Moon Crater 01

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My chosen name is Tranquility, but they call me Moon Crater.
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Moon Crater 01

"Did you guys want a bowl of ice cream before I change into my jammies and go to bed?"

"Yup; boom; holla; I'm with it."

"Alright, does everyone want two scoops?"

"Double down; Double up; Double-Double; Toil & Trouble."

"Alright, but the ice cream container feels really firm, so I might need some help with the scooper, Nicky Knack. I'll set out the bowls and the forks."

"(He, he, he, Nick's so whipped; Ha, ha, ha without even getting whipped yet; LOL, LOL, he whips it himself over his secret boyfriend; He, he, he, his ice cream will be melted before he gets out of the bathroom; Ha, ha, ha and his breathing, right? LOL, LOL, and his eyes?)"

Listen, the TV Hack Lady said that we are supposed to eat ice cream from a bowl with a fork so you don't rob the top of your tongue of its flavor and as opposed to your tongue sliding across the bottom of a cold metallic spoon. And yes, the TV Hack Lady is absolutely right about that, so try it.

"Nicky Knack, I'll coat the bottom of the bowls with chocolate syrup to surprise the guys and you work the scooper, OK?"

"Fine Moon Crater, but I still want you to work my scooper one of these nights."

"Well, you worked your scooper in between my two scoops pretty good last weekend, so in a way I have worked your scooper already. Hey, make the ice cream scoops more perfectly round or the guys will know something is up."

"Oh, is something finally going to be up? Other than my firm scooper?"

"Listen Nicky Knack, you might be starting to wear me down, but I'm not worn down, just yet."

"(He, he, he, are they sexy whispering again? Ha, ha, ha, just check the whip cream before you eat any; LOL, LOL, sometimes I wish Moon Crater would change into his little silky jammies before he makes us late night snacks; He, he, he, what? Ha, ha, ha, huh? LOL, LOL, I mean, let's build something soon.)"

Hi folks, I'm Tranquility, although my chosen fem nick name hasn't gotten much respect from my roomie or his friends, but look at them in the living room, will you? They are always so happy when I make them a nightly snack that they are giddy with laughter and doing that "wiggling fingers" hand shake all the time. I mean, that's happy, right?

Oh, and yeah, Nicky Knack may have a flirty thing for me, so I will have him help me with the snacks once in a while.

"Alright Nicky Knack, I'll take the bowls of ice cream with the gooey chocolate syrup surprise on the bottom out to the guys, so you should take the long way out of the kitchen and swing into the bathroom for a moment. There is lip gloss on your cheek and your boner could use a moment too. And who knows, maybe one of these days I use this syrup to make you my tasty Sundae."

"Ugh, oh, oh, I'm going to make a gooey mess inside of your bottom soon enough, Moon Crater!"

"Well, you've made a gooey mess on the outside of my bottom before, so remember that. And by the way, I'm still waiting for the replacement jammies that your ruined. Well, they were sort of ruined by your gooey stuff and I could have washed them, but Vic the hidden faggot stole them from my laundry basket."

I'm not saying that Nicky Knack will ever be successful with wearing me down that far, but it's not all that bad having a sex life such as the one I have with Nicky Knack, not that it's really a sex life. But it's mine, so I protect it.

"(He, he, he, do I hear whack, whack, whack coming from the bathroom? Ha, ha, ha, it's more like ugh, ugh, ugh; LOL, LOL, Darrin, how do you live with Moon Crater and not cross a line? He, he, he, what? Ha, ha, ha, oops! LOL, LOL, I mean, let's build a shed tomorrow.)"

Anyways, back to my roomie Darrin and his other friends Sam and Vic. They might not call me by the correct name, but they let me live free and they never talk about me for being a cross dresser behind my back, so I have it pretty good over here and I trust all of them.

"(He, he, he, the roomie does have some short PJ bottoms, right? Ha, ha, ha, I peeked at his golden globes two weeks ago; LOL, LOL, sometimes I can't even make home before I pull over and whack it hard because of his golden globes; He, he, he, what? Ha, ha, ha in your car? LOL, LOL, concrete, we should pour some concrete tomorrow.)"

See? What did I tell you? There they are doing the "wiggly finger" hand shake in the middle again. My guys, right? Happy as can be.

"Alright guys, a double scoop bowl for the best roomie ever and the same for you Sammie and last, but not least, one for Vic. And I'll just put Nicky Knack's bowl down on the end table. He, ah, he needed to let his stomach settle for a moment before he eats his ice cream, so, anyways, enjoy."

