More Tales from the Closet


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"I know. It's just really disappointing I guess. I have been looking forward to this for so long and its over just like that." He snapped his fingers for added emphasis driving his point home to her.

"I'm sorry baby. That is just Mother Nature for you." She really didn't know what else to say.

'Well Mother Nature sucks," he snapped with such venom it surprised her. "I just know I'm gonna wake up later wanting more and after looking forward to this for so long, like I said, it's just turned out to be kind of disappointing."

"Disappointing really. That kind of hurts your mom's feeling hon you saying that."

"Well, you always want to tell you what is wrong so . . ."

"I suppose I do. Well, what do you suggest?"

"Maybe, could I have . . . like a redo?"

"Oh honey, I don't know if that is such a good idea. I mean I was supposed to only do this once remember."

"Please, Mommy, can't you do it again . . . pretty please," he whined with such a sad puppy dog look on his face that she almost caved right then and there.

She turned away in an effort to shield herself from falling prey to those pathetic puppy dog eyes of his. Her gaze fell upon the nightstand as a possible way out of this presented itself.

She picked up the quarter saying, "Suppose we ask fate again?"

Jimmy smiled at her as he hurriedly put on his underwear. Fate had been kind to him so far so maybe he would continue to get lucky. "Same as before . . . heads yes, tails no."

"Sure," she whispered before watching him flip the quarter in the air.

They both leaned over anxiously as it landed with a gentle thud on the bed between them.

"Tails," she whispered.

"Yeah," Jimmy quietly intoned, "fucking tails."

Ellen looked at her son. He appeared absolutely crestfallen, like someone who just received word his pardon from the governor was not in the works and he would be facing death in a mere matter of minutes.

His look of absolute misery touched Ellen's heart deeply enough where, without thinking, she said, "OK how about two out of three then."

Jimmy sighed. Maybe a pardon was in the works after all!

Ellen flipped the coin up in the air and again it landed on the bed between them.

"Heads," he cried out happily. "Yes!"

"OK, this is the deciding one. We have to abide by this flip . . . no matter how it turns out. Agreed?"

"Yes, agreed," he said nervously while praying for heads.

His prayers were answered as Ellen flipped the coin one last time and it landed on its head.

Ellen smiled at the look of utter relief on his adorably cute face.

"I'll be back. I gotta go pee, sweetie. Just relax and wait for me OK." She picked up the wash basin before trudging out of the room once more, conscious of the way he was most likely staring at her ass.

She had just reached the door when he called out to her. "Hey, Mom . . . hmm, can you maybe wear something different for me this next time?"

She turned, smiling at him, "I don't know . . ." When she saw his happy face suddenly turn sad, she quickly added. "Oh I suppose so. Variety, after all, is the spice of life right?"

"Yes . . . so can I pick it out? Please . . . pretty please . . . what you are going to wear?"

"Afraid you are going to be disappointed like last time if you let me choose on my own, Son?"

He said nothing in his defense, maybe because she was absolutely right.

"I suppose so. What do you have in mind for me to wear though so when you start searching through my things I can point you in the right direction? I keep my real sexy stuff, like my lingerie, in the bottom drawer of my dresser."

"Where do you keep your bra and panties?"

"Really you would rather see your mom in her underwear rather than some sexy lingerie?"

"Yeah, I guess, I mean, ever since I saw you get undressed that afternoon and seen you in your underwear I guess I have developed a bit of desire to see you like that again."

"Hmm, the apple truly does not fall far from the tree," Ellen whispered.

"What did you say?" Jimmy asked.

"Oh nothing, honey. I was just thinking about your father. Later, I will tell you maybe but for now if you want to explore your mom's underwear drawer for something nice for her to wear it's in the two drawers above where I told you I keep my sexy lingerie. I guess just pick something out for me and leave it on my bed."

Jumping up from the bed, he hurried over to her.

"And then you will come back to my bedroom and . . ." He let the thought dangle in the air between them like a large piece of forbidden fruit. "Promise," he whispered.

"Promise," she whispered back before leaning over and kissing him on the cheek lightly.

He followed her into the bedroom, heading straight over to her dresser as she disappeared inside her bathroom.

