Mr. Peter Chapman Pt. 02


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"I'm about a third done, and I love it. I can see how the plans build on each other. Rather than chapters, he has cases. Everything is in a real-world context, with a patient and a nurse or two nurses with one taking the lead. It's going to change the way nurses are taught. I bet you could do the same thing with doctors and every specialty." Her eyes go wide. "Any subject could be taught this way."

I chuckle, "I'm only trying to fill the hospitals with quality nurses. That's my immediate goal. If we don't get more, I'll be replacing bedpans."

After a pleasant breakfast, dad was faster and swiped the check. He's so irritating at times.

I tell Jim, "Jim, how about we check up on Helen (his wife). Then I'll check on the others, and I am due back to be a nurse again. Mom, Dad, you're free to use my apartment. I bet you could use some sleep."

Cara cuts in, "It's my turn to cook. Let's use the grill by the pool; there will be plenty of room. Jim, I know you're not going home until tomorrow, so you're invited to dinner as well if you want. Just follow any nurse home or walk straight out of the ER. Go through the building to the pool. We'll have soda, beer, and something grilling on the BBQ."

Mom and dad took a nap while Jim and I visited his wife. I look at the bloodwork, vitals, and nurse observations. I talk with Helen, check her stitches, and verify she's pain-free.

I smile at Helen, "If you keep this up, I think you'll be going home tomorrow. I had to adjust your meds which kept you a day longer, but they're going in the right direction now. When you hit the target numbers, you're going home."

I got stopped outside the door on my way to another patient when I heard Jim explain to his wife, "Basically, what he learned from his wife's death, is what saved your life."

I had to stop the nurse. My eyes filled with tears. She heard it too. She sends me on my way. I compose myself outside the next room, then I smile and talk to my first surgery patient to verify they're doing well.


For the rest of the day, it's quiet. No asking questions, no pushing me, no verifying meds, nothing. Someone is up to no good. I see Gail going into Beth's office. Later, Candice visits Beth. JoAnn and Margret also visit her office.

Quietly, I sneak to the door and hear mom and dad's advice on patient care. The room goes silent once I enter the room.

Beth is quick, "I can explain."

I inquire with an attitude, "Please do. This is going to be rich. Please explain to me what I see here and how it's not what it appears to be."

Beth smiles big at me, "Oh, I'm not going to do that. It's exactly what it looks like. You faced your worst memories, have been forced to be a surgeon again, and you are tired as hell. We are simply taking it easy on you."

What do you say to that? She admitted to what they were doing and wasn't unhappy about it.

I deadpan, "Fine. Mom, Dad, I need a second opinion. Max isn't doing as well as I would expect. I want your experience."

Dad mocks me, "What, boy genius needs help?"

Mom hits dad, "Stop it, you. Peter, lead on. Beth, it was nice talking to you. I appreciate everything you've done. Let's go see Max."

Max is, of course, excited to see me. I don't like the color of his leg. Dad doesn't even examine the kid, and he says, "Get radiology up here. You need a picture of his leg so we can see what's going on."

I think dad suspects the same thing I do; gauze was left in the leg, and it's infected now. We have been giving him heavy antibiotics to stop a natural infection.

Mom is impressed with Max. She knows all the kids' shows and interests. That gave dad and me time to compare notes and come to the same conclusion. Radiology comes up, we look at the pictures, and sure enough, there is a cloud. To me, it was nothing. Dad had the experience of knowing what it was. Due to the gauze being full of blood and infection, it's denser than skin. That makes it show up as a shadow.

We call his parents, then mom, dad, and I start scrubbing while a parent comes in to sign the papers. They live on a nearby farm, so it was quick. While there, we found other issues. I would not say negligent; dad did. Either way, we cleaned him up, and everything looks much better now. Mom and dad stay with Max while I go back to work for another hour.

At 5:00, we have our transition meeting, and then it's off to dinner. As we walk out of the ER, I notice immediately that something is up. There is a security guard by the front door, the door is propped open, and there are two vans in front of our apartment complex. I can see a string of white lights at the end.

Mom's words are perfect, "What the hell?"

I walk into the pool, and all the off-duty nurses are in bikinis. Jim is sitting at a table with an actual cloth tablecloth, real china, and glass cups. I bet the silverware is real silver as well. Jim is nursing a beer while a man in a chef's hat and suit works over two large grills. I see some huge pots of boiling water.

