Mutual Benefits Ch. 12


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"It doesn't make your compliance any less bad," Milo argued back.

"Yeah, well... what can I even do at this point? I'm as bad at changing Taylor's mind as you are. If she pressures me, and I can't do anything to stop it..."

"Pressures?" Milo repeated.

"Poor choice of words. She isn't forcing me against my will, but-"

"Then you have willpower. If you have any say at all, use it. Make it all stop. It's that easy, Quinn."

"It's not that easy and you know that," I replied, finding my power voice.

It came out a bit louder than I wanted, so to prevent further eyes on us, Milo shrugged and went back to his drink. I followed suit, awkwardly looking at 'that thing over there.'

Eventually he spoke again. "I'm not getting anywhere by pussyfooting around, so listen good. You put your foot down, or Joel finds out."

"And how's he going to find out?"

"I'll tell him." Milo's tone was even.

Adrenaline rushed through me. Fear adrenaline, like he already told him. "And who will that help?"

"It's the right thing," he simply replied.

"I don't think it is," I said flatly.

"I don't care," he replied.

I sighed. "How long do I have?"

"Just go and tell hi-"

"Yeah, Milo, if that's your plan, you're not taking into account that I maybe got fucking comfortable talking to people like a month ago. Give me a damn deadline that's not ten seconds."

"Alright, alright, jeez," he replied. "Twenty-four hours."

"So this is the way it is?" I asked.

"It's the way it has to be," Milo reasoned.


God answers all prayers, and on this blessed day he gave unto Lexi some blond boy. I watched the two of them disappear up the stairs and gestured towards her. "She was looking for some guy to have sex with all night," I whispered to Morgan.

Morgan didn't bother to whisper back. "Welcome to Lexi," she replied, taking a sip from her Palm Bay afterwards. "If it has to do with sex, she's interested, either to get some or to hear all about it."

The sun was setting, so those of us who were left moved inside. It wasn't as crowded as the pool party was, but there were still a good twenty-to-thirty people there, and a few of them had broken off to do stuff in other rooms. Three guesses what.

I watched Morgan take another sip. "I thought you said you didn't drink that often," I observed.

She donned a completely serious face. "Is it making you uncomfortable?"

"Oh, no, god no, sorry," I apologized. "I was just noticing. If you're more comfy with it now, go ahead. It doesn't bother me at all. I'm... yeah. I'm sorry."

Morgan's serious look melted into a smirk as she watched me turn pink and blabber. "C'mere," she purred, bringing me into a kiss that, given we were surrounded by people, lasted way longer than I thought it would.

A lot of the guys in the crowd started whooping and hollering to embarrass us, which caused my eyes to open mid-kiss. I saw Morgan was flipping them off, not missing a beat as she kissed me. As soon as the kiss was over, she diverted her attention to the crowd. "Jealous?" she taunted.

I could only chuckle nervously, looking around. This was still new territory, even if I didn't talk to anyone I didn't already know at this party. I looked around to see Taylor and Joel walking off towards another room, and shivered as I thought of Milo's words.

"Did I make you uncomfortable?" Morgan asked, looking at me.

"Huh?" I whipped my head around to face her. "Oh. No. Um, I..." I looked around us. "Something happened, but I can't just say it in a crowd like this."

She nodded. "Let's go to the kitchen."

She pulled me up by my hand and off we went. The kitchen was... was the term 'open concept?' It wasn't a lot more private than the living room we were just in, since we could clearly see it from the kitchen, but if we kept our voices low it would do, since no one else was there.

Morgan started pouring herself a glass of water. "Water's on, go ahead and talk," she whispered.

I nodded. "Earlier, I was talking to Milo. He's fed up with what he thinks he knows. He doesn't like what you, Taylor, and I are doing. He threatened to tell Joel if we don't tell him."

The water started overflowing from the cup. "...What?!" Morgan blurted, giving me a sharp look.

I gave her a nervous nod. She grunted. "Why the fuck does he always have to..." She swiped her cup from the sink, and started looking for Milo. I shut off the water and followed her.

She walked with purpose, so I didn't catch up to her before she found Milo. "Yo. I need a sec with you," Morgan informed him, breaking up his conversation with some girl. He seemed pretty rattled that Morgan would interrupt like that, but accepted the situation and walked off with her.

"Someone stole your girl," some beefy guy built like a tank teased me.

"She'll be back," I replied, thinking I was stating a fact, but the tank guy just politely laughed like I made a quip.

"How'd you snag that one, anyway?" he pressed on. "Ben's been trying like all year, and the best he did was finger her after a game. And she never called him back after that."

"Fuck off," some other guy who had a body like Crash Bandicoot sneered from behind him.

