More Neighborhood Moms & Daughters


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We started grabbing showers. While Samantha was showering, Teena had a glum look on her face. I inquired and as I suspected, she was very nervous about Rick's return this evening. She said her plan was to have a few discussions starting on Monday. She was hoping that Samantha could sleep over at a friend's place for a few nights so they could talk undisturbed. I thought this was wise. I would happily offer my place, but this might complicate things if Rick detected that I was somehow involved. Teena didn't need that complexity.

I tried to think of any support that I could offer and said that if things got too hot, she was welcome any time. "If you need anyone to talk to during the week, just call or message me." I gave her a big hug and she said thanks for everything that I had done and was willing to do.

I headed downstairs and made Belgian waffles topped with diced fruit for breakfast. After the ladies came down, we tucked in and they headed home.

Chapter 5

I got dressed to go clothes shopping with Denise. I wore my new tight pants and short sleeve shirt along with loafers. I personally despised shopping. Being six and half feet tall, clothing never fit. I did, however, must admit that by just buying some better fitting pants, I had been getting noticed.

I arrived at Denise's and she came down looking fantastic. She had simple make up, her hair was in her signature braid, and a tight black dress that came to her knee. Denise asked if I was ready/ I just said I was all hers for the afternoon.

We jumped in my car and headed into the city to area that had all the high fashion stores. I told her the problems that I had buying clothes throughout my life. She just shushed me and said that I had the money to find a solution and she would help. She quoted Barney Stinson and said, "It was time to suit up!"

Instead of going to any of the named boutiques, she took me to a shop that carried many of the best men's brands. We browsed through the areas to find what we liked. It quickly became apparent that this was going to be more about what she liked on me. I was fine with this. Nothing was going to fit me, but she didn't worry about that. In the end she picked out a sharp navy suit, a charcoal suit, two sports jackets, pants, and some patterned shirts. It was all branded with names like Boss, Zegna, and Armani. We grabbed it all and then took it to back of the store where she summoned the tailor.

The tailor had been expecting Denise. She laid out the various items and said, "None of this will ever fit him properly. He is too tall and too athletic. All his shirts will fit in the neck, but the bodies are big as a tent. His suits aren't long enough in the body and because he has large shoulders, they aren't trim enough in the mid-section. The pants that come with those suits that he has bought all have to be taken in at the waist and are then too loose on his legs.

The tailor was an older gentleman with a tape measure around his neck. He got me to stand in front of mirror and took some measurements. He stood back and said to Denise, "You are absolutely correct. You have chosen good clothing, but you will never get the proper fit from any of those branded companies"

"That is why we are talking to you," Denise said. We would like you to match the materials and styles of our choices and recreate the suits, jackets, and shirts so that they fit him exactly. Can you do that?"

The tailor looked over the clothes we had chosen and started pulling out swatches of materials to match. We had to compromise on some of the patterns and on one of the jackets, but Denise was satisfied.

The tailor then took me to a private room where I stripped to my underwear and socks. He spent about 40 minutes taking careful and detailed measurements before I re-dressed. Most of the clothing would be ready in two weeks. It wasn't cheap but less than what I would have paid for the ill-fitting designer clothes.

All this took about two hours. Considering I was now going to be fitted with a completely new wardrobe, I was very happy.

Denise and I grabbed lunch on a patio. We both discussed how we were worried about Teena's discussions with Rick. She was worried that Rick was going to be an asshole and make things very difficult. I asked her if he had any issues that would give Teena some negotiating power. Denise didn't know of anything, but I thought I should do some investigating.

After lunch, I thought we were heading home, but Denise had other ideas. We went to a shoe store and found some great dress and casual shoes. She then led me into a hairstylist place where they gave me a new haircut. I was a bit grumpy about this as I was used to going to my barber, Hans, an old German fellow who still used a straight razor to remove the hair on your neck.

