My Christmas Gift

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The Christmas gift that keeps giving.
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Just a little light Christmas short story.

Please enjoy a fictional fantasy journey into urban science fiction.


Dear Bob.

Sleeping alone and sleep poorly?

Are you tired and worn out all the time?

Life unsatisfactory, not working to your potential?

We have the revolutionary new bed for you.

Guaranteed full night's sleep, every night.

Wake every morning full of energy.

Enjoy life to the fullest, and work at your best.

Phone SLEEPBED now for an appointment.


The advert popped up on my tablet screen, seemingly addressed to me, as I perused the latest pictures on my favourite social site. It was boring with no fancy graphics, no background, even the text was ordinary. What it lacked in appeal was made up for in the message. My name is Bob. I have slept alone ever since my last long-term, live-in girlfriend left for an overseas job. Without her company I have lousy nights in bed, and was now fatigued from the long term lack of good sleep. It was getting to the stage that if I didn't do something soon I could lose my job. Jake, my boss, is a great guy and has been very understanding of my predicament, but even his patience is running low. What's worse is that I had no possible women in my life who could live and sleep with me in the foreseeable future. Jenny had been my life for so long that I was out of practice in the dating scene. I tried finding a new woman, but my old haunts seemed to be full of young people just starting on their adult lives. I guess I had aged while the places I used to go remained the same. Unfortunately not many 18 year old young women want a thirty year old guy who has become settled in his life. I was past the need for continual excitement and partying. Meeting single women in my age group was difficult at best, most good ones were already in steady, long term relationships, and still too young to yet be divorced or newly single. Those who were available had very good reasons for being single and didn't interest me in the slightest. I need to at least be attracted to them physically, before I can even get to know their personalities. Yes, I am shallow.

Regardless of my need to improve my sleeping, I was unsure whether the advert was just an attempt to pimp out prostitutes. This made me hesitant to ring. I put it out of my mind and continued my life, deciding I should probably visit my doctor about some sleeping tablets. I had already tried most of the over-the-counter and natural-method remedies. Even though I was alone in bed, while I meditated to some earth goddess made me too self conscious to continue down the path of natural ways. I was desperate enough to try chanting to another goddess, but it creeped me out too much. My main concern was that she really existed and visited after hearing my chant in my off-key singing voice. She might turn out to be a succubus and suck my life out through my dick. I've read the stories about Lilith!

At work I was nearing completion of an important design spreadsheet, when a pop-up window appeared with the same advert about the new bed. I didn't even have a web browser open, so with a great deal of suspicion that my work colleagues were punking me I closed the popup window and continued working. Later that day I was demonstrating the spreadsheet to Jake on his computer in his office, when the same popup advert appeared.

"Sorry Jake. I've no idea where this is coming from, but this has popped up on my computer as well. I certainly haven't been doing anything wrong on the internet, and definitely not on your computer."

Jake read the advert, then closed his office door, "Well Bob, you could do worse that get a new bed to sleep better. You've been one of my best employees and I would really hate to lose you. However, you have been down on your performance since being on your own. We need you back to your best, so perhaps you should look at getting a new bed. Sleeping better would be a good investment in your future. Christmas is just around the corner, so why not treat yourself and buy it as a present to yourself. I'm just doing the end of year bonuses now, I'll put a bit extra on yours so you can get one, based on your past history of being my best guy in the office and to help you get back to what I know you can do.

"I'll let you in on a secret, my job will be up for grabs soon. I'm getting promoted to district manager in a couple of month's time. Before I would have gladly put your name forward for promotion. The deadline for internal nominations is in the second week of January. I can't make any promises, but if you can be back to your best before then you will have a better than great chance at getting this job."

"Thanks for the heads-up Jake, I had no idea. Congratulations. I'll do what I can with that type of incentive."

