My Concubines


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As I finished, she broke the seal of her lips and hungrily licked me clean until I pulled her to her feet and kissed her deeply, my own tongue seeking out the taste of my salty pee in her mouth and she kissed me back sharing what she has so recently savored. She was trembling slightly and her eyes glowed with pride that she had been able to accommodate every drop on her own.

My only disappointment is that she did not orgasm while receiving my morning stream as Min Li always did, but that would simply be one more thing that we could work on in our training, so the disappointment only added one more thing to my list of challenges.

"Well girls, now that you both are able to take my morning stream, you will alternate days so that you will each have the privilege equally now," I began. "Lynn as you know, I worked with Min Li previously, training her to position herself so that I may drink from her. Now that you have mastered drinking from me, you will now begin training to position yourself so that I may drink from you."

Lynn dropped back to her knees and kissed my toes. "Yes Sir, I will work hard to learn Sir," she said earnestly.

Drawing her back up, I kissed her again, still tasting my slight saltiness on her tongue, and assured her that I knew she would.

A short while later, I was having my morning tea outside, as was my custom when I was home. I loved these mornings when I could sit and hear the girls moving about the house and let my mind wander to memories of the past or plans of the future. Given the events of this morning, today I was remembering some of Min Li's earlier training.

A woman drinking a man's urine physically is a fairly easy thing, the pieces fit together easily. However, for a man to drink directly from a woman without spilling can be much more difficult. It is all in the positioning and it took Min Li several weeks before she could regularly empty her bladder into my mouth without spillage.

The easiest position is with her facing me while she squats over my up-turned face, her knees on each side of my head, as I lay supine. My protocol, as always, requires that she not lose eye contact with me as she lowers the back of her pussy directly over my open mouth, her tummy almost covering my nose. (This is where Min Li's fitness is a plus, a heavier lady's tummy would cover my nose making breathing impossible, preventing continuous swallowing as her stream cascades from her).

She then lowers her vagina until it touches my mouth, raises herself slightly and then begins. The moment the stream starts, she then gently lowers herself completely onto my mouth, her labia and my lips meeting. This makes a seal and allows rapid swallowing. Her eyes never leave mine throughout this entire process and remain locked on mine with that incredibly loving look as I play with her erect nipples and she gently strokes my face. It became our practice to kiss deeply and make gentle love following each of these sessions.

The reverse position requires Min Li to squat over me and bend over in the 69 position. However, instead of licking her and playing with her as I would in regular lovemaking, I move my mouth to the back of her pussy with my nose very close to her anus. This is a very erotic position for me because I now have the pleasure of inhaling the fragrance of her tight, little, brown hole while enjoying the taste of her pee. Moreover, the rate of flow is not as vigorous as in the face-to-face position, allowing me to savor the taste of her delicious body fluid so much longer. The added bonus is that my cock gets a wonderful oral treat during the entire time. My only complaint about this position is that we lose the beautiful intimacy of the deep eye contact that make watersports so magical.

Ah, my little Min Li, she had become such an expert at both positions as she had with so many other things. I was looking forward to her working with Lynn to train her in the same way. I closed my eyes and looked into the future to the day when not only would I be drinking from my girls but they would then be drinking from one another, or even, one be drinking from me, while concurrently she released her stream into her 'sister'. Oh, the possibilities!

Chapter Thirty One

Sometimes life gets in the way and our best-laid plans are put on hold for one reason or another. Between business concerns and personal things I had to take care of, I needed to postpone the training that I wished to begin with Lynn, concerning her learning to have me drink from her, for longer than I would have liked.

Now don't think that we hadn't been having our fun during that time, we had! The girls were becoming more and more enamored of each other each day. I was thoroughly enjoying watching their relationship develop and also growing closer to both of them myself while taking care of some pressing issues and an extended business trip, during which time it had been wisest to leave them at the house.

