My Brilliant Life

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Naughty Daddy teaches her everything.
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I had just graduated high school and was staring my future directly in the eye. I had an opportunity to attend a university that seemed out of my reach, both financially and scholastically. I was legally an adult, but hardly felt that way. I was tall, shy and modest. My virginity shown all over me. I had dated a couple of safe boys, and kissed and been kissed. They made it to second base, but I had such tiny breasts that I'm surprised they wanted to even try for third. I am my own harshest critic and I couldn't see any sexual appeal that might attract suitors. I had resigned myself to a life of learning, quietly living at home with my loving parents.

My mother had gotten a letter from my her long estranged father. In it, he offered to make some amends for their estrangement by paying for my tuition and offering to let me live with him during the school year. He lived quite close to the campus and had been a long tenured professor with influence. He could secure my acceptance, if my mother agreed.

My parents sat down with me and we discussed my opportunity. The school was a dream come true. Grampa was a different matter.

"Your grandfather and I had a serious falling out before you were born. We haven't spoken or written since that day. He wants to meet in hopes of re-establishing our relationship. And he wants to meet the granddaughter he's never seen."

"Then I guess this all depends on you, Mom. It's just been us for so long and you two have always been my champions. Whatever you decide is fine with me." I did my best to sound impartial and supportive, but I was churning inside. I wanted this so badly, I could taste it.

"I'm going to speak frankly. You're eighteen and old enough to hear raw language. Your grandfather is an amazing man. His teaching, writings and opinions are renowned. He would be a powerful advocate for you. I know how important this opportunity is to you. But he's also a deeply flawed men. He leads an unconventional lifestyle behind all those academic accomplishments. And I think you should know about him before I give my blessing."

I was expecting to hear about some idiosyncratic, cold hearted, slightly dotty old man lost in his library, bereft of family or friends. What I heard wasn't even close.

"My father is a man of insatiable sexual hunger. His needs are impressive. And he lives and works surrounded by women all too eager to feed that hunger. My mother was one of the students who caught his eye. She did her best to satisfy him and eventually realized that no one woman would ever be enough. She shared him with a long list of others. He wasn't just interested in pretty young girls. Like all men, his cock has no eyes. It wants pussy in every shape, color and size. Admins, coeds, teacher's wives, waitresses, strippers, prostitutes and... his own daughter."

They brought out a photo album and paged through, showing me evidence of his lifestyle. Hundreds of photo's showing him posing naked with women, all taken and developed by my grandmother. Some petite pixies, some quite large, some stunning and just as many quite plain. And then a quite a few pages dedicated to my mother. She was stunning, still is actually. Time has added pounds and greying hair, but her beauty is intact. Her breasts were small, like mine. But her hips and ass looked stolen off a pornstar. Her red hair cascading around her shoulders with a matching thick red bush between her pale, sexy legs.

"Oh my god... no wonder he wanted you! You were so gorgeous and sexy!"

"Wasn't she? I was the envy of every man on campus!" Daddy hugged her from behind and gave her ample breasts a little squeeze, right in front of me! He seemed excited as we paged through her nudes and I could see his erection growing. Some of her poses were glamorous, but some were obscene, with her legs in the air as she held her labia open to show off a glistening wet vagina. Sucking Grampa's thick incestuous erection in many of them. Her grinning mischievously with her face puddled with semen. Even some with her kneeling and grabbing his ass cheeks open as she licked his anus!

"Aawww, thank you, darling. He was never abusive, but with me he was very possessive. I was his and no one else's. That's what drove us apart. I fell in love with your father. And Grampa did his best to break us up. We had a serious quarrel and I stormed out. I quit school, and we got married. We had you and made a different life that excluded him."

"You were built like me, when did these arrive?" As I poked one of her enormous, juicy melons. She and Daddy both smiled.

"You gave me these. When I got pregnant they fattened up nicely with milk for my babygirl and they stayed even after you stopped suckling. Well, Daddy certainly didn't!" And my doting father actually blushed.

"So there's hope for me yet!" I shared.

"Don't worry, Punkin. Your titties will be just as impressive someday!" And Daddy made me blush.

"So do you think he'll want me, too?" I wondered aloud to my parents.

"How could he not? Just look in the mirror, child. You do your best to hide yourself, but you are a beauty... and effortlessly sexy!" Mom beamed with pride.