He quickly pawed through her various bra and panties before finding a dark, small plastic bag resting on the bottom of the drawer under all her various bras and panties. The bag was tied off at the top and sealed tight. He held the bag up. It was light. Curious, he pulled the bag out of the drawer and began working on carefully untying it.

After finally getting it open, he peeked inside. There was yet one more bra folded neatly inside the bag.

Curious as to why she had this particular bra stashed inside a bag, he pulled it out to get a better look at it. After unfolding the bra to look at it, a colorful pair of panties tucked neatly inside the bra fell out onto the bed. Holding both the bra and panties up, one after the other, he immediately knew this was what he wanted her to wear for him.

After leaving them on the bed for her, Jimmy practically floated back to his own bedroom, full of youthful anticipation.

Ten minutes later, after going pee and touching up her makeup, Ellen headed back out to her bedroom and straight over to her bed, anxious to see which one of her sexy bra and panty combos her son had picked out for her to wear.

Holding first the bra and then the panties up for critical inspection, Ellen was surprised at his selection.

The colorful bra, although adorably cute, was not over the top sexy, like a couple of her other bras. In fact, the bra, along with the panties, were both something she did wear at all anymore but only keep for sentimental reasons.

"Jesus . . . of all my bra and panties he picked this," Ellen whispered to herself as she slipped them on.

She hurried off to her bathroom to examine how the old bra and panties looked on her in the full length mirror hanging on the back of her bathroom door.

First, she faced the mirror. The bra, still fit her size 32 B breasts perfectly. Leaning closer to the mirror, she admired the rows of small blue, yellow, and red hearts set in three parallel lines that zig zagged their way across the bra's innocent white background. Set on the bra's center gore was a cute little silver heart shaped decoration. Adding to the overall colorful effect of the bra, was its twin red straps.

Letting her gaze fall down to the panties, she whispered to herself, "I guess my son was in a colorful mood tonight . . . or maybe it's simply Fate trying to whisper in your ear, Ellen."

The thong string bikini panties were also colorful as they featured matching thin red strings, combined with an array of purple, white, red, and pink strips running horizontally across them.

But it was when she turned around, checking her butt out in the mirror that Ellen let out a small sigh. She had forgotten how precious little coverage her bikini panty bottoms afforded her ass. Near the top of her butt was a small triangle of material, featuring the same colorful strips as the front side. The precious little triangle of panty had the delicious effect of not at all covering any of Ellen's deliciously tanned butt cheeks, but instead leaving them fully on display.

"Wow, is all I can say," Ellen whispered as the thoughts of that night came rushing back to her when she was eighteen years old and last wore this exact bra and panty combo.

Gazing at herself in the mirror, Ellen became lost in thought.

Was she a bad mother for doing this?

She closed her eyes as she leaned forward against the mirror trying to focus her warm, fuzzy thoughts on the moral issues of what she was doing. She stood there, lost in thought, turning the question over and over in her mind, without really being able to decide one way or the other before suddenly making a snap decision.

Looking at herself seriously in the mirror she whispered softly, "I am a damn good mother for doing whatever it takes to provide comfort to my son. Period."

Her mind made up, Ellen was marching out of her room, on the way to his bedroom, when she suddenly stopped.

A thought, a deliciously nice and romantic idea, just hit her. Hard. Turning to her closet, she grabbed one of her robes and after slipping it on went to his room.

Spying her wearing her old white fuzzy robe, Jimmy face fell. "You are wearing your boring old robe . . . does this mean you changed your mind, Mom."

Hurrying over to him, she plopped down next to him on the bed.

"I did change my mind actually but you might agree what I have in mind now might be for the better so just listen."

After taking a moment to collect her thoughts she began to talk. "I think it must be Fate, once again, identifying its will to us."

"What do you mean?" he asked curiously.

"I mean the bra and panties you picked out for me to wear. I have not worn them in about twenty years, hon. I put them away at the very bottom of my drawer inside that bag but yet you found them. They are very special to me . . . and actually to you too."

Intensely curious know, Jimmy moved closer to his mom. "Why?"

"Because this was what I had on the first time I let your dad get . . . well, anywhere with me . . . sexually which, of course, led eventually, just the next day in fact, to me letting him go all the way and then nine months later you were born. As soon as we found out I was pregnant we rushed into marriage and the rest, as they say, is history."

