My Brother’s Wife©


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I noticed she was crying so I pulled her to me and kissed her before asking, "Why are you crying? Do you want me to take you home?"

"No, I don't want you to take me home. I want to spend the rest of the day with you and see how many orgasms we can give each other. I'm crying because I'm a woman. It's our nature to get emotional. I'm crying because I can't believe how much I've fallen in love with you just since last night. I love that you said you wouldn't marry me because you didn't want me to experience the hardships of becoming an Army wife. John, I want you to make love to me all afternoon, and I'm going to sneak into your room every night until the wedding. And when I'm married, I want you to come visit as often as you can, and you can fuck me whenever you want to. And I have a surprise for you I think you will like. We are having a rehearsal dinner the day before the wedding and I'm going to introduce you to my Maid of Honor and best friend, Cindy. She's as big a slut as I am and she's beautiful and sexy. Don't ask me how I know, but I can assure you she loves to fuck and she's very good at giving blowjobs.

I have heard that it's a tradition that the Best Man will fuck the Maid of Honor. Jerry and I are going to Hawaii for our Honeymoon and when we get back, I expect to see Cindy walking funny from riding your huge cock all week. She's kind of kinky, too. Maybe we can have a threesome someday."

"I thought you loved me, but you just want to pimp me out to your friends."

She punched me on the arm, then said, "Shut up and come fuck me. Better yet, eat my pussy while I suck your dick, then you can fuck me hard again."

I ate her out and gave her three orgasms before I finally blew a huge load in her mouth. Then I entered her from behind and fucked her hard. She loved it and came two more times. I lost track of how many times we fucked, but we both agreed we had to go. We took a nice long shower together where we fucked again before getting dressed and checking out of the hotel. We never got around to that late lunch. We drove back home, and mom and dad and Jerry were at the dinner table. I had told mom she didn't have to make any dinner for us, but I was starved. I could tell Stacy was too, so I asked mom if she had enough for us.

She said, "Of course I do dear, but I thought you were having a late lunch."

"We stopped at a Sushi place, and I swear, it was the worst food I've ever had. We couldn't even finish it." Then, before anyone had time to ask questions, I said, "Jerry, let me give you some advice. If Stacy ever asks you to go shopping with her, make up an excuse. I swear, I've never walked so much in all my life. And why do women walk down to the end of the mall to go into a store, and then walk back to a store we just passed? I'll never be able to figure out how a woman thinks."

Jerry laughed and said, "I know what you're talking about. Shopping is not my favorite thing. Thanks for going with her today. I hope you guys got to know each other better."

"Yeah, I think so, although she mostly talked about you and the wedding."

I'm glad Stacy wasn't drinking anything. She probably would have choked on it or spit it out.

Later, while watching TV, I announced that I was tired and was going to bed. A few hours later, I was once again lying on top of the sheet nude when I heard the door open. Stacy took her nightie off and dropped it, then crawled in bed with me. She put her arms around me and gave me a big kiss, and then she straddled me while placing my cockhead into her already wet pussy. I asked, "Didn't get enough today?"

"I'll never be able to get enough of your big cock. I just hope Jerry won't be in the mood anytime soon. My pussy's gonna be sore tomorrow."

"I'll go easy on you. I'm gonna make you cum at least three times, and then I promise I will kiss it for you to make it all better."

"You're such a gentleman!"

We again fucked until about 4:00 in the morning when she silently slipped back into her own bed. Fortunately, Jerry is a heavy sleeper.

The next day was Friday and the rehearsal dinner. First, we went to the church where we walked through the ceremony. When everyone had every step down pat, we went to the dinner where I was finally introduced to Cindy, the Maid of Honor. She was an absolute knockout. She had been a cheerleader with Stacy in High School, but not in college. Jerry and Stacy had met at UCLA, but Cindy had gone to USC. Regardless, Cindy and Stacy had been best friends since the 9th grade. Cindy could have been mistaken for Stacy's sister because they looked so much alike. The biggest difference was, Cindy had at least 38 D tits.

