Movie Night, with a Happy Ending

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Not the movie night we planned.
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is my first post, so please be kind. I'm not used to writing.


My boyfriend Tom and I were living on our own in a rented apartment while we studied at university. We were both at the start of our 2nd year, having only met 5 months before and deciding impetuously to move in together. Life was a fairly uninteresting sequence of sleep, study, eat, repeat. Not a lot of partying, but we made the effort from time to time. Neither of us were big party people - we preferred the close company of a few people rather than the acquaintance of many. We had a number of quite close friends we would go clubbing and drinking with on rare occasions.

It was a warm day near the end of February (remember I live in the southern hemisphere). Tom and I were done for the day, so headed home to get ready to go out with Nick and Sarah that evening. They had invited us to a movie. The whole way home I had been teasing Tom by stroking his leg while he drove the car and telling him that we should just blow off the movie and stay in. For some reason I'd been storing up sexual frustration all day and was looking for an outlet. Tom laughed and reminded me that Nick and Sarah were good friends and besides, he was worried about them - there had been tension between them when we saw them a few days earlier. So I packed my lusty thoughts away and started planning what I was going to wear.

We got ready and then headed over to Nick and Sarah's place around 7pm. When we got there Nick answered the door, looking a little disappointed that it was just us. He invited us in, explaining that Sarah had messaged him saying she had been delayed but would be home soon. They took separate cars because they attended different institutes. We relaxed for a bit, talking about movies and drinking wine.

Something was clearly bothering Nick, so I asked him "Is everything OK, you've been on edge since we got here".

He said "Its fine."

I gave him that look that says "Fine? Really?"

He gave in with a frown. "Its just that Sarah has been studying late a lot recently. I hardly see her."

It's not unusual for people to bury themselves in the books from time to time - the pressure can be quite intense. So I reassured him "She must have something big due then", trying to sound positive.

"Not that I know of - she's only just started her papers for this year".

Something else was gnawing at him - it was written all over him. He was always a terrible liar - I always loved playing poker with him for that reason.

"Everything good between you and Sarah?" I asked as carefully as one seriously considering crossing a minefield in the hope of finding cupcakes on the other side.

There was a long and uncomfortable pause. He looked like he was trying to figure out how to say something.

"I... its just that we, well... um... we haven't had sex in 2 months".

There is was, the bombshell out on the table like a pair of dogs bollocks. I was still a little taken by surprise. Nick looked shocked at the words that had just come out of his own mouth. I could hear the sound of air leaving the room. Tom was the first to react, and seemed to take it in his stride.

"So..." he managed. OK, he wasn't taking it that much in his stride, but managed to say ", lots of porn of lotion then".

We all laughed, and it broke the ice that had formed over the eons since the bombshell had landed.

Tom ventured, "Don't worry about it mate, once she's past this essay or whatever, she'll chill out and get back on the horse ... so to speak".

Nick looked doubtful, and was going to say something when his phone buzzed. It was another message from Sarah - she was going to be even later. She apologised and told him to not wait up. He read the message aloud and looked crestfallen. He started to apologise for stuffing up the movie night.

"How about, we kick back here and just watch TV and get drunk" I suggested. This seemed to be met with general nods of agreement. I suggested the boys choose something to watch while I went and found some nibbles and drinks in the kitchen.

I knew Sarah kept a pretty good stock of beer, wine and some spirits because we'd been here drinking before. I found a couple of beers for the guys, made sure more were cooling and poured myself a glass of something cheap and red. I located some potato chips and carried it all back into the other room where the boys were messing with the television.

Both guys were grinning at me as I came in. I knew they must have found some crappy chauvinistic action movie that I was bound to hate. But I said nothing - if it helped get Nicks mind onto other things, so much the better.

The movie started, and it took all of 2 minutes for the cheap action to start and prove me right. But, there were a lot of quite well built guys with no shirts on fixing machinery, so I didn't mind too much. There wasn't much of a plot, so it was easy to talk through the movie without missing much. So, we talked about the characters, then about actors in general. Then the topic turned to being filmed.

