My Brother's Wife Ch. 06

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Alex prepares to come clean...
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/02/2022
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After the close call at my house, Dani and I reluctantly decided to stay away from each other until our confession. Four days without her touch sounded like hell, but we couldn't risk being caught before then.

My dreams became windows into a multitude of distant futures. Some nights, I killed Mike. I strangled him; I shot him; I stabbed him again and again until I was coated in my brother's blood. Sometimes he killed me. And on other, more restless nights, I watched him hover over Dani's lifeless body, the swollen bowl of her stomach destined to deflate and take the life inside with it.

The first few days, I spent more time masturbating than doing anything else, accomplishing a bit of work between each session. I memorized the details of Dani's flesh in every photo, zooming in on every birthmark and imperfection that made her so perfect. But stroking myself to an artificial reflection of her wasn't enough--it was a drop of water in a desert, enough to keep me alive but never strong enough to thrive--and by the third day, I was deep into a bottle of Jameson by noon.

I stared at myself in the mirror, my eyes sagged by the weight of the liquor and my unquenched obsession. My face ebbed and flowed subtly. Me. Mike?



I hate him. I hate him. I hate him!

On the fourth day, I was saved by a lack of alcohol and a hangover too terrible to leave the house to buy more. I slept. I dreamt. And I waited to see her again.

Saturday morning, finally. My fingers hovered over Dani's name in my phone. She'd asked me not to text her--Mike was suspicious of something, what if he went through her phone?--but I couldn't resist.

We're nearly free

I figured it was an ambiguous enough message to not register in my brother's mind if he saw it first. She'd delete it once she read it, to be sure, but she'd get the message and smile.

There was so much for the two of us to discuss. Where would we go? Would we leave everyone and everything behind to start a new life together?

It sounded perfect to me. I'd miss my family, but we could find my parents again when the pain and anger had been put behind enough time to heal. Dani had no family--she'd been orphaned as a child and was never fond of her foster family.

No. She had me. Her real family.

I'd go anywhere for her; I'd work any soul-sucking job and live in the most desolate wasteland so long as I came home to her every day.

I stared at the message until the bottom text changed from delivered to read. That was enough for me.

Just as I was leaving my house, I headed back to my office and opened the drawer beneath my desk, grabbing an old pocket knife that blended wood beautifully with steel. My father had given it to me when I was thirteen, and I ran my finger over the A.M. etched into the handle.

The knife fit snuggly into the back pocket of my jeans. I'd never been backed into a corner hopeless enough to warrant using it, and I hoped that tonight would be no different.

But I had to be safe...

It was a small gathering at my parents' house, the typical Saturday night get-together that they liked to have a few times a month. They always said that the best way to keep a family close was to eat and drink merrily together as often as possible, and I felt the shame of what I was about to do weigh me down like chains around my ankles as I walked through the front door.

My mother was there to greet me. She always smiled when she saw me--as if she was about to cry because it had been too long--but she smiled even brighter when she had both of her boys at home.

"How have you been, Alex?" she asked, taking the bottle of wine from my hands and ushering me inside. "I haven't heard from you all week."

"Good, mom," I croaked, realizing that those were the first words I had said in four days.

For a moment, I felt like she saw right through me, but her suspicion was easily defeated by her jubilance, and she led me towards the kitchen with that familiar pep in her step. "Your brother and Dani are already here, and the newlyweds are here too!"

Martin and Jessica...

For whatever reason, coming clean in front of my cousin and his wife--still in the first month of their marriage--felt even more perverse. But Martin was a good man. He'd understand... Wouldn't he?

Fear crept in on me as I walked through the house. It felt like every portrait and family photo was coming to life just to shame me from their frames.

Would any of them forgive us? My father would, but he was a different sort of man. He'd made difficult decisions in his life--he'd lied to the ones he loved--and I think that his intense love for my mother helped him to understand me in a way that most people couldn't.