Now it looked as if there would be time to relax again as the business openings and transitions were all up and running smoothly and my close attention was not needed on an hour-by-hour basis at this point. I was looking forward to getting back to training where we had left off and I anticipated a very exciting evening as the plane touched down, knowing the girls would both be waiting for me.

I disembarked and there they were, both the picture of decorum in public as they should be. Well dressed, but stunningly sexy in form-fitting dresses and lovely heels that showed off both sets of their delightful legs. I could see the looks they were getting from other passengers, men and women alike, as they stood together, regal in their bearing.

While decorum is a wonderful thing, so is occasionally giving perfect strangers something to think about, without being offensive of course. Therefore, I greeted both girls with a gentle, slightly lingering kiss on the lips and then off we went, with one of them on each of my arms. Several pairs of eyes and a few open mouths followed our departure. I chuckled inside. If they only knew the half of it.

Once we got to the car and were on the way back to the house, I let the girls tell me all about the time I was gone. They were like schoolgirls recounting their adventures. I heard about how the garden was growing, how one of the goats had managed to escape the enclosure an ended up in the yard and they had a merry chase to get her back where she belonged, and stories of more erotic goings on. One of the reasons I wanted more than one concubine was for this very reason, so that they could have each other when I was away, and because I am older, and although I am still extremely physically fit and virile, women of their age can wear out a man at times. I was pleased once again, to see how their relationship with one another was continuing to develop so smoothly at every level.

We arrived and I unpacked from my trip as the girls went off to get into uniform and prepare a light supper. Once supper was over, I had them clean up the evening table and kitchen and asked them to meet me in my room when they were finished.

I could tell how excited they were to have me back, because it was very soon after that the knock came at my bedroom door.

"May we enter, Sir?" Min Li Asked.

I answered in the affirmative and one by one, as they entered I drew them into a deep kiss. I pulled each of them into my body by twining my fingers into their luxurious hair, breathing in the unique scent of each of them, my tongue tasting their sweet healthy breath. Oh, how I had missed them both on this last trip, and over the past month or two when I had been so busy we had not had time to really concentrate on each other. Tonight, that was changing back and we all knew it, you could feel it in the air. With the kisses, the girls molded their bodies into mine, surrendering their flesh and womanly curves against me and moaning softly into my mouth. My body began reacting almost immediately.

"Girls, you have both been doing so well alternating the reception of my morning pee when I am home. I am very proud of you Lynn, that you have now mastered it. I am still a bit disappointed that you do not orgasm from it as does Min Li, but I can tell you are excited by it nonetheless, and that is good." I told them. "Lynn, you have seen Min Li demonstrate how she positions her body so that I may drink from her. I will have her do that one more time tonight, and then I wish you to try.'

I lay down on the floor and indicated to Min Li to assume the position where she was straddling me and facing me, squatting over my upturned face. The delicious aroma of her filled my nostrils as she lowered herself to my mouth. She raised herself just slightly to begin her stream and then lowered herself completely and her delicious liquid began to flow into my mouth.

Her eyes never left mine, as she continued to empty herself to the last possible drop. When she was done, she slid herself down my body and rested gently on top of me for a moment, kissing me deeply, tasting herself on my lips. I let her explore my mouth, our tongues dancing, sharing the tangy flavor. With a deep happy sigh, she lightly scrambled off my body and from the corner of the room, she brought back some large 'Assurance' absorbing under pads. I sat up and she placed these underneath my head, shoulders and torso area.

"Your turn Lynn. Come." I motioned her over to me.

As with all new things, Lynn was a bit nervous, but determined. As she put one foot on either side of me, I could see that her dark, luxurious bush was now fully grown in and looked soft and inviting. I knew that when she got closer, it would be the bearer of that heady, warm womanly scent I love so much, mixed with the aroma of stale urine that is such a beautiful combination on a healthy woman. I realized fully that she was teasing me by taking her time getting into position. I smiled inwardly, knowing that I would make her pay for this teasing later on, but for now, we had more important things to consider.