I stopped complaining when I realized that I was going to be fawned over by beautiful women. The hair wash lady massaged my scalp and gave me a great view of cleavage. As I was wearing my new pants, I believe she noticed the outline of my cock. While getting my hair cut, I noticed other employees stopping by. They were conveniently using the mirror to get of view of my groin. Denise took all the flirting in stride knowing that I wouldn't act on any of it without involving her. They finished up the cut and it did make me look more modern. As I paid, they asked for my email or mobile to put me in their system. I gave them my mobile and we left.

On the way home, Denise commented on the attention that I had received. That hair wash girl's eyes were bulging out when you were laying back to get the wash. She spread the news to all others which had them visiting you during your cut. Some of them were even licking their lips as they stared. You could have any of them by just asking.

I said, "It can't be that easy and besides, I am not looking for random sex with strangers."

Denise said, "Open your phone and check your messages. It has been buzzing since we got in the car."

I couldn't read as I was driving, so I used the fingerprint scanner and handed it to Denise.

She started reading, "Ray, I am Trudy. I did your hair today. I would like to do the rest of you. Call me any time." "Hi Ray, this is Pam and Sandy, we are the two blonde stylists who stopped by your chair today. We would love to get to know you better. Call either of us for some play time together."

Denise kept reading three other messages which were more generic to make her point.

That was from one afternoon in a salon. I was shocked. I was a forty-five-year-old man. I was in good shape. I was also clearly with Denise when I went in. I suggested to Denise, "I think they were all over me because I was there with a beautiful woman and that they probably don't get many men in the salon"

"Thanks for the wonderful compliment Ray," said Denise. "I may have helped by showing them that you are heterosexual, but the real attraction is that monster that is mounted on very tall, sexy man." Just so you know, if you wanted any of them, I would be ok with that. As I said when we started, I knew that I couldn't handle or keep you all to myself. If you want me to, I could call Pam and Sandy and have them join us at my place tonight. I am sure that they are more than willing."

While the thought was exciting and had me getting hard, I said, "I can barely handle all the sex I am getting now. Adding more to mix might send me to the hospital."

Denise said with a big grin, "It would be fun ride to the hospital. I won't act today as I am guessing you are tired from yesterday, but I may surprise you by having some random sluts join us for a night."

We arrived at Denise's house and her ideas had me horny. When we got in her door, we attacked each other like animals. She sucked me in her hall, and I ate her on her stairway. We finished at the top of stairs with her on all fours on the last stairs up and me plowing into her.

After our monkey sex, I said, "Every time I think that I have reached a new sexual limit with you, I am surprised with some new perverted idea you have. I don't want to just have random sex, but your idea in the car was highly erotic"

Denise added, "I will be sure to add this to my list of ideas and will let Teena know"

I went back home after an exhausting weekend. I did a bit a cleanup and did a short work out before a light dinner and then to bed. I texted Teena to see how she was doing and to offer my support. She responded that Rick had run into traffic and wouldn't be home until late.

Chapter 6

Monday came too soon, and I headed to work thinking of the wonderful women in my life. I sent Teena a text in the afternoon to support her. She responded that she was worried that Rick would be very difficult.

Samantha had arranged to stay with one of her girlfriends for two nights which would make having a conversation easier. She added that Denise had been a good friend with support and had shared the salon stories and her naughty idea.

On Tuesday morning, I checked my phone. Teena had left a message at 2am to call her later in the morning.

I reached her later that morning and she gave me a brief run down. Rick was in a foul mood after returning from his trip. Teena had approached him and laid out her unhappiness about their marriage and his behavior. He claimed that work and raising kids had gotten in the way which was a lame excuse. When he realized that she was heading towards ending the marriage, he started threatening her, saying he would make it very difficult. I wasn't sure how he was going to do this, but he was not stupid.

I decided that there was something I could do but would have to be very careful. I called an old engineering classmate who had done computer engineering and now ran his own security company. I told him that I wanted to get information on an individual so he couldn't harm a friend. He was a very good friend and knew not to ask too many questions. He put me in contact with one of his employees, Jeff, who did some 'freelance' work on the side.

I linked up with Jeff and asked him what was possible. Jeff said he would investigate what and would try to get access to emails, texts, and his calendar. We also agreed to get a tracking device put on Rick's car.

