Moving to the World of Streamers Ch. 04


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"Oh my god!"

"You saved me!" she kisses you in her adrenaline rush on the cheek.

You barely register her wet lips on your cheek as you stare with wide eyes at the van speeding off.

That feeling...

No, it can't be.

That wasn't an assassination attempt. They were just recklessly driving.



A few minutes pass and you still hold Aria tightly to your body. She doesn't try to escape and has closed her eyes, leaning her head against your chest, listening to your racing heartbeat. You can tell she takes comfort in being held by you and is slowly calming down as well. You gently stroke her head.

Is someone trying to kill streamers?

A thought dawns upon you but you quickly disregard it.

"I should call Sydney and see if she's okay." You say to Aria, the girl looking up into your eyes and slowly nodding. You can tell she wants to talk about what just happened, but this call is important.

You take a few steps and lean against the building. Aria wants to give you some privacy, but you wave to her to come close, and you wrap an arm around her. She gratefully accepts and closes her eyes again, leaning against you and feeling noticeably safer.

The phone rings a few times before Sydney picks up.

"Hey baby, what's up? Miss me already?"

"Of course! How are you? Everything fine?" you say in an upbeat tone, not wanting to scare her right off the bat.

"I'm doing great. Crash is having fun at my parent's house and everything is super nice and comfy!" "I do miss your cock though!" she adds in a seductive tone.

Aria looks up at you for a moment and then quickly looks away again.

Did she hear her? Doesn't matter.

"I miss you too. Syd, I think you should be careful. I just got this weird feeling that I had at the convention again." You say with a serious voice.

"...You think someone's coming to kill me?" she responds clearly frightened.

"No no I don't.. well, just be careful - aware of your surroundings and such, maybe don't go walking around alone?" you try to calm her down but fail.

I should have thought of what I was going to say before picking up the phone...

"Okay... umm.. yeah.. I'll be careful. Thanks for the warning.. you too!" and with that she hangs up.

"Well... that was a conversation..." you unintentionally say out loud.

"Do you think that was planned?" Aria scaredly asks looking at you with concerned eyes.

"No no no.. I'm just paranoid. People drive too quickly all the time, and this corner isn't particularly optimized for pedestrians." You try to deflect and hide your worry.

Aria slowly nods her head, wanting to believe you.

"So uh.. maybe ice cream to lighten the mood?"

"I don't know if I want to cross that street now" she hesitates.

"Ou come on! You're a strong, amazing and beautiful woman! The way you're built you could've probably jumped over that van! Surely you can cross the street with me!" Seeing her smile slightly but still reluctant you add "Please! I need someone to hold my hand, I'm a bit scared."

Now Aria's smile is showing some teeth. She happily reaches for your hand and grabs it tightly. You walk across the street and each get two scoops of ice cream on the other side. She gets chocolate and you get lemon.

You both casually walk back towards the OTV house and engage in some good conversation. Once your cones are nearly finished Aria stares into your eyes with a chocolate covered mouth. Noticing this you stop to ask her why she isn't continuing to walk. As you open your mouth Aria grabs your slightly wet shirt pulling you closer and plants a kiss on your lips. You did not expect the kiss but welcome it, the tastes of lemon and chocolate mixing together in your mouths creates a pleasurable flavor which adds to the amazing kiss.

After a few seconds she pulls away and you look at her smiling face.

"I just wanted something sour to clear the taste." She says jokingly.

You chuckle. "Sure. It does mix nicely with the sweetness."

You both look at each other.

"Thank you for saving my life. You're a true hero." She earnestly says, with true gratitude in her voice.

"No worries, I'm glad I was able to" you respond and hug her. You also kiss her lovingly on the head which makes her melt into your arms.

After the intimate exchange you resume your conversation and get to know each other more and more on the way back to the house. Arriving there, Aria stays for a few more hours and you hang out with multiple roommates, talking about what had happened but leaving out your suspicions. Everyone is shocked but the fact that you now saved two of their friends lives quickly becomes a running gag and people start to jokingly address you as 'Sir Hero' and playfully treating you as royalty. It is all good fun.

