My Baby


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Finishing up the mowing, I cleaned out the gardens both front and back, trimmed the hedges, and finally returned to my shed to grab my tools, knowing I had a couple of small jobs to do around the house. By the time I returned to my daughter, it was after midday, and she was half-asleep.

"Hungry, sweetheart?" I asked, crouching down next to her.

"Definitely hungry for something, Daddy," she replied.

"I mean food. I'm going to take a dip in the pool then prepare some lunch."

"I'll watch you. I'm enjoying all this fabulous sun."

I swam for around ten minutes to cool off before my daughter followed me inside. We didn't make anything more difficult than a couple of sandwiches, sitting outside on the decking. With no sign of the wife, and all the work I wanted complete, I headed inside to the living room to relax. Olivia joined me within half an hour, cuddling into my side as we watched an afternoon game of footy. She wasn't a particularly big fan, but she'd always watch with me to simply be around me.

There was still no sign of the wife as I ordered in dinner. As she hadn't called or messaged to let us know where and what she was doing, I only ordered for my daughter and myself. It was only at around 10pm that she walked in the door. I glanced her way with a smirk and returned my eyes to the television, Olivia still cuddled into me.

"Going to ask where I was all day?" she asked.

"I would suggest you were off fucking your boyfriend, but to be brutally honest, Erin, I don't really fucking care where you were. What I do know is that today has been incredibly peaceful."

Sitting on the armchair, she placed her handbag down and looked at us. "You really mean that, don't you?"

"Yes. Erin, you've made your feelings perfectly clear to our daughter and to me. If you want a divorce, just tell me and you can move out." Looking at her, I added, "That isn't a threat and it's not an ultimatum. But you won't talk to me about what your problem is, and I'm at the end of my tether. You decide what you want to do and just tell me."

The atmosphere around the house was so frosty the next morning, I had to get out, Olivia followed me as I got in my car and I drove us around for a few hours, eventually stopping for an ice cream. Neither of us said too much as I knew it was now a waiting game. Either my wife would finally open up about whatever her problem was, or she'd just walk away.

Returning home later afternoon, she was curled up on one of the armchairs, nursing a glass of wine, a half-empty bottle next to her. Looking up at us, her eyes were completely devoid of any emotion. She wasn't drunk, but it didn't look like she'd sat there angry, upset, or really anything.

"Hungry?" I asked, "I'll start dinner."

"Sure," she replied, looking away back at the television. With a sigh, I walked into the kitchen as my daughter wandered off to her room.

For the next week, my wife and I were similar to ships passing in the night. As for Olivia, she seemed to spend all her free time with me. Sure, she was on the phone constantly with her friends, but she was content snuggling up against me on the couch every night.

"What are you doing this weekend?" I asked Erin over dinner on Friday. I'd bought dinner on the way home.

"Why do you want to know?"

"I'm merely asking a question, Erin. I'm not interrogating you. I'm not going to make assumptions or make any accusations. It was a simple question."

"I haven't decided yet."

"Any chance we could actually sit down and talk about things?" I had no idea why I was offering an olive branch. I could see my daughter looking at me in surprise. In my mind, this was the last time it would be offered.

"There's nothing to talk about, Andrew. And if there are issues, I don't want to talk about them."

Olivia slammed her fist on the table. "Fucking hell, Mum. Daddy is throwing you a bone here, trying to save your dead-on-arrival marriage, and you don't even want to meet him halfway?"

"Why not?" I asked, unable to hold back my exasperation. It was time to end this charade, once and for all. "I want to ask what I've done wrong, but quite frankly, I don't think I've done anything wrong to earn this ire you have against me. I've been an attentive and loving husband, and I've done a bloody good job raising our daughter, worked hard to provide a house and a home for my family, and this is the thanks I'm getting from you."

She stood up and walked away from the table without a word. My daughter glared at me for a few seconds before her face softened as I think her young mind understood what I was trying to do and what just happened. "I'm sorry, Daddy," she whispered, taking my hand in hers.

There was no sign of her that night and I wasn't going to go looking for her. I did hear my daughter masturbating as usual. This time, I knocked on her door, hearing her giggle as I opened the door. Thankfully, she closed her legs though she was stark naked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Having fun, sweetie?"

