My Baseball Buddy Ch. 06


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Finally, he took my dick into his mouth and fucking inhaled me... so fast, so deep, and so hard that he immediately started off cough-gagging, and spat me out. He gave himself just the barest of pauses, and went down even harder... and to my everlasting joy did the impossible... and fucking deep throated me. All the way down to the fucking base.


Despite the desperate violence of everything that happened up to that point, the minute he swallowed me all the way down everything fucking stopped. Time itself fucking stopped. I screamed out as only a guy in raw sexual pleasure ever could, my hands instinctively wrapping around him. The tightness of his throat was from another plane of existence. He somehow... massaged my cock with his throat for a few moments, before wrenching his head back and coughing me out again in a shower of spit.

"HOLYFUCK! HOLYFUCK! HOLYFUCKHOLYFUCKHOLYFUCK!HOLYFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" I pulled his face back, looking at him with wonder. "How the fuck did you do that?"

He smiled, still coughing and with his eyes starting to water. "I... googled on how to deep throat a guy. I think I got it to work!"

"Oh, man... I fucking owe you! Fucking get ready!"

It was back on. I pushed him back and, in a flash, had removed his pants and Jockeys, and went down on him like a force of nature. God, his musk was setting fire to my brain, setting my blood to boil. I fucking sucked him down hard, working his dick with my mouth and hand in tandem. Switched to his balls, and worked his dick all over again. Sucking his cockhead harder than a vacuum. My spit flowing down his shaft.

At that moment, Nate joined in the fun and we started to 69. He rolled on top of me and I grabbed his furry asscheeks. The angle wasn't as good for me working his cock, but gave me perfect access to his ass. My face tore through his sweaty crack, a fucking feast for my senses. His butt funk filled my nose. I made out with his pucker, ramming my tongue in to get him slick and loose, then stared roughly lapping him up and down, then shaking my head from side to side. His wiry butt hair causing friction on my face while my stubble scoured him raw. I was fucking moaning like a bitch in heat as I brutally ate him out. He was matching me, grunt for grunt... but with my dick halfway down his throat, the bellowing howls he was making were muted. We were in a fucking primal state of sexual aggression.

Finally I had enough. I clambered out from under him and pushed his shoulders down, forcing his face against the floor with his spit-slick ass up in the air. There was no time to find our lube. Instead, I hacked up some natural lubrication and smeared it on my cock. I lined up and fucking drove all the way in, balls deep inside him.

He fucking howled. I'm sure it hurt like a motherfucker, it been so long since we've done anything like this, but I fucking didn't care. God, that fucking ferocious pressure... the wet, hot pressure from his shaggy butt, tighter than any cunt could ever be. FUCK! I FUCKING NEEDED THIS! I rolled my hips around in great circles inside him--as much to loosen him up as to rejoice in the red-hot tightness of his ass--and then started a series of full-body hammer strokes. BAM... BAM... BAM...

His ass fucking ate my dick, crushing it. Massaging it in a fucking death grip. BAM... BAM... BAM...

The thick, heavy slap-thud of man sex. BAM... BAM... BAM...

Our mutual howls locked into the fearsome rhythm. BAM... BAM... BAM...

I needed to release. Fuck his feelings. Fuck our feelings. Fuck everything. I fucking needed to blow. NOW! I sped up. BAMBAMBAM...

It was all too much for my dick, starved of these sensations for too long. I could feel my load build in my balls, screaming for release. My whole body started shuddering, and I swear I could start to see stars. The pressure, the elation, the fucking blood rage exploded inside me, and I shot out so hard I swear I could feel the recoil kicking me back.


I came so hard, so fast, I fried every single cell in my body. I was fucking spent.

Nate, however, was just getting started... and he knew exactly how to wring some last bits of feeling out of my body.

Faster than I could react to, Nate stood and pulled me up with him. He sat down heavily on a couch near us, spat onto his hand and lubed himself up. He pulled me over, getting me so squat over his crotch. He lined me up over his rock-hard cock and pulled me down... GAAAHHHHHH! He fucking speared me to the hilt. I fucking howled, even louder than he did. The heat, the pain were nearly unbearable, but fortunately I was relaxed enough from cumming that my body stopped fighting him in short order. I could feel my body unclench and let him fill me. Fuck it was intense. I gasp-panted desperate breaths onto his shoulder, nearly biting him, and clutching him tighter than a fucking bear climbing a tree.

Then to my astonishment, Nate stood up, hoisting me with him, never letting his cock slide out of me. I'm hardly some twig of a thing, and I'm proud of my well-earned muscles... but he lifted me like I was nothing. In a flash, he had slammed my shoulders against the hotel room door, bracing me... and Nate started fucking me from below. My legs instinctively wrapped around his hips. My arms clutched him around the neck for support, and suddenly his face was pressed against mine. Fucking slamming my mouth as hard as his dick slammed into me from below. His violent thrusts shook my entire body, pounding me up and down, up and down.

