My Aunt's Best Friend


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I'm honestly not sure how many more she had before she quietly asked me to stop. Removing my fingers, I sucked those clean before I carefully lifted myself up to rest next to Nancy. She immediately rolled onto her side and cuddled into my side, leaning up to give me a soft kiss.

"You taste like my pussy," she said with a giggle.

"And what a pussy it is," I replied.

"You've worn me out, John. I don't even orgasm that often when I masturbate. I usually just have one or two pleasant climaxes then go to sleep."

"We can go to sleep if you want. We have all weekend together."

It was a long weekend of oral sex. What Nancy learned very quickly is that I enjoyed going down on her as much as she enjoyed going down on me. We did go out on both days over the weekend. Dinner and drinks on Saturday night, ending up somewhere that played slow music that we could dance to for a few hours. And lunch on Sunday broke up a day otherwise filled with plenty of fun that kept us naked most of the time.

By the time we were snuggled up in bed on Sunday night, I knew my feelings for her were even deeper. Despite the age gap, we just seemed to suit each other so well. I knew I was young and horny, but to be honest, Nancy was just older and just as horny. She had no problem taking control and just sucking my dick whenever she wanted. And when I had the urge to pleasure her, I'd sit her down on the couch, spread her legs, make her cum then happily go about my day.

I knew she wanted to take things slow. We only met up on Sunday the next weekend as she already had things planned with friends, and it was an opportunity for me to spend time with my own. I was now on the verge of completing school and my exams were coming up. That's when she visited me during the week and told me that she didn't want me distracted with the most important couple of weeks on the horizon.

"When you've finished your exams, we'll make love," she told me, "But I want you to focus on your studies for now."

"Can you still come over for dinner?"

"I'll be over a couple of nights a week, sweetie. And I'll do something for you every so often to help take the edge off. But you understand why I'm doing this?"

"Yeah, I do," I stated, trying not to sound too sullen about it.

She hugged me tightly, leaning up to kiss me softly. "I love you, sweetie. I'm only doing this because I care. I want you to get the best marks possible and get into the university course you want." Then she leaned back and took my hands in hers. "And during your time at university, maybe you'd like to spend a lot more time over at my place?"

"Yeah? Really?" I asked, unable to stop the smile.

"I'm not sure about moving in with me full-time just yet but... I'd love you to be with me a lot more." She paused and added, "I know you'll have at least a couple of months off between your exams and then starting university. Are you planning on working?"

"Yep. Already have a job organised with a firm that I'm hoping I might get a job with once I graduate."

"Then you can live with me until you head off to university. I'll just talk to Cassandra, but you are an adult and everything."

"I don't think she'd mind. She'll miss me terribly though."

"That's why we'll come over for dinner often. And also visit your mother too."

Although I didn't see Nancy as often, she messaged me constantly and we still talked every night. But with classes over, I spent each day studying like crazy as I knew I had to get the best marks possible to get into the courses I wanted to complete. It was Nancy who eventually gave in and came to visit me a week before my first exam. Aware that I was probably stressed, she took me out for dinner and drinks before she spent the night with me at home. Cassandra didn't mind. Nor did I once Nancy spent most of the night getting me off as often as possible.

We also enjoyed our first sixty-nine that night which was a hell of a lot of fun.

Walking out of my final exam a couple of weeks later, I wasn't surprised to see Nancy waiting for me. Greeting each other with a passionate kiss, she told me that we would head home, I would pack a bag, and I would be staying with her for a few nights.

"First, though, we're heading out for dinner tonight. Me and you. Mum and Mama. And some of our friends. Just you and a bunch of mature women for the evening," she told me once we were in the car.

"And tonight?" I wondered.

"Don't drink too much as I won't be drinking at all," she replied, taking my hand in hers, "I've missed you these past two weeks, John. And I really need to be... We need to make love."