"(He, he, he, something is getting settled in the bathroom; Ha, ha, ha and it's settling a little south of his stomach; LOL, LOL, I should burst into the bathroom and make sure that everything is alright with Nick; He, he, he, what? Ha, ha, ha, what? LOL, LOL, I mean, bring in the finger wiggles.)"

And finally, Nicky Knack came around the corner from the hallway and grabbed his bowl of ice cream and settled into the far arm chair and just in time because I had a nice surprise for all of them to hear.

"Alright guys, enjoy your ice cream and listen up for I may have a nice surprise for you next weekend. Marci gave me a recipe for some whacky cookies and she said she would get me some whacky weed, so I might make you guys some whacky cookies next weekend, but you have to make me a promise and agree to my one demand."

"(He, he, he, Moon Crater is going to finally whack Nick's cookie; Ha, ha, ha, and lick the batter mixing bowl; LOL, LOL, I need to dry hump the couch cushions; He, he, he, what? Ha, ha, ha, I'm moving to the arm chair; LOL, LOL, we should drive around and look for stranded people who need help changing a flat tire; He, he, he, Wow! Ha, ha, ha, SOB! LOL, LOL, OMFG, did Moon Crater really just sit on Nick's leg to finish with his demands?)"

Oops, I probably shouldn't have sat on Nicky Knack's thigh as I was about to finish up with my weekend whacky cookie plan, but it felt like a natural thing to do and it's done now, not that I didn't jump right back up. Now, I wasn't sure how I was going to work it out yet, but if I were to whip out a batch of whacky cookies, well, they were going to have to promise to spend the night. The roomie has his bed, one of them could take the couch, which left me with finding sleeping conditions for the other. And I'm assuming that Nicky Knack would be happy sleeping on the floor in my bedroom, right?

"But here's the thing guys. Marci warned me that the whacky cookies are powerful, so I would demand that all of you spend the night here. Of course, Darrin has his bed and I could make up the couch for either Sam or Vic and I'm thinking about how to accommodate the other for a comfortable way to crash out here for the night."

"(He, he, he, it sounds like Nick has a bed all set up; Ha, ha, ha and a piece of tight ass; LOL, LOL, Sam, you take the couch and I'll worm my way into Moon Crater's bed with Nick; He, he, he, what? Ha, ha, ha, do you wear panties too Vic? LOL, LOL, what? What are we talking about? Axle grease?)"

Now, I promised them that I would come up with a sleeping solution before next weekend, but Marci had one more warning for me and it seemed appropriate to keep the guys in the loop because they have always treated me so fairly and all, right?

"And there's one more thing guy's and I'm basically asking for your approval. Marci said that with the way I like to lick batter mixing bowl and all that I should probably change into my silky jammies before I start making the batches of whacky cookies because I may be all high and stuff after I start baking and I know how you guys appreciate how I hide some things from you, so cut me some slack this one time because my jammies are barely more than fancy undies, OK?"

"(He, he, he, do you think I can shrink his jammies with the laundry? Ha, ha, ha, you better try and try again if it doesn't work; LOL, LOL, I snatched a pair of his undies from the laundry tonight and stuffed them in my pants in case I started to leak; He, he, he, what? Ha, ha, ha, I'm moving to Colorado quick; LOL, LOL, hey, did I tell you guys that I signed up for rock climbing classes?)"

Like I said, my guys, right? I mean, the precious looks on their faces, right? OMG, I have it so good here and wouldn't change places with anyone because it's not easy for a cross dresser to find a roomie or friends who don't just think about what's under the clothes. Even when a little bit of what's under the clothes hangs out of the back of some of my shorts and all of my sleeping shorts.

"Oh, I just thought of something. We have a couple of air mattresses in the basement, so I will blow one up for Vic in the living room and I'll blow Nicky Knack on my bedroom floor. Does that sound good, guys? Everyone will have a comfortable place to sleep after eating my whacky cookies next weekend."

"(He, he, he, damn, I might be leaking now; Ha, ha, ha, Nick's going to get wet a blow job from Moon Crater, right? LOL, LOL, I have extra of his undies in my pocket if you want me to stuff them in your pants; He, he, he, what? Ha, ha, ha, Colorado isn't far enough away from you Vic; LOL, LOL, the big box home improvement store has wheel barrels on sale next week. Let's buy two each.)"

