My Brother Brian Pt. 01


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My husband looked panicky "I think he is upset and is intending to leave us to live full time back in your mothers. Oh Maureen, we can't let that happen."

I felt the same and muttered "What will help to make him stay Derek? We mustn't let him go."

Derek looked relieved at my response and said, "I don't really know Maureen what to do, but whatever Brian would like, we must agree."

I could see we were both singing from the same hymn sheet and simply nodded agreement "Yes Derek. Whatever."

We spent the next 20 minutes, preparing what to say and the things we could offer to make my brother change his mind. Derek suggested a few things which I hadn't thought about. He was fully committed.


We both walked into the lounge to find Brian sitting at the table looking very serious. It was unusual for him as he had such a pleasant nature that everyone loved him.

I thought he was wonderful. He was always so courteous and seemed so shy when he asked me "Can we have a serious chat, Maureen. I am very worried."

I felt really concerned. I had just spent all morning listening to the Old Dears in the Care Home that I managed, telling me their problems, so I could certainly listen to my lovely brother.

We sat down at the table with him. I tried to reassure him "Now don't worry about anything, Bri. You know that Derek and I love you very much so whatever problems you have just tell me. I am your older sister, you can tell me anything."

My husband chipped in "Don't forget Bri, we want you to be happy with us."

We really meant what we were saying. Although he was only a year younger than me, I had always felt protective of him. Almost like a motherly figure.

Then he told me everything. I really mean everything. He was almost in tears as he told me what he had done to me, in front of my husband when I was lying on the bed.

Then he told me that he and Derek had looked at dirty pictures and they had talked about doing things to me. He was bright red in the face and looking down at his shoes all the time.

I smiled and reassured him "Mostly what you are talking about Bri, are fantasies and women's underwear." Before he could say anything, I added "Fantasies don't harm anyone. They are for your own enjoyment and no one else need be involved."

He shook his head in disbelief. "But Maureen, what happened in your bedroom wasn't a fantasy. With the help of your husband I fucked you. You are my sister, and I fucked you when you were sleeping." I knew he was quite an innocent lad, but I had to set him right on a few things.

I told him "You need to understand a few things Brian. They may surprise you, but they are important. First of all, you must realise that my husband Derek likes to watch. He gets his greatest excitement if he can see things happening and he likes dirty talk. You should also know that he loves me very much, and I love him."

Brian nodded "I know that Sis. I have great respect for Derek. He is older than I am, and I know he has an important job. I have always admired him very much since I was a young lad and was so happy when he married you." I could see my husband looking pleased at my brothers' compliments.

This pleased me as well and I told him "Derek really likes you as well Bri and has always thought of you as a younger brother. He likes to see you enjoy yourself."

He seemed a bit more reassured but spluttered "But don't forget, Maureen. I fucked you and your husband helped me. And you had been drinking and were sleeping. I violated you."

I smiled to myself "Hang on now Brian. I know I am your big sister but to say you and Derek violated me is a bit over the top."

He looked at me in surprise. "But you were half sleeping Maureen." I could see he didn't understand what had really happened. I needed him to understand.

I spoke to him in a motherly fashion. Very slowly. "Tell me Bri. When I was lying on the bed at the start, was I undressed?"

He shook his head "No you had your dress on and Derek slipped your breasts out for me as I played with your panties between your legs."

I smiled, he was so innocent.

"So, Bri. Not only did I have my dress on, but I still had my knickers on as well at the start?"

"Yes, Sis. Derek helped me undress you as you were sleeping so that I could fuck you."

I smiled at him "What you are telling me Bri is that you managed to take all my clothes off, even my panties and fuck me without waking me up?"

He started to doubt himself "I think so Maureen."

I smiled "How old am I Brian?"

He looked confused "You are 27, Maureen. You know that." "Of course, I know that Bri, but just think for a minute. I am a 27-year-old married woman. I am lying on the bed with all my clothes on."

He nodded as he was uncertain what I was trying to say. I spelled it out for him. "Just think Bri, do you think that a married woman of my age could have her dress pulled up to her waist, have her brassiere and her knickers taken off by her younger brother and be unaware of what was happening?"

He looked at the floor "But I fucked you Maureen."