The force was like nothing I had ever experienced. Each hammer blow sounded like a a SWAT team was breaking the door down.

And God... the fucking feeling of being slam-fucked by this fucking brute of a guy fucking ripped apart my mind. I was awash in feelings I couldn't begin to process. Again and again he slammed into me. Deep-body slams that fucking tore me up. Hammer blows hard enough to sink the Titanic. My ass was exploding into fire, which started roaring throughout my entire body. I grabbed onto him for dear life. And he fucked me. Fucked me. FUCKED ME


Somehow, I realized that was me screaming.

The fire inside me kept building, building... and went all-out nuclear. My skin rippling with fire, my ears ringing with the roar of my blood. Nate tensed, and his grunts widened into a fucking battle cry as he fucking exploded deep inside me. That fucking triggered me, and I screamed my head off, blasting out ropes of cum that shot fucking everywhere. Dousing us. Fuck... I think I might have blacked out.

Not bad for round one.

That rest of the evening was fucking amazing. Nate and I fell into a rhythm. The savagery of the that first fuck gave way to more extended sessions that flowed naturally and easily. We fucking worshiped each other, reckless and uncaring of anything else in the world. Pulling, biting, sucking, thrusting, feasting. Nonstop, without a break. Without breaking contact. We fucking ground against each other so fiercely that our hairy bodies gave each other rug burn.

Only our bodies' need for food got in our way. We knew in advance there was no way we were going to leave the room that night, opting for room service steaks that were surprisingly good. It didn't matter if they had served us shit on a biscuit... we had each other.

It was... so strange being with him. And I mean that in a wonderful, glorious way. During that first week of discover together, we had fucked each other's brains out, without any chance of interference. So of course, we had been uninhibited... free with everything we did. But there had always been something of an obstacle in that I always had to go home. So we didn't have that final bit of freedom--of being free to not only to totally give ourselves over to the moment, but to let the moment last as long as we fucking wanted it to.

That last barrier was finally gone. We were accountable only to each other. So we fucking fucked.

And something... amazing happened. It was well after midnight. We had wanted to get to sleep, so we'd be ready to experience the next day of baseball fever at the spring training compound. We had been in bed naked, making out. Our bodies awash with spit, sweat, and cum splatter, nasty to anyone else but each other. And we really did plan to go to sleep. But in that quiet, that unhurried moment of shared closeness I started kissing him. Really kissing him. There was no need for words... our tongues and lips doing the talking as they melted together. And magic happened.

Our hairy chests were sliding against each other.

Our hairy cocks were jousting against each other.

It was a feeling of physical closeness I can't fully express. One anchored by our emotional closeness. It washed over me suddenly. It was a euphoria sparked by sex, but it had grown into so much more. No other man had ever gotten into my soul like this. I don't know if any other person had gotten into my soul like this. Nate's strong arms made me feel... secure.

Fuck, this guy turned me inside-out.

I wanted more. God help me, he had given me everything. Repeatedly. But I wanted more. I was hungry for feelings only he could give me. I wanted him to make me feel alive. To make my body sing.

I broke our kiss, rolled onto my stomach, and looked at him. No words necessary. Nate slid on top of me, and with the gentlest of pressure I could feel his flared cockhead slide inside me, eased by sweat and several loads of cum. God, he was IN me. I could feel my body come alive as his cockhead moved, my ass muscles relaxing as he slid in deep, massaging my innards. It was slow and deliberate, maximizing the intensity. Fire roaring up inside me. Fucking amazing.

But just as incredible was... all the rest of the physical feelings I was getting from him at the same time. I could feel his scruffy jaw against my neck and ears as his mouth slid against me. His tongue obscenely rolling against my skin. One hand running down the length of my outstretched arms, mimicking the slow pressure from his cock. The other roaming across my scalp and sweaty hair. Our naked legs rubbing together.

It was the most intimate moment we ever shared. And I was fucking lost in it.

He murmured words softy in my ear as he fucked me. Words I couldn't make out. Words I didn't need to hear to understand... his body was saying everything I needed. And finally, his strong hands slid beneath my body, as he enveloped me in an all-encompassing bear hug. All the while, sliding his dick inside me. My body awash in a warm, liquid light.

That fuck was so many things. When we came together, it was... well, usually it was typical, pure masculinity, bathed in masculine aggression. But this was another side of masculinity. The way he held me, the way his dick rippled through my ass... it was like... a different side of masculinity. A feeling of masculine intimacy. Masculine affection. Men don't necessarily do nurturing all that well, but they do do something quite close: defending. Protecting. And that was what was happening. He was caring for me. Watching out for me. Sacrificing some of himself to make me feel good. I was his. But in making me his, he became mine. He was wrapping me in a uniquely masculine embrace. Guarding me. Making sure he pleasured me as I pleasured him. We were together. Fucking, and fucking together.