But would my mother, who loved her boys more than anything, ever be able to forgive me after watching me stick a knife in Mike's back?

And could I handle losing my mother for Dani?

I turned the corner into the dining room, greeted by smiling faces and a table full of food. Their hellos and salutations drifted past me like leaves on a breezy fall day. Unimportant. Unnoticed. Because there she was, and all of my senses had surrendered themselves to the sight of her.

I could hear nothing.

I felt nothing--in the physical sense.

I simply saw her.

And the fear was gone. The family photos returned to the still life, shut their traps, and trapped the shame with them. Whatever happened, I was five feet away from the girl of my dreams, and that's all that mattered.

She glanced up at me with a coy smile as I made my way around the table for hugs and pats on the back. Martin and Jessica were still glowing, of course, and it gave me a brief vision of my future with Dani. My dad hugged me like he was trying to break my back and the disappointment that had been present in his eyes the last time I saw him had vanished completely. I wondered how much of that was forgiveness and how much was his ability to choke down his feelings.

Mike seemed naively happy, flashing me a huge smile and jerking my wrist around as he gave me an exaggerated handshake. The fool had no idea what was about to happen.

Finally, I came to Dani. She wore a white flowing dress that stopped just above her knees. It was modest compared to most outfits I'd seen her in, but it somehow helped her beauty shine even brighter. Rather than having my vision tethered to her legs or cleavage, I was able to sink my sights in her blue eyes, and she turned in her chair to hug me. I wanted to kneel down and smell her shining black hair but I refrained, settling for the lovely feeling of her head against my abs.

She broke the embrace quickly, which was good because I might have lost myself in it and blown our cover before we even had a chance to explain ourselves.

Unfortunately, no chair had been set up next to Dani, so I was forced to sit in the last available seat directly across from her. I was farther away, but I had the perfect view of perfection. We hadn't discussed how we were going to do this, but that really didn't matter to me once I sat down. I was prepared to just go another night living in our secret. That was the circular poison of our affair. It was just too damn good to risk giving it up. I figured Dani and I would find a moment alone after dinner, run through our plan, kiss in secret one last time, then ruin everybody's night.

Halfway through dinner, I slid my foot across and found her legs. She was wearing boots that stopped high on her shins, and I toyed with them as I stared at my plate. But she pulled back, angling herself in the chair to better face my father--who was in the middle of a story--and depriving me of her touch.

She's nervous, I told myself, but I had no idea what was about to happen.

When everyone's plates had been licked clean and another bottle of wine had been opened, Mike filled the void of a brief silence by clumsily clinking his glass with a spoon and rising from his chair. "Excuse me, my dear family, but my wife and I have an announcement."

My heart exploded as Mike took Dani by the hand, the two standing side by side as my brother smiled dumbly, letting the tension hang in the air until the room felt suffocatingly small.

"Dani is pregnant!" he proudly proclaimed. "We're having a fucking baby!"

The room erupted. The table shook. My mother was a messy mix of tears and screaming at my brother to watch his mouth.



Son of a bitch....

"Alex!" Martin pulled me from the fires of hell. "Did you hear him? They're pregnant! You're gonna be an uncle, man!"

For whatever reason, my eyes locked onto my father's face. I needed help. I needed guidance. But his gaze communicated one thing to me, lock it up, son.

I jumped out of my seat, forcing a smile and joining in the celebration. Mike's hug was new and foreign to me, and I could feel his joy seeping through every pore. Dani avoided my gaze, and she shivered as we awkwardly embraced.

The rest of the night was a blur. Every time I tried to catch Dani alone, someone seemed to interrupt. My mother blasted 80's rock and danced around the house until her old feet forced her to take a seat on the couch. Martin and Jessica fawned over the idea of having a child, obsessed with the idea of starting a family at the same time as their cousins.

"Our kids could grow up together," they shouted, the drinks continuing to pour. "It would be so perfect!"

