My Best Friend's Mother Ch. 03

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Dylan and Penelope take a break, but surprises await.
10.8k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 06/26/2022
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"I'm so glad we came," Penelope said from beside me, while she sat on a deckchair and we watched the waves, the sun splitting off them and making for an amazing view. "We all really need this."

Only a couple of months has passed since we had restarted the sexual part of our relationship, although I hadn't been able to be inside her since we were always forgetting, or not having time to buy condoms. With everything that had been happening over the past year, it was nice to finally feel like a family again, especially since Mark was turning into the humble, respectful person that I had thought he was in the past.

The house had a lot of bad memories and I wasn't the only one who felt it. So when Penelope came to me, showing me a few houses that she was considering buying I felt the need to step in a sort things out, not only with houses but also with my future, and that meant I had to consider education first. I had always looked towards university as the be-all-end-all and that if I didn't go then I would be nothing for the rest of my life. It had been instilled in me from when I was young that if I didn't get into university using my own merit, getting a full-ride scholarship, then I wasn't worth anything. I had attached so much of my worth to that thought process that I had never considered dipping into the money I had and paying to go to university or getting a tuition fee loan, as I was also brought up to consider those methods 'cheating'. It was only recently that I had been able to rid myself of that thought process, mostly, and realised that I didn't want to go to university at all, and wanted to continue building my money as I already had that headstart in life.

It had been very hard to come to that conclusion, and I had fought myself on it for days, but after speaking to Penelope I realised that I needed to do what was right for me, and shed the leash that my parents had kept me on. I wasn't going to be their puppet anymore and was going to do what I wanted with the rest of my life because I had the luxury to.

On the other hand, Mark still wanted to go to university and try and turn his life around. He hadn't told me what it was that he wanted to study but I did know that he wanted to go to university. I had thought about paying for him, but after my revelation that I wasn't going to be going to university myself, I thought that this was a great time for Mark to start regaining his independence. If he was struggling I would help without question, but if he wasn't then I had felt like I should just leave him be. I had asked him if he wanted me to pay for his university degree just as the last clarification, to myself, that I wasn't screwing him over and was still allowing him ample chance to get to where he wanted in life and surprisingly he had a horrified look on his face when I asked.

'Of course, you're not paying!' he'd almost shouted. 'I will not let another person bail me out, especially you, who is supposed to be my best friend!'

Pride was something we all had, and his decision might look stupid from the outside, but when I looked at his steely eyes I knew that he wasn't just rejecting because he was too proud, it was also because he wanted to prove himself capable, and millions of others did the same thing he was planning to do, so it wasn't like he was setting himself up for failure or anything like that. It was the main incident that I felt pointed to his completely changed attitude when compared to the past. Before he would have either accepted and acted disrespectfully or rejected my offer and think I was looking down on him, which I wasn't.

That was one of the reasons that we were taking this holiday because Mark was going to leave, not too far but he wasn't going to be in the house anymore, and the second reason was a test run to see what it was like living in a different place and if it really made a difference to how we all felt. If it did, and if we enjoyed it, I was prepared to buy a new house and although Mark wouldn't be living in it most of the time, it would still be me and Penelope and it would be our first step towards being a couple.

"I know," I said, sighing as I pulled her into a hug, releasing her after a few seconds because Mark was still nearby. "But I really miss sleeping with you, so we're going to have to tell Mark that we're together soon, otherwise I am going to lose it."

Not being able to have her every day like we had been doing previously was killing me. I didn't really want to get myself off, as it wasn't very exciting anymore, especially when this gorgeous woman was mere feet away from me, willing to do it for me, but unable to because her son was too close by.

She leaned in close, whispering in my ear. "Don't forget that you can still use me whenever and however you want, as long as you're not fucking me, while I'm sleeping."

My dick sprang up, because with everything that had been going on I had forgotten about this proposal. I had used it a few times before, but it had been a long time since then, especially because I didn't need to take advantage of her offer as she was there when I needed her to be.