It was after knock-off time when we finished the demonstration. Back at my own desk, I was about to shut down my computer when the advert again appeared. With a new determination to improve my sleep I decided to at least ring the number. At worst, if it turned out to be an escort service I could still go talk to my doctor. At least their number was easy to remember. I would also go to a bedding store and find a good bed.

After getting home I rang the number.

"Thank you for calling the Bed Me Service, this is Barbara speaking. How may I assist you?"

Her voice was so sultry and full of sensual appeal, I was certain it had to be a brothel or escort service. Filled with hope, I went ahead with my inquiry.

"Hi I'm Bob. I saw your advert for a new bed on my computer screen, and the promise of good sleep intrigued me. I do, however, need to ask if you're a legitimate bedding company, and not selling one night personal services."

She laughed with such a throaty chuckle I could just imagine her boobs bouncing with each sound, "Oh, I love the way you said that. Generally guys just ask if we are hookers. One night personal services, that's classic. I'll write that down, the others here will get a kick out it.

"But to answer your question, we sell bedding that is designed and constructed specifically to suit each customer. We don't have the usual range of soft to hard mattresses, or anything like what you will find in a standard bedding shop. We provide a bed system that will give you a perfect night's sleep, guaranteed. We only start making it after we can get your full physical, personal and preference details. A good sleep needs more than just a comfortable mattress. You need to be fully relaxed and satisfied before you close your eyes. Our bedding will provide functions that are tailored to your specific needs to ensure you become relaxed, and stay relaxed all night."

I was becoming curious about this and asked, "What sort of things are these functions?"

"Well Bob, it will vary from person to person. But to give some examples that I can over the phone to a stranger, it can vary from a massage to keeping the body at a suitable temperature. It is much more than just these things, but I cannot be specific about what your needs will be until we complete our tests and review your answers to our questionnaire."

"That sounds promising, can I come in to your shop and start it. I will need to get an idea of how long the waiting period will be as I need to be sleeping properly before Christmas. I have a possible promotion at work, but I am so tired at the moment my performance has become too poor to be considered."

"Our bed can certainly help you so that your work is the best it can be. We could fit you in for an interview tomorrow night after you finish work if you like. One of our consultants could come to your home and go through everything needed, then answer all your questions for you. You would then be given a full quotation and estimate of how soon the bed would be ready for you. Does that sound good to you? If you give me your details our representative will see you at 8:00 tomorrow night."

I gave her my contact details and address, thanking her for such prompt attention. She did the usual salesperson sign off before we disconnected the call. I sat back and hoped this was the right thing to do, after all I only had to visit a bedding store to try their many beds, and buy one that felt right. Even now I could do that if this thing felt to hinky.


She was like a dream goddess waiting for me to ask her in. I had answered the doorbell at precisely 8:00 the next night, and there she was, 167 centimetres of pure sex appeal. Long brunette hair half way down her back. Tight fitting red dress that displayed her ample cleavage and came to mid thigh, and a split almost to her crotch. Hips wide enough and butt meaty enough to counterbalance her weighty chest. The dress seemed to be horizontal where it displayed her ample cleavage. Then their was her beautiful face and that wide smile that really dazzled me. I can only guess she was used to her effect on men as she stuck her hand out to shake mine, and actually had to reach across to grab my hand as it still held the edge of the door.

"Hi, you must be Bob, I am Helen from Bed Me Service. I'm really pleased to meet you. My colleague Barbara made the appointment with you. May I come in?"

I somehow found my voice, but not my brain, as I managed to answer, "Err, hi, yes, you too, she did and yes."

Helen giggled as she wriggled past me, rubbing her hips against me as she did. That cleavage was all natural as I watched it wiggle and waggle as she walked. It reminded me of Jello during an earthquake. Once she was past me I regained my sanity, closed the door and followed her, ushering her to the living room. Sitting opposite she placed the paperwork from her briefcase onto the coffee table between us. I found I could actually follow her speech with the initial shock of her appearance had settled. Keeping my eyes on her's was difficult with her boobs and legs fighting for attention. The only aid I got was her beauty which helped immensely to pull my eyes to her face. Her continual smile, almost a smirk, showed how much she was probably aware of my dilemma.