I smiled at him "And do you think I didn't know you were fucking me, and that my husband was helping you? And he was masturbating?"

"I didn't think of that possibility, Maureen?"

I laughed "Mind you, Bri? I loved it. I loved the outrageous taboo thing about it. I had my little brother right up me and my husband was watching. Did you enjoy it Brian?"

He gasped "It was wonderful Maureen."

I decided to bring my husband into the conversation "Did you enjoy it Derek?"

Derek nodded his head emphatically "I loved it Maureen. Brian was magnificent as he shoved his big prick up you."

Brian seemed so relieved as he gasped "It was wonderful Sis. I am 26 now and have never been good with girls, and I was unsure about my fantasies. I have always thought of you as my second mother."

I had him talking sensibly now "That's lovely Bri. I can be your Mummy. You would like that wouldn't you. Love?"

"God, yes Maureen. I have so many exciting thoughts about you."

I smiled "We shall have to have a nice sit down Bri and talk through all your fantasies and fetishes. I think we can help each other with this and I know that Derek will love it."

He looked so doubtful "But Maureen, my fantasies are so dirty."

I laughed "But we all have those dirty fantasies, Bri."

I knew he had some difficulty thinking how my husband fitted in and he asked, "What about Derek?"

Derek intervened "I have very dirty fantasies as well Bri and besides being my brother in law, you are my best friend and Maureen and I love you so much. I really admire you. It can be our secret."

Brian was amazed and asked him "What do you admire about me, most, Derek?"

We were moving onto very delicate subjects now. My husband looked at me for assurance. I knew he wanted to be honest. I wanted him to carry on and nodded to him.

Derek said "I really admired your penis Bri. It was so big and firm and juicy."

Brian didn't respond for a few moments. He must now have fully realised that I knew what had happened. He looked at me and I smiled and nodded encouragingly. He asked, "Did you like my prick, Derek?"

Derek didn't hold back "It's a gorgeous prick, Bri."

He looked straight at my husband saying "Derek, did you like sucking my prick? Did you like the taste of my spunk?"

Derek half sobbed "It was so wonderful, Bri."

Brian had started to understand my husband's needs. He simply told him "I liked you sucking my cock, Derek."

Derek gasped in excitement "Thank you so much Bri."

Brian could see that Derek and I wanted to please him in all ways, so he asked "Well, tell me what you want me to do. I had intended to go back and live with Mum, but if I can understand what you both want, we may be able to talk it through, especially if Derek wants it as well."

I smiled and explained "His biggest desire is that he wants to be a girlie cuckold. It really excites him."

My brother was slowly understanding "So he wants to be your cuckold Sis?"

"Not just my cuckold, Bri. He wants to be our cuckold. He wants to be your cuckold as well."

Brian looked pensive. Both Derek and I didn't speak. We both wanted my brother to relax and understand how nice things could be.

When he kept quiet for over a minute or so, I felt worried. I couldn't think what else to say which would be helpful. My husband intervened.

He spoke directly to my brother "I have told Maureen that you are thinking of leaving Bri and we are both desperate for you to stay."

Brian nodded gratefully "I wish it were as simple as that, Derek. Maureen is my lovely sister and you Derek are closer than a brother in law. You are my best friend. I am not sure how to explain things to Mum and especially Margaret."

I answered "I don't think you need tell Mum and I think Margaret will be very understanding. She is so sensible. If you like I can tell her." Brian nodded.

My husband looked so pleased, he rated Brian so highly and the conversation so far looked promising.

I wanted to make my position clear "We both love you so much Bri, but more than that Derek has told me that you like listening to us in the bedroom and that he has told you dirty things about me as you played with yourself. It excited us both so much."

Brian nodded "I am grateful Maureen. I love you both very much, but you don't really know the extent of my wishes and I am too ashamed to tell you."

I immediately thought that this was a hopeful start and told my brother "Derek and I have spoken about it Bri and we have both agreed we want to give you anything you want."

I wanted to explain fully and reached inside my bag and drew out a small piece of material. Brian saw it as well and looked startled.

Derek realised what I was doing and whispered loudly "They are her panties Bri. She wants you to have them. I want you to have them. Just think Bri. If you live with us, you can have your sister's knickers, whenever you want them or anything else."