At one point during dinner, Cindy got me alone and asked, "So, are we going to keep the tradition alive?"

I played dumb and asked, "What tradition?"

"The tradition where the Best Man fucks the Maid of Honor."

"Oh! I didn't know that was a real thing. Let's say I was willing to do that, when and where would we make it happen?"

She answered, "As soon as we can get away from this place, and at my apartment which is about five minutes from here."

"Well, Cindy, I would hate to disappoint you. I have to tell you, I'm almost a virgin and not very experienced. If you would be willing to show me what's expected of me, I'm willing to give it a shot."

Cindy chuckled, looked around to make sure no one was within earshot, and then said, "I'm Stacy's best friend. Do you know what best friends are known for?" Before I could answer, she said, "Best friends tell each other everything." Then she emphasized, "Every Thing!" She continued, "From what Stacy said, not only are you not a virgin, but you could teach a master class on how to give a girl an orgasm."

"Now, if you're ready to get out of this place, I would like to show you that I'm something of an expert myself."

When we got to her apartment, she immediately started getting undressed. I soon followed and in less than a minute, we were standing in her living room completely nude. She had the nicest tits I have ever seen and a completely smooth pussy. My dick was hard as a rock and standing straight out. She was staring at my cock and panting a little. I said, "Bedroom!", and she answered, "Follow me."

At that point, I would have followed her through the gates of hell.

When we got to her bedroom, she stopped, turned around, and dropped to her knees. She took my steel-hard cock in her hand, and then put it in her mouth. She licked it and sucked it for a minute before I started fucking her mouth. I put my hand behind her head and started pumping in and out. She was sucking me so hard I couldn't hold back a second longer. I blasted several large loads of cum in her mouth which she quickly swallowed.

She said, "Fuck! I've been dreaming about doing that all week. Stacy told me what a nice big cock you have, and that you really knew how to use it. She's getting married tomorrow, then spending a week in Maui on her Honeymoon. She told me to keep you happy while she's gone, so I plan on fucking your brains out every day!"

"My god! You are such a slut!"

"Well, it seems like you enjoy the thought of being with a slut for the whole week!"

I retorted, "Now what would make you think that?"

She grinned and said, "Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's the way you were fucking my mouth and blasting your hot cum down my throat!"

"Oh, yeah. I did sorta enjoy that. In fact, I think I might do it again." And we did. Several times. In her bed, on the floor, in the shower, in the living room. Whenever and wherever the desire hit us. She was insatiable.

The next day I woke up to the best feeling in the world. Cindy was sucking my dick. I laid back and let her do what she was very good at. She had her lips locked tightly around my dick while bobbing her head up and down. It didn't take long for me to shoot a massive load of hot semen down her throat. I pulled her up to me so I could give her a deep kiss. I could taste my cum on her lips.

I said, "As much as I enjoy that and would like to do it several more times, we have a wedding to get to. I have to get my tuxedo on. I know I'm going to look like James Bond, but I'm hoping you will be able to control yourself. We don't have enough time for any more fun until the ceremony is over."

"As hard as it will be, I will try to resist your charms. But be warned. As soon as the newlyweds leave, I'm going to continue to fuck your brains out. Be prepared to go to sleep with your dick in my cunt and to wake up with my mouth on your dick."

I said, "Slut."

She just smiled.

We drove to the church where we prepared to do our part in the wedding. I went to talk to Jerry and Cindy went to the bride's room. Jerry was a nervous wreck. A few minutes later, Cindy came out and asked, "Where's Stacy?"

Jerry freaked out. He asked, "What do you mean, where's Stacy? She's supposed to be back there getting dressed!"

Cindy said, "Sorry sport. She's not back there."

Jerry said, "She must still be at the house. John, please go get her."

"OK Jerry. Calm down. You've still got a couple of hours before the ceremony starts. I'll go get her and make sure she gets here safely. I'll see you in a little while."

I drove to my parent's house and went to Jerry's room. Stacy was sitting on the side of the bed wearing a bra and panties, and she was crying. I asked, "Stacy, what's wrong? You need to get dressed so I can get you to the church."