It was still late afternoon by the time we arrived back at her place. As soon as we were inside, I dragged her to the bedroom, practically tore off her clothes and devoured her once she was lying back on the bed. I had her practically screaming at one point as my tongue and fingers were relentless. I'd missed her body and her taste, and when she gripped my hair and held me in place, almost forcing her pussy into my mouth, I gazed up into her eyes and smiled as it was just what I wanted.

Then we snuggled as she needed a little nap as I'd worn her out.

I'd been confident walking out of the hall at the end of my final exam. Cassandra and Mum insisted that dinner was a celebration. Perhaps slightly premature, but it was also a celebration of the end of my school career and the next step in my life. Then I turned to Nancy and suggested that she be my date to my end-of-school formal.

She looked thoughtful for a few seconds before smiling. "I'll be the same age as some of the teachers," she said, "But I'd love to be your date. It'll certainly provide plenty of comments."

"Would you care?"


"Neither would I. It'll be a fun night."

We arrived home in the early evening as Nancy was ever so eager to get home. I think Cassandra, Mum and all their friends figured out rather quickly why we were so eager to leave. Cassandra hugged me tightly and whispered for me to enjoy the moment. Mum then hugged me and told me to show Nancy all the love I clearly had for her.

It was only when we were in her bedroom again and naked that I felt another onset of nerves. Although we'd been having fun for a couple of months by now, making love was something else entirely. Nancy could always sense my nerves and was still delighted that I was sometimes a little awkward. Taking a hand in hers, she held it to her chest.

"You know I love you, John," she said softly, "The most important question is do you want this?"

"Yes. It's just... I'm sure every other guy has nerves before the big moment. I just don't want to disappoint you."

"Never going to happen, John," she assured me, "We both want this. And once we've made love, that'll be it for me. I know I'm going to want this to last a lot longer."

"Really?" I asked softly.

"I know you're still so much younger than I am, but you have a wise head on young shoulders."

She happily got me off first, aware that if she didn't, I would probably cum within a minute when making love for the first time. I was eager to go down on her as always though she only had a couple of orgasms before she was gently pushing my head back away from her pussy. Kissing up her body, we shared a passionate kiss before our eyes met, feeling the head of my cock rub against her wet pussy.

"Are you ready, sweetie?" she asked softly.

"God yes. Been thinking about this for a long time."

She gasped as the head of my cock slowly slipped inside her, savouring how wet, hot and tight her pussy was as her fingers caressed my back, sharing a light kiss as I slowly sank the rest of my cock inside her. I'd obviously never felt anything like it, unable to stop the groan. Nancy whimpered once I was buried, her face lighting up after we both looked down to see my cock was now buried inside her.

It took me a little time to establish a rhythm that suited us both. Nancy was patient and happy to give advice as always, but once we were moving in unison together, her hips meeting each and every thrust, it didn't take long until I was feeling waves of pleasure coursing through my body. Nancy was moaning all the time, and it left me feeling that she was enjoying herself just as much.

"Such a lovely cock," she cooed, "It feels so good inside me."

"I can't believe it," I murmured, "I mean I can..."

Her fingers continued to caress my back as I upped the tempo of my thrusts as I knew I was going to cum soon. She seemed to sense that and moved her hips eagerly, and I knew she was doing that to get as much pressure on her clit and to ensure my cock was touching the right places inside her. But I couldn't hold back my orgasm forever and she knew that.

"Cum inside me, sweetie," she whispered, "I want you to cum inside me. It's your pussy now, sweetie. I'm yours. Totally yours."

"I love you," I grunted.

"I know you do, sweetie. I love you too. Now cum in me."

I buried my cock and simply allowed myself to release, feeling her legs wrap around me to hold me in place as I could feel my cock pulsing with each spurt of cum. I felt her lips on my cheek as I rested my head next to hers on the pillow, her fingers continuing to caress my back at the same time.

"That's it, sweetie. I love feeling you cum in me already," she whispered.

"You didn't cum," I whispered back.