Brian shook his head "You can't say that Derek. You don't know some of the things."

Derek was back like a shot "It doesn't matter Bri. We will both agree to anything. Absolutely anything."

Brian looked a little flustered "Anything?"

Derek and I answered in unison, "Anything at all Bri."

My brother hesitated and spoke directly to my husband "I know you are her husband Derek, but you must also know how much I fancy Maureen although she is my sister."

Derek nodded emphatically "Of course I do Bri and so does Maureen. But you must also know how much we love you in that sort of way. It is special, and it is so secret."

I supported Derek "That's right Bri, you are special, and it will be secret."

My brother nodded and again addressed my husband "That's the point Derek. If I stayed, it would take some sort of Special Arrangement with you and Maureen and it must be secret."

I felt excited. It looked as if my husband and I had finally got my brother to accept how much we needed him.

I kept quiet as Derek said "You can have any Special Arrangement you want Bri. Maureen and I will be so grateful if you would stay with us. Just tell us what you want." I nodded.

Brian seemed to be thinking then he took a deep breath "I know Maureen is my sister Derek, but if I stayed, I would want her to be my wife."

That shook us. We hadn't expected this. I felt a little tingle in my tummy. I let Derek answer.

He thought for a moment before saying "As we said earlier Bri we want you to stay at all costs. I am quite happy for her to be your wife."

He looked at me for support. As it sunk in, it felt a lovely possibility. I smiled "I would like to be your wife Bri. It will be quite simple "You can move into our bedroom and Derek can take over your bedroom. Its right next door anyway."

Derek tried to lighten things "I can listen to you and Maureen together then Bri. It will be exciting for me."

Brian half smiled "You know I will be fucking her, Derek and sometimes I will get her to mount me?"

Derek nodded cheerfully "But that will be your right Bri. After all she will be your wife. I will enjoy listening to you."

Brian looked at me "How do you feel about it, Maureen?"

I smiled "I would love it Bri. I would like you to do it to me a lot. Derek knows he is boring me now and always wants to be a pretty boy. You have seen some of his pretty pictures."

Derek looked embarrassed. Brian immediately stuck up for him "But Maureen, he is a very pretty boy. I like him dressed up. We must help him enjoy himself. I know he wants to listen to us, I suggest we let him watch."

Derek murmured "I would be grateful Bri."

I wanted to help him and said, "Don't forget how pretty Derek can be Bri."

My brother understood what I was saying and asked "Derek, would you like to be my pretty girlie?"

"Derek looked so excited and repeated his earlier words "I would be ever so grateful, Bri."

I could see the conversation was going much better than we could have hoped. The eagerness in my husband's face was so endearing. I wanted to help him and murmured "He is dressed prettily now Bri."

Derek blushed but looked excited.

Brian looked at my husband a little puzzled as Derek was in a nice silk shirt and smart trousers. He looked at me and murmured "But?"

I simply said "Underneath."

Brian understood and turned to my husband "Would you like to take your trousers off for me, Derek?"

Derek panted and looked at me. I nodded.

Derek slipped his trousers off.

It excited me to see my husband so exposed to my brother.

He had black stockings on which looked so feminine and his sky-blue panties were very pretty and could hardly contain his penis which was thrusting out over the top providing a perfect frame for the throbbing bulbous head.

I had thought he had always using my underwear, but I had never seen these. He must have bought them himself.

They had pretty little black bows and decorative elastic waistband. He looked gorgeous.

He also had a brassiere on which really took Brian's breath away. He murmured "I like him, Maureen."

I half giggled "He can be our pretty girlie, Bri." I could see that Derek himself, was over the moon. This was better than ever.

Brian looked relaxed for the first time. He could see how willing we both were. He smiled at my husband "You are pretty Derek. We have agreed that Maureen will be my wife. Would you like to be my wife as well?"

Derek was ecstatic "I would love that Bri."

I was pleased that my husband wasn't being left out and added "So would I Bri." I giggled "Derek can be my sister in law then."

Brian smiled "I am pleased that is settled. We can go and have tea now."

I could see that Brian was already taking up his position as husband. I stood up in front of them and asked my brother "Shall we let Derek join us for tea, Bri?"