"I've always wondered what it would be like to be a porn star." Tom joked. "You'd get to have sex with hot women all day and you would have adoring fans. Sounds like the perfect job."

We laughed and I teased him saying "You couldn't keep it up if people were watching!"

By now the 4 bottles of beer he'd already had were doing the talking. "I love it when people watch me", he said.

I knew Tom watched porn when I wasn't home because I knew how to check the browser history he thought he'd deleted, but I didn't think he did more than that. So I pushed him, "Who's watched you then?"

Realising he'd accidentally let more slip than he intended, he looked like a rabbit caught in the beams of oncoming headlights.

Nick, trying to save his friend, jumped drunkenly into the conversation making it far worse. "She was before he met you, don't worry".

My hands were on my hips by now, and I was boring holes in both of them with my eyes. I simply said "Spill!", looking from one to the other.

Tom took a deep breath and started telling me about this girl he met in the library stacks one night.

"It was late and there was nobody around. My bus wasn't due for ages and I had nothing to do. So I was surfing the net... you know... watching porn on my laptop."

Tom glanced at me as if looking for forgiveness for past pornographic indiscretions. If he only knew what I got up to when he was out... ... but I smiled and urged him on.

He continued "I was pretty sure there was nobody around, and I was sitting at a table... and well, having a quiet wank."

Again, he looked at both Nick and I to make sure we weren't about to go biblical on him. Nobody blinked, so he continued. "I was going for maybe 5 or 6 minutes and wasn't bothering to cover myself. Then something made me look to the side. I saw a pair of eyes looking straight at me through a gap in the shelf. A womens eyes. I froze. My hand stayed where it was on my cock, but I froze. I expected her to bolt and get a security guard or something. But she didn't move."

About now I realised I was holding my breath, and gasped in some fresh air and reminded myself to breath. Nick was squirming and trying not to look at me.

Tom went on "It seemed like ages, and she didn't move. I was wondering what to do. She could obviously see what I was doing, so there was no covering it up. I decided I had only one option, so I started moving my hand up and down again. She moved so I could see her whole face through the gap. She was smiling and still watching me. That feeling of being watched by someone probably as turned on as me, was too much and I came pretty hard, splashing it all over the desk and onto my bag. When I looked around, she was gone. I never saw her again."

Again, I'd forgotten to breath. Wow. This revelation about my boyfriend, piled on top of most of a bottle of wine, and I was suddenly horny. I glanced at Nick to see his reaction to the story and he was smiling. My eyes darted down involuntarily and although he had tried to adjust his clothing to cover it, he quite obviously had a raging hard-on under his jeans.

I should mention that when I'm drunk I have a truely filthy mind. But I'm usually too shy to do much with it. But I was having an idea and I wanted to see how far Tom would go. So I pushed him again "So, would you let other people watch you?"

I should point out that while we'd been having sex for months, I'd never seen him actually play with himself, not even during foreplay.

Fortunately, he didn't think too hard about it before shrugging "sure". He must have then gotten an inkling of what I was thinking and tilted his head sideways at me. But I was quicker off the mark.

"Go on then, I want to see you do it" I fired back. "Right now".

His mouth opened and shut and nothing came out. He tried very hard not to look at Nick, and stammered "But... Nick... ".

I retorted quickly "I'm sure Nick won't mind watching". Looking over at Nick, hoping he would play along.

He didn't, saying "Actually I don't really think..."

I cut him off - I wasn't letting go of this. "OK, I get that you're not gay, but it'll be fun."

He blinked at me and said nothing.

"How about I sweeten the deal?" I raised my eyebrow and looked from one to the other. "I'll take off my shirt, if Tom jerks off for us."

Tom was still staring at us in stunned silence. The auction had started.