Eventually Aria calls an Uber home and the others start their stream. Having had enough excitement for one day you decide to relax for the rest of the day and lay in bed switching between Poki, Rae's and Leslie's stream.

I wonder what it would be like to fuck them while they're streaming... Could it be done? Could it be hidden enough?

It would certainly be hot...


A few days later you get a notification that your delivery has arrived, so you go to your apartment and accept it. Once everything is moved up to your penthouse you look at all the boxes, sighing at the work it will be to put those together.

Your phone receives a text from Leslie announcing that she is in the lobby, so you use the elevator to welcome her up.

There is no way that she will actually help me build this stuff but you don't turn down a pretty girl when she wants to come to your place.

With a *ding* the elevator door opens when you arrive in the lobby. You immediately see the girl you've been looking forward to for a while now. Leslie is looking absolutely beautiful in her dark red Yu-Gi-Oh! shirt. The bubbly girl has the brightest smile you have ever seen and upon spotting you she waves excitedly with both hands while waggling towards you like an excited penguin and throws her hands around your neck to hug you. Her contagious smile totally drew away your attention from her bare legs. Similarly to what you saw her wear the first time you met her, you again cannot tell if she is wearing anything else underneath that stretched shirt which barely covers anything beyond her plump ass. This time she is not wearing any long socks either, no socks at all in fact - just flip flops. Her nails are painted with a sparkling wine red color.

Not really an outfit to assemble a bunch of furniture Leslie... but I suspected as much. You chuckle to yourself.

While you wrap your arms around her torso participating in her tight hug you almost feel like you get a surprisingly good feel of her gorgeous body - the thin shirt taking away almost nothing from the sensation.

After the hug ends you extend your arm towards the elevator. In a royal tone you speak "Your Majesty, may I invite you into my humble castle?"

"Ou!" The girl laughs, "of course! I mean... Of course Sir Knight, I welcome your hospitality!". She can barely contain her giggle and playfully curtsies before you, lifting her shirt slightly with her fingers. You chuckle as well and lead her into the elevator, she stands about one and a half steps in front of you facing the door. You wonder why she doesn't look at you or hasn't chosen to stand beside you, but you don't question it and instead admire her figure. When you are about halfway up the building and your gaze is about halfway up Leslie's body you hear her moan as she stretches her whole body, raising her arms and in turn raising her whole shirt well above her hips. Your eyes widen as you see one of the greatest asses you have ever seen displayed before you, like a cloth being pulled away revealing a priceless piece of art. To your delight it is very apparent that she is not wearing any underwear at all. What makes you even happier is that her stretch goes on for an unnaturally long time, this makes it clear without a doubt that this whole display was premeditated, which excites you a lot.

"Wow..." you say admiringly.

She lowers her arms and crosses them in front of her lap. Turning her head back over her shoulder and looking at you she says in a somewhat quiet girly voice. "Oh sorry, did you see anything?". She's playing a shy girl and you smile, choosing to participate.

"I was just admiring your big stretch. I've only ever seen one being do a bigger stretch and that was a white cat on YouTube."

She breaks out in laughter and turns around, lightly slapping your shoulder with her flat hand. "AAAA come on! Not even one compliment?!" she quips, throwing out her innocent act.

You smile widely, grab her wrist with one hand and her hip with the other, pulling her in close. With your bodies pressed closely against each other and you looking down into her sparkling eyes you say with the most genuine voice you can muster: "Leslie, you have an amazing ass."

She cracks up and wiggles around super excitedly in your arms tapping the elevator floor really quickly with her feet. Your compliment really seems to have made her happy, maybe it was the delivery, or maybe she is just always this energetic. Either way, you love it!

As the elevator doors open you let go of Leslie and you both step into your penthouse, giving her a light slap on the ass you say: "So, time to build huh?" gesturing at the thirty or forty cardboard boxes standing around. She shoots you a glance that effectively conveys the sentiment "Really, are you serious?" but you don't have to read her face to tell that because she actually says it aloud.

"So, no pretense huh?" you smilingly say.

"Nooo! You can't seriously have thought I could help you with this? I barely know what a hammer is!"

Gesturing an air hammer, you react: "It's the thing you pound nails into other things with"

"Yeah you better pound me onto your bed with your pants hammer!"

