My Best Friend is a Domme Ch. 04

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Patty comes out of her closet.
2.8k words

Part 4 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/09/2022
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After another restless night filled with my nightly erections fighting my chastity cage and torturing my balls, I got up and made myself some coffee.

Part of me hated that Patty just left with the keys and I hated sleeping in it, but another part of me loved it. I felt so helpless and frustrated. I cupped my balls and jiggled my cage while my cock grew again, loving the feeling and the idea that Patty currently had full control over my most valuable parts.

I was contemplating if I should text her and ask for the keys, but I decided to wait a while before doing that. Maybe she would text me when she discovered she had forgotten to give me my keys back. Or did she even forget? I was pretty sure she did it on purpose and I grinned at the thought of her knowing I would be really feeling her power and her enjoying it.

That afternoon though, I decided to text her anyway. "Hey Patty, how are things with you and Ben?" I sent her, not wanting to start nagging about my keys right away.

An hour or so later, she texted back: "Hey perv, we're good, we talked and fucked. Have a good weekend!"

I took the last part as a hint for me to stop bugging her, but that would mean I would not have the keys until at least Monday, and that seemed like forever to me. So I texted: "That's good to hear. I forgot to ask my keys back yesterday, can I drop by and pick them up?"

"No, can't," she texted back within minutes. "Moms birthday, I'll be there all day."

Fuck, I thought, this is going to be a really long weekend. I quickly resigned to my fate though, and texted back: "Okay, have fun."

The day went by slowly and I was constantly being reminded I didn't have access to my own cock. It was really frustrating, since it turned me on so much all the time and there was nothing I could do to scratch the itch. Luckily, late that evening, Patty texted me, asking if I wanted to hang out with her and Ben the next day for a lazy Sunday afternoon with some Netflix and chill. I eagerly agreed.

When I got there Ben opened the door for me, wearing white sweatpants and a T-shirt, his friendly face showing a broad smile.

"Conrad, so good to see you again," he said and hugged me briefly. Ben is a hugger.

I always liked Ben. I had seen him just three times before, but we connected from the start. He was young of course, but he had a very self assured charisma about him, like he was totally at ease with himself and anyone he met, without being arrogant. It was a quality that was rare even with most mature men and it made him feel much more mature than he actually was. He was just an inch taller than me, which made him not that tall, but he had broad shoulders and a firm build, making him seem larger than he actually was as well.

"Hey sweetie," Patty said to me as she passed me, walking from their small kitchen to the living room, holding two bowls of chips. She was wearing sweatpants as well. I watched her ass as she walked in front of me towards the living room and I was amazed how curvy her ass and hips looked in something as shapeless as sweatpants.

We chatted a bit and Ben and I patiently suggested movie after movie to watch. Patty vetoed all of them until we found something she found agreeable and we settled to watch the movie, Ben and Patty on the large couch and myself on the smaller one.

Patty seemed to have done a great job on making up with Ben. I could just see them from the corner of my eye and as the movie progressed they soon started moving closer together. About an half hour in, Patty was resting her head on Ben's shoulder while he stroked her hair. Ten minutes later she was rubbing his chest and kissing him briefly.

A little while later, they were just plainly making out during the movie. I tried to ignore them, but I could hear their lips smack regularly and I saw movements of hands stroking legs, arms and faces all the time. They were whispering every now and then, very quietly. Sometimes Patty giggled softly. I couldn't make out what they were saying and I wasn't really trying to. I didn't mind them making out too much, but it did distract me from the movie, so in a way it was starting to be a little annoying.

I just started contemplating if I should ask them if I should go, since it was clear they were both getting pretty frisky, when I heard Ben whisper something.

"Oh, stop it," Patty cooed in response, playfully slapping his chest. "What do I need to do to get you to behave and just watch the movie, lock your cock or something?"

That got my full attention. I was just hoping this wasn't going where I thought it was going.