"Always, Daddy," she replied, sounding a little out of breath. Leaning down to kiss her, she didn't turn her cheek, and figuring I wasn't going to make an issue, I left a soft kiss on her lips. She smiled as I lifted my head and watched her face light up. "Kiss me again, Daddy," she whispered.

It wasn't a particularly appropriate kiss, barely lasting a couple of seconds, before I lifted my lips to kiss her forehead. "Enjoy yourself, Olivia," I whispered, "My little girl is all grown up."

"Are you sure you don't want to stay and watch, Daddy?"

"There's that part of me that thinks... I'd love nothing more than to see my little girl as the beautiful young woman she now is. But I'm still married, and I don't know if your mother is cheating on me. And the biggest thing is that I am your father."

"That's just what makes it so hot, Daddy," she whispered.

Returning to the master bedroom, I wasn't that surprised there was no sign of my wife. Tempted to walk to the guest room, I was lying back and eventually sighed, getting out of bed and walking to the bedroom door. Knocking lightly, she opened it and, for the first time I could remember, she looked visibly emotional.

"I'm going to sleep in here tonight," she said softly.

Sighing, I shook my head, not sure what to say. Even if we slept in the same bed, it wouldn't change anything. Even though our marriage seemed practically dead, I was still used to her presence in bed with me. "You can change your mind anytime you want, Erin."

"I'll be fine in here, Andrew."

Nodding at her statement, I turned and walked back to the master bedroom, getting into bed and falling asleep rather quickly. The surprise the next morning was waking up and finding Erin already dressed at the kitchen table, nursing a cup of coffee. She raised her eyes to mine as I made a drink of my own.

"Are you going out today?" she asked.

"I don't have any plans. I'll see if Olivia wants to do something."

She sipped at her cup, noticing she was fidgeting far more than usual. "Can you go wake her up and meet me in the living room?"

I already knew what was coming. With nothing but a nod, I wandered down to my daughter's bedroom. Opening the door, she was covered by a sheet though I knew she was likely naked underneath. Running my fingers through her hair, her eyes slowly opened before her face lit up. "Morning, Daddy," she whispered.

"Morning, sweetheart. Your mother wants to talk to us. You'd better get up and dressed."

I waited as she rolled out of bed, Olivia not proving shy at all as she slid into a pair of panties before sliding on a vest top. I didn't miss the fact her nipples were hard. She knew I'd noticed and smiled at me. Taking her hand, I led her towards the living room, sitting side by side on the couch. I knew it was happening when I heard the rolling of suitcase wheels on the floor, and my wife appeared through the doorway.

The fact she looked quite upset surprised me. I didn't say anything, Olivia simply gripped my hand tighter and shuffled closer towards me.

"I need to go, Andrew," Erin said softly, "I need to get out of here. I've had enough of all this. I've done my job regarding our daughter, and although I love you, Andrew, I can't stand being in this marriage, in this house, surrounded by all this bullshit any longer. I'm moving in with my sister until I find a place of my own. When the time is right, you can apply for a divorce. I won't fight you on it nor request anything from you."

She didn't say anything as I stared at her in silence for at least half a minute. "Why?" I finally asked.

"I haven't met anyone, Andrew. I know neither of you believe me, but I've been faithful to you since the day we agreed we were exclusive, and I've never strayed during our marriage. But I can't do this anymore. I just need to go."

"Have you considered going in for therapy? Something isn't right with you, Erin. I've known that for months."

"I'll be happier living with my sister for the time being."

"If you go, Erin, I'm not having you back. You're walking out on your family here."

"I understand, Andrew, but I need to do this for my own peace of mind."

And with those words, she rolled her suitcases towards the front door. I got up and opened it for her, following her out to her car. Helping her place the suitcases into the boot of her car, I wasn't expecting her to break down crying. I didn't know whether to hug her or not, but when she turned and I saw the agony on her face, I held her to my chest until she calmed down. There was no apology nor explanation for her tears, but once she'd calmed down, she let me go and got into her car. Watching her reverse and then drive away, I was having trouble finding any sadness about the end of my marriage.

I'll be honest. It was a relief that it was finally over.

Heading back inside, I picked up my phone and called her sister. She confirmed Erin would be moving in, but when probing her about what was going on, even her sister seemed clueless. Funnily enough, she was friendly to me and didn't seem to blame me for anything. "Look after her, Claire," I stated, "She's clearly suffering from something but won't talk to me about it."

"I'll look after her, Andrew. I wouldn't expect her back. She was pretty adamant that your marriage was over."

