or even up here," said Tina "I was getting dressed the other day and I saw this man looking right in the window at me. He was doing something on the roof of the house next door."

"Well, watch out!" said Bob. "I don't want men looking at my mother when she's naked."

Tina laughed. "Come on, tell me more about Marianne and her son."

"Well, for a long time they lay on that rug, cuddled up in each other's arms, kissing and fondling each other like she was Ron's girlfriend, instead of his mother.

Mrs. Orsini was playing with his cock and pretty soon it stiffened right up. Then

Ron climbed on top of her and fucked her!"

"And you watched?"

"I watched the whole thing," Bob admitted. "They fucked three times that afternoon, first him on top, then her on top of him. Then he did it to her doggy fashion. Finally I thought it best to leave. I didn't think they'd be at it much longer, because by then it was almost time for Mr. Orsini to pull into the driveway. I didn't want him catching me on the front porch, staring into the living room window."

"A wise decision," Tina agreed.

"Well, seeing that made a big change in my life," Bob told his mother. "That's how I was able to make it with you. I had the hots for you real bad, Mom, but I didn't have the guts to try anything. Then after I found out Ron was screwing his mother, I had the nerve to let you know what I was thinking about."

Tina laughed. "I remember how you started, sending out signals, grabbing a feel of your mother's tits, patting me on the ass. I couldn't believe it at first. Then I began to realize you wanted to go to bed with me."

"Were you shocked, Mom?"

"I was shocked at myself," said Tina. "I was feeling hot and horny for my own son. I was thinking about us when I masturbated! I must have come a dozen times!"

"Wow! I would love to have seen that ..."

"I'll do it for you, and you can watch me. I use my fingers in my pussy and a couple up my ass too!"

Bob was getting hard again.

"Then when it became clear that you felt the same way about me, I began asking myself what would be so wrong with us going to bed together, as long as your father never found out about it."

"So don't you think other mothers are thinking the same things about their sons?" asked Bob.

"I suppose you're right. It doesn't seem logical that we're the only one's doing it."

"Us and the Orsini's," said Bob.

Tina laughed. "Right!"

Bob grinned at her. "This little town of Tuttle might look like a quiet place on the outside, but inside the houses, while the men are at work, it might be a pretty swinging place."

Tina looked at her son and laughed. "It's a swinging place here in the Baker residence right now, while your father is out of town."

Chapter 5

Marianne was a very religious woman. She loved reading her Bible as a preteen, especially the part where Jesus loved children so much. But as she got older she spent more time tickling her pussy and inserting her fingers into the fig of her cunt, and what Jesus said seemed a faint memory. She didn't understand what was happening to her, until her doctor explained the facts of life to her. In clinical terms she learned about a woman's needs and what arousal means.

She was baffled about Jesus and the apostles. Did they ever want to play around with a woman? Or maybe they fooled around with each other? And how did mothers relate to sons and daughters? Were the ladies aroused? Did they have needs? A lot has been lost in translation but she was sure there was an unexpurgated Bible somewhere. Which led her to major in theology and women's studies. She didn't want to worship a plaster saint. She looked for real people.

As she went into her thirties, life was good. Her life. She had married a computer engineer and he earned a six figure income. They bought a nice four bedroom home. They each had a car. Was that all there is? What was the throbbing between her legs? Harold made love to her on Saturday nights. If you call a quick fuck 'making love'. Harold got his rocks off, had a cigarette and fell asleep. She hated the smell of that cigarette. She never climaxed. The least Harold could have done is shower after his fuck. Why did he have to be naked? She hated his soft, hairy body!

How do women end up as frustrated wives? She thought back to when they met. At a mixer at MIT. A bunch of brainy kids swilling beer, pretending to be adults. And there she was, a Radcliffe girl trying to blend, hoping nobody would notice her.

In those days she wore prayer beads and kids thought she was a Catholic but she was a Buddhist. She liked Buddhists, they glowed and they didn't talk about whom to bomb next. Buddhists like to fuck, no problem, but they didn't drink booze to get drunk. They had self control, discipline and they believed they could reach the other side. Some day. How many lives had the Buddha lived? Millions?

When Harold first spoke to her, he was a slim, eager guy, eager to change the world. When you're young, you're an idealist. He told her about his grandiose plans and when you're an MIT grad you actually believe your own bullshit. He gave her a snowjob, as they say, and took her parking along the Charles River. She let him feel her up, fondle her boobs, feel how wet she was. She had smooth shapely legs, and wore pantyhose so she didn't have to wear panties.

Being a religious women, Marianne wanted to understand about the Mysteries. She wasn't about to go to a cave in the Himalayas. Only rich people went to India. She found works by the Catholic mystics, mostly theories and suppositions about what Jesus spoke. She knew Jesus liked to talk about the Kingdom of Heaven. She felt Jesus would have been a good salesman. Selling real estate.

Harold gave her a son. His name was Ron because that's what they called kids these days. Ron, Jarret, Jason. Wimpy names. Her father's name was Gino. You didn't mess with Gino. Gino only had a eighth grade education but he had common sense. You don't learn common sense sitting at a computer.

Marianne respected men who worked hard. With their hands. They had muscles, not big bellies. They swore a lot. She learned to swear when she was seven. "The fucking teacher gives us too much homework!"

Harold worked long hours and left her alone with Ron. As if Ron knew how to keep his mother from complaining. Hell, that should have been fine, but Marianne needed comfort, the comfort she derived from a hard cock.

It was almost morning when Ron Orsini felt a hand on his cock. Marianne liked the feeling she got from holding her son's penis, a feeling like comfort. Gently, the fingers gently fondled and caressed it, which caused it to slowly assert itself, eager to start the day. It was a very large limb, thick, too thick for her slim fingers.