I was too busy trying to get that visual out of my head to respond for the next few seconds. "Um, I wouldn't say I snagged her," I replied. "We just happened to develop feelings for each other, I guess."

Tank guy just stared at me for a few seconds, then rolled his eyes and went back to his group. I guess somehow I said something wrong. Even though I was practically dead center in the room, crowds formed around me. It was sweet of Morgan to invite me here, but it was painfully clear how unlike the others I was. If only I had Kevin's schmoozing ability, I may have at least talked to a few people and got the ball rolling or something.

After a few minutes, Morgan re-emerged, though Milo wasn't in sight. She was clearly pissed. Upon seeing someone I could actually talk to, I briskly walked up to her.

"Hey," I began. "What did he say?"

"He said he's a fucking asshole," Morgan grumpily replied, uncharacteristically mad. Even in a crisis she usually had a calm demeanor to her; this was the first time I saw her this upset. "I need another drink. And we're going soon."

"Is there anything I need to kn-"

"Quinn, if you could not, I'd really appreciate that," she told me, only bothering to stop walking as she spoke to me, continuing to walk away after. Did I do something wrong? Was she mad at Milo, or at me?

Or both...?


Morgan didn't calm down until she got home. I felt a responsibility as her boyfriend to be there and help her calm down, though I let her (and Doug, since he asked) know that I unquestionably had to be home tonight. Even with Mother's speech, I didn't want to bite the hand that fed me.

Luckily, with Morgan, myself, and teenage hormones, calming someone down is easy. It just meant a prolonged session of making out. Even so, it was clear that Morgan was wound tight.

"Y'know, we could have just had a nice fucking time," she complained as I kept kissing her neck. "I don't even just mean at the party. We were stopping, so I don't get what it even helps to threaten to tell him now."

I stopped kissing. "Well, Milo was threatening to tell Joel because he doesn't think we're actually stopping," I pointed out.

"Don't make me pissed at the guy that's kissing my neck," Morgan half-joked, half-threatened. "We'll have to stop and then no one will be kissing my neck."

I cracked a smile. "What a tragedy."

"Right?" Morgan's smile copied my own. "Milo just likes to control stuff. He gets so sure that his version of events is, like, what is definitely going on, and he doesn't like to sit back and wait for shit to get real."

"Can I ask what happened in your conversation that made you so upset?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes. "He gave me the same ultimatum. He told me to tell Joel or he would." She looked to the ground and shook her head. "I don't get it. I was here when Taylor tried to... you know. Do that thing with you. I saw how you reacted."

My cheeks burned crimson.

"That was clear as day. It's as good as done. I..." She stopped mid-sentence, and looked at me. "Wait, no. I'm dumb. You're right here. I'm presuming a lot of things about you while you're right here. I need to leave this up to you." She looked at me expectantly.

"That was a lot," I mumbled.

"Yeah, sorry," she conceded.

"I... do want to cut things off with Taylor," I admitted. "But I need to be aware of myself. I'm bad at telling her no when she wants me. You saw us when you were there, but when she and I are alone..." I stopped, realizing I was about to tell my girlfriend how attractive her friend was.

"She's persuasive, and clearly hot. Tears are out, Quinn, remember?" she reminded me.

It was still weird, but okay. "Right," I conceded. "Well, yeah, that's it. Every time I'm alone, or with you, or even all three of us are together, it's easy to tell her no, or it seems easy, at least. But when she and I are alone... she kind of corners me."

Morgan sighed. "Yeah, that sounds like Taylor," she admitted.

"And it's definitely naive to just say, 'oh, well then, I'll just never hang out with just Taylor again.' That will definitely happen at least once more."

"If you don't want it to, it doesn't have to," Morgan simply said. "Remember, we're really close. I can make sure I'm always there when you're hanging out with Taylor if you need a lifeline."

I smiled at her. "I thought you said the tears were out."

"Well, number one, it's clearly a you thing at this point. If you don't want to do anything with her, but can't resist her, it sounds like I'm doing you a favor," she reasoned. "Number two, it's becoming too complicated. I'm allowed to change my mind. Number three, uh, please don't use my own 'tears are out' thing as a gotcha. It doesn't feel good."

"Okay, sorry," I admitted, and leaned forward and kissed her.

"I can offer you this lifeline, but at the end of the day, this is a choice you're going to have to make for yourself," she softly added.

"I know," I admitted. "I'm going to make an effort. It's just so complicated with the Milo telling Joel thing."

"I'll handle that part," Morgan confidently added. "I can probably get him to back down, especially since this stuff sounds like it's over anyways. Milo is just trying to invent drama. He won't go through with it, I'll make sure of it. I have around eighteen hours after all." We shared a laugh. "Once he sees he's making things worse if he does it, not better, he'll stop. I know how Milo works."

