Mom's Idea

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If it works for my twin sister, it works for me.
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"Full disclosure," Mom began. "This is going to be a strange conversation."

She seemed nervous. More so than I'd ever seen her before. Her gaze kept switching between me and Tess, my twin sister. She'd mentioned the night before that she needed to talk to the both of us about something serious, a suggestion, apparently. Tess and I had theorised about what it could be, but neither of us had a clue.

"So, your nineteenth birthday is coming round quickly..."

Right, something about a party? But that's months away and we never have big celebrations or anything.

"And I thought we probably need to talk..."

Who would we even invite? We're not exactly social butterflies, and as sad as it sounds, we're kind of each other's best friend. Especially since the lockdown.

"About your sex lives."

Yeah, Mom, strange is right. Jesus Christ.

I became potently aware of everything my body was doing, as if every automatic function just got switched to manual. My breathing, blinking, and especially my eye-line. Mom had always been chill about sex; she was happy to explain everything to me, she'd discussed it alongside puberty with me before, and had made it clear that masturbation and experimentation were all completely natural. But this was different. This was in front of my sister. And I had a feeling that things were going to get even stranger.

"Why would we nee--" Tess began, but quietened down when Mom continued.

"I take it, you're both virgins?"

"Yeah, of course," Tess replied.

This was no surprise, she'd never had a serious relationship before, and like I said, she wasn't the type to go to big parties. A heavy silence hung in the room, until I realised it was my turn to speak.

"Uhh, yeah. Yeah, I'm a virgin."

"Well," Mom continued, now staring down into the coffee mug she clenched tightly with both hands. "At uni, you might meet people who you'll want to have sex with, and, well, they will probably have more experience than you two. And, don't get me wrong, I understand why not, but neither of you have really had experiences with the opposite sex. Well, not that sort of experience, anyway. So, I thought it might be a good idea, if..."

Her hands were shaking, as she spoke, "...If you had those experiences, together."

There's no way I heard that right.

"You want us to have sex?" Tess asked.

"Not 'want' exactly, I just think that it would be healthy to--"

Holy shit. I did hear that right.

"It's just... that you two are so close..."

Mom thinks I should fuck my sister?

"I've always thought your first time should be with someone you--"

Wait, when Tess asked that question, she didn't sound angry or disgusted. She sounded intrigued.

"You're both young and attractive people, and it's okay to experi--"

Would she actually go for it? Holy shit is this actually going to happen?

"Obviously, I don't need you to tell me about it, an--"

I've never even thought of her like--oh god. Eye contact. With Tess. This is awkward. God she is so red-faced. Am I blushing that hard?

"All I'm saying..."

She is beautiful, though. God, she's beautiful.

"...Is that you two..."

But she's my sister. My twin sister, it'd be wrong to be--

"...Getting intimate..."

Fuck, I don't know what to think. What if she's not okay with it? Jesus, Mom. Why would you even bring this up? It's insane!

"...Might just be..."

But through all the taboo, and the insanity of it; thinking about her, about me and Tess, coming together like that. It just feels so--


"I-I-" I stuttered on my words. "I th-think tha--"

"It's not something you have to discuss with me. I just wanted the two of you to know, that if you wanted to, you have my blessing." She got up from her seat, and left the room.

We didn't say a word to each other. For a while. We both sat still, staring at that mug of coffee. I looked up at my sister, but she didn't look at me. I couldn't tell if she was deep in thought, completely shell shocked, or just ignoring me. I broke the silence.

"So, what do you think?"

I didn't get my answer for another two days.

It was about midday, I was eating cereal in my pyjama bottoms, Mom was out. It was just me and Tess at home, and given her history, I wasn't expecting her to be up before two. Not that it would make a difference; she'd barely spoken to me since the suggestion.

But, contrary to expectations, she opened the kitchen door and strolled in, completely obliterating my peace-and-quiet plan for the day.

She didn't say anything for a while, but she was my sister, I knew the difference between not having anything to say, and not knowing how to say it. Finally, though, she piped up.