I had thought that my fetish, to cum on people and use them while they slept, would never be realised as it was a weird one to have. I would never do it without someone's consent and I assumed that the other party would like to be involved instead of sleeping through it. I had thought that was the case before, but now that I had found Penelope, who loved to be on the receiving end of my cum covering her, even while she was asleep. I felt like it has only further proven our compatibility. I had known that we would work together on a personality level, I had known her all my life, or at least all my life that I could remember, so that wasn't an issue. But you never know what someone likes to do in the bedroom, as that is a different, private matter, and something that you'd never know unless they told you - which is unlikely from a friend's mother - or you were able to figure out by being involved with them sexually yourself. I had only found out what Penelope liked because I was involved with her sexually, and I was so glad that it had now come to this.

"But we still definitely need to tell Mark, because the last thing I want to happen is us to be doing anything, including kissing, or worse, and get caught by him. I think that would be one of the worst ways for us to be found out," I said, and she nodded in response.

"I know," she said, although I could still see the apprehension. "I am going to tell him tomorrow."

"Good," I said, and although I knew that this was almost certainly going to cause a fallout between me and Mark, I could only hope that he would be more mature about it when interacting with his mother. I didn't want her to suffer because of our relationship but I also wasn't going to give her up just to placate Mark, in fact, it wasn't even an option in my mind.

"I'm getting hungry," Mark said, and we pulled apart quickly. "We are going back to the house soon, right?"

"Oh yeah," Penelope said standing up. "I'm getting hungry now too. Are you coming with us, Dylan?"

"Of course," I said, standing up and then leisurely walking back alongside them. I teased Penelope a few times, gliding my hand up and down her spine when Mark wasn't looking, and even giving her ass a few squeezes which caused her to jump. By the time we arrived at the house, I could tell that she was feeling it a bit more than she had earlier, and was annoyed at me for turning her on when there wasn't anything she could do about it right now.

I rinsed the sand off quickly, heading out of the room and eating some of the food they ordered.

"You haven't dated anyone since, well, I don't think ever," Mark said, and I paused in the middle of a bite. "Haven't you been interested in someone? Maybe I can help you out."

"Uh, I am not interested in anyone," I replied, making sure not to even glance at Penelope as I was sure that he'd notice. "So I don't think you can really help me."

"Are you sure?" he asked. "Because I still know some people and can set you up with someone."

"I'm sure," I replied.

"What about you mum?" he asked Penelope, and she almost spat out her food. "Shouldn't me and Dylan move out so that you can start dating again?"

"Mark..." she said confusion on her face. "What about all those times you said that you thought I should be alone from now on?"

"I didn't really mean that," he said, scratching the back of his neck. "I was just annoyed at everything that happened before, and I'm sorry that I said what I did, especially about dad."

I looked at Penelope and found that she was already looking at me. I nodded my head, knowing that she wanted to tell Mark what was going on between us, and this seemed like the best time to do that but Mark continued talking.

"As long as the person that you start dating isn't someone that I know then it'll be fine," Mark joked, not knowing how real his statement really was. "Because all the people I know around your age are really weird. Or are really ugly, like Mr Johnson at school, who is really weird, has a horrible personality and is really ugly as well."

The words that she had been about to say died in her mouth as she realised what he was just saying. There was no indication that this statement was hinting that he knew about us, I didn't think so in the slightest, but this was something that told us exactly what he thought about the possibility of us dating, even though he didn't know it. I tried to think of something to say but just couldn't come up with a response except to awkwardly laugh while Mark went back to eating, oblivious to what he had just done to the both of us.

The rest of the evening passed quickly, probably because I was looking forward to tonight so much, but It was hard to contain myself. I waited until I heard both of them enter their room and then waited an extra hour so that I knew Mark was definitely asleep and then snuck over to Penelope's room. I could have woken her up, but I definitely think that things would go too far if that happened, and she obviously didn't want things to move too far forward yet.