Well, I took their whispers and silence as a sign of acceptance, so I bid them all a good night. I mean, I know that they like their moments alone after I go to bed so they can play "wiggly fingers" and all.

"Alright then, it's settled, next Saturday night is whacky night and if Marci's recipe is any good, then all of you will get whacked. Anyways, I'm off to bed now, so good night."

"Ah, Moon Crater, is your bedroom door still sticking from the humidity? I mean, I'm just asking and all because these other guys have left me out of the "wiggly fingers" hand shakings and whispers for the last 20 minutes. I mean, I could help you unstick your sticky door and all."

"(He, he, he, oh, Nick wants to unstick something alright; Ha, ha, ha and Nick has the slick lube to unstick Moon Crater's sticky back door; LOL, LOL, boy I'd like to be the meat in that man sandwich; He, he, he, what? Ha, ha, ha, I should look into moving to southern France; LOL, LOL, I mean, that new sandwich place uptown, right? We should check it later in the week.)"

Well, Nicky Knack was correct about my sticky bedroom door and all, so I gathered up the empty ice cream bowls and let him follow me into the hallway like a little puppy dog. I mean, it's crazy that I have to pull and jerk on the knob to get inside of my bedroom, right?

"Moon Crater, do you do that stuff on purpose?"

"Oh, there's no harm in a little teasing. Besides, you heard me clearly state that you're sleeping in my bed with me next weekend, right Nicky Knack? So, sneak an overnight backpack in your trunk. And eat big lunches all week long too."


Oh snap, maybe Nicky Knack had me worn down more than I thought he did. I mean, did I just confirm that he had a nice place to sleep on whacky cookie night?

"Well Nicky Knack, I might like the crushing feeling of your body weight. You know, like being pinned under you and feeling helpless. I mean, your body will cover my entire body and all. Besides, I have been "whimpering" tutorials on Chang and I think I could sync up with your power thrusts."

"So, you're clearly saying that I can sneak condoms into my sneaky backpack next weekend?"

Hah! He forgets that I will have him all whacked out with the whacky cookies and all.

"(He, he, he, I think there is some sex going on over there; Ha, ha, ha, I know there is some sex going on over there in Moon Crater's bedroom; LOL, LOL, damn it, I'll let my dick out if you two guys circle jerk me right now! He, he, he, what? Ha, ha, ha, if only you were a girl or Moon Crater; LOL, LOL, I just ruined Moon Crater's undies that I wrapped around my throbbing cock anyways; He, he, he, what? Ha, ha, ha, I'll shoot you if you pull them out and lick those undies, Vic; LOL, LOL, screw it, I'll still be your circle jerk material if you want.)"

Oh snap, I think that I had kept Nick Knacky in my bedroom doorway for too long and I have learned to not give the guys too many minutes to miss him and come looking for him, so I figured it was time to finish up with Nicky Knack for the evening.

"Just make sure to bring lubricated condoms, Nicky Knack. I mean, every time I rub your crotch, you seem to be bigger and I'm not looking forward to being split in half dry. Anyways, if you're close, I'll show my commitment by opening my pants, if you want to release in there."

Oh, or I could follow his lead and lower my body and then stop, you know, right at the right level. And certainly, I'm allowed to say "ewe, gross" the first time, right? But I did almost consider it even grosser with how quickly he zipped up and left the house. And by the way, regardless of what he said as he patted me on the butt as he left, he does not own me. He just wore me down, that's all.

"(He, he, he, SOB, I think the roomie just swallowed! Ha, ha, ha, SOB, I know damn well that your roomie just swallowed; LOL, LOL, it's not that gross, well, I heard it's not that gross the second time and all; He, he, he, what? Ha, ha, ha, I need to use the bathroom; LOL, LOL, why are we still whispering if Nick left and Moon Crater's cleaning up in the bathroom? He, he, he, I'm going to bed now guys; Ha, ha, ha, I'm going to the bathroom; LOL, LOL, I'm hiding Moon Crater's undies that I ruined in the bottom of the laundry basket and taking off; He, he, he, you're gross, Vic; Ha, ha, ha, totally gross; Vic, LOL, LOL, so?)"

By the way, I did not suck Nicky Knack off! I just opened my mouth and he shoved it in and holy snap did he ever shove it deep and then it was, well, ewe, gross. But maybe not as gross as I'm leading on. Anyways, Nicky Knack left, so I was left alone to remove my makeup and head to bed.