Ben chuckled. "You can't put a lock on a cock, silly."

"Of course I can," Patty stated, determined.

"No you can't, that's physically impossible," Ben said, laughing.

"I can though, wanna bet?" Patty challenged him.

Ben just looked at her, puzzled, while I just tried to ignore the whole conversation, dreading where this was heading.

"Show him Conrad," Patty said.

"Wait, what?" I said, pretending I didn't hear their conversation so far, hoping to save my ass from what probably was about to come.

"Show him your locked cock," Patty said, dead serious, staring at me.

"No way," I said, Then I realized my response actually confirmed my cock was locked.

Now it was Ben's turn to say: "Wait, what?" He looked at Patty. "Did you put a lock on his cock or something?"

"Well, technically he likes to lock his own cock and I just know about it," Patty said. That wasn't untrue.

I felt really embarrassed. Blood flowed to my face and my genitals.

"Wait, I'm still on the locked cock part," Ben said, confused. "How would that work? That's impossible."

"That's why I told Conrad to show you," she said.

"I'm sure Ben has no interest at all in seeing my cock," I blurted out, hoping that would safe me.

"Well, actually, I'm pretty curious now on how that would even work," Ben said neutrally.

"You see?" Patty said stubbornly. "So, show him your locked cock Conrad. And I wasn't asking, I was telling."

I looked at them dumbfounded. Ben looked at me curiously while Patty showed her evil grin and twinkling eyes, clearly enjoying my humiliation.

I sighed. "Well, if you really insist." I got up and started unbuckling my pants.

"No, not like that Conrad," Patty stated. "Go into the hallway and strip there."

"Come on, Patty," Ben said, standing up for me.

"Don't worry," she said, softly rubbing his thigh. "He loves it and more importantly, I love pushing him around a bit. Trust me, it's okay. And he has a safe word, if he really doesn't want to do it he just has to say so." Then she looked at me. "But you won't, will you. I know you like it, little pervert." She grinned at me for a second and briefly teasingly stuck out her tongue.

I really didn't know what to say, so I said nothing.

"Wait, how do you know all this?" Ben asked Patty.

"I'll tell you later. But for now: go into the hallway and strip, Conrad."

I didn't want to make it more awkward than it already was and I was sure Patty wasn't going to back off easily, so I just got up and walked into the hallway, where I took off all my clothes.

Please stay down, I thought, looking at my cock that was pushing at the bars of the cage already, before I took a deep breath and walked into the living room again.

"Oh my god," Ben said, staring at my crotch. "What is that?"

"Don't just stand there, come closer," Patty ordered.

I walked towards them until I stood right in front of them. My dick grew a little with every step I took towards them while I felt my face turned redder with each step as well. Ben just looked at my chastity cage, looking a little puzzled and smiling sheepishly. Patty's eyes sparkled with joy.

"Where is the lock exactly?" Ben asked, genuinely interested.

I took a hold of my cage and twisted it a little to the side, so he could see the small keyhole on the side of the cage. "There," I said.

"You see, you *can* lock up a cock," Patty stated, making her point. "So remember that. If you don't learn to behave, I will lock up your cock," she joked, knowing Ben would probably never agree to wearing a chastity cage.

"I won't even fit in that thing," Ben stated innocently. I don't think he meant to make fun of my size, but I did feel even more humiliated by his remark. Patty heard the potential burn as well, according to her soft chuckle.

"They do come in different sizes," I stammered. Patty chuckled again, but Ben was still to busy getting his head around the whole concept to even hear.

"Why would you wear that?" he asked me. "I mean, what's the fun in locking your cock?"

"Well, I like how it feels," I explained, trying to make myself feel more at ease but failing miserably. "And if I wear this for a while, it's extra fun to have access to my cock again when I take it off."

Ben chuckled: "That part I definitely do understand."

He looked at my cage a little longer and then leaned back on the couch.

"So, I let him see my chastity cage," I said to Patty. "Can I get dressed now?"