Our kids...

Their kids...

Mine... The child was mine.

I fought back against any iota of doubt inside of me. Dani and I had been making love constantly for weeks. I'd pressed myself deeper into her each time, determined to fill her with my seed again and again and again. Had she missed taking her pill on purpose? But why would she do that and not tell me?

It had to be mine. They weren't still having sex, were they?

The thought made me furious. Dani was mine. The child was mine. Mike had blown his chance with the perfect woman, and my own opportunity had only just begun.

Stick to the plan, I thought to myself in the corner of the kitchen while I watched my family celebrate. But what was the plan anymore?

Mike stumbled over from the festivities with Martin, opening a bottle of whiskey and lining up three shot glasses. "Alex! Get over here, little brother. Drink to my spawn!"

I saw myself from a few days ago, drunk and stupid and undeserving.

"Don't you think you should quit drinking?" I asked, unable to keep the spite in my throat. "You know, take some responsibility now that you're going to be a father?"

Martin was sober enough to read the situation, glancing tensely between Mike and me. But my brother lacked the self-awareness necessary to even see the problems in his behavior.

"Nonsense! I'm on borrowed time now, man! I've got to enjoy these last precious months of freedom, and then I'll quit once the baby arrives!"

"That's not how being a father works, Mike."

My brother snorted as he spilled whiskey all over the counter. "What would you know about it? You can't even hold down a relationship."

As his words spilled over me, burning like shitty whiskey entering my bloodstream, I was suddenly aware of the knife in my back pocket. I could feel it pressed against the counter I was leaning on, and my hand drifted down until my fingers were stroking the dull side of the sheathed steel.

Mike handed a glass to Martin and held two more in the air towards me, swaying in the still kitchen air. I let the knife rest again in my pocket, stomping out of the kitchen and knocking a glass out of Mike's hand.

"Hey!" I heard him call out, but I didn't stop. I didn't say goodbye. I just walked out the front door and headed for my car.

Things were quiet down the street. The world outside was dark and sleepy. In my car, I sighed to myself and let the tears fall freely down my cheeks.

What had just happened?

What was going to happen?



Her voice was muffled through the closed window, and I caught my breath as I tried to hide the fact that I had been weeping. She opened the door, and I found myself staring at her white dress and the few inches of legs that it afforded me.

"Alex, I--"

"Is it mine?" The question had been echoing in my mind all night. A resounding bell that never ceased. "Is it mine, Dani?"

Dani knelt and took my hand, unable to look at me. "I don't know."

"How can you not know? All the times I've--"

"Do you think I haven't been having sex with him? He's my husband, Alex..." She paused. "You watched us from the closet. You knew..."

"But you're on birth control, Dani. We had a plan. How the fuck did this happen?"

"It's not one-hundred percent," she said, finally lifting her head and smiling up at me. "And the sex that we've been having. Every time you cum it feels like you're creating life in me..."

I perked up, sliding a leg out of the car and cupping her face in my hand. "It is mine!"

"I don't know, Alex." She shook her head. "Just answer this question, please. Does it matter? Does it matter if it's yours or his?"


There was no hesitation, no need for thought or consideration when the question came from her lips. Of course, it didn't matter because no matter what the baby would be ours. Ours to raise. Ours to love. Ours to name and care for and cry over until we're dead and gone.

"It doesn't matter, Dani. I love you. And I love the baby growing inside of you."

Dani laughed until she cried. She'd been needing me just as badly all week, and I imagine that her hell had been far worse than mine. I was alone, trapped in my mind and a bottle of booze. But Dani had to pretend, and she had to keep this from me.

"Alex, I don't know if we can confess to this anymore," she said. "Your brother, he's unhinged. When I told him, first he was furious. He--"

"Did he hurt you?" The knife beckoned to me again, radiating rage from my pocket.

