Mr. C and the HO, HO, HOE Pt. 02


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Mary was stunned. She turned as Cassie closed the doors. Esmy took her suitcase to the walk-in closet and placed it down.

"Please, Mrs. O'Brien, sit down. Our dad will be a while."

"You two really are his daughters?", said Mary.

The girls grinned and nodded. They sat and motioned her to join them.

"Both of us and he think that way. But we are part of 'dad's' program of saving individuals and small family units, around the world, from starvation, slavery, prostitution, and just being used by unscrupulous individuals and groups."

Mary blinked and said she had talked with Adriana on the plane ride. "She told me the story, about what your 'father' did for her, but I didn't know whether to believe her or not."

"Adriana is one of his favorite success stories," said Cassie. "She adores him. But he never, EVER makes a move, on any of us."

She hesitated. "You appear to be the one exception."

Esmy continued. "His wife's infidelity hid him very hard. He didn't see it, and had no idea it was happening. He thought it was on him, although he never did anything to cause it. He thought he was working too hard, and too long and all the standard tripe that comes up when something like this happens!"

Cassie snorted. "One night a year. The guy is sooo naive, and innocent. She never really loved him. But she LOVED the 'goodies that came with the job', so to speak.

"He had found her in Paris outside the Folies Bergere on Christmas Eve. She had been abused and beaten. But she was still stunningly attractive. He was smitten. She was unconscious, so he took her to a Convent and asked the nuns to look after her," she added.

"But when she came to she was angry and combative. She demanded to leave. On his way back home, he swung by to check on her.

"The good sisters told him she had left. So he used his magic to track her down, and found her being mugged and sexually assaulted. He put a stop to this and rescued her again".

"So he brought her home, and fell for her. She was only 25 and he was a little concerned with their age difference," said Esmy, filling the blanks.

Cassie was looking thoughtfully at Mary.

'She doesn't know! OHH, poop, this could be a deal breaker!', she thought. She put her hand on Esmy's arm and shook her head.

Esmy caught the look, and looked back at Mary.

"Cassie, maybe our guest would like some wine."

'I think she's going to need it!' thought Esmy.

Cassie rose and went to the small bar and decanted a vintage Bordeaux wine. She filled two glasses halfway, and a third fully, then returned with the wine on a tray. She served Mary and then she and her sister, then resumed her seat.

"Ohh, I normally don't drink this much," said Mary, with a small grin.

'You're going to need it, I think,' thought Cassie.

"Dad rescued Vivianne in 1856. They were married four years later."

Slowly the light dawned on Mary. Her eyes got large, and she gasped. The small sip of wine turned into half the glass.

"Just how old are you two??", she stuttered.

Cassandra stared her straight in the eye. Esmeralda moved to her side and knelt to hold her hand.

"I will be 95 years old come February. Esmeralda will be 72 in May. Dad is going to turn 190 in July. All thanks to the Mantra, and some magic spells," said Cassie with a smile.

The other half of the glass of wine disappeared and it appeared that Mary was looking for more.

"This can't be real. It's impossible!!"

"No, it's very real. It are two things here. There is magic and the Mantra. We all have different things we can control. The Mantra is different. We are offered the Mantra when we are old enough to understand it." Cassie continued to explain.

"There is no pressure. If you take it, you stop aging at whatever condition you are in and whatever age you are. Forever.

"It has it's benefits and it's faults. But if you are happy, it is not too bad." She paused. "We hope you will be happy."

Esmy picked up the narrative.

"Dad is very taken with you. Your children, also. He has been for several years. But he was committed to Mrs. Clause and would never stray.

"She brought this on herself." Esmy's eyes hardened and she glared at the thought of her 'father's' hurt.

"We think you would be very good for him .....if you want the 'position'."

Mary was stunned. Her mind was running in a thousand different directions. Her life was turned upside down in as many days and she was still struggling to deal with the change. But so far, only good things had happened. She stared at the empty wine glass in her hand.

"Do you think I could have a refill .....Please?" holding the empty flute to Cassie. Cassie grinned and rose to get the rest of the bottle.

Esmy smiled at Mary as Cassie returned.

"If I know dad, he is showering and spiffing himself up. He will want to make a good impression on you when you get back together. So let's get you cleaned up, and work on your 'appearance' a little, and maybe blow his mind some." She looked at Cassie and chuckled.

"We love to blow his mind. Keeps him on his toes!"

They helped Mary to the bathroom, along with her re-filled glass of wine which she was now sucking on constantly. They got her into the shower and started their plan to ambush Dad.


Mr. C was whistling as he jumped in his shower. He recited his spells and the fat was gone, replaced by a decent set of abs. Almost a six-pack, but definitely not a dad bod. His beard shrunk and almost disappeared, resembling George Clooney without most of the jaw growth, and the color of his hair morphed back to slightly salt and pepper. His hair cut changed to a conservative 1950's style and he looked pretty good. He showered and got out toweling himself, and still whistling.