"No, stay naked," she said. "I think it's funny and Ben won't mind, right Ben?"

He grinned a little sheepishly. "No, I guess I don't mind. And it seems Patty was right. You do seem to like it," he chuckled, briefly pointing at my almost erect cock, fighting it's cage to get out.

I just looked around the room, hoping to find a hole I could sink in to.

"But before you sit down," Patty said, "refill our drinks while I figure out where we were with the movie."

With a face as red as a lobster and a throbbing cock I took their glasses and headed to the kitchen.

After refilling their drinks, I used a paper towel to clean up the precum that was oozing from the tip of the cage and waited a while to will my erection down again, which took quite some time. When I returned to the living room, Patty was sitting next to Ben, her legs across his lap and her head on his shoulder. Ben was lovingly stroking her leg.

"Thanks," Patty said when I sat the glasses on the table. "Now back to your couch, we're continuing the movie."

I was very aware of my nakedness, and shyly covered my cage with my hands. As soon as I sat down, Patty resumed the movie.

I had a hard time paying attention to the movie thought. I was horny as hell and heavily conflicted between really enjoying myself in this setting and wishing I could leave as soon as possible. If it wasn't for Patty still having my keys, I might even have just left to safe myself more humiliation.

They didn't really pay attention to me though. Aside from Patty glancing briefly in my direction every once in a while, they seemed more involved with the movie and each other. Again, they started by just watching the movie, but soon they were kissing periodically again and exchanging small signs of affection.

I was wondering if Ben was okay with this. It seemed to me it must be kinda weird having a naked friend of his girlfriend sitting just a few feet away. To me he seemed as straight as a ruler and I wondered if it was repulsive for him on any level. He seemed relaxed and at ease though, maybe even more amused and surprised at the whole scene than troubled.

As soon as the movie ended and the end credits started rolling, Patty climbed on Ben's lap, kissing him and running her hands through his thick and short brown hair. Ben kissed her back passionately, while holding her hips in his hands. I could hear their breathing intensify.

I felt weirdly ignored, watching the hot couple make out. Patty slowly rolled her hips back and forth while I stared at that amazing butt for a few seconds.

I waited a while, not really knowing what to do. Then Patty briefly looked at me and said: "Go home Conrad, I need to get fucked I'm not going to let you watch." Then she resumed kissing immediately, as if I wasn't even there.

Awkwardly I got up and went to the hallway, where I quickly put my clothes on. I was conflicted between going back into the living room and ask for the keys to my chastity cage, but I didn't know if Ben was aware that she had them and I didn't want to cause any trouble between them. Also, I didn't want to intrude on them.

I briefly put my head around the doorway and awkwardly said: "Bye."

Ben looked up and smiled at me: "Bye Conrad, it was nice seeing you again."

Patty just waved while licking his face.

And then I left.

That evening, home alone, I felt pretty blue. The image of Patty's ass rocking back and forth while Ben held her hips just kept popping up in my head. As sexy as it was, I knew chances she'd ever move that way while sitting on my lap while slobbering all over my face were very, very slim.

Usually I dealt with this kind of blueness, that I had felt a lot since I had know Patty, by firing up my laptop and watching porn until I blew my load, but that wasn't going to happen tonight. I just looked at my chastity cage, keeping my dick securely out of reach, and sighed.

What had I started? I always thought Patty would make a good Domme. I always hoped I would wake that part of her up and I even hoped maybe one day she wouldn't mind holding on of the keys of my chastity cage for a while, but I always imagined she would dominate her boyfriend, not me. Not that I minded she was playing with me, but as fun as it was, it started to get very real and a little scary to be honest.

Late at night, Patty texted me. "Hey sweetie, hope you didn't mind that I sent you away this afternoon. I just wanted to let you know Ben and I had a long talk and he doesn't mind if I play with you as long as I follow some ground rules we agreed upon."