"I've never even seen a penis before."

I put down my spoon.

She wore a baggy t-shirt, with some band logo on it. Whether she had anything on underneath was a mystery, but if she did, it definitely wasn't a bra. Her nipples stood perky and proud, her--it was at that moment, I realised I should stop looking.

"I mean, I have in porn and stuff, obviously. But never in real life, in like, a sexual way." Her words sounded surprisingly unplanned, given that she had two days to prepare them. Always the procrastinator.

"And I'm afraid that if I see that side of you, I won't be able to unsee it. And I love you, and I love what we have, and I'm scared I'll lose that by doing this. But, I'm twice as scared I'll lose it by not doing it because I can't stop thinking about it, and I really want to do this, but I know that it's wrong, and you probably don't even want to, and--"

"Stop," I said firmly. I stood up, walked over to her and embraced her in my arms. "You're not going to lose anything, okay? I'll love you no matter what. You know that. I'm not just going to stop loving you, sis. I didn't stop when you broke my Xbox when I was twelve. I didn't stop after that jump scare last month. And I didn't even stop when you caught me singing along to Tina Turner in my underwear that one time."

She laughed into my shoulder.

"And I'm not going to stop now. Okay? No. Matter. What."

Another long silence. Man, this family is good at those.

"Okay," she finally said. "In that case..." She left the hug and looked me eye to eye. "...I'd like to have sex with you."

I gave her a warm smile, and kissed her. As we kissed, my hands began to lower towards her ass. We explored each other's mouths--admittedly, somewhat clumsily, but full of passion and love. My hands found their way to the bottom of her T-shirt, and began to slowly bring it up.

"Woah. Woah, woah, woah," she said, breaking the kiss.

"Sorry, did I do something wrong?"

"No. I-I- I don't know. This just feels, really fast. I want to take this slow. How about--"

A smile broke out across her face. "How about you start by showing me that." Her arm stretched out; index finger pointed at the huge bulge that had developed in my pyjama bottoms.

"Ah," I replied, noticing my erection for the first time.

Being one of those times where your hormones outweigh your embarrassment, I had no trouble obliging. With barely any hesitation, I hooked my thumbs under my waistband, and unveiled my cock. Now, this is the point where I'm supposed to tell you just how long my member is, but to be honest, I've never felt the need to measure it. All I can say for sure-- it is more than enough for Tess. Never before have I experienced an ego boost quite like the literal gasp I heard, upon my pyjama bottoms hitting the floor.

"Holy shit," she breathed. "That's..." instead of finishing her sentence, my sister closed the gap between us, and took my cock in her hands.

"So much for just seeing."

She shot me a glance--the first time she had looked away from my manhood since she saw it.

And I quickly added, "Not complaining, of course."

Slowly, she lowered herself to her knees, beginning to take long, exploratory strokes of my cock.

Then the front door opened. Fuck!

Tess stood up fast enough to make herself dizzy, as I made myself decent and sat back down in front of my cereal, just in time for Mom to walk in.

I get that she suggested this whole thing, but my gut still told me to hide it, and evidently Tess's did, too.

You might be wondering why neither of us are at school nor work. Well, we finished school a few weeks ago, and it's a good few months before we get sent off to uni. As for work, my sister has a job at a fast-food joint, but it's part time; usually she works from 6:00pm to midnight. And I had a job in retail, until I told my boss to shove his job up his arse-- but that's a story for another day.

I was still awake at 12:45am when Tess got home from work, partially because I'm an 18-year-old guy-- my sleep schedule was more like a roulette wheel, and partially because I wanted to see Tess again. Mainly that last one.

"Hey sis," I whispered, jogging down the stairs in a dressing gown.

"Hey," she replied, dumping a uniform-filled rucksack on the floor. "Look, I know what you're thinking, but I'm so tired right now."

"Yeah, no, fair enough. I was just coming down to get some water." I lied. She could tell I was disappointed, but hey, patience is a virtue.

As it happens, I didn't need much patience after all. Because the next morning, my alarm didn't wake me up, my sister did.