I walked in, seeing the covers had been moved down from her chest, exposing her tits which were completely uncovered. I reached out, squeezing her soft tits lightly and felt myself hardening even more. I had never really been the biggest fan of breasts. Other parts of the female body appealed more to me, but once I was able to actually get my hands on a pair, and ones as perfect as Penelope's were, my mind changed and I started to really appreciate the soft, spongy flesh much more than I had previously.

But I didn't have time to linger and needed to get done quickly, both for my sake, and to not get caught. I pulled down my trousers, and my dick sprang up and hit my stomach. I pumped it a few times, just as I was walking up to the bed and knew this wouldn't be a long session. I got up onto the bed, kneeling next to her head and very lightly slapped my dick on her lips, leaving some precum attaching the two of us together. Instead of slapping it on her face again, I let it rest against her lips, knowing what would happen next. Like I had expected, her mouth opened slightly and the head fell in with ease because it was slick with precum. She went to sucking lightly as she had in the past, but this time I had no fear of getting caught by her because I knew she'd like it so I pumped my hips a little, getting some extra stimulation that I didn't know I needed and felt my balls start to tighten up. I knew I was going to cum any second now, so I pulled out of her mouth, and rubbed my cock against her face slapping it a couple of times against her cheek before I felt the first of many robes gush out of the head and I closed my eyes, leaning my head back in ecstasy.

"Dylan, what's going on," My heart stopped as this voice didn't sound like my sweet Penelope's and instead sounded like a male's voice which was coming from the entrance to the room.

I didn't want to turn around, but as the last bit of cum dribbled down from my dick onto her face I knew I wasn't going to be able to get out of this one and was going to have to reveal our relationship early.

I turned, seeing Mark's furious face as he stormed up to me, thunderous anger overtaking everything as he swung a fist at my face, and I was in too much shock to defend myself so I was only able to slightly move out the way, his punch still connecting. I fell off the bed, having been in a really bad position and not having my balance.

"Wait, Mark-" I scrambled up, just in time to dodge another punch.

"You were fucking raping my mother, what the fuck!?" he roared in question, charging back over to me like a man on a mission.

I backed up, falling onto the bed as I really didn't want to get into a fight with Mark over this misunderstanding. Us not telling him had gone on long enough and I needed Penelope to wake up so that she could tell him what we had together, and I knew he wasn't going to believe me if I was the one to say it, especially with how bad it actually looked.

"Wha-?" A croaky voice came from just under my back. "What's going on, what's all the shouting about?"

"I-" I started but was cut off by Mark who looked at me as if I was the most vitriolic, awful human being to ever exist.

"Dylan," he spat as if just saying my name was an awfully hard thing to do. "Was raping you when I came into the room and stopping him!"

I looked at Penelope and saw him looking at me in concern as if she was worried about how telling him the truth would affect our relationship but anything was better than someone thinking that I had cum all over their mother without consent. Mark was looking at Penelope, breathing hard as if waiting for the horror to dawn on her, or for her to get annoyed at me and kick me out of this place, but when he didn't see it he carried on.

"Mum, why aren't you doing anything about this, do I need to deal with it myself?" Mark said as he looked back over at me. I still didn't have trousers on, so I felt really exposed, especially with his stare boring through me as if he was ready to kill me as soon as he had his mother's permission.

"Mark..." Penelope said, trailing off and causing him to look at her. She sat up in the bed, pulling her top up so she wasn't exposed anymore and wiped her face with the bottom of it while sighing. "There is actually something that I have been meaning to tell you for a long time, but I haven't been able to get around to it. This is the best time considering what happened and I hope this won't be too much of a shock to you. Dylan and I have been dating for a few months now."

Mouth opening and closing as if he was trying to figure out what to say, he looked like a fish. Now having a bit of time and knowing that Penelope was going to stop him if he tried anything again I went over to my trousers, finally able to put them back on and then sat down on the bed, pulling a tissue from the bedside table and handing it to her. She smiled at me as she wiped her face, throwing it into the bin once she was sure she had cleaned everything up. I knew that she liked to drink cum a lot, but her son was in the room, so there was no chance of that.

