Morgan's Boss Gets a Massage Table


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"Ok sounds good I'll let Dan know I'll be out of town. How long do you think we'll be gone?" I asked.

"At least through the weekend, probably until Tuesday or Wednesday" Eric replied.

"Awe" I said with a fake pouty face. "I guess we'll miss our next massage lesson."

"Don't worry Morgan, I will make certain we still make time. We'll even move onto more advanced techniques." He said with a charming smile.

I could barely wait to get out to Vegas, I had never been. I was also looking forward to spending more time with Eric. More than anything I was eager for his advanced techniques.

"Hey sweetie I realize it's short notice, but I need to fly out to Vegas this weekend for work." I said to Dan over dinner. "We are trying to win a new client and this weekend will hopefully seal the deal!"

"So I'm going to be alone all weekend huh?" Asked Dan.

"Yes sorry sweetie," I said "will you be ok on your own?"

"Yeah I am sure I'll manage. So Vegas? I'm sure your boss will entertain some little slut while you down there huh?" Dan quipped.

I laughed "oh you have no idea." He certainly didn't.

We flew out Friday morning arriving later in the day. We met up with our perspective clients and wined and dined the up and down the strip. Damn could those guys go! It was like one long party Friday and Saturday night. By Sunday we received word that we win their business!

"Team you all did a great job!" Eric said as he addressed us. "Tonight I'm treating you guys. Dinner, drinks, everything. We are going to celebrate, because we sure earned it."

We had a great time. It was nearly midnight when we started heading back to our rooms.

After a late night of drinking I undressed in my hotel room, expecting to go to bed. I wasn't really tired though after being up so late the last two nights. And that's when I got a text message. It was from Eric.

Eric - Have you seen the time?

Me - Yeah it's 12:04?

Eric - Exactly! Which means it's technically Monday now. Care to start our next lesson?

I wondered if this was really good idea. We had done massages several times now, but now at midnight, in Vegas, after we've both been drinking, and alone in Eric's suite? But I figured what the hell, what is the worst that could happen. We deserve to celebrate and relax after our big win and things haven't gotten too out of hand so far.

Me - That would be great! I'll be right there! :)

I threw on a pair of matching bra and panties I brought with me and my silk robe I had gotten from the hotel.

Eric's suite was huge. From the front entryway was a large living room attached to an open concept kitchen. I also noticed the large bedroom with a king sized bed off of the living room. Eric already had the massage table setup. There were several white towels folded up on top. And a couple glasses of wine.

"I had the hotel bring this up here." Eric said patting the table. "Come on, usual routine!"

Eric massaged me for about half an our as we started going through the same paces we have the previous weeks. Just like our other sessions as he began to near the end he teased my wet panties with the massage of my thighs. With the alcohol in my system I was really hoping this might be the time he pushed it a little further.

"How about a break" he says "you can try this wine with me."

We talked as we enjoyed our drinks "you know Morgan you are a beautiful woman. I'm fortunate to have have you in my life both professionally and personally."

"Thank you Eric, I feel absolutely the same way." I replied.

As we finished our second glasses of wine Eric asked "ready to continue our massage lesson?"

"Absolutely!" I eagerly replied.

"For a next lesson we will be using massage oil. You don't want to get any on your clothing but I can cover you with a towel." Eric said.

"I guess that'll be OK" I said realizing this is definitely an escalation. I still had no idea how far I'd let this go or where I would draw the line.

"OK great, I will go in the bedroom while you undress. Once you've disrobed you can lie face down on the massage table. You can use the towel on it to drape over yourself."

I quickly removed my bra and my already wet panties. I had goosebumps as my I stood there completely naked. I grabbed a towel and got on the table face down with the towel over my backside. "Ok Eric all set!"

Eric returned "now that you are in position I'm going to fold this towel down so I can access your back."

Eric squirted some warm massage oil on my back. It smelled amazing like a mixture of cucumber and lavender. He started massaging up and down my back with long deep motions. He began in the center of my back and was slowly moving out. He was soon massaging my sides. His hands felt so good on my skin and with the warm oil. He continued moving his hands outward until I left his hand moved over the exposed side of my breasts. God I just wanted him to slide his hands under me and grab them.

Then Eric moved the towel off my lower half and squirted more oil. Spreading it on my butt and legs. He spent only a few minutes on each leg before concentrating on my bottom.

Eric was now massaging my bare butt. As he massaged the cheeks he began spreading them, slightly more with each motion. I'm pretty sure he was looking at my butthole. I was so happy I got everything waxed before this trip. Aside from when I got waxed I had never had my anus exposed to another person like this. I felt an thumb pass over my anus. Then again until he finally began to massage my anus in a circular motion.

I had never experienced anything like this before, but I loved it. Before he stopped he briefly slipped a thumb into my butt. I let out a moan "ohhhh."

"Ok time to flip over Morgan. I'm going to cover you with this towel as you flip over." Said Eric as he placed the towel over me.