I knew Nick fancied me. Tom had told me. I have nice D-cup boobs and I was wearing a low cut top this evening. Nick was not hiding the fact that he was openly staring at my tits now.

"If you take off your bra too, then ok" - Nick put in a higher bid.

We were off, but I wasn't prepared to stop there and I was drunk and horny enough to try it on. Tom was still stunned.

I went for broke "If both of you jerk off for me, I'll get completely naked".

I knew Nick was shy, and I fully expected to have to fight him on this. But he shot back "OK", without even hesitating and was already unzipping his pants when Tom caught up to what had just happened.

"Woah, what?" Tom managed. He looked at me imploringly, trying to mentally tell me I was barking mad. The sound of Nicks belt made us both turn.

Nick was sitting there on the couch next to me, with his jeans undone, his dick in his hand and a huge grin on his face. My turn to leave my mouth hanging open - it turns out Nick has a massive cock. At least 2 inches longer than Toms and he was rock hard. My heart skipped a couple of beats as I turned back to Tom.

"Well, shit" was all he could manage and started unzipping his jeans.

Toms cock was a little smaller, but still more than average and again rock hard. My mind was blown. This was a definite first for me.

Nick popped my head-spinning bubble when he said "Your turn. Completely nude remember."

Now it was my turn to be that rabbit caught in the headlight beams. My heart was racing, but I had engineered my own demise. There was no going back. So, I stood up and faced the guys - one sitting on each end of the three-seater couch. Both of them were stroking their lovely cocks slowly, while they mentally undressed me. Might as well make it worth their while I thought.

Nobody was paying any attention to the television, but there was some music playing on the movie so I started slowly swaying to it. I had both hands on my hips and slowly moved them up over my dress, caressing my body outside my clothes. Over my stomach. My hands paused under my breasts and slowly cupped them, sliding up over where my nipples were, paying particular attention to them. They were hardening under my bra and I was pretty sure the guys could see them through my slinky dress. I was wearing a thigh-length one-piece black dress, which hugged my figure quite closely and ended in some ruffles around a low-cut scoop neck, which showed off a considerable amount of cleavage.

Both guys were totally fixated on me, unaware of each other. And both were jerking faster now. I was loving it.

I reached up behind me and unclipped my bra, then slipped it off my arms and popped it out underneath without taking the dress off. I smoothed the dress back down over my boobs, making sure the guys could clearly see my now very hard nipples. I really wanted to say something sexy, to be crude and turn them on even more, but I couldn't think of anything to say. I was nervous. So I kept quiet and continued the show.

The movie music was evidently the final credits, because now it ended and the room went quiet except for the wet slapping noises of two horny guys masturbating right in front of me. It didn't matter, I kept dancing to their beat.

By now the two guys were starting to glance at each other from time to time, checking each other out. Clearly enjoying everything that was going on. Perhaps another one of my fantasies would come true as well - being with two guys playing with each other. I was hopeful.

Next, I carefully hooked my fingers into each side of my underwear, careful to avoid lifting up my dress too much, and I slowly slid them down my legs. As I slid them down past my knees I leaned way forwards, giving them what I hoped was a great view of my tits. As my underwear hit the floor I was greated with soft moans and even faster hand action.

I stood back up, now completely naked except for my slinky short dress.

Satisfied I had my audience in absolute rapture, I crossed my arms and slowly started wiggling my dress upwards. First giving the guys their first glimpse of my neatly trimmed nethers. Then my stomach, then up until I hoped the bottom of my tits was just visible. There I paused.

I found my voice. I smiled my naughtiest smile and said something I'd been rehearsing in my head the past couple of minutes - so I didn't screw it up. "So, big boys... if I take this all the way off, are you going to get all the way off for me?" It sounded corny as soon as I said it and I felt myself blushing, but I don't think they cared.

Tom was nodding like someone in a trance. Nick simply said "You'd better be quick".