He studied himself in the large mirror behind the vanity in the bathroom. "Quite a bit of room since Vivienne's stuff was removed. Maybe I'll need to put a second sink in,' he mused. He ran a brush and comb through his hair, and splashed on some English Leather.

'Hope she likes the scent.'

He went to the closet, now almost three-quarters empty.

'I never knew she had so many outfits. .....And SHOES! Christmas, when did she wear them all??'

He selected a tapered Wrangler western shirt and boot cut jeans. His favorite square toed brown cowboy boots (also his most comfortable!), followed by his favorite knock around fleece lined denim vest, completed the transformation. He was Home!! Now to see if his daughters were doing a good job of talking him up.


I went downstairs to the family room, and found Jeeves with the customary Chivas on the rocks, and walked up to the roaring fire. I was getting a little nervous. Jeeves came up to me and touched my arm.

"Sir, you are overreacting."

I turned and stared at him.

"Am I, Jeeves? Am I really? Am I putting all my hopes for happiness in one basket??"

"No, No, and yes, in answer to your questions, sir. You ARE putting all your hopes in one basket but with good reason. This is the longest relationship you have have with some one outside of your 'domain' as it were. And she appears to be a good person. That, I believe is more important than physical attractiveness. I think you've run the course with that. Vivienne was a fine looking women- and she knew it. She was very much into her own satisfaction and self-pleasure. Not exactly what you need, sir."

I looked at my best friend and smiled.

"Jeeves, I don't deserve you."

"Of course you don't, sir. But you are stuck with me. To quote Aristotle: 'My best friend is the man who, in wishing me well, wishes it for my sake'.

And I do wish you well, sir."

I looked at Jeeves and realized how lucky I was to have him as a confidant,-and friend.

"Thank you, my friend." I put my hand on his arm.

"Alright, sir, let's not get mushy, alright? You know what you must do, so do it. More importantly, you know what you want. Don't you, sir??"

"Are you sure you don't run this show, Jeeves?"

He chuckled and as we stood there talking, three women walked in. Two I recognized as my adopted daughters. The third elicited a 'WOW!' as I took in her visage.

Now I was not the only one stunned. At the same time as I uttered my comment, Mary O'Brien stopped just inside the room and stared at me. Her 'WOW' was as loud, surprised and heartfelt as mine. She stared at me, and I stared at her.

She was wearing a denim skirt that came just below her knees. A tight sweater accented her breasts, and they were much higher and firmer than a 42 year old, mother of three would normally be sporting. Her hair was luxuriously brown and fell to just below her shoulders. Her skin was clear and tight, no wrinkles and her eyes ....Oh, those eyes!! A clear, deep blue with gold flecks. My daughters had been busy, the stinkers.

I turned and looked at the two innocents, standing there studying their fingernails, the walls, and everything else- except me. I chuckled and shook my head, turning back to who I hoped would become my future.

"Hello, Mary. It would appear you know most of the story, thanks to my 'staff'".

The girls giggled and then, in mock indignation, burst out "DAD!"

I motioned for Mary to come and sit on the settee. We sat about two feet apart from each other. I started.

"Mary, I never meant to lie to you. I had feelings for you, but I was married. At the time of our first meeting, so were you. But as our friendship grew and I came to know you, my feeling deepened. Then your husband was killed. I took special interest in you and your children.

"I never let you lack for any basics, but I tried not to let you know I was doing it. You never were in danger of anything horrible happening. And I was still married. Tempted as I was, Santa Clause doesn't cheat or step out. So I stepped up my game a little and tried to make sure you guys were o.k..

"Then, fate or whatever intervened and I caught my wife cheating on me. I kicked Mrs. Clause to the curb and divorced her. Then I figured I could act on my feelings for you. The 'other' you, not the beautiful one sitting here, but the lovely, caring one I had come to know."

I turned and looked at my two daughters again, who were grinning like Cheshire cats, and starting to tear up.

"Thank you, girls. Daddy loves you!"

Cassandra and Esmarelda couldn't stand it any more, and rushed over to hug me, knocking me back on the couch. By this time Mary was blubbering too, and moved closer to us and kissed me. Even Jeeves was starting to get a little teary.

Finally, we broke to adjourn to the family dinning room and the children came and joined us. They were all stunned, but Michael would not stop looking at me. Finally, he came up to me as silence descended on the happy crowd. He looked me in the eye and squared his shoulders.

"Alright, who are you? Are you looking to take advantage of my mother? 'Cause it's not gonna happen!"