She gave a detailed description of what the company offered and stressed the guarantee and how they offered not just the usual 15 year structural warranty, but a twelve month money back period if I wasn't satisfied that I was getting a good night's sleep every night. She explained that I would need to complete an extensive personal questionnaire, full physical details and a DNA sample. This sample was necessary as the bed materials would be designed specifically for me, and any functions it provided would be solely for me. Anyone else would just notice a standard bed if they slept on it. She explained they use genetically tailored nanobots customised to me personally. Because everyone was an individual the beds and linens would cater for what I needed to relax and sleep all night. This could not be foretold or even be the same function every day. She said it was like it could read my body for its needs and then provide that to it. This was not just physical but also my emotional needs.

At the end of her presentation she showed many references written by other satisfied customers. She even pulled up one complaint for whom they fully repaid the costs. Of the ten thousand customers, this was the only occurrence of dissatisfaction. They repaid the money then investigated the reasons to find the person had not revealed the full truth on the questionnaire. Had he done so she was certain the result would have come out different. Further pushing by myself I got her to provide what sort of problem it was, to be told the customer had not filled in the gender correctly. She was really transgender and this messed up the basic programming of the nanobot technology. This blew my mind that it could be so relevant, and vowed to myself to be completely truthful in my answers.

My main problem was the price of the bed, especially when she explained that a component of that was an annual fee. People undergo changes as life progresses due to ageing, experience and finding a partner. So there was an annual maintenance check and upgrades were done if required. The main problem only occurred if you found a partner and you were no longer sleeping alone. The bed could only be attuned to a single person. Many found it was not needed when they were no longer single. Others kept the bed as a spare for the occasional overnight refresher. For an additional cost the company could provide a conjoined dual bed so each person could get the benefits and still sleep together. Essentially it was two beds joined down the middle, but with individual sheeting. A bit like having the best of both worlds.

Considering that I was trying to not only keep my well paid job but a substantial promotion was possible, I decided the bed was worth trying. She gave me a megawatt smile which made me sure I had made the correct decision, even if it was my hormones making it. She asked if she could make coffee while I filled in the form. The questions could be very personal, but I was determined to make the best of this with so much riding on my getting better sleep. She took my height and weight, and even made me stand while she scanned over my body with an electronic device. Last was a sample of DNA which amounted to a mouth swab exactly like I saw on the TV shows. At the end she took a deposit using my credit card, packed up her stuff and left with a hearty thanks and a handshake. I loved following her to the door seeing her butt sway with each step. I was sure she put extra wriggles in it for my benefit.


My new bed was finally arriving today and I was excited. It was just a couple of weeks before Christmas so I considered this would be a great present to myself.

The delivery guys arrived looking like they came straight from the gym, looking like they could each carry the bed single handed. Two were only needed to manoeuvre the king size around obstacles without damaging it or anything else. In a very short time the bed was setup and ready to go. The lead muscle hunk told me the bed linen was going to be brought separately when the technician came to show me how it worked and go through the final paperwork.

Within the hour a knock on the door disturbed my test lie on the bed which was a bit disappointing. It felt like a standard mattress on a bed base, even though it was very comfortable. After opening the front door I stood there, once again speechless. She was similar to the sales woman, but 172 centimetres of sex appeal, and blonde instead of brunette. I didn't even catch her name at first.

"Hi Mr Smith, my name is Cynthia. I'm from Bed Me Service. Is it alright if I call you Bob. I'm here to set up your new bed."

Had I found any of my brain cells I would have asked her to enter, but she gave me that big smile that only beautiful women have and slipped inside. As though she had been here before she led the way to the bedroom, turning back with a huge smile on arrival. I have had women in my bedroom on a number of occasions, even living with one for years, but never one of this calibre. I'm not stupid enough to think she was here to have sex with me, but I can dream.