"Pants hammer???" you crack up holding your stomach from laughing at her sudden burst, not even properly reacting to her forwardness.

"You know what I mean!" she jumps up once with her fists waving through the air like a young girl that is sick of her dad's teasing, but all with a teeth showing smile on her face.

"Well I mean.. What can I say.." you still can't talk in a serious tone, her energy rubbing off on you. "I guess you too heard some stories that made you this eager to try me?"

"No!" she immediately retorts. "I've heard nothing! Rae wanted to tell me after your trip to IKEA but I blocked it. I want to experience you myself." Now clearly seductive, she catwalks toward you, with one hand on each hip making them shake exaggeratedly with each step.

"Well, who am I to deny you that?" you mockingly ask into the air, throwing your hands up. "Has it been a long time for you too? And I guess this means you're fine with sharing?"

She abruptly stops at your words. Quietly she replies "Yeah... I haven't been intimate with anyone since... Edison..". Her hands fall to the ground along with her gaze, clearly saddened by the topic.

Ah fuck...

You reach forward and hug her. "I'm sorry Leslie that was careless of me. No need to rush into things." You say as you stroke her soft hair. You can feel her warm breath as she leans into your strong chest.

She wraps her arms around your waist and crosses her hands behind your ass, not really touching it but also not really not-touching it.

"It's ok" she says in the same voice as before. "I'm over it. It's just... maybe this was a bit quick..."

After just a few seconds she perks up and looks at you: "Wanna watch a movie???"

"Uuuuhh sure! I don't have a TV set up though..."

"That's fine! I have Netflix on my phone! We can cuddle!" she happily says doing a complete 180 from like twelve seconds ago and hopping towards your bed. You are a little stunned by this rollercoaster of emotions, from thinking you were going to have sex with a beautiful girl, to consoling her about her engagement breaking up and then making plans to cuddle with her on your bed, while mind you - the only clothing she is wearing is a very thin shirt.

You take your place next to her on the bed and she lays her head on your shoulder like a girlfriend would as she opens up some romantic comedy on her phone, leaning further into you she places her hand with her phone just above your groin.

If I'm getting an erection it's going to push against the back of her hand, she's too close..."

Guessing that it might not be appropriate to shift your penis right now you simply hope that there won't be any hot sex scenes in this movie - so you lean your head on hers and get ready for the next 90 minutes.

Her hair smells amazing. I guess she just showered.


Right at the scene where the hot girl realizes he's the love of her life and goes on to kiss him in the rain Leslie changes her position, moving her shirt in such a way that her lower side becomes partially uncovered, giving you a clear view of her clean-shaven pussy. You try to look away but fail because you don't really want to look away. You don't want to watch the movie, you want to watch her and her glistening entrance.

Is she wet?

As predicted, your erection soon pushes against her dorsal.

She looks up to you, smiling.

You want to apologize but only a stutter escapes your lips before Leslie makes your attempts irrelevant by kissing you deeply.

"I'm.. confused.." you slowly say.

"why?" she quietly replies with big eyes.

"It's just.. you came here um.. I mean you were pretty forward about what you wanted..." you continue in the same tone but hastily add: "and I liked that! I liked that.. I like you, a lot!"

Returning to your thinking voice you go on: "But then I brought up.. y'know, and I'm sorry for that..."

You pause for a few seconds. Leslie still looks at you, wondering what you are trying to say.

"I just mean, if you're not ready.. this is a big step. I care about you, and if you want to get intimate tonight, wait, or maybe not at all - it's fine. You should be comfortable, that's what is most important to me."

You gulp, finally having managed to express some of your feelings about the emotional rollercoaster her visit has been so far.

Leslie looks at you for a moment, her expression remaining unchanged which terrifies you, even though it looks terribly cute. The way her eyes look at you, the way her mouth is slightly open, the way she's resting her hand on your chest and laying half on top of you. Her warmth is so... perfect. And her nude leg crossing over yours, her wet folds visible - almost touching your jeans but not quite.

Under different circumstances I'd be doing jump kicks right now.. but is she ready? I want her to be ready. I want to be there for her, more than just a friend.. but she is so hard to read. I really didn't expect her to get sad like that out of nowhere and then switch right back up within seconds!