It had been some time since she began reaching out, literally, to Ron when she felt lonely. Or in feminine terms, when the throbbing in her groin became almost too much. She had read about mother-son stuff and she found out that sexuality is learned. You just don't wake up one day and tell yourself life has changed. We'll do incest! No. It's a process, gradual, there are hints, suggestions, tickling's, kissing.

As soon as they were naked on the bed, he didn't try anything fancy. He didn't eat her pussy for an hour, like he usually did before he fucked her. And she didn't suck his cock, just gave it a warm loving kiss. Then she lay back with her legs wide apart so he could mount her. It hadn't taken long, because he wanted to fuck her so bad he was anxious to enter the fray. He shot off his load as soon as his prick had wedged itself between her plump lips. His mother was right there with him, knowing he'd be hard again soon, especially if she gently lashed her tongue over and around his thick limb.

So he used two fingers on her clit, enjoying the sensation of cradling her rubbery nub, and kept kissing her and sucking on her delectable tits, until he was convinced that her writhing and pitching in his embrace meant she was really climaxing. As she usually did, a serious of mini orgasms and ending with an explosive squirt of ejaculate.

She appreciated his thoughtfulness. She had taught him well, about a woman's needs and how to keep her purring and happy and how she'll bake his favorite pie.

His father, she told him, only worried about his own fun. He didn't seem to care whether she got hers or not. She told him 'your father was raised by a barnyard animal', probably a donkey.

It was her son's consideration, which he showed in so many ways, that caused her to want him to screw her in the first place, some time back. That was when she

conveniently ignored the fact that she was his mother and used her feminine charms to lure him into bed with her, one night when his father wasn't home.

That first time left her absolutely amazed. She couldn't believe anyone could make her feel that good. Her son had fucked her far better than his father, or anyone else, ever had. And from that day on, regardless of the fact that she was his mother and he was her son, she considered herself his woman and he was her man. During that first year while he was a senior in high school, they fucked like two lovers on their honeymoon, whenever they were alone together.

After his arrival home earlier that day, after their first fuck and after he'd fingered her to another climax, Ron and his mother lay together for the longest time, she with her legs wrapped about him and her fingers running through his dark hair,

while he buried his face in the cleavage of her magnificent breasts. After her hand reached for his cock a little later on, she caressed it with her fingers and made it obvious she wanted him to fuck her again.

The second time, to make it last longer, she had laid with her ass on a pillow at the edge of the bed. She had her legs high and her feet resting on her son's shoulders, and he moved up between her thighs and pushed his prick into her, as he leaned

over her. Being an awkward position for him, it had taken longer than a more normal position would have, but that pleased his mother all the more.

Marianne Orsini was as thrilled with her son's cock as he was with her hot pussy. Between kisses she whispered words of love and affection and didn't hesitate in telling him how much she loved having his cock in her, how she loved its enormous length, it's thickness, and enjoyed the feeling of it sliding back and forth in her.

And she liked being crushed, her legs up over his shoulders, as they climaxed together and ended up rolling all over the bed in a heated frenzy.

They had to rest after that one and he had fallen asleep with his arms around her ass and his face pushed in between her warm soft tits. Marianne, with her legs about her son and her hands holding his head tightly to her boobs, dropped off to sleep, too.

But they weren't asleep now. Marianne awakened and while she lay comfortably beside her son, she began playing with his cock. Soon she felt it stiffen and then she discovered his eyes were open and he was smiling at her.

"I didn't mean to waken you, darling," she said in a soft, maternal voice. "It's just that I find it very difficult to keep my hands off your cock, after you've been so good to me and used it so beautifully. You go back to sleep now, dear. You must be

exhausted, after all the naughty things you've been doing to your mother."

Ron grinned at her as his cock stiffened in her hand.

"It's too late now, Mom. You think I can go back to sleep now, with this boner?"

Playfully she ran her hand through his hair that was as dark as hers, and kissed him.

"You aren't going to be mean to your mother and make her take care of this erection all over again, are you?" she teased.

"You're the reason it gets hard all the time, so you're the one who should soothe and comfort it," Ron said firmly.

She pressed her big soft tits up against his chest. Their mouths came together and she wriggled her warm pussy up against his now solid cock. She raised one leg and brought it up over him and when she did that, the head of his prick touched her open cunt and began pushing its way up into her. She wriggled and squirmed

against him until she had his entire shaft up in her. Then using lewd and lascivious words to express her feelings, feelings a mother shouldn't have for her son, she told him again, as she had many times before, how much she loved being fucked by her own adorable son.

He began fucking her slow and easy, the way his mother liked it most of the time. At other times she liked it hard and fast, and almost violent. But right now she liked the slow steady pace, moving in harmony with his prick sliding back and forth inside


Lying on her side facing him, pressed up tightly against him with his shaft up in her, she covered his face, neck and shoulder with loving kisses. He moved her shoulder back a little so he could get his hand onto one of her beautiful tits. He began rubbing it gently, tickling the stiffened nipple with his fingers. Moving his mouth close to it, he pushed her tit up and started licking and kissing it. When he sucked on her nipple, his mother almost jumped off the bed. If she could have taken his prick in any deeper, she would have. Her hot pussy, with his immense prick embedded in it, pushed hard against his groin. She moaned a little and caressed his head with her hands.

He rolled her over onto her back, keeping his cock in her to the hilt and moved his mouth so that he could give her other nipple equal time and attention. His mother groaned again and brought her legs up around his back. His balls rested in the crack of her ass and he thought for a moment she was trying to take them in too,