I'm just gonna say it. I got lost in that fuck. My whole being was... light. My spirit bound with his. And the feeling of that moment sparked something deep inside me... and sparked something deep inside my balls. Not the usual flame-thrower of cum blasting out everywhere, but... like, well music inside me.

We came together. And that left me... breathless.

After that, we finally did drift off to sleep together. It was almost like I was drunk. Falling into a sea of emotion and feeling.

I only woke up once that night, with Nate on his back and me snuggled nearly on top of him. His arms still around me. Still protecting me. God. He was like hero straight out of an ancient epic. I gently swept back a curl of tousled hair that had fallen across his forehead. His shallow breathing didn't change. I held him tighter. And surrendered again into sleep.

The next day was one of the best of my life. We went to the spring training complex and took absolutely everything in. It was better than Disney. We blew way too much money on new gear for the upcoming season, each deciding to buy a player jersey of the guy we thought was going to make a difference this year. Of course, we busted each other's balls over our choices. We took seats in the stadium, and chatted up the other fans. Argued about stats. Took stock of the hitting practice, and got into vehement discussions about holes on the pitching staff. The "game" that afternoon was pretty much what you'd expect as an expo game... it was really just a chance to see the guys getting into shape, working out the kinks, and dreaming about infinite possibilities.

And I couldn't help but realize... our lives at that moment mirrored everything happening on the field. Everything was an endless progression of infinite possibilities. A blank slate in front of us. And we were swept up in it all. And it wasn't just about baseball. Sitting in the stands, we found ourselves opening ourselves up to each other about our own hopes. Our own fears. Plans. Dreams. We never mentioned the sex... we didn't need to. Our need for each other was a given, and permeated everything without us having to say a word.

It was a day like no other.

Finally spent, we piled back into the car, planning on grabbing some Florida seafood at a local fish shack before heading back to the hotel.

My heart was... full.

In that moment after we had slammed our car doors shut, I reached over and blocked Nate from starting the car. He looked at me. And I finally said something that had filled my mind for some time, but I never quite had been able to put into concrete words.

"Nate," I began quietly, looking ahead toward the horizon. "I've... there's something.........I've never told you this, but... I love you."

Nate was quiet for a beat. He turned to look straight ahead, and dropped his head. A wide grin slowly spread from his face. Then he looked back up again, out over the steering wheel. "You're wrong, bud," he stated simply. "You have told me."

I turned my head, looking at him in puzzlement.

"You've told me every single day I've known you. With every word, every action, since the first day we met." He gently gripped my thigh and looked at me. His eyes were red. I couldn't breathe. "It took me some time to make sense of it... but now I have. That love is the reason any of this... all of this... ever happened at all. Will? I love you. I fucking love you so much my heart hurts."

Oh, fuck.

I gave him the biggest, slobberyest kiss in human history. A kiss that steamed up our windows.

And I didn't care who the fuck saw us.


It's probably not surprising to learn we didn't get outside to any of the other baseball events we had planned for the weekend.

It might be surprising, however, to learn that despite openly acknowledging how much we loved each other, nothing much changed for us, especially on the home front. For either of us. By mutual agreement. We... understood. We had what we needed. And for us it didn't make sense to change anything, or make any announcements. At least for now.

Watching baseball games continued to be one of the keystones of our relationship. And so was fucking each other's brains out. When Nate's wife was home, we kept things slow and quiet... and when she wasn't home, we fucking let loose. We even started scheduling baseball weekends to see the boys play away games. And that's when we really let loose.

It seems almost perverse to say it, but Nate's and my relationship seemed to work as a safety valve in other parts of our lives, helping us become better men, better husbands... and in time, better fathers. Maybe it was the absolute security in knowing we had each other. Maybe it was the ability to burn off built-up aggression. Or maybe it provided a chance to break out of the straightjacket of conformity, family life, and day-to-day obligations. Who knows? I'm sure psychologists could have a field day studying us.

But that's for another time. I have to go--Nate's wife Shannon took the kids to visit her sister in Chicago. And tonight, Nate and I are going to have his house to ourselves. For the first time in a very long time.

And I can't fucking wait.


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ILoveToReadGayStoriesILoveToReadGayStories17 days ago

Good story. The sex was hot, but they could never truly have a relationship. It wouldn’t work for me. But written well, creative and hot man sex

ZenularZenular24 days ago

This was a very good and intriguing story!

Thanks for sharing.

5 out of 5 <3

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

Loved the story. I am in my 60s and married to a great woman. But I have had a married best friend for 20 years. Many of the scenes you write could be us. The sex for sure but more importantly the closeness and passion we share. I love him so much my heart hurts. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

The craziest love story that worked. I wanted them to have a happy ending.. I hope we get to read about them 20 years down the road. Thank you for Nate and Will.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Amazing. One of the best stories I've read in this website.

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