At least that was some good news, there would be more play. I was just hoping the humiliation would grow old for her and she'd let me do more sexual things in the future. Maybe even some sexual things to her. I'd love that.

"That's great," I texted back. "What are the rules?"

"You don't have to be concerned about them," she replied. "It's up to me to guard them. I'll come by Wednesday."

Wednesday!? Today was Sunday. I couldn't be stuck in this cage until then.

"Can I at least pick my keys up tomorrow?" I texted. "I really need a good wash or I'll start to stink."

It took some time before she replied: "Wednesday Conrad." At the bottom of the message was a link and I clicked it. It opened a webpage with tips and tricks of thoroughly cleaning yourself while wearing a chastity cage, entitled "How to keep your sub's cage clean".

I looked at the website the page was on, and noticed it was a info site for Dommes. It had a little bit of information on it and a members only forum. There was also a link to a Discord server. The site explicitly stated that membership was for Dommes only and would require face and ID verification to join.

So, Patty was looking for information. This could be interesting, I thought. And it scared me a little too.

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WhiteNekoWhiteNekoabout 1 month ago

I'm not sure where I'll the "forced bi" comments are coming from. Conrad is rather blatantly and openly Bi. Now outing him like that was cruel and rude, but she also made the very good point about his safeword. All in all this felt rather real.

That said I'm having a hard time remembering when they established his safeword, and outing him like that is still a betrayal of trust. Still 5 stars though.

HeartfeltmanHeartfeltman9 months ago

I'm stunned by some of the negative comments here.

It's as if we're reading something entirely differen.

The quality of the writing in this series continues to operate a pretty high level.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Meh. Cuckold, non-consensual, forced bi = boring.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

While it was fun first few chapters but each chapter start to drift darker and darker, until this one, obviously writer intend to keep on cockold, non con control and even forced bi route where mc is only a toy while her gf is getting trained etc, I have already know what the story will go, 1 star and I'm never coming back

GLenbar85543GLenbar85543about 1 year ago

Lucky Conrad has a GREAT Domme

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

That chapter triggered me something awful.

Actually being outed is something terrible. Unfortunatly I know out of my own experience that being your BDSM indentity revealed against your will is in no way less hurtsome, careless and outright evil then having revealed you are gay or bi. It´s not done... not by something who considers you a friend.

I´m out. Please never ever do this thing again without a propper trigger warning like a ´forced outing´ tag.

This was really bad.

I didn´t rate.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

+1 for the safeword.

It happens in reality... it happens quite often... and if used properly by the sub and respected by the dom it strenghtens the relationship soooo much.

Using a safeword when put in an overwhelming situation isnt the end of a relationship le alone the end of the world.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good premise.

Four stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great story. Can’t wait tell she really gets her thing going. Like maybe soon fucking Ben on the couch in front of naked Conrad again, and this time she has him lay on the floor so she can do some face setting to get her creampie cleaned up. All the while Conrad stays locked up and Super frustrated..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Thanks for the chapter as always, I loved it! I liked when you put the protagonist's focus on Patty's clothes and her hips as it shows he is preoccupied by his lust while he is denied any ability satisfy himself. I love the subtle psychological humiliations when it comes to the relationship between Patty and the protagonist. For example Patty referring to the protagonist as "sweetie", especially in the presence of others, is a foxy way in which to emasculate him in the eyes of those around them and in his own sense of self and I love it:)! My personal favorite stories of this sort are those when the submissive man thinks he is just playing a kinky game with the dominant woman, but slowly over time through subtle private and public humiliations and humbling, the woman has shaped the perceptions of the man's friends, family, and acquaintances into seeing him as a beta male, and she has also shaped the man's own perspective into accepting his lowered status, and it reaches a point when the man realizes with some terrible mixture of arousal and regret and it has stopped being a kinky game that he could stop, and that it is now his reality.

Your story touches on so many points I love, thanks so much for your work!

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