Thinking of her late husband Jason made Ellen sniffle once or twice. It had been two years since his passing and yet she missed him still.

"So what . . . you hid them away as a token of that night."

She smiled at him before answering. "Yes."

"Then I found them and ruined your mood huh and now . . ."

Ellen, noting his crest fallen face, reached out to him. Grabbing his hand, she squeezed it hard. "Honey, I know what you are thinking and you are right, up to a point anyways, I did change my mind about giving you a redo."

"I knew it. I shouldn't have snooped inside the bag. I mean it was sealed up tight so obviously I should have just left it alone but I was just curious I guess."

"I think it was more than that, hon. I think it was Fate you finding the bag and being curious enough to look inside and while I did change my mind about giving you your redo I think you might be interested in knowing I have no desire to go against Fate's wishes for us."

"What do you mean?"

"Instead of your redo I have something better in mind for you, for us maybe. Listen. It was a Saturday night, and me and your dad had been going out steady for maybe six months and we always either went out on a date or hung out at his house. Now on this particular night we decided not to go out so we stayed and watched a movie on cable at his house and . . ."

Ellen went on to explain her idea to Jimmy and by the time she was done, Jimmy was intensely excited about what they had planned, although he was disappointed about having to wait until much later to get things started. What she had in mind was simple: a reenactment of that night when he first got into her pants.

Wanting to make things as realistic as possible, Ellen explained to Jimmy how exactly he was to act with her as the night progressed. Also to make things as realistic as possible for their reenactment they would watch the exact same movie, The Fog, from that night while Ellen would be wearing the exact same outfit—right down to her underwear.

Finally it was Saturday night and as they sat on the sofa going over some last minute details, Ellen again reminded Jimmy, "Now don't slip up and call me Mom. Remember, your dad always called me Ellie."

"Yeah, yeah I know . . . Ellie. And you remember yourself, don't call me Jimmy or son or honey but Jason."

She smiled at him. "Don't worry I will stick to our script as we embark on yet another role playing adventure huh?"

"I'm ready," Ellen replied excitedly.

"So am I," Jimmy said as he stared at his mom. He absolutely loved the way she was dressed for their date: a snug white blouse, tied off under her boobs, fully revealing her nicely toned tummy. Paired with her snug blouse was a pair of deliciously tight daisy dukes cut off denim shorts. Accessorizing her look, while hoping it would lend her a bit of a youthful appearance, Ellen added a pair of pink ribbons to her hair along with a pair of large silver hoop earrings.

They sat, side by side, huddled under a blanket, watching Jamie Lee Curtis getting chased by dead sailors, while munching popcorn. Just like what happened some twenty years ago with her late husband, Ellen waited a good forty five minutes or so into the movie before giving Jimmy his cue to get things moving in a naughty direction.

She could tell he was more than ready by the anxious way he was squirming under the blanket in anticipation of trying to get into her pants.

"You know I hate this slasher type movies, Jason," she whined. "They scare me and give me nightmares you know. I don't know why you pick them out for us to watch?"

"Isn't it obvious? Look how tightly you are clinging to me under the blanket, Ellie."

"So is that your motive. To get me closer to you?"

"Sure. Why not and hey, if you don't wanna watch the movie, we could always do something else."

Giving him a coy smile, she whispered, "Oh yeah, like what?"

"Like this . . ."

He slunk his arm around her, before drawing her in for a kiss. She allowed him to give her several light kisses on her lips before she felt his tongue trying to force its way into her mouth.

Pushing him back, she complained. "Jason, your parents, I mean, they are right upstairs."

"Yeah, but it's late. I bet they are already sleeping. I told you they both go to bed early and besides you know they are cool and respect my privacy. They won't come down here."

"You sure?"


"Yes, positive. You just need to loosen up a bit, Ellie and I have just the thing."

Jumping up, he rushed over to the liquor cabinet. He hurriedly poured them both a pair of shots, Jim Beam, before coming back to the sofa.

Extending the shot glass to her, he said, "Here drink this . . . it will loosen you up."

Ellie looked at the shot glass full of whiskey doubtfully, just as she had done some twenty years earlier.

"Oh come on. It's only one shot. It will help you relax . . . guaranteed."