"You...and Dylan?" he sounded like he was trying to figure out whether this was a prank or not, but as he looked at our faces, his dropped and the anger at the thought of my violating his mother without consent changed into anger at the both of us. "Why the fuck are you two dating? What the fuck?"

"Mark-" Penelope started.

"No, I don't want to listen to this bullshit. Why the fuck are you dating my mother Dylan, aren't you supposed to be my best friend?!"

"Mark it-" but again, he cut me off before I was actually able to explain anything. I felt the frustration growing.

"I bet you were just laughing at me when I was suggesting you date someone right, Dylan?" he said, a scary edge to his voice. "You two must have been having so much fun mocking me when I was talking about me and Dylan moving out when you already have a partner!" he started laughing, although it didn't feel genuine at all, and felt more like he was on the verge of breaking out in even more anger.

"Mark, listen to me-" Penelope was cut off once again.

"No, you listen to me you piece of shit!" he shouted. "You're fucking disgusting, dating someone so young, and especially someone who is supposed to be my best friend but is actually just a fucking cunt-"

"Mark!" Penelope shouted, cutting him off and startling him. It seemed that her anger got the better of her before mine did. "You do not get to talk to him like that, not after we he has done for me, done for us. After your father left I didn't have anyone, and I resigned myself to being alone forever, as long as I had children to look after and that wanted me in their lives, but after you started going crazy with the alcohol I didn't have anyone and it was Dylan that stepped up and helped me while you were out partying, and disobeying everything I would say to you. I didn't think anything of Dylan at first, but after seeing how much he cared for me, and how genuine and amazing of a man he was I decided to give a relationship a chance and I am happier than I have been in years. I finally have someone that I can rely on, someone who can help me out and that I know I can trust with my life. If it were another person I wouldn't mind breaking up with them if you were this angry about us being together, but not with Dylan. Dylan is the one for me, the one I love, and if you can't accept that then we're going to have a big problem."

There were tears in her eyes once she had finished, and all the colour had drained from Mark's face. I felt elated as sometimes I still doubted that she felt as strongly for me as I did for her but to finally know her thoughts on me, and know that it wasn't just a pipe dream to think that maybe we could be together in the future only caused my heart to swell even further.

"We'll talk about this properly in the morning, but for now, go to your room," Penelope said, no longer as angry as she had been, although it looked like she was drained.

Mark walked out of the room without another word, looking stunned and confused. I stayed as I still had a few things I wanted to talk about and do with Penelope.

"How are you feeling, Dylan?" she asked, a sweet smile on her face before she took in the bruise that was already starting to form on my eye from the punch. "Oh my god, did Mark do this to you? I'll go and sort this out right now!"

"Wait!" I said, pulling her back down on the bed and pinning her under me. "Mark didn't really do anything wrong, if you really think about it, someone cumming on your mother's face while she is asleep warrants that kind of reaction. It's commendable that he acted so fast and with no hesitation."

"But how is it?" she said, nodding to acknowledge what I had just said as she gently cupped my face in her hands. "Does it hurt?"

"Not anymore," I said, leaning in to kiss her. "Not after what you said tonight."

"After what I said?" she asked, a confused smile on her face.

"That you love me," I replied, and saw the deep blush creeping up her neck. "Which is great, because I love you too."

"Oh Dylan!" she exclaimed, jumping onto me and pushing me down so I was flat on my back. "I was so worried that you wouldn't feel the same way about me!"

She pressed her body hard against mine, and her lips were a breath away from my face so I moved my head up, capturing her lips and dragging her down to my level. I plunged my tongue into her mouth, occasionally pulling back to kiss across her jaw before going back to her lips, and devouring them. She was moaning into my mouth and I was getting really turned on so I started grinding my crotch up into hers, which only increase the muffled volume of her moans as she ground back onto me.