Min Li came over and helped Lynn get into the exact position she should be in: Knees on either side of my head, the back of her pussy directly over my open mouth. Ah, yes, there was that fragrance that I anticipated, and I could also see that she was soaking wet.

I sternly warned her that she could NOT come during this time of release. This was for me, not her unless I was to tell her differently. I also remind her that she must keep eye contact with me the entire time. Her knees were shaking as she raised herself up slightly to begin. Although she had to pee badly, she was unable to begin until Min Li brought her a glass of water and urged her to simply relax and let go.

Suddenly, the dam burst! She moved back down as quickly as possible, but there was too much and I could not swallow it all immediately, so there was quite a bit of spillage. This was the reason for the pads on the floor as this is to be expected until a lady learns to control her flow in this situation. After the initial flood, the intensity subsided and she gave me a euphoric, triumphant look of pure love and she continued to empty herself into me. I reached up and cruelly twisted and pinched her nipples, and that became simply too much for her and before she was done, a violent orgasm ripped through her. Somehow through it, she managed to keep her eyes focused on mine and did not stop her stream.

When she had squeezed out every drop, her body was still shaking from the orgasm and she collapsed on top of me, licking my face to clean up every drop that spilled, and kissing me deeply with total abandon, still lost in the ecstasy. I held her and stroked her hair, and Min Li stroked her back for almost 20 minutes until she recovered.

When she came back to her senses, she asked to be excused for a moment and she ran off, only to return with the half inch cane that she knew I would use on her for disobeying me.

Lynn then bent over the bed and I had Min Lee stand on her back full weight while I gave her twenty strokes without any warm up, raising purple welts that would take several weeks to heal. She didn't make a sound, but there were tears of release in her eyes as she kissed me and thanked me for her caning. I felt her pussy and it was again sopping wet. Did that little pain slut have another orgasm? Hmmmm.

I realized at that point that I was quite tired from traveling and the evening's exertions. After some cuddling all together, which we had all missed, I had the girls clean up and then sent them off to bed and got myself ready for a good night's sleep.

As I drifted off, I could picture the upcoming training sessions and how they would only get better. It is only a matter of time before Lynn has this position mastered, learns the reverse one and then the girls will learn to drink from one another....what a

Chapter Thirty-Two

I woke the next morning, totally refreshed from the previous evening's adventures. I took a rare moment to simply be still in my bed, breathing in the fresh morning air as a light breeze wafted through the room. I have always preferred fresh air to air conditioning. I have designed my homes to have excellent cross ventilation, and to be very energy efficient, eliminating much of the need for excessive artificial heating and cooling.

I could hear the girls speaking softly together in the kitchen as they prepared breakfast, and I sighed contentedly.

"Min Li," I called out, "Come here please."

In mere moments, she was in the doorway as I came off the bed. She was wearing a light violet silk robe, lightly belted at the waist that hid nothing. Her hard nipples clearly outlined beneath the fabric, and her silky dark bush playing peek-a-boo below.

"Ah, my Min Li, you are lovely as always, "I breathed. " Come, I have a treat for you this morning."

I indicated that she kneel at my feet, and without saying a word, she quietly closed the door behind her and knelt softly. Her head bowed gently as she kissed both my feet, her tongue softly licking my toes and swirling about the sides of my instep. It was a very intimate moment and I let her worship as she wished. Soon her head came up and she looked lovingly up at me from her knees and took my proffered penis in her mouth, again swirling her tongue softly around it, but only once, as I began to feed her my morning's offering.

She moaned almost imperceptibly as her eyes remained fixed on mine. I gazed down at her and purposely kept the flow at a slow pace as she hungrily swallowed, sucking for more. I could see her body reacting, her nipples becoming even harder under her robe, until the orgasm that I knew would claim her, overtook her and her body rocked there on the floor, my manhood still in her mouth, still swallowing every drop through it, and her eyes never leaving mine.