"Fine," she said before taking the shot glass from him.

Beaming he held his own glass up, "Down the hatch."

They both downed their respective shots.

Ellen was not much of a whiskey drinker so now, like some twenty years ago, the whiskey had an almost immediate effect on her as it burned it way down her throat.

Smiling, she said, "That is strong."

"Yeah," he said with a grin. Now . . ." He slunk his arm back around her. "Do you wanna watch Jamie Lee get menaced some more or do you wanna make out with your boyfriend . . . pretty please?"

"Hmm, that is a tough choice but since my boyfriend bought me flowers last week . . . and candy and said please I guess we could make out for a bit . . . but remember . . . don't get too carried away."

"Promise," he said as he brought his lips to hers.

As they made out, Jimmy/Jason was not shy—this was her explicit instructions to him-- in trying to get his hands all over his girlfriend/mom's delicious body.

Ellen, remembering how shy and inexperienced she was with the sexy stuff back then, was equally not shy in constantly brushing his hands away, although she did allow him to slip his tongue in her mouth for a couple breathless seconds of eager exploring—before pushing him back.

"I think we need another shot," he told her.

"I don't think so, Jason," Ellie replied while re-buttoning the top two buttons of her blouse he had enthusiastically just managed to get undone during their hot little make out session before she pushed him away. "I think the one was more than good enough."

"Tell you what. We don't have to do full shots. Maybe just a half."

"A quarter," Ellie countered as watched her son filling up the shot glasses once again. She could not help but to smile as he was reprising the role of her "boyfriend" so perfectly up until this point.

"Too late, I already filled them half way and this stuff is expensive so we can't waste it," Jason said firmly as he brought the half-filled shot glasses back over to the sofa.

"Fine," Ellie sighed before taking the glass from him and downing it quickly. After this latest shot, she now was truly drunk . . . and ripe for the picking just as she had been those many long years ago.

"Now where were we? Unless you wanna start watching the movie again?" he asked her.

"I don't wanna watch the stupid movie anymore. I wanna do this . . ." Boldly she reached out, slinking her arm around him before drawing him into her embrace.

Almost immediately, he shoved his tongue deep in her mouth, swirling it around to full effect as he pawed at her chest.

She allowed the mauling of her chest by his young, restless hands as they continued to exchange several hot kisses.

Following the script his mother laid out for him, Jimmy pulled back. It was time for history to repeat itself.

Whispering he said, "Let's go up to my room, Ellie."

She hesitated shyly, just as she done some such a long time ago.

"Please . . ." He pleaded with her. "You have made me wait long enough."

Ellie smiled; he had the same look of desperation on his face, the same one her husband had hit her with back then. And just like back then, after a long nervous pause, Ellie nodded her head in quiet assent.

Jimmy took her by the hand, leading her up to his bedroom.

In pretty much an exact duplication of events years earlier, they ended up on his bed, making out.

At first, he was content to just feel her bare tummy but soon she found his hands floating up to the tie on her blouse. He tried to undo it; she stopped him.

"You can feel me up all you want," she whispered to him, "but only through my blouse. I don't want to go . . . too far."

He sighed, happy for her allowing him at least that, but sad she wasn't willing to concede more.

Twice during their hot make out session, he tried to undo the knot holding her blouse shut; twice he was denied. Twice he let his hands slip down to stroke her deliciously firm thighs, left so fully exposed by her skimpy daisy dukes before trying to force his hands between her legs; twice he was denied at this also.

His hands slipped back up to her chest, fondling her small breasts through her blouse again while he wondered what was going to happen next. All she told him was they had went up to his father's room where they made out on the bed and he tried to get in her pants. When he pressed for more details, she simply smiled and told him, "If you play your cards right sweetie, you will get to experience firsthand what eventually happened.

What happened next turned out to be pretty fucking wonderful. Breaking off their kisses, she pulled back from him. Turning, she started to roll off the bed and onto her feet.

Thinking he had been too aggressive with her, Jimmy said, "Wait, I'm sorry Ellie. I guess I went too far. Please don't go."

After getting on a pair of unsteady feet, the drunk Ellen turned to her son, ready to reprise her role as intoxicated seductresses. She was ready to reenact—exactly as best as she could recall- what happened those many long years ago.