"Okay, I trust you," I replied.

"So, what's the plan?" she asked. "For the night."

"It's up to Doug more than anything, but I can stay for a little while longer," I admitted. "I should get back tonight, but... maybe we can finish what we started last time I was here?"

Morgan smiled a little devilish smile. "And how were you planning to do that?"

I shrugged meekly. "If you wanted to take things to the next level, I would enjoy... y'know..."

"I don't know, Quinn," Morgan replied, keeping up her smile.

I sighed. "Isn't it less sexy if I tell you beforehand?"

"Mm-mmm, sometimes it's more sexy," Morgan disagreed, shaking her head, still smiling..

"W-well, if you wanted to... if you were comfortable taking our relationship to the next level... I'd feel comfo- I'd enjoy... oral... on you?"

Morgan's smile got bigger as she watched me struggle through my sentence. At the end, she pulled me into another kiss, clearly liking what she heard. I kissed back, shyly at first, but finding my passion and power quickly after. Before long, I was the one grinding against her as we made out on her bed, listening to Morgan's little moans and feeling her little squirms as we got more and more into it.

At some point, the both of us knew the time was right. I wanted to make her feel good, and she was all too happy, especially after the stressful day, to receive.

As I got off of her, she blushed. "Is it okay if I keep my shirt on?" she asked.

"Um, of course," I replied. "Why wouldn't it be?"

"I know guys like my breasts, but sometimes I just... get weird about it."

I half-chuckled. "Then absolutely, keep your shirt on. I'm about to pleasure you. The last thing I'd want is for you to feel uncomfortable," I said as if it were obvious.

"Quinn, you don't know how many guys would be upset at what I just said, believe me," she replied.

"It sounds like they didn't respect you very much," I countered.

"It sounds like you've once again discovered why I chose you," she teased.

I blushed and smiled. She smiled back as she hopped off the bed and blushed herself, sliding her pants down her legs.

If I thought seeing my girlfriend's boobs for the first time was a great experience, seeing her pussy was magical. Enchanting. I suddenly couldn't wait to be inside her. Everything, from her slightly puffy lips to her visible wetness to her cute little patch of pubic hair decorating her vagina looked perfect. She shyly stood before me, modeling what I was about to eat.

"You're so beautiful..." I murmured.

She bashfully smiled, and got back on the bed, spreading her legs. "Thanks, Quinn," she quietly said.

No more words were exchanged. They didn't need to be. I approached her, taking in everything about her. Her beauty, her scent, her... vulnerability. I didn't know if it was wrong of me to think this, but something about seeing the confident Morgan, blushing and open and willing to be taken advantage of... it was really sexy.

Remembering what I had been taught before, I went slow. My tongue explored my girlfriend, exploring and licking around the sensitive areas, not willing to dive in just yet. Clearly, Morgan was eager, judging by the way she was already squirming and whimpering. Gently, teasingly, my licks transitioned into kisses. I started kissing along her folds, finding and kissing her lips, then her clit. Each kiss was incredibly gentle, and yet, each time I made contact, I felt her thighs tense up.

Her thighs were so beautiful, toned yet soft. All of her was beautiful. I loved seeing her little clit, beautifully woven into the top of her little slit. I loved the little jumps she made whenever I made contact. I loved the way she deeply moaned and ground her hips into my face the first time I lapped at her slit. Taking this as a sign, I made lapping at her slit my default action, listening to her cooing and whimpering as I did so.

I experimented with using the muscles in my tongue, sometimes making it longer and thinner, sometimes trying to make it wide and flat, just lazily licking up her slit. Morgan seemed to prefer the wide flat tongued approach, and appreciated my efforts. Before long I had gotten into a good groove -- licking up her slit, relaxing my tongue and making it flat and wide, occasionally making the lick longer so it could brush up against her clit.

I could feel her shiver whenever my tongue made contact with her clit. Her little moans and outbursts were helping reinforce the notion of how much she was enjoying it.

"Oh yes, Quinn, just like that, you're so good, oh my god, don't stop, please don't stop..." she begged in a high voice. I certainly wasn't planning to. I kept going, grabbing her hips, enjoying the look on her face whenever I got an opportunity to look up. Her skin was getting hotter again, and she was unable to keep still. Her passion for me was driving her wild. I couldn't wait to actually fuck her.

I was also grateful she preferred my lapping at her slit instead of the more complicated procedures Taylor preferred, since this meant my tongue wasn't cramping. I had no idea how long she lasted, but it was pretty damn evident when she was close to the edge. Her moans got loud -- a little dangerously loud if she didn't want her parents to know what we were up to -- and she was grabbing bunches of her bedsheets and immediately letting go, her arms practically in a blur, her hips grinding into my face, eagerly pushing my tongue against her slit.