"So the decision is really up to you, Punkin." Daddy added.

"If I decide to say yes, are you two going to be ok with it... like even the whole incest thing?" My heart pounding as I waited for their reply.

"Honey, we talked about this already. And, yes... we're ok with whatever decision you make. Except that we have one request." I was beyond curious. What concession did they have in mind?

"I want to say yes, even with the obvious sexual expectations." And I waited to hear their reactions.

"Good. But considering the way your grandfather treated Daddy, we don't think that he should be allowed to deflower you, babygirl." Mom said.

"Okay... what do you want me to do about that?" My vision of my family had changed so radically today, that I wasn't sure what to expect.

"I think Daddy should have that privilege. How would you feel about that?" Mom asked.

I looked at my Dad and saw the simple good man who had kissed my scraped knees and brushed my hair at night and drank pretend tea in my little girl pretend castle. The way he looked back at me let me know that his erection wasn't just about seeing his wife's sexy photo's. It was about wanting his daughter, officially and openly recognized as beautiful and sexy. The very idea of being wanted that way made my young pussy leak. I could feel my chest and face flush red with excitement.

"I would love that!" And you could cut the sexual tension in that room with a knife.

"Your father has wanted to hear you say those words all week. I don't think we should make the poor man wait any longer. Let's say we go out for a nice dinner and then have some very naughty fun?" And Mom's lascivious grin gave me shivers!

The restaurant was opulent and befitting such a momentous celebration. I was going to college! And offering up my virginity to my father so that my grandfather wouldn't get it to be my first lover. All in all, quite a day! We dressed our parts accordingly! Mom showing off her many charms in a gorgeous low cut dress. She certainly didn't look like my Mommy tonight. Dad wore his best suit and was very distinguished with his perfectly greying hair. Looking a bit like Dylan McDermott and making me feel quite randy. I wore the prom dress that I'd never gotten the chance to wear. I chickened out on prom night and my father repaid my date for all his costs. I was humiliated and depressed that particular night. But not tonight! I felt beautiful and SEXY! My strapless dress exposing pale vanilla skin for all to see. Even hinting at my subtle cleavage! The silver metallic dress hugged my boyish figure, especially around those few womanly curves. My hips were nicely developed and even I have to admit in private that my butt is cute. Even as a gawky little girl, I was ok with my legs and never had a problem showing them. Tonight in sheer silvery stockings, my long stems looked pretty fucking good! My lush red hair was piled high, revealing what could be described as my graceful swan neck.

"To my absolutely beautiful daughter, Lily! I love you, Punkin and hope that I'm not the author of any disappointment." He blew me a little kiss and Mom gave me the cutest sly wink!

Dinner was filled with delicious food, laughter and more than a few sexy asides. When it was finished, our waiter asked if we wanted to order dessert. Mom told him to send our sweets to our room upstairs!

"We have a room upstairs? You two are full of surprises tonight!" I couldn't have felt more pampered or loved!

In the elevator Mom poked Daddy and chided him playfully.

"Arthur, you were never this shy with me!" As she nudged him toward me.

We faced one another and I looked in his eyes. He was my father, my Dad and was about to become my Daddy. They had convinced the waiter that I was old enough to drink, and the cocktails, wine and champagne emboldened me. I traced my finger along his strong jaw and purred seductively for him. I gathered every sexy memory from years of romantic novels and films and casually used them to seduce my sweet father. I slipped one perfectly manicured finger in his mouth and pulled his lower lip down. My moist lips met his and we came together almost magnetically. My tongue searching for his, and feeling the jolt of perverted sexual electricity between father and daughter. My closed eyes and hungry mouth savored his incest kiss. His hands caressing my figure and making me feel loved, appreciated and quite naughty indeed! I could feel him inhale and suck my breath away, absorbing me. I was captivated and smitten by this man I thought I knew. All my memories of his innocent touches melted as he gently squeezed the softness of my ass cheeks.

We were so enamored and lost in one another that we hardly noticed the doors open and another couple joining us. They couldn't help but stare and notice our age difference. Mother deflected their attention for us.

"It's quite alright... I'm her mother." And we continued our deep kiss in complete silence. Once we reached the twelfth floor, we left the couple and noticed that she was probably about my age and he was possibly older than my Dad. I wiped one errant curl away from my face and gave them a wicked wink as we strolled to our door.