"Oh, fancy meeting you in the bathroom, Moon Crater. Ah, are you cleaning up from how Nick unstuck your bedroom door, Mm-mmm?"

"Shut it, Sam, but yes, I jerked on the knob too hard and it released and hit me in the mouth by accident. Besides, I always remove my facial makeup before bed, so don't look at me in the mirror. There is hand soap in the squirt bottle if you need help squirting in the bowl because I know there was a lot of sexual overtures in the living room tonight. Anyways, don't judge me just because Nicky Knack wore me down after so many weeks of his efforts. I'm not his boyfriend. So, wipe the hand soap on and have a good date."

"Yeah, the hand soap will help and well, if you're getting for bed and all, then you know, you need to change out of those fancy short pants, right?"

"I will replace my capri jammies pants for my jammies shorts in a while, but my hands are all gooky right now from Nick Knack's mess and my makeup remover lotion, so."

"So, I can help by doing this? I mean, with your hands all gooky and stuff, right? Go ahead, step out of them and give them a little kick to the side, Moon Crater."

Huh, wow, I never even dropped my jammies bottoms that quickly.

"And lean in towards the mirror a little more so you see that you get all of your messy face all cleaned up. By the way Moon Crater, is this fresh back here?"

"Well, it was fresh back there until you just inserted the tip of your finger in it. And by the way, that's not what I intended or meant when I said to wipe the hand soap on your hands."

"Ah, that's not the tip of my finger, so don't judge me because I'm not as well-endowed as Nick."

"What? Excuse me, Sam?"

"I'm half way fucking you anyways now, so push back and send things home to let me know you're cool with it, Moon Crater."

"Sam, you're a bitch and a fuck head! That damn hand soap stings, by the way."

And I didn't back up on purpose, folks. It was just a reaction from hearing him say that he had the tip of his dick in my butt and all. I mean, you heard me tell him to pull out and all, right?

"Oh, snap, oh, that's tight, Moon Crater, that's OMG so tight! OMG, that's what I call being involved! Push Moon Crater, push. Oh, damn, and now I'm fucking my little side piece secret bitch!"

Huh? Smaller dicks have value in certain sexual situations, I guess. I mean, the hand soap stung like hell and I wished that I would have handed Sam the baby oil, but it wasn't all that bad. And it was going to happen sooner or later, so.

"Damn it, Sam, are you going to pull out soon? The fricking hand soap stings like hell. And I'm not your little side piece bitch, by the way."

"Shut it, Moon Crater and lower your head towards the sink! It's a rule! Oh, ooh, SOB, wow, so tight, so tight! Oh snap, ugh, ugh, ugh, LOL, you're not fresh back here anymore babe!"


"Damn it, Sam, I asked you to pull out! Now I have to drain on the toilet for 10 minutes according to my T-Girl friends on Chang!"

"Oh, relax Moon Crater! A small dick with small balls isn't exactly a liquid goo factory, so shut it and admit that we were a good fit and that you enjoyed it as much as I did."

"Well, it was my first time, so I have no choice but to say that it was my best time and I suppose your size did help the situation out, but Nicky Knack has been putting in the effort and he's not going to stop trying to fuck me too."

"And I have a plan for that and it's a great foolproof plan. I mean, do you really think you can take him back here based on the monster that he just shoved down your throat?"

Stupid faggot guy logic! I mean, he was right, of course, but still, there are no foolproof plans, right?

"Listen Moon Crater, next weekend when you have us all whacked out with your whacky cookies, it will be easy to trick Nick into jack hammering Vic instead of you and once gets his piece of ass, well, that's grounds for dumping you, so he will never know and believe me, Vic will be naked and face down in your bed with his ass pointed up before we finish explaining the foolproof plan to him."

Great, even more faggot guy logic and phase two of his foolproof plan, right?

"Ugh, speaking of Vic the hidden faggot, how many pairs of my undies did he snatch from the laundry basket tonight?"

"Three. So, are we a secret thing now, Moon Crater?"

"Do we get to kiss in private, Sam?"


Well, he wasn't lying about that and it's very popular on Chang that the bulls disappear as soon as they split a CD in half, so why not, for a while anyways, right? I mean, there was a foolproof plan and all.

End Moon Crater 01

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

don't use text acronyms in a story as dialog, not only does it look dumb, it makes it unreadable and makes me not want to bother reading any further

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