She answered, "I don't think I can do this. I'm not sure I can go through with this marriage."

I sat down next to her, put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her to me. I kissed the tears away, and then I kissed her by putting my tongue in her mouth. After a slight hesitation, she returned the kiss. She said, "I need you to do something for me."

"Of course, Stacy. You know I would do anything for you."

"John, I want you to eat my pussy, then fuck me hard one last time. Then I promise you can take me to the church."

I took her bra and panties off, pushed her back on the bed, and put my face between her legs. I usually like to take my time, but I knew we were pushing it, so I started feasting on her sweet pussy. I licked her hard and drove my tongue in and out several times, making sure to lick her clit numerous times. It didn't take long for her to have a massive climax. As soon as she had settled down, I got between her legs and drove my cock in her to the hilt. I then started pounding her hard. It only took a minute for her to have another massive orgasm.

I said, "Baby, you need to get dressed now. We need to get to the church soon."

She took a quick shower, put her bra and panties back on, then dressed in a black T-shirt and black shorts. She had a suitcase and a small duffle bag that I assumed contained her make-up. We went out to the car and drove to the church. Cindy met us at the back door and took Stacy inside to get dressed.

An hour later I was standing next to my brother at the front of the church. I could tell he was nervous. The wedding march started, and we turned to watch Stacy and Cindy walk down the aisle. My god! She was beautiful. They said their vows, exchanged rings, Jerry kissed his bride, and then walked into another room where they cut the cake. After receiving congratulations from everyone, they left for their honeymoon. I took Cindy back to my parent's house where we changed into jeans and T-shirts, and my mom made dinner for us. After a couple of hours, I took Cindy back to her house where I spent the night.

True to her promise, we fucked like rabbits for the entire week. We had just finished fucking and were lying in bed trying to catch our breath when she asked, "How long until your leave is up?"

"I still have two more weeks. Why?"

"Stacy asked me to keep you happy while she was gone. I hope I was able to do that. I can tell you that I really enjoyed being with you. Stacy and Jerry come home tomorrow. I know you are in love with her and want to keep fucking her, but it's going to be harder to do now that they're married. I just want you to know, I really enjoy being with you. You are the best lover I have ever had, and I want to continue being with you as much as possible. I mean, if that's what you want."

I thought about it for a minute before answering, "Cindy, I have really enjoyed our time together. I hope after the first day, you weren't just trying to fuck me to death as a favor to your best friend. I hope you were doing it because you wanted to. I'll be honest with you. I have given it a lot of thought, and if Stacy finds a way to sneak into my room at night, I probably won't turn her away, but I'm not going to pursue her. She's married to my brother now, and I don't want to do anything to interfere with their life. If you're willing, I would like to spend as much time with you as I can until I leave. And I hope I can see you anytime I come back home for a visit. I have been in a combat zone for the past year, but I think I might be going to some nice places over the next couple of years. I might get to spend some time in Italy and Germany, and then eventually I might end up in Tampa, Florida. How would you feel about me sending you a plane ticket to wherever I happen to be so we could spend some quality time together?"

"Are you shitting me? You would do that? Fuck yeah! You send me a ticket to Timbuctoo, and I'll be there. I thought I would never see you again after you leave. Are you serious right now? You really want to see me again?"

She had a big smile on her face, but tears in her eyes. I pulled her to me and kissed her.

"Cindy, I'm not a lovesick kid. I know I could never have a life with Stacy, and even if I was able to come back home for a visit, I think it would be best if I kept my distance. But I would really like to see you again, as much as possible, if you're ok with that."

"Ok with that? Are you kidding me? Stacy said you're not interested in getting married, and I'm not asking for a ring, but if you want to spend more time with me, just let me know where and when and I'll be there."

She was lying back on the bed, still totally nude, when she spread her legs wide apart and said, "I'll bring this with me."

I couldn't help it. I started laughing out loud. She was not only sexy as hell, but she also had a great personality and a wicked sense of humor.