I heard her chuckle as she tightened her legs around my hips. "I don't always cum in this position, sweetie. A lot of women don't. What I do know is that I cum when riding, and when I ride your big cock, I'm going to cum so hard." My cock throbbed at the thought, making her giggle. "Like that thought, baby, of me riding your big cock and watching me cum ever so hard."

"You're so naughty," I stated, lifting my head to meet her eyes, "I just want to make sure, you know, you enjoy it as much as me."

"We're making love, sweetie," she said softly, "I'll always enjoy it, no matter what. You show you love me by going down on me. You show you love me by caring about my orgasm. You show you love me by being with me like this."

She loved riding me a little later, and she did enjoy more than one orgasm while bouncing and grinding on my cock. I got to enjoy another orgasm before she snuggled on top of me, her head resting against my chest, but it wasn't the end as we eventually rolled over and continued making love until I enjoyed another climax. That was enough for me, at least for the time being.

"Good thing I'm on birth control," she murmured once snuggled against me.

We made love again in the morning, had a shower together where we fooled around before we enjoyed breakfast together. Sitting together on the couch with a coffee, she turned to me and the conversation turned serious.

"I mentioned birth control because I didn't want you to wear a condom with me, John," she explained, "You were a virgin, and although I hadn't had sex in over eighteen months, I still went and got myself tested, just to make sure, as some things can remain dormant. I wouldn't have had sex with you if I wasn't given the all-clear."

"I know all about disease," I replied with a smile, "I'm just glad they don't force the abstinence bollocks they do in other parts of the world. Young people want to have sex, so just educate them on birth control and contraceptives. The only reason I didn't mention a condom last night is that I saw your birth control pills in the bathroom."

"And I would have asked you to wear one if I wasn't. But I am glad you're educated. The reason I mention birth control is that it isn't one hundred..."

I took her hand and kissed her cheek. "Nothing is perfect. And if it happens, I'll never leave you, Nancy."

She nearly started to cry, and I wasn't really surprised that she ended up straddling my lap, needing a very long snuggle with me. "I think this is getting serious, John," she whispered, "You're not even in your twenties yet, but..."

"Mum said if you were my one and only..."

"You really have no desire to sow some wild oats?"

"You were always my dream girl, Nancy."

She sighed happily and whispered, "Okay. I think we need to take you home so you can pack some things. I want you to stay with me during the summer. And if we get used to living together, maybe we could see how things would work on a more permanent basis."

"Can you afford to have me here too?"

That question made her chuckle. "Consider yourself a kept man going forward, John. Yes, I can easily afford you living here. When you start working over the summer, just treat your girlfriend to a date or two every week. I love flowers. I love chocolate." She leaned back and smiled at me. "And just show how much you love me each and every day."

I promised that I would probably do that for the rest of my life.



Gazing at my husband, I felt the smile form as his laughter echoed around the backyard of our home. Now in his early thirties, he'd simply developed into the wonderful man I always knew he would be. Handsome. Caring. Loving. Passionate. Intelligent. Driven. From the day he moved in with me over that summer, he never left. We knew within days that we genuinely belonged together, and it didn't take long for us to fall completely in love with each other.

He was in his first year at university when I fell pregnant. It was a complete accident, but there was never any suggestion that I have an abortion. I wanted to be a mother, and although it was perhaps earlier than imagined, he wanted children too. When we discovered that I would be having twin girls, it was the first time that I ever saw John cry. True tears of joy as he rested his hand on my tummy, knowing his daughters were growing bigger with each passing day.

As he was still studying, and I would only get twelve months of maternity leave, we needed to figure things out rather quickly. And that's when the family pulled together. His mother moved in with Cassandra, both women taking time off to help care for our daughters once I was back at work. His mother eventually switched to part-time work once our daughters were old enough to be left in her care. I think we both realised that looking after her granddaughters was almost a 'do over'.