I didn't need telling twice. My dress slid up over my boobs and off over my head, dropping to the floor next to me. I was completely naked.

Nick was starting to grunt and breath hard. I quickly kneeled down between them and put my hand on each of their legs.

Nicks eyes were glued to my tits, and his hand was almost a blur. Then he suddenly stopped and just squeezed his cock. The first jet of sticky white cum shot out of his cock and landed on his stomach. His head went back and the next few spurts hit him in the chest. He slowly stroked out the rest, squeezing every drop out, eventually opening his eyes again and smiling at me.

Tom was watching all of this and was clearly loving seeing Nick cumming at the sight of me... or at least I hoped he was. Tom grabbed my unresisting hand and pulled it gently to him, wrapping it around his cock. With his hand still on top of mine, he started making me jerk him before letting go and watching me happily carry on.

Toms cock was well lubricated and my hand slid easily over his head and down his shaft. He was starting to breath heavily too.

I glanced at Nick. He was still wanking just as fast as before and was watching my hand on Toms cock.

"Faster!" demanded Tom.

I focused on Toms cock. Moving my hand down the shaft with just the right grip, then back up over the head, careful not to rub too hard. Moving as fast as I could. He reached out to touch my nipple but that was enough to put him over the edge and he started shooting goo all over my hands and his legs. I didn't stop jerking him until he was bucking and twitching. I let him go and turned back to Nick.

I couldn't believe Nick was still going. I stood up and put one knee on the couch between then so I could push my tits into Nicks face. His lips and tongue were all over my nipples. Damn that felt good and I was so friking wet. Nick stopped licking and as I looked down at him I felt his cum hit my stomach and boobs. I jumped at the surprise, although I was totally expecting it. I was wound so tightly by that time.

The three of us sat on the couch next to each other for a long time, before anyone spoke.

It was Tom that broke the silence. "I guess we better go before Sarah gets home". To which Nick snapped back to reality and nodded agreement before getting up and heading for the bathroom to clean up.

When Nick was gone, Tom and I just looked at each other and mouthed "Farrrrrrk". Neither of us could really believe that just happened. We got cleaned up a bit. I decided to get dressed and shower when I got home. Nick was still in the bathroom.

We waited around a bit but Nick didn't reappear. So we called out that we were leaving and got a muffled reply "OK". It was a weird ending to a very happy ending. Tom and I headed home and talked about it on the way home, reliving it again in conversation. Tom joked that Nick was probably knocking another out in the bathroom thinking about me.

Of course when we got home, I practically ripped Toms clothes off and had the most desperately horny sex I've ever had with him. Perhaps that's a whole other story for another time.

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DevilbobyDevilbobyalmost 6 years ago
Very porno

Good tale but, I preferred your into the woods story.

AlanSirAlanSirabout 6 years ago

A fun night that most on here would've expanded to include you having a full on 3some. Keeping it to just the 'happy ending' makes it more believable, and for any doubters take away any doubt about the truth off it.

Another goody from my favourite Kiwi


_Stealth_Stealthover 6 years ago
I want to party with you girl.

Nzzzz, you don't disappoint that's for sure. Was hoping for a little more naughtiness, maybe embellish a bit eh? ;P

Speed228Speed228over 6 years ago
Almost as good as....

Snow porn pics! Just kidding, that was a great read, wonderful story teller Nzzzz!

JayDee_DunnJayDee_Dunnover 6 years ago
Land of the long white...

You're now on my favourites list. I was a lucky Aussie once in Auckland. You may have inspired me to write that up...

DarkCountryDarkCountryover 6 years ago
Delicious scene I want to hear more about these people...

Fun to read a woman's point of view of a developing threesome.

Frenchmarine1Frenchmarine1over 6 years ago
Brings back Horny Memories

Loved where this was going as I had such a similar experience with a New Zealand girl that moved into an apartment that I shared with a friend of mine.