The room was... magnificent! It wasn't a room, it was a suite. With a foyer and livingroom-bedroom, and an enormous bed on a raised platform. Obviously a honeymoon suite and very posh. Mother and I played with the light switches and discovered an array of choices, including color variations, slow pulsing strobes and a mirror ball available for sensory overload, as if having illicit sex with your father wasn't enough.

My favorite feature were the lovely french doors leading to an expansive patio. Not a balcony, but a perfect rooftop garden. I twirled with my arms spread wide and hugged them both.

"This has been the best day of my life! I love you both so much!" And I wasn't fibbing.

A knock at the door and a dessert cart was rolled in, overloaded with the most exquisite delights, including fresh whipped cream and fruit. It seemed my deflowering was about to commence.

Mommy pulled me close and gave me a goodbye kiss.

"Do everything your father tells you and be a very good girl, ok?"

"And you take good care of my baby. Fuck her like the dirty little tart I raised her to be!" And she left us to be alone.

I kissed Daddy even more deeply this time. I was a doting, dutiful daughter, removing his jacket, then letting his pants drop to the floor. Unbuttoning his shirt, I caressed his cute Dad bod. Soft and reassuring, still attractive to the right sort. And I was that right sort. I kissed his warm chest and then sucked on his funny little tits. I knelt and peeled his underwear down his legs. My eyes were glued to that heavy meat dangling between his legs. My God, it was a sluts dream! We were Catholic, and Daddy had converted. He was uncircumcised and covered in sexy veins. I could all but feel myself drooling at the visceral sight of it. His balls hung low, loaded with semen, ready and waiting to bathe my young womb in his sperm. Then I peeled his lovely foreskin back to reveal a fat bluish cockhead that resembled a ripe plum. His peehole seemed large, probably a byproduct of decades squirting prodigious loads of cum inside my mother.

"Why don't you do this nice and slow, babygirl? Show all that cuetness off for Daddy. Make me want you more, if that's even possible?"

And he sat on the bed, playing with his cock while his horny stares bathed me from top to bottom.

I wanted to do exactly that. I felt all warm and randy, maybe drunk, but certainly horny as fuck. About to brazenly present myself to my father and aching for his illicit approval. I undid my hair and it cascaded over my shoulders as I shook it out for his touch. Waves of rich red tresses that smelled of wildflowers. I turned my long back to Daddy so that he could unzip my dress. He snuck a loving kiss on my neck and it made me quiver with anticipation for more. I faced him and wriggled the material down to my hips and then down my legs. Stepping out of it, I stood in my bra and garter belt, black elastic clips stretched over my tempting derriere. I unclipped my bra and held the cups in place as I eased to the foot of the bed and leaned forward for a kiss. Raising one hand above my head and then the other, releasing the unnecessary garment and revealing my tender young breast buds. They certainly didn't qualify as breasts quite yet. Smallish mounds even in their swollen excited state. But sensitive and wonderfully receptive to stimulation. One of my safe dates had almost worked me into an orgasm just sucking and toying with my nipples.

My entire body was covered in flesh the color of melting vanilla ice cream and moondust. Most of my life I had envied those girls with golden Palomino skin. But not tonight. I reveled in the complimentary shafts of pure light draped over my body, making me glow like molten pearls. I cupped my tiny buds and squeezed them for Daddy, then tugging ruby red nipples for his appreciation.

"That's it, babygirl. Make me fucking beg for it!" Daddy hissed as if watching a stripper selling her charms for a drunk client.

I stepped up onto the bed and offered my hips to Daddy. He leaned forward and pressed his face into my panties and inhaled my aroma. The sheer lace was soaked with my young fragrant juices. He licked the outline of my twat and gently bit the material. Then inch by inch he tugged them off my hips, until they were stretched mid thigh and trapped under my garter straps. He then simply tore my panties apart and sucked my young slime out of the rag remaining. His abrupt rough play sent shockingly good vibrations through my raging crotch. My sweet pussy took center stage. I'm certain that there are girls who find their vagina's attractive and sexy. But I have no idea about that, and always considered my pussy adequate at best. My Daddy was doing his best to change my mind. Daddy's cock grew nice and fat and I was mesmerized by his display of excitement. His meat was so heavy that he was one of those men who never grow fully erect. I'm no expert, but he is at least 9", possibly more. His love beast arched and never exceeded 30 degrees. I knew in my heart that I'd likely never have a better cock.