After what felt like an eternity, despite it probably being about five seconds a smile spreads across the cute girls face.

"Awwww" she almost giggles. "Thank you!"

She kisses you, confusing you further. But the kiss is amazing and makes you momentarily forget your concerns.

"It's not like I'm still in love with Edison. I'm over it. Really. You just caught me off guard, that's it!" she explains with an assuring voice.

"I'm glad to hear that." You shoot her a warm smile and lovingly stroke her cheek with your thumb. She leans into your hand, smiling and you think you can see her blush slightly.

"Do you.. want to talk about.. something?" you inquire, genuinely ready to listen to her feelings.

"Sure!" she perks up on the bed, now sitting next to you. "But don't think I'm forgetting about this!!" she screams out with even more energy as she jumps across your legs to straddle you and with one fluent motion opens up your pants and pulls out your dick.

How??? I was wearing... fuck it. All these girls have some magic dick-taking-out abilities. I won't question this further.

Her perfect teeth are showing as she's smiling at you like a pretty girl would after her crush told her she was beautiful while her cooch must only be a thumbs width away from your shaft, both of her soft hands firmly on your length she slowly twists them and strokes your pulsating member.

Your mouth and eyes are wide open. This all unfolded very fast and despite the fact that you should be used to this by now - you're not.

You try to say something but Leslie goes first, taking her hands off you and moving forward. Your dick is laying horizontally on your belly and Leslie is rubbing her incredibly wet pussy slowly up and down your length. "So..." she moans. "Who was your first kiss?" she smiles down at you.

"What?" you laugh. "Are we doing the 'Hey we just started dating' quiz?"

She giggles and quietly pants while continuing to grind against your penis. "Yes! I want to get to know you and I want you to get to know me!" she puts down both her hands right next to your head, leaning forward she whispers into your ear: "It's not a quiz with winners or losers but there is still a prize.." she interrupts herself with an especially seductive moan, then whispers into your ear with the hottest voice you have ever heard: "" You gasp, placing your hands on her hips as she slowly rises, her hair cutely covering one of her eyes. It takes all your willpower not to grab her soft flesh with more force - but you don't want to hurt her - you don't want to push her. Her movements feel good.

"My first kiss was a red-haired girl at a party of one of my high school friends." You begin to answer her question. "It wasn't anything special, she kissed multiple guys that night and I originally didn't want my first kiss to be like that - but she wrapped her arms around my neck and asked if she could kiss me, and being a teenage boy, it didn't take much convincing."

"Was it good?" she asks with real curiosity.

"Surprisingly - yes! Better than my third, fourth and fifth kiss" you joke. Leslie laughs out of breath. She is really enjoying grinding on your dick like that and you don't think any girl you have ever been with was ever this wet - and you haven't even been inside her yet.

"How about yours?" you ask, clearing her hair away with one hand and holding her cheek again. You did it so you could look into her beautiful eyes but she instead gladly accepts your hand and leans into it once more, closing her eyes. Her face looks like pure bliss and she puts one of her hands on the back of yours, enveloping your palm completely, cuddling against it.

"My... first.... kiss.... was......" she lets out between moans.

She doesn't finish the sentence - instead grabbing on tightly onto your stretched out arm with both of hers and begins to shake on in your lap. You're surprised but hold her steady with your other hand so she doesn't fall off of you during her apparent orgasm. Pleasure juices flow out of her and spread over your exposed skin.

Some streamers sell bathwater... she could sell cum water, You joke to yourself.

After she calmed down you curiously ask "Did you just cum?"

"Yes" she says with a satisfied grin, starting her grind against your erection back up and leaning against your still stretched out hand once again. "I cum really really easily" she winks at you teasingly which has the desired effect of making you hella excited and causing your dick to twitch beneath her three times.

She giggles. "Relaaaaaax" she teases "You'll get your turn soon enough... now... what was the question?" she smiles at you like the devil. Her plan is to tease you until you explode from the sexual tension while she's getting off repeatedly. The situation is incredibly hot and it feels so good - every time she reaches your tip you think her wetness is just going to swallow you - but you decide that the wait would be worth the pay off.