I only just managed to voice an answer, "Yes that's fine."

"Well Bob," she started as she opened her case, that I never even noticed till now, and took out packages of linen, "these are the sheets for the bed that have been specially formulated and made for this bed to your personal specifications. Normal sheets won't work. You probably gave the mattress a tryout before I arrived," getting my sheepish nod in response, she continued, "Yes, most people do. But without the sheets it is just a bed, bit like a computer that doesn't have an processor."

She had unpacked the bottom fitted sheet and held it out for me to touch, "Here feel this."

It felt like it did not exist. Silk sheets would be like coarse sandpaper in comparison. Strangely it seemed that the material was trying to fold itself over my hand and hug me. As though it had a life of its own.

"They should only need washing once a month as the material is nonstaining and the bed is designed to absorb everything from your body to utilise it as energy for the functions. The first night will probably be fairly tame as it only comes with a basic usable functionality. After that things will get better as it manages to accumulate the materials from you. Like a battery that needs charging.

"Cleaning is only necessary to remove non organic matter that might build up over time. We do require that you use the specially formulated cleaning compound that we provide," and she removed a white plastic bottle from the case, "This should be sufficient for a year. Your annual maintenance fee will include a new supply each year. We recommend you have a separate cover over the bed when not in use to prevent excess build up of dust, dirt and other particles."

She then proceeded to make the bed with just the bottom fitted and top sheets. Her body, as she bent over, stretching out and wriggling to straighten out and tuck those sheets in was mind boggling. Those boobs were enthralling when she bent and jiggled on the other side of the bed, and to watch her butt and the backs of her magnificent thighs as she bent over in front of me was sublime. I was certain she put more movement and effort than was strictly necessary, but I wasn't going to complain.

Explaining more as she tucked in the sheets, "You'll find you won't need blankets or other covers while you sleep. I doubt you'll even need pyjamas. In fact it's probably best to be naked as this will help the bed with whatever function it needs to do. The mattress will generate enough heat or cooling to keep you comfortable all night. This is aside from any other functions specific for your needs. Now, do you have any questions," then after she waited a moment I got another large smile as she closed her case, "Great. That is all I need to tell you. I'll be off. Hope you enjoy your new bed. If you have any questions please give us a call. The number and details are on the instruction booklet."

She had finished with the sheets by this time and held up a small booklet in front of my face, "That I am handing to you."

This got my attention away from her fantastic body and beautiful face to see her passing something to me, with yet another giant smile on her face. I apologised for my inattention, although how anyone could blame me for my mind being concentrated on her bed making skills.

"No problems Bob. I can fully understand how mind boggling this can all be. It's not every day you get a bed as wonderful as this is. I'm positive you'll enjoy every night in your bed. I have one myself and it gives me great joy all the time. I refuse to sleep anywhere else," she looked at me for a moment longer seeing that I was still staring into space, then giggled before saying, "I'll just see myself out Bob. Have a nice day."

She was gone before I came out of my sex addled stupor. Wandering through the apartment confirmed that she had, in fact, let herself out. By this time it was late afternoon, and while I wasn't tired, I knew that had to give my new bed a test run. Quickly undressing and checking myself I decided not to bother with a shower just yet. Checking the instructions quickly let me know I didn't need to do anything special. So remaining naked, I laid down pulling the top sheet over me.

Lying on my back I let out a huge sigh and whispered to myself, "This bed is so comfortable. I can feel my whole body relaxing. Expensive, but so worth it."

The instructions had not said anything about what the functions were, only repeated that any body bits I discharge will be soaked up by the mattress. It would then use this body material to power the functions. The sheets are designed to remove anything organic and pass it to the mattress. I was so relaxed that I didn't want to move. It was then I felt movement over me. Startled, I opened my eyes and sat up, but saw nothing to be worried about. After closing them again I felt the movement once more. This time, instead of trying to see what was happening I remained still, concentrating on feeling what was happening.