As we walk in, everyone but Jim rushes us. Their all talking, so I can't understand a thing. Beth hands my parents a shopping bag with a bikini and swimming trunks.

Beth gives orders, "You're over-dressed; go change now! Dinner will be in thirty minutes; you have ten to get back here."

Mom says, "I don't think we're having hot dogs tonight as we walk into my apartment."

I finish, "I think our new friend appreciates us saving his wife's life."

Dad corrects me, "You saved his wife's life. I just assisted and stood amazed at your work."

Fifteen minutes later and Beth welcomed me back. She has attached herself to my hip and is holding my hand.

Jim looks at me sheepishly, "Um. Sorry. I own a place in Maine that does surf and turf. I'll bet this part of Kansas doesn't get too many live lobsters, do you?"

I grin and laugh, "The local supermarket had some frozen lobster bites a year ago. No, we don't. I thank you for all that you have done here. The place looks amazing. Aren't you worried your wife will hear about you hanging out with all these beautiful women?"

Jim laughs hard at me and then says, "Did you see that security guard out front? That's to make sure I behave. My wife has all the money; I was an accountant for her family. If I ever strayed, I would be homeless. She doesn't worry, she is the love of my life, and no woman will tempt me."

He then smiles bigger, "Besides, she told me to take any woman I wanted while here." Everyone looks at him, stunned. "Yeah, she's like you can have anyone you want. But if you do, I'm taking that doctor." Oh my.

Everyone else, including my parents, laughed hard. Jim didn't think it was funny either. The chef rushes past us and comes back holding large tubs of something. He's placing shrimp skewers on the grill and then opens some tubs of biscuits, pasta salads, and a fruit salad. He had turned over the steaks and dropped a bunch of lobsters in the water.

Everyone sits down at a table. There are six people per table. Cara, Beth, and Jim join my family. Beth and Cara sit at my sides. Dinner was incredible. The biscuits were warm, the pasta salad cold, the lobster perfect. I ended up with a medium steak, as everyone else had already ordered. There was lots of beer to go around for all but my family as we're still on-call for surgeries.

After dinner, we sat in the pool for an hour and played pool volleyball. It seems a good surgeon does not make you a good volleyball player. Those girls played in college. I can't count the number of balls slammed in front of or to my side. They were mean. Then to make it worse, they placed Pearls in front of me and laughed their asses off every time I was distracted and miss a shot.

Jim went back to see his wife while we stayed around playing in the pool. Everyone gave Jim a hug as a way of saying thanks. I tried to tip the chef, and he wouldn't take it.

Finally, Jinny tells me, "Peter, bedtime for you. You have another surgery tomorrow."

I object, "Nobody in that hospital needs surgery tomorrow morning."

Jinny knowingly smiles, "Kansas City has another woman on the way. She'll be here late tonight. After rounds, you will do the operation. Your parents are assisting again. Paul went back to Kansas City today. Sorry. As you probably guessed, the woman needs your procedure."

I yell out, "Goodnight, everyone."

Jim comes back as I'm going inside to get some good sleep.


Beth's point of view:

I smile at Jim, "Back so soon?"

Jim replies, "Helen took a pain pill after dinner and has fallen asleep. I came back for another beer."

Jim gets a beer, then asks, "I see Pearls."

I comment, "Who can't."

Jim smiles, "Is there a Kate here?"

Kate comes over, shakes his hand, and sits in Peter's seat.

A happy Kate says, "I'm Kate. How can I help you? Oh, dinner was awesome. Thank you."

Jim asks, "Peter talked about some training software and that you two were taking his nursing class. I was wondering what you thought?"

Kate isn't too excited, "I'm a two-time loser. Twice I failed to become a nurse. I want to help people, but it's too much to memorize. Peter's course is a series of conversations where the topic is woven into the story. Each story builds on the previous lessons. It's really well done and up to date. Every time I go back, it tells me what's new in the world of nursing. I'm hopeful that I will pass this time.

"However, I see a few significant issues. Problem #1. I did go through a traditional class. A school is still needed. Some things like feeling the stiffness of the skin, the texture of the skin, the heat of skin, and drawing blood can't be done online. Traditional nursing text books, they're worthless. His system is lightyears ahead and far easier to understand.