My thinking was that if Rick was going to be difficult with Teena, I might be able to get her information that would help with a negotiated settlement. I didn't tell Teena about this as I wanted them to find their own solution and wanted to keep this very private. I wouldn't use anything that I found unless she really needed it.

Chapter 7

I was alone on Tuesday night. I did a conference call with both of my kids after dinner. They both noted that I was sounding better and more engaged. I shared with them that I had been out on a few dates.

Marnie, my daughter, knew that I had seen Denise and asked if I had just been seeing her. I said that we had seen each other but that I had also seen some other women. They both teased me and tried to guess who with. I didn't give them any further clues and they finally moved off the subject.

They talked about how they were doing at school which was busy and great. They were looking forward to coming home for Christmas which was months away. We all talked about how much we missed each other, and I committed to visiting them when I could combine it with some upcoming work travel.

I hung up and headed to bed early. I was lying in bed and then heard the front door open. It was followed by hushed girlish giggle. I thought I would play along I was laying on top of the covers with nothing on. Knowing that I had an impending visitor woke the monster as my wife had called it. I closed my eyes as I heard someone on the stairs.

I heard creaking on the floor which came to stop. I then heard a quick gasp and what sounded like a hand being put on a mouth as the gasp was muffled. I had assumed that this was Samantha creeping in for some fun, but the gasp was not consistent with this theory.

I kept my cool and detected more movement. I then felt a familiar hand that gently grabbed my cock by the base. I was semi erect at this point but was stiffening quickly. This accelerated as a mouth engulfed the head of my cock.

I couldn't keep the ruse up anymore and dramatically stirred a bit and exclaimed, "That is so nice" before I opened my eyes.

What greeted me was Samantha stuffing my meat into her mouth. What I didn't expect was that her neighborhood friend Sarah was standing at the foot of bed with her mouth agape and one hand in her shorts staring at my cock which was being devoured by Samantha.

I knew Sarah. She was two years older than Samantha and lived a block away from my place. My daughter Marnie knew her well. She had done dance, like Samantha, and had then been recruited into modeling. She had a model like body which was very slender and tall with one exception. She had quite large breasts for a such a slender frame. If memory served, she had a younger, shorter, sister, Jordan, who was in Samantha's grade and had just turned eighteen. Sarah and Jordan's house was where Samantha was staying while her folks worked things out.

"Hi Sarah, long time no see," I said.

This startled Sarah who then looked at me sheepishly. She took her hand out of her shorts and recovered and said, "Hi Mr. Smith. Samantha told me a bit about you, and I dared Samantha to a visit."

I laughed and said, "I am honored Sarah, but I think you should call me on first name basis if we are going to be friends."

Sarah smiled and said, "No problem Ray. I am definitely looking to make you my friend." She said this not really looking at me as her eyes were drawn back to my cock and bobbing that Samantha was doing. She now had one hand under her t-shirt and the other was making its way back into her shorts.

Samantha lifted her mouth from my cock and looked at me. "I hope you don't mind Ray. I heard that you might like a surprise and I couldn't wait."

Samantha then turned to Sarah and said, "Get that slut mouth of yours down here and make a proper greeting."

Sarah just nodded and crawled onto the bed. Her long, thick, dark hair was in ponytail which draped over her shoulder. She had perfectly white skin and red lips which were now opening as she descended on my cock.

Samantha held my cock with one hand and grasped the base of the ponytail with her other as she guided Sara down.

Sarah's mouth extended around the head of my cock as Samantha gave me a few strokes. Sara then moved her hand to replace Samantha's so she could do the stoking in time with her bobs.

Samantha stepped back and quickly peeled off her t-shirt and shorts and then went around Sarah to strip her shorts off her raised bum. As she pulled off the shorts, she looked out into the hall. She quickly stood up and darted into the hall.

I wasn't sure what was going on until I heard a yelp.