Jerry and Stacy came back the next day. Mom made a nice dinner, and they showed us the pictures from Maui. It looked like a beautiful place. Jerry said they were going house hunting the next day. As had become my custom, I spent the night with Cindy at her house, so there was no chance of Stacy sneaking into my bed. I was actually ok with that.

Two weeks went by really fast, and it was soon time for me to get back to my unit. Dad shook my hand, Mom cried, and Stacy gave me a kiss on the cheek. She said, "The next time you come home we will have our own house. You know we will always have a room for you, big bro!"

Cindy took me to the airport. When they called my flight, she gave me a very passionate kiss, and with tears in her eyes, she said, "Take care of yourself and stay in touch. I hope we can Skype at least once a week. I promise to show you my tits! And, John, I'm not sure if you want to hear this or not, but I love you." She kissed me again, and I surprised myself when I answered, "I love you, too." As I walked to the gate, I knew I would never fuck my brother's wife again.

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LechemanLecheman3 months ago

It sounds like MCs big and little heads love devotions are getting crossed. First he declares love to his brother's wife (to be) and then to her mate; even after declaring he will screw his brother's wife on their return.

And then states he will never screw his brother's wife again.


AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

doesn't matter if it was before or after the wedding.. an in-law isn't incest.

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19816 months ago

Wasn't incest he fucked her before the wedding not afterwards so again not incest

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

WOW, an opposite Jodie story. I think the Martian Slut Ray got bumped again and caught two lovely ladies in it's beam.

The writing was good, and the pace was good. It flowed well, and wasn't super long so as to piss you off like some stories in this forum with a cheating wife knowingly chasing after some scum bag, who cuckolds the husband. Yeah, I'm not happy he cuckolded his own brother, but he did that while they were still single.

26thNC26thNC8 months ago

If this was a real story, I would hope that this brother cucker ends up in the crosshairs of an enemy sniper.

pjpbpjpb8 months ago


I only pity MC's brother for having such a brother (living, cuckolding and intending to continue cuckolding until met Cindy) and slut of a wife

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Why wouldn't he. She needs some decent genes for her kids and by not giving her what she needs he's not only endangering her marriage but by giving it to Cindy instead he's endangering their friendship.

That he can say in such a short time that he loves two different ppl, that he can sleep with his brothers fiance and then with a known slut says more than enough about his poor judgement and untrustworthy character.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Hard to like a story with such an unlikeable main character. KS

62canman62canman9 months ago

Great story!! I’m thinking this happens more than people realize. I’ve fucked my sister -n-law several times back when we was all younger. She was a regular ho-bag……lol!! Had a three way one night with her & the wife. Once she saw my big dick she couldn’t get enough of it. All was in great fun!!!! Thanks for the story.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Hint... you can't copyright story, book or movie titles. So your silly '(C)' is just that... silly. Like this story of some asshole who would cuck his own brother.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Great story!!! Very familiar to me. Years ago my older brother was in the army and was a very big man in more ways than one. He was 6’ 6” tall and I have no idea how much he weighed. But growing up together I knew he had a huge cock least 10” & big around. I also knew he was a very heavy cummer when we was young. While on leave he spent a week with me & my wife. We’d only been married about two years & he had never met her. My wife was a slut all through high school & college. She said she had sucked over 200 cocks. My wife was a 4’ 11” sex machine, she weighed around 100 pounds & had a rack of 34d that just looked massive on her small frame. She promised to try & stay fateful when we married but I had my doubts. Anyway long story short she asked if she could experience my brother one night & I gave her permission. She got the fucking of her life that next morning after she showered & went to visit him. It was so hot watching him literally ripping her tee shirt & panties off her & his massive 10” cock in her face. Not sure who knocked her up, we never did a test but 2 weeks later she was pregnant with our first child.

oldguy1oldguy19 months ago

It's really your secret fantasy wish rather than you writing a fictional story ay dude horrible story

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

cucked his own bro. deserves death 1* terrible story

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Get over it, losers!!! It's a fictional story. Maybe you people should have keep reading Dr. Seuss. No imagination.

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