"Problem #2. No book publisher will allow him to succeed. They will pass legislation preventing online learning or some other bullshit excuse. No way they allow their cash cow to go away. To a lesser extent, the schools want the books because they want to employ more teachers that prove how big they are. Most need the income. Only small private schools would go for that."

Jim is blown away, "WOW, that's impressive insight."

I defend Peter, "Gail and I are taking the OR surgery nursing class. He has us buy two packages of colored pens and some white-out. Surgical instruments come in different sizes. We take off the caps to make a small item. Leave the cap on for medium and add the removed caps to one with cap still on to make it larger.

"We then add white-out and number the pens to easily verify we have the whole set. He has a video, like a game, that calls out instruments and sizes at an increasing rate. It's incredible. With this class, I don't need a physical location other than to simulate a real surgery and do real surgeries."

Gail adds, "I agree with everything. Schools will never go away. They will shift to more practical experiences and less theory."

Peter's mother is excited, "Yes. I can see it now. Fewer classes and more labs. More ... simulated real-world experience. I love that. I have had great nurses that couldn't draw blood worth squat. The physical locations will focus more on that type of training. They won't go away; but they do need to evolve. Peter was passionate about it but wasn't as awesome at explaining his system."

Peter's dad adds, "We didn't really work too hard to ask either. We've had our own issues. We both screwed up and will be retiring soon. Hey, maybe we can work for Peter."

Jim finally gets a word in, "I like the idea. He will need lots of help to get this off the ground. He needs programmers, content updaters, a help desk, servers, network, backups, and a host of other services. I can help with all that. I have enough lawyers that I can cut through any red tape. He saved my wife's life. He's trying to make the world better. How could I not help him?"

Pearls ask, "Had your wife died, you inherited everything, right?"

Jim smiles, "Yes. I would be worth billions. Right now, with my wife, I'm even wealthier. I love my wife. I would have done anything to save her."

He laughs, "I took her to a nurse that nightlights as a resident surgeon in the middle of nowhere. Want to guess what I thought of their first suggestion? I get here and find out that a famous local surgeon is assisting the nurse! I thought they were all mad."

I'm still laughing as I remind him, "Yet, without the procedure that didn't save his own wife, your wife doesn't walk out of here tomorrow. That sounds like a Hollywood movie to me."

Pearls shouts out, "Naaaa, nobody would believe it!"

Kate went inside, came out with her tablet, and showed everyone what one of the cases was like. Everyone is sold now.

Jim doesn't look happy; I inquire, "What's wrong?"

Jim is resistant, but eventually, he says, "We own some software companies. It's not commercial quality. There's no consistent theme, no way to take notes, no bookmarks, no way to change the font or sizes, and many other small things."

He smiles, "It looks like a doctor wrote it. He needs help to polish it off and make it world-class. You see, he is leeding edge. However, as soon as it launches, others will copy him. They must, or he takes over the industry. The trick is to make it so amazing right out of the gate, that competitors have difficulty making it better. Making it harder to compete keeps down the competition. Once my wife is 100%, I will spend some time with our good doctor. I have everything he needs and the desire to help him. I'll get his dream realized one way or the other. In fact, with my backing, that will discourage competition due to my deep pockets. You can strangle a small firm with litigation. That doesn't work with me."

I give him a heartfelt, "Thank you."

Peter came back shortly after, "Jim. Your wife is awake. She's bored and wants to talk. She was willing to talk with me, but I need sleep."

With an amused expression on his face, "Well then, I better get back. I can't have the wife upgrading to a doctor, can I?"

Mom fires back, "I don't think that would be a good health decision. There are many good-looking women here; I mean, look at Pearls."

Jim's curiosity got the best of him, "Did your parents really name you Pearls? That seems odd."

I educate him, "Oh no, Peter did. He mistakenly called her Pearls, we corrected him, and he replied that all her saw was the two of her."

Jim was still laughing as he walked back to his wife.

A blushing, Peter says to Pearls, "Sorry. You ... well, you know."

I stand up and grab Peter's hand, "Come on. I'll help you remove your foot that's lodged in your mouth."

His parents followed along and smiled when they saw me come into the large apartment.

I announce, "Our boy has had a long few days. I'm taking off my t-shirt and shorts and will snuggle up with him. He will sleep like a baby. He's a grown-ass man, so I don't care if you don't like it. Goodnight."