I could only manage a nod to acknowledge him. I was too turned on and slightly embarrassed about the moan I let out.

"Now I'm going to replace the larger towel with two smaller ones." I nodded again. Eric slid a small towel over my breasts and displacing the large towel without exposing me. He repeated covering my vagina with another small towel.

Eric spread more oil giving focused attention on all the exposed areas including my arms, shoulders, tummy and legs.

"You know the breasts are a major muscle. Mind if I show you my deep tissue massage with those?" Kevin asked.

"Yes go ahead." I said.

Before I could even process what I had just agreed to Eric removed the towel revealing my breasts. My naked breasts were now exposed to my boss. He spread a large amount of massage oil on my chest. His large hands began on the outside of my breasts working inward. I couldn't believe I had Eric fondling my chest. With smooth motions his palms moved over my nipples. I started to worry I might leave a wet spot on the table I was so aroused. It felt amazing as he rolled my erect nipples between his fingers.

"Maybe I could practice on you? You know apply the techniques I've learned." I asked looking him the the eyes as his hands still massaged my breasts.

"Of course I'd love to see my pupil in action. Let me get your robe." He helped me into it. "I'll go get in a towel."

Eric left to the bedroom to undress and returned within a minute or so. God when he came out with just a towel around his waist he was so hot. His arms were strong and muscular. And he had a six pack that made me just want to get my hands on him right there!

"Ok Eric lie down right here facing down." I instructed.

"Yes ma'am!" Eric responded.

I started on his back. Spreading the oil and feeling his large muscles under my hands. His body was so firm and strong, nothing like Dan's.

After awhile on his arms and back I removed the towel to begin on his butt and legs which were every bit as muscular a his top half. It wasn't long before I noticed I could see his testicles between his legs. I never expected to see this intimate part of Eric. They appeared to be shaved as I saw no hair on them. His testicles were also bigger than I expected, much larger than Dan's. As I massaged his thighs I made sure my fingers brushed against them. When they did his body made a cute little jump!

"Ok flip over! I'll cover you in a towel" I told him.

I draped the towel over Eric's torso and he rolled over. It was then I noticed his large erection under the towel. Oh god.. I mean Dan's penis is ok, maybe 5 inches long. But Eric's was clearly much bigger! I did my best to adjust the towel to expose as much of his body for massage without exposing his penis. This wasn't easy due to the size. It was pointing up across his belly and I brought the towel down so it just covered his tip. Most of his belly was still covered his belly button wasn't even showing.

I proceeded to massage all the exposed areas on his front side. I especially enjoyed massaging his muscular chest. It was hairy but not overly so. As in it wasn't off putting like some sort of gorilla, but just enough that it made him seem that much more masculine.

As I wrapped up I asked, "more wine?"

"Sounds great," Eric said. "Can you hand me my robe?"

After getting up Eric retrieved another bottle of wine. We were more than halfway through it when Eric asked.

"Morgan or you familiar with pelvic floor muscles?"

"I don't think so." I answered.

"Well a lot of important muscles attach to the pelvic area. It's an important muscle group to address with therapeutic massage. These pelvic floor muscles are reached digitally via the vagina."

"Digitally? As in fingers?" I asked excitedly.

Eric chuckled slightly at my enthusiasm. "Yes exactly. It's a purely therapeutic method. I think it could really do wonders for you if you are interested in trying it." Eric continued "I'm going to massage the surrounding areas first to help relax your body. Then move inward, this will ensure the best results."

"Well on the interest of the therapeutic method how could I say no?" I said with a smile. I was excited and nervous, I was about to be essentially fingered by my boss.

I removed my robe, this time without the benefit of a towel and lied on my back completely naked. Eric approached looking up and down taking in my complete naked form.

Eric started in my breasts using fresh oil. He focused on my breasts for several minutes before moving onto my tummy the my legs. The anticipation of what was to come had me almost ready to have an orgasm already.

Eric applied deep pressure to my leg muscles moving up. His pressure slowly moved my legs apart. I couldn't believe while my husband was asleep at home I was lying there oiled up legs spread with my privates on clear display to my boss.

Eric edged closer until finally I felt his fingers brush against my labia. My body shuddered slightly. He positioned his thumbs on either side of my vulva. Applying pressure to the edges of my labia moving upward. After a few strokes he began to spread labia open while stroking up exposing my clitoris and vaginal opening to his view.

Then taking one hand he began massaging the area directly above my wet privates with his fingers. He moved down slowly touching the top part of my slit then I felt his fingers as they began to slide between my labia before settling on my clitoris. He slowly rubbed it between his fingers I let out a loud moan and then another. Oh my god his fingers were like magic. Almost instantly I felt a sudden orgasm come over me. "Oh god Eric, that feels amazing! Ohhhh!" I've never had one hit so suddenly or quickly. Normally it takes ten minutes or more of effort to get me off. If Dan manages to get me off at all.

"It's ok, it's perfectly natural and part of the therapeutic process." Eric said with a grin reassuringly.