"That's fine. She pretty much told me the same thing." I paused before asking, "Claire, is there someone else?"

"If there is, Andrew, she hasn't told me. I've always liked you, so if I learn anything, I'll be sure to let you know. You deserve that much."

"Thanks, Claire."

Hanging up, I grabbed myself a beer from the fridge, despite the early hour, and parked myself on the couch again, Olivia immediately cuddling into me as I sighed to myself. Neither of us said anything for at least an hour before I sighed, running a hand down my face. Getting to my feet, I knew Olivia was following me as I walked around the house, looking for signs of what Erin had taken with her. All her clothes were gone, as was her jewellery. Surprisingly, she had taken a photo or two with her, one being our wedding photo.

The first thing I did on Monday was visit my lawyer to get a separation agreement sorted. For those who are not aware, it is a legally binding document in New South Wales that describes how assets, property and finances are divided as I prepare to initiate a divorce when the time comes. As Olivia was eighteen, there wouldn't be any child support or custody arrangement. That would make our inevitable divorce much quicker.

Basically, I wanted our lives separated immediately, my lawyer stated that the paperwork would be sent off to her as soon as it was prepared, and they'd let me know when Erin had signed and returned it. Once she had, we'd have to be separated a year before I could apply for divorce. Thankfully, it could all be done online nowadays. No real need for any lawyers if we came to our own agreement.

I didn't feel any happier about the fact my marriage was over, but I had been preparing myself for the inevitable. I didn't think she'd actually just up and walk out on us, I thought we would have discussed a possible separation, maybe actually get her to agree to counselling.

Olivia was a constant presence when I was home, always sitting with me when I was relaxing, and the traditional 11pm goodnight continued as if nothing had changed. She scaled back on being naughty for the first few nights, but I changed things by getting onto the bed and cuddling her, Olivia loved to snuggle into me for a few minutes.

That Friday, I arrived home from work to find my daughter already dressed up. "I got home early because I'm taking you out, Daddy," she told me, "Go have a shower and get ready. Taxi will be here in half an hour."

Quickly hugging her, I left a soft kiss on her lips. "Lawyer called me today. Erin actually hand-delivered the separation agreement to the office. Signed it off as she agreed when she left. The only thing she wants to keep is her own bank account and her superannuation. I didn't want any of her money anyway."

"Does that mean divorce is inevitable, Daddy?"

"Yes, sweetie. The separation agreement is signed and usually the first legal document on the way to divorce. I warned her I wasn't going to take her back. I haven't been happy in over a year. There was no apology when she left."

Getting showered and changed didn't take too long, Olivia getting to her feet and cuddling me when I appeared. "Oooh, handsome daddy," she stated, standing on her tiptoes, feeling her nose at my neck, "And very nice aftershave too."

"Where are we going?"

"I'm treating my daddy to a nice meal then we're going for dancing and drinks. And when we get home, I'm going to get naked and sleep in my daddy's bed for the first time."

I gave her a look, and as she gazed back at me, I couldn't stop the smile that formed. "Never going to give up, are you?"

"Not until you finally admit you want to be with me too, Daddy."

Caressing her cheek, her eyes closed but her face lit up as I leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Well, now that I'm legally separated, and divorce is inevitable, it's a case of whether I want to move on before it's official or not."

"I'm your daughter, Daddy. And as she's left you and made it perfectly clear that she wants a divorce, then I think it's perfectly fine for you to move on."

She'd selected a restaurant nearby that served fantastic steaks. Conversation flowed easily, avoiding the topic of my soon-to-be ex-wife. Heading to a different bar this time, we spent most of our time on the dancefloor, my daughter moulded into my body the entire time. The perfume she wore was of a scent she knew I loved. When one of my hands moved down to cup her arse, she lifted her eyes to mine.

"Naughty, Daddy," she whispered.

Leaving a soft kiss on her lips had her smiling even more. We only had a couple of drinks as were focused on dancing. By the time it hit midnight, she was ready to go home. Walking in the front door, we did enjoy a nightcap, pouring us each a glass of scotch as she took off her dress, cuddling next to me in just her lingerie.

"Go get your things, sweetie," I said once our glasses were empty.

"You mean that, Daddy?"

"You're only sleeping with me, but I've spent half of my life with someone in bed next to me. And I want my daughter next to me in bed." I met her eyes and ensured I looked serious. "Just to sleep, Olivia," I warned.