As his mother calls out, I guide Peter to his bed, "Do you need the bra and panties?"

His father laughed as they followed us and then to the guest bedroom.

Peter closed the door, and we started removing our outer clothes.

Nervously, I ask Peter, "Do you find me repulsive?"

He smirks at me, "No. Besides my wife, you are one of the most beautiful women at this hospital."

That strikes me odd, "Just the hospital?"

He laughs at me, "Is there anyplace else in this town?"

Wow. How revealing. His entire life is spent being a nurse and mourning his family.

With a grin on my face, "So then I guess you won't mind me doing this ...."

I drop my bra and then panties on the floor.

He looks at me with a sad face as he gets into bed, "It's still too soon. I can't make love to you like you deserve."

I crawl on top of him on hand and knees, "That's OK. I have needs big boy, STRONG needs. This area has a lot of farmers that are strong and hard-working. Their good men, but they party hard, and they're nowhere near as handsome as you. I'm not asking for love. You're still in love with your wife, and I get that. I just want to make you happy.

Peter smiles, "I thought I was supposed to be resting."

I am an inferno of heat right now with my wild desire. I get to be the first to take on this man. I know he's not ready for a girlfriend, and I suspect others will take him like I am. But dammit, this is going to feel good. His cock is hard and standing at attention. He's smiling like a fool.

As I move forward and mount his pole, I say, "Ooof. You are going to rest. I'm doing all the work. Good luck sleeping for a bit. I know a man like you doesn't cheat on his wife. I haven't had a man for two years, and I'm on the pill. I want to drain those balls of yours and then have you hold me tonight. We will both get a good night's sleep."

Peter inquires, "Should I be doing this? You are my boss. Won't that cause problems?"

I am bouncing on his joystick. It's much bigger than I expected for a man with such delicate hands. He's filling me like no man or toy ever has. I've always preferred men, just not the people they belong to. Peter has it all.

I laugh at him, "Right now, Ray is your boss."

He giggled like a little girl. My legs get tired, so I fall forward and glide up and down his body, impaling his cock in my steamy pussy. Each lance ends in an explosion that is ripping me to shreds. I won't be able to last much longer.

Peter knows his anatomy. His arms are along the bed. They bend at the elbow, going straight up to hold me at my waist. He's holding my body up, so I just thrust in and out of him. I would prefer he place his hands on my chest, but not much I can do while focusing on my impending orgasm. He's also assisting by thrusting his hips into me and away as I pull out.

The end result is a far harsher fucking than I could typically get. This is nearly a rough fucking, and I love it. I could do this all night. I don't expect him to last long. It's been a long time for him and maybe longer if they had not resumed sex after their child was born. He is going to flood my welcoming pussy with his cream.

We thrust, slam, and groan. Thrust, slam, and groan. Over and over, we go. The pleasure is knocking the crap out of me. This is all new. No man has ever made me feel this good. I have tears in my eyes because the feelings are off the charts.

My body betrays me as it can't take it anymore. I let out a final moan of desire as every muscle in my body pulls. I try to strangle his cock as he holds me still. Gently, he lowers my body to his as his cannon shoots his cum into my body. It's so much; I can feel it inside of me. It's so cold compared to my body; I shiver.

Peter rolls me over when he has finished, cock still implanted, and I am against his broad chest. His arm came around like an amusement ride to keep me from moving. Ha, ha, like I want to move. He has me embraced in his arms. I feel his heart racing, and he's as warm as I am now. We need the blanket as the bedroom air is chilly. In a few seconds, we are both asleep.

Chapter 9 -- The Devil

Beth's point of view

The following day, Peter's parents take off for home. They only had a few days' worth of clothes and needed to return. We ate by Pearls, and then the parents took off in a rental car after a long emotional farewell. Tala, Jinny, Kate, and Cara all came to breakfast and saw his parents off.

I like to see every patient every day. With not being as close to the patient, I can see progress or lack of progress better than someone working closely with the patient all day long. I trust my people; it's just a second level of care. Today, I am surprised at how much better Max is. He's always been a great kid and talkative, but it won't be long and he'll be wanting to walk around.

It's been hard on him because he likes Peter, but Peter has had many others taking his patients as he operated or slept.