I nodded.

He was still slowly massaging my clitoris. Then his fingers began moving downward. I felt a single finger slip into my vagina. I gasped. He moved it slowly in and out. Then a second finger. He moved them in and out before finally finding my gspot. "Oh Eric, that feels I good."

As Eric began to massage my gspot I began to unconsciously move my hips up and down.

Looked over and his penis had started to poke through the opening in his robe. Damn, Eric was hung. He has to be at least three inches longer than Dan and almost twice as thick.

Eric saw me looking and increased the speed of his fingers. "Ohhhh yes!" As I rolled into another orgasm. Eric smiled at me.

"I'm not sure if you are ready for it, but there is a deep tissue pelvic floor technique. Fingers can only access so deep."

"I'm ready for advance massage techniques." I quickly replied.

In reality all pretense was gone. I knew what I was doing. I was about to have sex with my boss while my husband was cluelessly sleeping back at home.

Eric picked me up with his large muscles as he carried me to the bedroom. I wrapped my arms around his strong neck as he carried me.

Eric walked up to the bed setting me down. We immediately start kissing and making out. Eric quickly slipped out of the robe and our hands furiously explored each other's bodies.

My hands found Eric's large penis. My hand couldn't even fit the entire way around. I tried taking into my mouth, but it was so big I struggled to even get past the head.

Eric laughed "having some trouble there?"

I giggled in response "yeah sorry, it's just larger than I'm used to. You are so much bigger than my husband."

"That's ok," Eric replied winking at me. "You'll work your way up to it."

Eric then kissed my again and lowered me on my back. He positioned himself between my legs as we continued to kiss. I felt his large head press against my waiting privates. He moved it up and down my slit a couple times before finding the opening to my vagina. He pressed forward and the tip of his thick penis entered me. "Oh my god Eric. It's so big!" He pushed it a little further and began moving his penis in and out a little bit at a time giving my vagina a chance to accommodate his size. Finally he plunged it fully into me. With a mixture of pain and pleasure I squealed and my body shuddered with delight.

"How are you Morgan? Do you want me to continue?" Eric asked.

"Yes Eric," I looked into his eyes. "I want you to fuck me."

With that Eric began moving his hips slowly at first, but quickly picking up speed.

"Eric you're so big. This feels so good I'm going to CUM!" I began to orgasm around his penis. My body was shaking as I began to come down off my massive orgasm. I began building towards another as Eric continued fucking me.

Holy shit! Dan never made me feel like this. He never hit these parts of my vagina. I only then realized that I never made Eric wear a condom. I had always made Dan wear a condom because I hated the sticky mess that semen made, but I wanted to feel Eric without a barrier. Dan's bare penis had never touched my bare vagina, a privilege that Eric now enjoying. In that moment Eric owned music vagina and I wanted him to unleash inside of me.

"Cum in me Eric! I want you to fill me. Please give me your cum!" With that Eric and I orgasmed simultaneously and he came deep in my vagina.

After that night there was no resisting it. The sex was just too good. I didn't tell Dan because that would just hurt him and he really didn't need to know. Eric just gave me something Dan couldn't and that was ok. I still had sex with Dan every other week or so, but Eric and I had sex at least five times a week. Dan still has never had sex with me without a condom, I'm honestly not sure if that will ever change. I just feel like that's a privilege for Eric. Something special just for him.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

It's a good story, about a bad wife, it's still a story as far as we know, not a confession so read it and either get horny or get annoyed, then move on.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

A story is a story, so many people have a bone to pick with a story on Literotica. Like if you don't like the subcategory don't read the story. Completely excessive how upset people got in the comments. The purpose of reading on Literotica is to satisfy a need in terms of an individual's mental horniness. In reality it's no different than watching porn for many in regards to the psychological effect.

I've always been interested in massage table sex. I wish in the story he got her hot and bothered and spooned her on the massage table, changing to other positions such as reverse cowgirl with a little bit of lean back. The purpose is to illustrate so that someone can visualize in their brain how it would look by being as descriptive as possible if it was actually video based pornography.

It had some typos, but the general gist of the story was reasonably good considering what the objective was.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Bad sorry about a deranged alut of a wife

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Yall negative people in the comments know this isn't real... right? Everyone has fantasies. No harm. And if you're not into it don't read it.

But great story! Love the build up and taboo of it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Typical female - just another whore gash.

Ignorance is happiness?!?!

Only the criminally ignorant believe that piece of psychotic stupidity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Happy wife, happy life. No one is getting hurt, his wife is satisfied, her boss is satisfied, and her husband is satisfied. Everyone lives happily ever after!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This was a great story! Nice buildup, good description, seduction and eroticism. I don't understand the prudish comments here. This is Literotica not Sunday school.

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

No luvhere4whorewives , or for their cuck husbands.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

She's a fucking whore and you need to let Dan find out kick Eric's ass and sue his company for not invoking the fraternizeing policy and divorce her fucking cheating ass

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