"For now, Daddy," she said, kissing me on the cheek, "Can I sleep naked?"

Sighing, I knew I'd give into the inevitable eventually, and there was a large part of me that did enjoy her teasing and flirting. She was young but so sexually self-confident, and I'd rather she was like that with me than some moronic young man at her university.

"I'd rather you were naked, sweetie."

"You mean that, Daddy?"

"You're beautiful, Olivia. And I don't need to lie to myself any longer. Every time I heard you masturbate and moan 'Daddy', you won't believe how much it turned me on."

Heading to my bedroom, I stripped down to my underwear and waited on top of the sheets, waiting for Olivia to return. She walked through the doorway wearing just her robe, sliding it off to reveal her lithe naked form. She knew my eyes lit up as she smiled at me, joining me on the bed as I turned onto my side to face her. Resting my hand on her hip, she shivered slightly as I knew, despite the outward confidence, she would also be nervous about making big steps.

Pulling her close, she wrapped her arms around me. "Finally got you, Daddy," she whispered, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, sweetie. It was never your fault."

"Can I masturbate before going to sleep, Daddy? I'm really horny."

"Of course you can, sweetie, and I'm going to watch."

"Will you join me, Daddy?"

"Not this time. I'm not ready to get naked with you just yet." Looking her up and down, I added, "New rule of the house is that you can be naked whenever you want."

"I'm going to take advantage of that rule, Daddy."

Watching Olivia masturbate was one of the sexiest things I'd ever seen. She moaned 'Daddy' every so often, but the moans and whimpers she released while fondling her pussy, clutching and squeezing her breasts and nipples, before she had two fingers buried deep in her pussy, her other hand manipulating her clit. When she enjoyed an orgasm, she cried out loudly.

"Another one, Daddy?" she whimpered.

"Go for as long as you want, sweetie."

"Hold me," she whispered, "Just hold me while I'm getting off."

Shuffling closer, I wrapped an arm around her as she slowed her movements down, turning her head and kissing me softly on the lips. Otherwise, she gazed into my eyes with nothing but love. I was aware that my daughter was in love with me. And part of me knew she was waiting for Erin to walk out on us. I won't say she was hoping it would happen, but she hadn't been blind to the deterioration of our relationship.

Kissing me again, I pulled her closer and slipped my tongue into her mouth for the first time. She whimpered and I felt her body shake as she enjoyed another orgasm, continuing our kiss as she stopped masturbating and wrapped her arms around me, resting a leg over mine and pressing her pussy against the tent in my underwear.

"Daddy's hard," she whispered upon breaking the kiss, "And you're a good kisser."

"How many boys..."

"None, Daddy. Only girls." Raising my eyebrows, she started to giggle. "We practised a lot."

Getting into bed, I laid on my back as always, wrapping an arm around Olivia as she snuggled into my side. She ran her fingers up and down my chest before she moved further down, first towards my navel, then further down. I gave her a look as her fingers eventually reached my underwear. She kissed my cheek before returning her hand to my chest, snuggling tighter.

"Goodnight, Daddy," she whispered.

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

Waking the next morning, Olivia was spooned against me, one of my hands cupping her breasts, my cock hard and poking her in the back. She was still fast asleep, and I knew I'd wake her if I moved too much, so I cuddled into her a little more.

"Daddy," she murmured, figuring she might have woken for a moment.

Kissing her cheek, she giggled. "Morning, sweetheart. Are you okay?"

Rolling over to face me, she cuddled into my body, resting her head against my chest. "Best morning ever!"

Chuckling to myself, I kissed the top of her head. "One of your fantasies come true?"

"Daddy, I have so many fantasies about you, it will take months to get through them all." Lifting her head to kiss me softly on the lips, she whispered, "But all I really want is to make love with you."

Getting up for the day, we made breakfast together, with plenty of soft touches and kisses being exchanged. It was meant to be a warm day, suggesting we spend the day out by the pool, and if she wanted, she could even invite a couple of friends around. To say she was on the phone immediately isn't an understatement, begging me to take us shopping so we could collect things we'd need. I knew it also meant booze, and I'd be paying for everything, but I didn't mind at all. While strolling around, she was constantly holding my hand, or had both her arms wrapped around mine. More than one woman smiled in our direction, hopefully just noticing a young woman very much loving the time spent with her father.