Samantha returned into the doorway dragging Sarah's younger sister Jordan by one arm. "Look what I found in the hall. It is your little slut sister Jordan. I assume she has been eavesdropping on us all evening and wanted to get a view herself"

Jordan was like her sister, only much shorter. She was pretty with similar hair to Sarah but had not been gifted with her sister's boobs or her height. Marnie and Garret had both commented to me on what a spoiled brat she was. Clearly, Samantha held some disdain for her as well.

Jordan sputtered and her eyes were darting back and forth. She then tried to respond with bluster and said, "You two are the pervs going to your friend's dad. Wait until I tell mom and your parents what you have been up to."

Samantha laughed and said, "We are all consenting adults, and my mom knows what I do. Sarah is an adult as well. How are you going to explain how you broke into Ray's house and were then perving on us with one hand in your shorts?"

Sarah, who had stopped sucking me, looked at her sister with an angry glare. "I know you have been insanely jealous of me for years, but this is a new low. Eavesdropping, stalking, break and enter, and now a peeping Tom."

"I have always lived in your shadow and I am jealous," Jordan bemoaned. "Samantha was originally my friend, and you even took that from me. Can't we all play together?"

"Jordan, do even know what playing together entails in this case?" Samantha said.

"I assume that we all get a turn with Ray and that spectacular cock," speculated Jordan.

Samantha had a sorry look on her face and said, "The goal of working together is to intensify the enjoyment of all who are involved. Just taking turns is so limited. Participation requires multiple people focusing on the pleasure of a single person. I have had multiple orgasms that are each more intense than anything I had experienced before. Do you understand what that implies Jordan?"

Jordan took a second to process and it slowly dawned on her what Samantha was implying. She said, "So it isn't just taking turns with Ray, it would involve some girl on girl contact? What sort of contact? I am not a lesbian."

"Neither am I and nor is your sister. Yet, we will willingly perform all sorts of the most intense lesbian acts in pursuit of maximizing the pleasure of another. Are you comfortable and willing to do that?" Samantha asked.

Jordan had a bit of fear on her face, but also some desire and asked, "Specifically, what will I have to do?"

Sarah spoke up and said, "Jordan, it isn't about what you have to do. You must want to do it. I talked through this with Samantha last night. Here is what I expect you to do to please Ray: Sucking and fucking are obvious. I will also swallow any cum that he shoots in my mouth and I know through Samantha that he is turned on by taking his cock from one a hole and then feeding it to my mouth. If he cums in me, I expect that Samantha will lick it out and either eat it herself or feed it back to me. To help pleasure Samantha, I will happily kiss and rub her body and play with her cute tits. I will finger and/or lick her cunt and/or her asshole. If we get to it, I may don a strap on and fuck one of her holes as well. That is probably not an inclusive list but gives you an idea of what might happen."

Jordan's jaw was hanging down as she stared at her sister. She slowly recovered and said, "You can't be serious. That is beyond anything that I have seen in porn. It is so slutty, and I can't imagine it, especially with my sister."

"Well, you can probably imagine it now," Samantha said. "Let go your inhibitions and you will enter a new world of pleasure or retreat to your old world, go home, and jill off with your vibrator dreaming of this. I should add, that given your past behavior and attitude we will expect you start as the bottom slut in service to your sister and me before we finally focus on you."

Jordan's face clouded with anger at the last part, and she said, "No fucking way. You will leave me as the bottom slut forever."

Samantha shrugged and said, "Have it your way then. You are already the bottom slut. You just haven't accepted it yet."

Jordan stormed off in a huff and we heard the front door slam.

"Are you sure we can rely on her discretion?" I said.

Samantha smiled and said, "Jordan wouldn't dare expose herself by telling anyone. She is too self-interested to do that."

I had deflated during part of the conversation but had perked up with Sarah's incredible willingness to try anything. This was going to be fun.

Sarah started to move her hand on my cock again and put her mouth back to work. She didn't attempt to throat me, and I didn't want to push her yet.

Samantha went behind Sarah again. She had taken off her shorts and panties. She pushed up Sarah's t-shirt to let me see her large tits dangling below. Samantha then bent over and gave Sarah a long lick from her clit to her asshole and then started tongue fucking her slit.