He smiled. "Of course, Maureen. Derek will be included in everything."

I could see Brian looking at me a bit lustfully and just stood in front of him in a coy sort of manner."

Derek must have noticed it as well "Do you want to see her underwear Bri?"

I felt annoyed "I am Brian's wife now Derek. He is more than capable of telling me what he wants."

Derek looked embarrassed and mumbled "Sorry Bri."

My brother laughed "Don't worry about it, Derek. Actually, it is a good idea. Sit on that chair Maureen and open your legs for me."

I could see Derek panting but in truth he was unimportant now. This was lovely. I sat on the chair in front of my new husband. I opened my legs and also raised one foot up onto the chair which gave him a full view of my tight panty gusset.

He reached down and rubbed himself through his trousers saying "Lovely. We will chat some more after tea,"

As we all left to go into the Dining Room, Derek looked a little troubled.

Brian immediately asked "Are you OK Derek. Are you having second thoughts? It's OK. I quite understand, and I don't want you to worry."

Derek simply said "No, I am so pleased how it has worked out Bri. I want you to be Maureen's husband. My only worry is what will happen when we go outside the house and talk to our friends? It will be embarrassing."

Brian chuckled "No need to worry about that Derek. We all have to live with all our friends and colleagues. When we go out and mix with people, I will go back to being her brother and you will be Maureen's husband."

Derek looked relieved and murmured his gratitude "Thanks Bri. I was worried." I was relieved as well.

Brian nodded "But remember Derek, although superficially you are her husband when you are out with her, I don't want any secret touching. She is still my wife."

Derek nodded emphatically "Absolutely Bri. I know my place. I want you to know how pleased I am."

His complete acceptance of the situation really pleased Brian who said "I am also pleased Derek. After tea you can put on your little girlie clothes and watch me fuck her."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very arousing , loved the style of writing, lots of area’s to develop more ,

Justcurious777Justcurious777about 2 years ago

A lovely

Story with some clever twists. A lot of potential for development as well. As someone who likes to wear lingerie the plot line with derek dressed up is very tantalising and the sudden introduction of Brian and derek being bi had a nice effect on me.

The hints at bathroom fun also left me fantasising.

I see Emily hasn’t posted any new content for a while but I hope she has a part 2 in the making

serialscribblerserialscribblerabout 3 years ago

I love the characters and the conversation. I wish Margaret could have got back into the story somehow!

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefabout 3 years ago

Great story, very interesting but twisted, just the way I like them lol. I just about lost it when Derek was helping Brian violate his sister the first time. I was right there with them looking up her skirt at her panties and pulling her panties aside to look at her hairy cunt. Not sure how Maureen kept playing her part when she came three times.

I was a little confused during the confrontation because Maureen told Brian she was in bed but dressed, yet she pretended to pass out on the settee. Not a big deal, just had to go back and read it again to make sure it was the settee.

It looks like this is a win-win situation all around because brother gets to fuck sister and play with her panties, sister gets a bigger longer lasting dick for her cunt, and husband gets to play dress-up and suck that big cock. I guess they lived happily ever after, even if it is in a very 'British' way. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
So good

Great story, so erotic. Pity there wasn't more sex action. Like Brian sniffing her used panties and Derek sucking him off. Story was too short, but excellent.


Paul4playPaul4playalmost 4 years ago

Well done character development and suggestive dialogue.

Your writing is simple, clear and direct, which delivers the juicy bits on a silver platter!

Fun to see “very proper” people reveal their kinky libidos! From mum to Margaret to Maureen and their men...lots of playful eroticism!

Will read more....

mammoetmammoetover 4 years ago
loved it

I understand now.

looking forward to chapter 2

LanceinBermudaLanceinBermudaover 4 years ago
Absolutely Fantastic

This story included a lot of my little kinks and I thought it was so erotic! The fact that everyone gets what they wanted is a huge plus! Very well written and characters well developed! I sure hope there will be a part 2! Cheers Lance

Familyluv2114uFamilyluv2114uover 4 years ago

My name is Brian too so this story especially hits home even more so for me....THnk You and please continue with a Part 2 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️'s

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Another great story from Emily. Would love to hear the stories behind the pictures mentioned. I think there are a lot more fantasies to be told xxx

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