As the flow finally stopped, I allowed her a few moments of worship, licking and cleaning me. I enjoyed watching the enthusiasm she showed for caring for my currently flaccid member. However, if I let her continue, it would not be that way for long, so I reached down and pulled her to her feet by her lovely, silky hair. Pulling her to my lips, one hand still entangled in her long black tresses, the other claiming her soaked pussy, I replace my penis in her mouth with my tongue instead and kissed her deeply, feeling her tongue doing a similar dance there, tasting my own saltiness. My fingers in her pussy also began to dance and her eyes darkened, and again her body rocked, this time held tightly against mine as we breathed together with one breath through her orgasm.

"My little Min Li, you are as sweet as the day I met you, more so, because now you are mine." I murmured in her ear.

"Yes Sir, do you remember what I told you then?" She whispered back.

"I do Min Li, but I wish to hear you say it again." I replied.

She slid straight down through my arms to my feet and kissed them lightly again and then looked up to my eyes. I could see her soul looking out from the depths.

"There is nothing you cannot do to me – there is nothing that I will not do for you when you wish it." She softly stated, and then rested her face on my feet.

Smiling down at her I responded, "Hmmm...nothing? However, Min Li, there are a few things you told me in the beginning that are hard limits for you, things that you do not like. What about those?"

Looking up again so I could see the truth in her eyes, she replied, "Those too Sir, there is nothing I will not do for you when you wish it."

With that, I drew her to her feet – kissed her softly, and sent her back to the kitchen to finish helping Lynn with her duties. I prepared myself for the day and went out to the deck to await my breakfast, which arrived only moments after I sat down. So far, my day was starting very nicely.

It was to be a busy day, but business should end early. Therefore, there would be plenty of time for play tonight. I instructed the girls to have a light supper ready for me and for Min Li to ready herself for some trampling. After breakfast, I took my leave and the girls began the rest of the day's chores and preparations.

In the evening after supper, during which I could tell Min Li was very excited and during which I enjoyed watching Lynn sitting down very gingerly after her caning the previous evening, the girls and I retired to the playroom. I put on some lovely dance music, so that the girls might dance for their own pleasure and for mine. Watching them move so freely to the music, naked, their well-toned muscles rippling under their skin, their graceful dipping and twirling was not only enjoyable from an artistic point of view, but also very exciting for all of us.

After a bit I had Min Li lay on the floor on her back and I proceeded to trample her from upper thighs to breasts wearing my favorite trampling boots. Her eyes never left mine and I could see the pleasure as the soles of the boots pressed into her. Lynn watched, her breathing shallow and excited, and several times, bent to kiss Min Li or to whisper to her about how sexy and hot she looked.

Soon enough, I ordered Min Li onto her stomach and this time I had Lynn walk her back. Lynn had the least experience of the three of us, but she had been practicing and was doing quite well with her trampling skills. The soft moans of pleasure from Min Li attested to that.

With Lynn's full weight on Min LI's back, I then decided to test her conviction to allow me to do anything. Two of her limits were foot tickling and bastinado – and the fact that they were hard limits only added to the excitement and enjoyment for me of converting her from having them as a limit to actually craving them. Until now, I had not attempted either, but tonight that would change.

I approached her and with a feather, ran it gently down one foot and then the other. It took a second to register as she was quite swept up in the trampling. However, I did hear a slight change in her breathing, so I did it again. This time, there was no mistaking the reaction, in fact, there was a soft gasp and her feet twitched slightly. I motioned to Lynn to remain right where she was, to brace herself on the wall and to not allow Min Li to rise. I ran that feather up and down one foot and then repeated it on the other. Those beautiful little feet were just twitching, but no protest came from Min Li, however she was holding her breath.

"Breathe Min Li!" I ordered, and a soft whoosh came out.

I motioned to Lynn to move about a bit more and then hold again. This time I did not use a feather, but my fingers, very lightly, and my tongue, to tickle and to torment those adorable, delightfully salty little feet. Min Li was squirming and Lynn began to work with her movements, and soon the sounds coming from Min Li became pleasurable.