Opening my eyes, I took in one of the best sights of my life. Tess, my sister, was straddling me, completely naked. Her neatly trimmed bush just a bedsheet away from my rapidly hardening cock. Her full, round breasts, a matter of inches from my face. And to top it all off, was her face. Her hair was tied in a messy bun, but a few strands laid over her forehead. Her hazel eyes looking at mine, and her enticing mouth sporting a mischievous grin.

"Good morning!"

"Yes. Yes, it is," I said, rubbing my eyes, as I took in the view. "What happened to going slow?"

"I had a think. And I realised--fuck that! I'm horny, I'm hot, and I want you. We've never been pussies about anything before, so why don't we just jump straight in?"

"Well, I can't argue wi--"

As I spoke, she took my hands and moved them to her tits.

"Good. Isn't this great? Mom was right, this is a great idea." She leaned in and kissed me hard.

I quickly managed to drag the bedsheet out of the way, and finally felt the warmth of my sister's chest against mine.

"Fuck," I breathed between kisses. My hands once again reached for her ass, and this time, found and massaged it, unhindered. I pulled her toward me, feeling my hard cock graze against her bush as I did. God, my sister was wet for me. I rolled her onto her back, and moved south. My mouth moved to her neck, down her to her chest, where I met with those two beautiful mountains. I brought my lips to one of her nipples, as a hand attended to the other. I explored her slowly and deliberately. I swapped from breast to breast, slowly beginning to better understand how to pleasure my sister.

After a minute or so of this, I felt her hands on my head, guiding me further down.

I happily obliged, making my way down her toned abdomen and coming to her bush. I looked up at her pleading eyes, and finished the journey--my mouth was now level with her entrance.

My lack of experience put me at a strong disadvantage, but I, after a few minutes of fumbling around, started to find a rhythm, as I explored her cave with my tongue. I concentrated, doing my best to please my sister, guided by her increasing moans, like a game of hot or cold.

Those stifled moans got louder and more frequent, and I built up speed and pressure, until I made my sister cum. She forced my head in place, stretching her body and trying desperately not to let out a scream of pleasure. Her pussy convulsed and her juices flowed. Fuck, my sister tasted good.

She let go of my head and caught her breath, lying back on the bed. It hit me all at once at what I had just done-- to... my sister.

I climbed back up her, coming face to face once more. I kissed her once, then again, then again.

"I need to be in you," I whispered.

"Do it. Fuck me. Fuck your sister."

We had done everything together. First words, first day of school. Now, we would lose our virginities together.

We looked down at where my stiff member already nestled up against her opening, like two pieces of a perfect puzzle.

I brought one hand down and positioned myself with her entrance, then made eye contact with my sister once again. "Are you ready?"


Fuck's sake.


Oh shit, yeah.

Still suspended above my sister, I reached into my bedside and brought out a condom. With my other hand holding me up, I tried to use my mouth to open it. An image which was apparently hilarious to my sister, as she burst out in a fit of giggles.

"What's so funny?" I asked, jokingly.

"Nothing at all, just not something I expected to see my brother doing."

"Th-that is pretty funny." I started giggling myself. So much so, that my arm buckled, and I found myself falling atop her.

I continued to make myself safe, somewhat hindered by the fact that we were both in borderline hysterics by this point.

"You're so much heavier than when we were little," my sister mocked, as I brought myself up on my elbows.

"Ahhhahhahahh. We've come a long way from play wrestling."

"God, I'm about to lose my virginity; it shouldn't be funny," she said, cracking up again.

"Really? Because I think this about sums us up," I replied, calming myself down.

Her grin relaxed to a sweet smile, as she looked into my eyes.

"Yeah. I love you, bro."

I returned her smile, and pushed myself inside my sister. I sank into her, each inch of my member disappearing into her cave, as she opened her mouth wide, and inhaled hard.

"Oh my god," I said, with a deep sigh. "You're perfect."