I looked at this strapping young 11 year old. I thought of myself, picked up by the last Santa Clause in Laramie, Wyoming 175 years ago. A fifteen year old 'tough guy' who thought he was a gunfighter, he was suffering from a gunshot wound and exposure to the cold on Christmas Eve. He took me with him after a little magic to put me in a coma and stop the bleeding and he finished his rounds before heading home to the original Mrs. Clause. She nursed him back to health and they adopted him. They home schooled him (before it was popular) and sent him to college. He returned from Notre Dame University and started to work with his dad, but the older Clause thought it was time to retire, and he and the Mrs. were going to move to Cancun, Mexico. (Again, my story.) So Chris took the Mantra, took over the family business, and on one of his runs to France found Vivienne. He fell for her big time, and the rest is history.

Now, he was faced with a young man on the verge of change and possible danger to his mother. He was taking responsibility. Chris was suitably impressed. He walked up to Michael, and looked him square in the eye.

"Michael, I will never hurt your mother. I hope to marry her and make her my wife. She will become Mrs. Santa Clause. But it is her decision. Not mine." He turned to Mary.

"When my divorce is final, will you marry me?"

Mary looked at him.

"Yes, Chris. I would be honored. But only if you will adopt my children, and I can adopt your daughters. Then we will be a complete family." So it was decided.



The divorce was final in five more months. The wedding was set for December 27 of that year. Cassie and Esmy spent the remainder of the year planning the wedding and watching their father like hawks, to make sure he behaved. He also had Michael shadowing him. It appears that Michael knew about his biographical father's abuse of his mother, and had attempted to stop him several times. In the end, he was satisfied that Chris was a cut above his father, and that his Mother was beyond happy.

Cassie and Esmy were wild about their new siblings and loved their step-mother no end. Actually, they considered her more of a mother than Vivienne had ever been.

It was a huge party, with the ceremony officiated over by the God. There would be no breaking this union. On New Years day, XB-MAS 1 departed for Hawaii for a three week honeymoon. Esmarelda and Cassandra cautioned their father to be careful as he was an old man, and asked Mary to be gentle with him. She had taken the Mantra and was looking forward to trying out her new abilities.

So ends the tale of Santa Clause and Mrs. Clause. This occurred in 2010. They are happy to this day, and Mary routinely assumes the look of the accepted visage of Mrs. Santa Clause when viewed by the public. An older, gray haired, plump women with wire rimmed spectacles standing next to a taller, rotund gray haired jovial gentleman, also sporting wire-rimmed glasses, both obviously head over heels in love with each other.

"But when they get behind closed doors, ............."


I know that not everyone will like this second part. But maybe this is what the world needs now. There's enough violence and bloodshed in the world. And it is Christmas. Even my own Church doesn't recognize is as a small child's birthday. So, Happy Birthday, Jesus. And to everyone out there, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, an early Ramadan, Happy Holidays, and Happy Kwanzaa. It's too important a feeling to slight anyone. Maybe God can grant the world some peace and sanity, not that we deserve it.

And to all, a good night.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Loved it! A refreshing change!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Delightful! Another side of your talent. Talent of thought, expression and writing ability. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. 5*.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

A sweet, caring, VERY CLEVER, compassionate and love filled story. EVERYBIT of what Christmas is and in keeping with Christ's teaching.

This is a story I desperately needed today..possibly my last on this 🌎 earth.

I'm so grateful to you for this.

Calico75Calico758 months ago

Excellent Christmas story all year long!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Great story bear !

DeanofMeanDeanofMean9 months ago

Made an old man smile thax for that

Chimo1961Chimo19619 months ago

Both were great stories, it’s nice to have a feel good story once in a while

Sumnut96Sumnut9610 months ago

An excellent story from start to finish. 5 stars DMW aka

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Absolutely💯% delightful🥰💓💞💕💥💫

Iff ya don't like thus me thinks though must suffer from a terminal case scrugeulosis🤣

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I absolutely loved it, it light heart ed , fun, and a joy to read. Please take poetic license any time if you turn out works like this. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Loved it. A great Christmas story. Wish I could give more than 5 stars. One slight misstep. My closet is bigger than 40 square feet LOL. Other than that it was a great read. Thanks!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved it! Wish I could go higher than a 5.

kamdev99008kamdev99008over 1 year ago

Real essence of Christmas...

Birthday of Jesus Christ

Touch the souls of deprived and depressed with love and care

26thNC26thNCover 1 year ago

Very good. You are pretty talented at this writing stuff it seems.

dgfergiedgfergieover 1 year ago

'The ceiling was twelve feet high and covered in filigree. The forty square foot room also sported an en-suite bath with garden tub and walk-in shower.' Forty square foot room???? That's 4x10 feet!

I loved the premise of Santa be pretty much a normal guy with a little bit of magic. There was a good bit of fun in both parts of this story. 5 stars

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