One night after a night out at the pub we went home to have another drink and Neil suggested putting on a Porno from his collection. Liz said why not and went and sat on the couch while Neil and I lingered at our bar, it didn't take long for things to heat up on the TV so with a nod from Neil we moved over to the couch sitting on one side of Liz each.

Slowly our hands started to caress her arms and legs then we both slowly started rubbing her breasts. Liz started to make the right noises then she said that she wanted to hold our cocks in each of her hands. Like a shot our cocks were out and Liz started stroking them slowly. From there things really heated up as clothing was removed and the porno on the TV was forgotten.

Liz dropped to her knees and commanded us to stand in front of her with our cocks touching each other, I had never come in contact with another mans cock before but before this goddess neither of us hesitated. She pulled them in tight with one hand and then began to run her tongue up and down our shafts and licking both at one time by flicking her tongue side to side slowly, when she got to the heads her tongue roamed over both of them coupled with gentle sucking of our engorged members.

Then she jumped up and told us not to move as she disappeared into the kitchen, back she came in a flash laughing with a bucket of ice cream and a spoon, taking a spoon full of ice cream into her hot mouth she then continued where she had left off but this time the sensation of her cool tongue and mouth had us starting to groan with pleasure.

Another spoon load went into her mouth and putting down the spoon she started cupping our balls with one hand that felt cool from holding the ice cream container while holding our cocks together with her other hand.

Both Neil and I were now both grunting and groaning and we both exploded within seconds of each other as Liz tried to catch both loads with her mouth. There was so much cum that it was all over Liz's face and hair and running down our still hard cocks.

Not missing a chance to try a new flavor Liz dug her fingers into the Ice cream container and rubbed ice cream all over our cocks and then proceeded to clean us up with her tongue.

Neil and I as we calmed down just a bit both looked at each other and just said WOW, Liz said it was a long time fantasy of hers and she said WOW I have never been with two guys before, now I am so horny and I need some hard cock in my pussy.

She then got on the couch and again took command by lifting her legs high exposing a very wet pink pussy and said that we had to fulfill another fantasy.

We were to alternate just putting the heads of our cock into her first one plunge each then two, then three then four, then five.

As Neil finished his five head only plunges, Liz said to start again but this time up to half our shaft, all the time Liz was slowly rubbing her clit and the half shaft plunges started to intensify her moans, then after Neil had completed his five half plunges we were commanded to start again but feed her all of our cock.

What a feeling it was to plunge my cock in all the way with Neil spreading the lips of Liz's pussy with his fingers but so painful having to stick to the rules. It was on Neils 2nd turn on his first stroke that Liz could hold out no longer and as Neil plunged again she just grabbed his arse and held him in so tightly while I squeezed bother her nipples, her whole body just shock.

I pointed out that she had to stick to the rules as well, I got my cock in to her now soaking wet pussy and slowly pushed it in when I felt her velvet walls en clasp my circumcised head and squeeze it so tight as Liz again had a body shaking orgasm coming all over my cock.

Neil and I lost count how many times she came as we finished our end of the game, but we both had a 2nd happy ending coming deep inside the most horniest woman we had ever met.

We continued to live as a threesome for another two years before Liz headed back to New Zealand, but during this time we had so much sex.

Every now and then Liz would bring around one of her Kiwi girlfriends and we would be commanded to fill their pussies why they took turns eating each others pussy.

Sunday nights became Ice Cream night for Liz as again she had our cocks locked together in her hands.

When she left she said that we had to come and visit as New Zealand Ice Cream apparently is creamier, I wonder why?

guzzieathomeguzzieathomeover 6 years ago
Great story.

I simply agree with the other positive comments, well written.

Hopefully there will be further chapters.

Looking forward to that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
So Real

Very Hot story Kiwi Girl, just like the some of the New Zealand chicks I have met

MrLucky4uMrLucky4uover 6 years ago
Very sexy story

Love to hear more of your real stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Very hot

This is a great story, well paced and sexy

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