I danced and swayed for him, teasing with my newly freed, sexy hips. Gyrating seductively and showing moves never seen outside my bedroom. I loved the unleashing of my inner whore. They say she lives inside every woman, but so many never acknowledge or accept her. I had been so careful and controlled for so long, that tonight I fully gave in to the dirtiest urges from my starved, swampy cunny. My hands resting atop my head, grinding my pale young hips like a seasoned stripper.

Daddy crept up behind me and pushed my face into the pillows and I could feel his mouth on my rump. Grabbing big handfuls of my baby fat and pulling my cheeks apart! Oh God it felt strange and wonderful as his face nuzzled into the crack of my ass. His Daddy tongue tickling my anus and then sucking my hole! I could feel my toes involuntarily spread from his intense intrusion up my virgin asshole. I didn't like it, I LOVED it and pushed my hips into his mouth, wanting him deeper. He began fingering my pussy, working his way through my thick wet fur. I was on fire, with my tender holes being used together.

"OMFG Daddeeee!"

"Tell me what you want, babygirl! Let me know that you like it!" He instructed.

"OH fuck yesss... eat my ass Daddy! Eat me like your little girl's dirty ass!"

And he rewarded me immediately, sucking hard on my shithole. His mouth sent shock waves through my pelvis and I felt a loss of control. I was freaking out, worried that I was about to piss the bed.

"Don't fight it, Lily. Surrender and cum for me! Drench me in whatever comes out of your pretty cunt! Do it, babygirl!"

I gave in and my pussy went into automatic. A wonderful, intangible pressure began to build inside me. it seemed to ebb and flow on it's own. daddy's knowing fingers rubbed my clitoris and the feeling rushed up through me in an instant! I began crying like a baby as my little girly cunt exploded, squirting ejaculate all over the bed. I could feel my asshole spasm for Daddy. I was wiping my ass feverishly with his mouth and in absolute heaven. I lost count of my squirt gushes and slowly the urge to piss faded. I collapsed into the sheets and blanked out for a few moments from the intensity.

Daddy gently kissed my ass and trailed little kisses all up my spine until he left one last one on my sweaty neck. He left me limp and sweat soaked in a heap on the bed He moved to the dessert cart. I smiled at his fat boner and ballsack swaying as he walked. I felt a slight pang of guilt, realizing that I still hadn't serviced him.

He brought strawberries and fed them to me. What a sweetheart. It reminded me of all the times he doted on me as a kid. He teased me, pulling the sweet fruit just beyond my waiting lips. Then dabbing them against my faux pouty lips. I licked his fingers, and motioned for the chilled bowl of whipped cream. I dipped his erection into the sweet thickness and he playfully fucked the bowl as I held it. He ground his fuck meat in past his balls and was coated from tip to asshole in the delicious mix. I licked and sucked every last vestige of the cream from his crotch. I gently sucked his balls and was able to take both into my mouth at once. His closed eyes and low moan was all the reward I needed. I tickled his urethra with my tiny tongue, pushing it up his peehole as far as I dared. I watched in amazement as he jumped, wide eyed and grinning from ear to ear! My mother had never done this for him, and this discovery made me feel like a bonafide slut. He was as hard as he could possibly get

Daddy removed my garterbelt and stockings for me. Very much enjoying my ridiculously long legs in the process. He massaged my thighs and calves while kissing my cute little nude toes. I wiggled them for him and spread them wide as he licked between them. Sucking them like little cocks on his way to playfully nibbling my sexy arch. It tickled, and sent another small shock coursing up my leg to my virgin pussy.

He took my hand and led me to the shower where we played and loved one another under a warm refreshing rainfall. We soaped, sudsed and caressed one another. It felt glorious to have his loving hands all over me. I giggled and enjoyed being felt up and fingered. That night I learned something interesting about myself. I adored being kissed while having my cunny finger fucked and manipulated. I also learned that Daddy likes to have his cock manhandled and bitten. Our games turned into a romantic embrace and I was overcome with emotion. I kissed him and wept openly, sobbing my happiness. He cradled and wrapped me safely in his arms and gave me a look so imploring.