Despite precautions, I fell pregnant again two years after giving birth to our daughters, this time giving birth to our son. Within a month after giving birth, John went and had a vasectomy as we agreed that being in my early forties, it was time to focus on raising our children, focus on his new career, and focus on my continuing career.

I'm now in my early fifties. I never have to wonder about the future. Not after John proposed to me while he was still nineteen, insisting that he wanted to spend his life with me. I explained what our future might be like at certain points, but he insisted he didn't care. He was in love with me and that's all that mattered to him.

We married a month after he turned twenty.

His mother is still very much a part of our lives. She's still single, still living with Cassandra. She dotes on her three grandchildren, and her relationship with John is now as strong as it has ever been. Cassandra is still 'Mama', and John still loves her with every fibre of his being. She's also remained single, the spinster sisters spending all their free time either together as a pair, or with their friends. I've always felt the scars they both carried were deep and perhaps incapable of fully healing.

Our children are growing up fast. John loves his family wholeheartedly. There is nothing he wouldn't do for his wife, his children, his Mum and his Mama. He has friends and outside interests, but I know there is nothing more he loves than arriving home after a long day at work to be greeted by his loving wife and three adorable children.

And I guess I need to mention our sex life. It's still fantastic. My libido was already high and took off in my early forties. John matched me completely, and for those first ten years of our relationship, the sex was honestly out of this world. Even as I hit fifty, I barely slowed down though the fact menopause is looming quickly does concern me slightly.

Snuggling against my husband in bed that evening, I knew he still found me as sexy today as he did the first time he saw me naked. I still love wearing sexy things for my husband. Pregnancy changed my body, but he still runs his hands mouth and tongue everywhere. We don't make love every night anymore, but I promised myself to never be a wife who'll constantly reject my husband. Frankly, I love sex too much for that.

"Mum has offered to take the kids this weekend," he murmured, "Want to get away for a couple of nights?"


"Somewhere with a beach so I can see my sexy wife in a two-piece. Or a bikini if you're feeling sexy enough."

"And what else?"

"Well... With no kids to interrupt us..."

I lifted my head to gaze into his eyes. "I guess it has been quite a while since we had a couple of nights to ourselves. At least there are no more sleepless nights."

"Though we could have one of those if you really want," he stated with humour.

"I might take you up on that."

He fell asleep before me as I knew how hard he worked to support his family. Caressing his chest with my fingers, I whispered how much I loved him before I closed my eyes and snuggled against him tighter. Even as he slept, I felt his arm wrap around me tighter.

What would always make me smile is that I know that I'll always be his one and only.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

That was an incredibly sexy a d loving story. I love happy endings as we!!. Great job!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Very touching, so sexy, and their long learning relationship makes me envious.

SexySenior56SexySenior56about 2 months ago

This was a nice, but not great story. The characters had depth, but they weren't developed up to the standard you used in some of your other stories, and the ending was very predictable. So little was made of the age gap, I think the story may have been more appropriate to 'romance' than mature. Still, an easy read with an 'Awwww' ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Excellent, recommended

There was a small oddity about predestination, surety, about Nancy and our hero, but if they pair-bond (which is presented), and work at loving each other and staying in tune with each other, only one lover in a lifetime is fine for either partner.

Our hero was certainly well-trained to pay attention to women, and appreciate mature women, in his upbringing... that context may be why I wondered if another category might leak in....

Five for you

shadrachtshadrachtabout 2 months ago

What a lovely romance. The characters felt realistic and like people you'd actually meet and like. 5*

Lee2012Lee2012about 2 months ago

And as the Sun slowly sinks into the West…. Who says erotica doesn’t end with romantic sentences, hell even a couple of paragraphs. Well written, superb transitioning and again, outfreakingstanding (yep, a long squiggly red line under that 🤷‍♂️)

line finish. 5⭐️

AardieAardieabout 2 months ago

Curious to see how it's going when he's in his forties and she's in her sixties.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

super tale! Perfect!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Life's many lives that can turn into a "Happy Ending's

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