"No! No, Alex. But I was afraid at first. I don't think he's even registered this properly. He's swinging from panic to depression to joy every day. I don't know what to do..."

"Come here..." I couldn't do this anymore. It had been too long since I'd felt her touch. She melted into me as I pulled her over my lap. Straddling me, she watched out of the rear window towards the house. "I told you I'd still fuck you when you're pregnant."

"We don't have much time," she whispered as I gently kissed her neck. "I said I would come check on you."

"Don't worry," I teased, running my hands up her dress and sliding her panties away from her pussy. "I'm not going to last long."

Dani closed the door as I pulled my desperate cock out of my pants, both of us gasping like it was the first time as I found my way back into her.

"God," she moaned, gently riding me in the front seat of my car, "will you ever stop feeling this good?"

"It's only going to get better, Dani. I promise..."

We made brief, passionate love just a few houses down from the people we kept our secret from, the first member of our new family just beginning to form in her beautiful belly.

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19695 months ago

Just discovered this has another five chapters that were never published on Literotica.

Search reddit for u/LydiaGetsWilde and you will see the story pinned to her profile. She also writes on Amazon but the books have more of a bdsm slant to them?

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Son if a bitch. That was disappointing.

You had a GREAT forbidden fruit romance going and you zigged when you should have zaggged.

Curious why you did that, trying to extend it into a longer serial?

Thanks for the first five parts. We'll try to forget the sixth.

Jlyn1Jlyn1over 1 year ago

Hate the ending or lack of.Two stars😡

Havoc100Havoc100almost 2 years ago

The comments here show how a lot of readers on Literotica have never been exposed to good literature. They want a story about butterflies, unicorns and rainbows where everything and everyone is perfect. That's not what makes a good story. This one is full of conflict, mixed loyalties and angst as a good story should be. Try East of Eden for an excellent example. I have given each chapter four stars.

Will4900Will4900almost 2 years ago

Please continue this story its awesome

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Don't listen to some of the negative comments. I've read all six chapters and you are an amazing writer. I hope this continues as I'm hooked! In other words, more chapters or at least an end to this story.

Magilla5Magilla5almost 2 years ago

Please continue this, it is well written and a great story. I would love to see how you continue this. MOAR!!

WildErotica69WildErotica69about 2 years ago

Where are the other chapters - there has to be more to it - curious where it goes

49WIZARD8849WIZARD88about 2 years ago

Where's the next chapter?

TangomoreTangomoreabout 2 years ago

Nice twist, but totally disheartening. It needs more to read please.

oldguy1oldguy1over 2 years ago

nah blood before bitches

eightOeightseightOeightsover 2 years ago

These comments are hilarious. Story was unappealing though, don't care for the characters.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Why wait until chapter 6 to infest LW?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Do you expect us to read the other 5 chapters? Really? Lowest rate possible!

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Where are all the decent writers?

We havent had one story today that is even remotely close to being readable, let alone decent or, heaven forbid...good.

Its like the small dicked livin gin mommy's closet crowd all get together to flood LW with more inane drivel and idiocy than a Trump rally has......and thats a seriously bigly load of pig shit, kids.

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikeyover 2 years ago

That was good……just like the other 4. I am very intrigued.

mattenwmattenwover 2 years ago

Yes, the idiots are still with us as this author and his story prove!

Jdavis77Jdavis77over 2 years ago

Soo you finally put this shitty story in loving wife and look how many people love it. Oh right they think it's a piece of shit that your two main characters are assholes and want them dead I would say don't make another chapter but I know you did my question is what category will it be in because I know you don't have the balls to put it back in this one again. So go do your best to pass it off as something it's not when we know you just trying your hardest to keep your scores up. You piece of shit

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I want Alex dead and mike to divorce that dani

northstanderrhinonorthstanderrhinoover 2 years ago

We are, I suppose, going to have to read the previous five chapters to make any sense of this. Especially when they seem to be in several different categories.

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