And yet, my motions were still gentle. She was the tide pushing into the beach and I was the gentle shore, just lapping and kissing away, occasionally giving her a surprise with a slightly stronger lick that landed on her clit.

"F-finger me too..." she begged. "Please, fuck, please, Quinn. Finger me. One finger will do, don't m-make it too fast..."

I listened intently, and did exactly as she instructed, inserting a finger slowly into her and pumping away as my tongue continued its work on the north end of her slit. When her orgasm came, I could practically feel it rippling through her. It started right where my tongue met her clit, and spread out like a pulse of pure energy, warming and tingling the rest of her body, setting off a chain of fireworks across her whole self.

It was beautiful. The look of pure bliss on Morgan's face was an absolute delight. She was, luckily given the loudness of her moans, a silent orgasmer, and the way her face looked when she came, she could have visited Heaven for all I knew. Her eyes were closed, her mouth stuck in an 'O' shape, her hips moving on their own to milk every drop of pleasure out of the experience, until finally, she came back to Earth. Her body sank down into the mattress, her mouth eventually closed, and her eyes fluttered open.

I gently removed my mouth from her pussy and wiped my face. My handiwork looked back at me -- her pussy was soaking wet, some of her pubic hair was matted with her juices and my saliva, and I could practically see her lips throbbing and pulsing.

I smiled at her, and laid beside her. She smiled back, weakly, and took another thirty seconds to fully recover before she kissed me passionately.

She immediately pulled back from the kiss with a look on her face. She smacked her lips a few times. "...Huh," she replied. "...Okay, not as bad as I thought."

"Hey, I liked it, but maybe I'm biased," I joked.

She grinned and kissed me again, this time moving past the initial taste, and we enjoyed each other in her post-orgasmic bliss.

"You'd better be ready for the blowjob of your life," Morgan panted after our lips parted, giving me an almost manic smile. "Because holy shit, you earned it."

I smiled back, hesitating when I felt my pocket vibrate. It vibrated a few times while I was eating Morgan out, but obviously, a guy that pauses eating his girlfriend out to answer a text message doesn't have a girlfriend for very long. Now that we were transitioning, I was willing to take a look at what I had missed on my phone.

Four missed calls, seven text messages. All from Taylor. I didn't know whether to smirk or grimace. "Taylor," I simply told Morgan, showing her the history. "Like I said, really hard to say no to."

She chuckled slightly. "Hurry up and answer her," she replied. "I'm sure you would gladly say no to her for this."

I chuckled back, opening up my text messages. As I read them, my smile swiftly disappeared, quickly replaced by a look of worry, then outright fear. I felt the color drain from my face.

Morgan caught on immediately. "What is it?" she asked, most of the humor gone from her voice too.

I scanned the messages one final time to confirm to myself, then looked at Morgan with urgency. "Milo didn't wait. He's told Joel everything."

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

A transgender cunt.

Who would have thought?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm coming back everyday just to check for the next part. Drop it asap my man

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thats the best erotic story I've ever heard. Really gentle and subtle "not going straight to the buisness" plot that really stimulates imagination. Characters are believable and intelligent and they relations are healthy and realistic. Cant wait for the rest. Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thats the best erotic story I've ever heard. Really gentle and subtle "not going straight to the buisness" plot that really stimulates imagination. Characters are believable and intelligent and they relations are healthy and realistic. Cant wait for the rest. Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Can I follow you on gram or something please???

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fantastic story. Very well balanced of storyline and eroticism.

Hopefully the next chapter will be soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I really hate having to wait for the next installment! Awesome story so far!

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikeyover 2 years ago

Damn!......another good one. I am hooked.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Excellent story so far. Like a good book I couldn't stop reading. Can't wait to find out what happens next!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The pace in the story is getting better. I still find it hard to sympathise with Quinn. He's not my kind of character. All the self-pitying is annoying, while everybody cares about him. Awkward en weird. I wonder where this goes, though. He could even turn out to become a cuck. Who knows.

waratahwaratahover 2 years ago

This is top shelf erotic soap romance. Loving it.

Your dialogue is spot on.

Looking forward to rest of the story.

BloodangelzBloodangelzover 2 years ago

Taylor always messing with Quinn’s pleasure but boy I can’t wait. Love the story and keep them coming. If we don’t get another this year, have a good New Years ( but I want more sooner rather then later)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I dropped into this segment first, but it didn’t take long to catch up pretty well.

I like your style and pacing. Your editor does an excellent job, no distractions.

You have a excellent grasp on human emotions and interactions.



Whiter59Whiter59over 2 years ago

Five star is all the way. The store just keeps getting better and better

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