Her push gripped me tightly, but not uncomfortably. I filled her completely, but not painfully. Perfect counterparts. We were built to be together.

I sunk deeper and deeper, until my entire length was inside her, where I stayed for a short while. I kissed her deeply, our bodies connected so completely.

"I love this," she whispered. "But I need you to fuck me."

And I didn't need to be asked twice.

I brought myself up, her breasts leaving contact with mine, as my length began to slide out of her. I kept my shoulders in place, but thrusted my hips forward, plunging just as deeply into her again. And again. And again. As I continued my series of rhythmic lunges, her hands pressed against my pecs, squeezing them gently, but she never broke eye contact.

I sped up.

Her arms fell to her sides, hands above her head, on either side. She stretched out, as pleasure built inside of her, and I became faster and stronger, as pleasure built inside of me.

It wasn't long before I felt the telltale signs of my approaching orgasm.

About to announce this--I found that my sister took the words right out of my mouth.

"I'm gonna cum," she repeated, in a raspy whisper.

"I'm gonna cum," I whispered back, increasing my thrusts.

And mere moments later, we did.

Waves of pleasure crashed through us in unison, our bodies squirming and shuddering together, as we reached our conclusion, the same way we did everything--together.

When it was over, I rolled off of my sister, who lay equally exhausted and speechless.

It could've been seconds, or minutes, until she next spoke.

"So, what do we do now?"

"Well, I reckon this is just the beginning."

"Yeah, that's obvious. I mean are we gonna tell Mom?"

I looked at my sister once more. My beautiful sister, her body illuminated by... The light in the hallway?

My beautiful, kind, caring, and most-pressingly, completely stupid sister, had left the door to my bedroom open. At that moment, Mom arrived at the top stairs, clearly having gone down to fetch a morning cuppa. She gave me a quick smile and moved back into her own bedroom.

"I don't think we need to," I said, with a chuckle.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Loved it but you needed more info at the start like where's the father how old mother is!! Continue this with brother and sister joining their mother in bed and have sex with her and bother and sister fall in love and have children and all 3 live together as a happily family!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 stars

notyourcuppateanotyourcuppatea10 months ago

Really great. Thanks for sharing! ❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Beautiful, but i just need them to make love to each other without a condom, that is just so beautiful, they will fall in love with each other, be together forever...

Maybe they should thank mom properly and make love to her too, she needs it and they love her so much.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great story. I feel the story should stand alone. It’s perfect as it is.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Get someone to prove read your stories....."her push gripped me tightly, but, not uncomfortably" and in the beginning you said they were both virgins,if that's the case why didn't he break her hymen? Otherwise a good story.

muskyboymuskyboy10 months ago

Liked the storyline but it needed some descriptions of their orgasms. Felt like a big omission.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Well done essay from a creative mind. This leads me to believe that you, and your sister really are twins.

Further development, from your fertile mind, needs no suggestions from me.

Please, carry on . . .

GordonOSUGordonOSU10 months ago

Definitely bring the mom in. She could help teach both of them with a greater hands on approach. Great start!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Fabulous ..want more - mother watching.. Brings back memories.

SirDigbyChickenCaesarSirDigbyChickenCaesar10 months ago

"I was eating cereal in my pyjama bottoms"

How the cereal -got- in my pyjama bottoms, I'll never know.

I have mixed feelings on this story. This certainly isn't the -worst- premise for twincest, it's quirky and decently compassionate compared to a lot of the stuff on this site, but it starts on an awkward foot and never quite recovers. Perhaps with more emotional development it'd counterbalance the absurdity of Mom's instigation, but as written it's a bit too fast to stick.

Frankie1952Frankie195211 months ago

More please, Just the two of them and maybe they fall in love and want noone else. they could stay together and make babies.

Ozgood13Ozgood1311 months ago

Fantastic story and a very believable one as well.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Mom and sis need to go on the pill, so he can cum bare inside them as is meant to be.

bucco40bucco4011 months ago

More chapters with more exploration is called for. BJ's, doggy, teasing, mom joining, anal, maybe even some bandage..

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