My Concubines


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"Thank you Sir. Please may we move on with the evening? I do not wish my mistake to ruin the evening's plans," she stated bravely.

I knew that Min Li was almost at the breaking point in wanting to taste Lynn's pussy, but Min Li had been trained longer and more thoroughly. I remind her of this as we began tying her to the table for her turn. She was told that if she took the easy way out and simply gave in, that her torture would be extended, her chastity would last well past Lynn's.

Lynn of course was already aroused, which makes Min Li's training a double-edged sword, especially this time. We moved back to the coffee table, and I had Lynn hover for over 30 minutes. I could see the strain on both girls faces. Lynn desperately trying not to simply lower herself to those waiting lips. Min Li, having had a taste earlier, fighting her incredibly strong urge to simply reach up and bury her face in the luscious aromatic pussy above her.

Min Li's fists clench and unclench as she fights the desire, and I hear a small moan escape from Lynn and they are there poised like living statues, mere inches from satisfaction. I toy with them both while they are in this position. Teasing their inner thighs, tweaking their nipples, nibbling on their toes. They probably don't realize at this moment that this is also hard on me, as I am also quite aroused, but my satisfaction can also wait. The enjoyment I am getting from their drawn out frustration and torture far outweighs the momentary pleasure I would have from release.

Both are ready, and it had been an intense evening. I could allow them to end this here, but I was going to continue to make them wait... I had something even more delightful and perverse in mind that I had not revealed to them yet.

Chapter Twenty-Five

I called the girls to my room early the next morning alone for a talk. We discussed how Lynn was adjusting to the daily schedules, physically, mentally and emotionally. Overall, she was having a wonderful time. She and Min Li were, in some ways, kindred souls and found each other's company intellectually stimulating as well as physically seductive. She was learning much from Min Li already in the short time she had been in the house and Min Li in turn was learning from her. I could see only good things here as we continued to expand both girl's formal learning and business involvement.

I complimented Lynn also on her apparent green thumb, a gift and interest she had been unaware of before joining us. She spoke of her wish to study formal flower arranging in the future when time would allow as well as pursue her newfound interest in horticulture and organic gardening and sustainable farming. This pleased me, as it is an area that I also have much interest in, and adding the beauty of flower arranging to the practicality of her studies was a wonderful idea.

Physically, she seemed to be blossoming also. She had become a bit tanner from her time in the garden, and her lovely feet, well manicured, but without any polish, were strong and well muscled. Some of the welts from last night's whipping were still pale red on her skin, but showed signs that they would easily heal and soon be faded completely. She had always followed a healthy diet, but since her decision to join the household, she had been eating even better and it showed in her complexion and in the scent of her bodily fragrances. She was a beautiful woman and I was very pleased to have her with us. Min Li concurred that she was very happy having Lynn at her side.

"Lynn, do you remember that you agreed that upon joining the household, you would give me permission to control everything that went in and out of your body?" I asked.

"Yes Sir, I do." she said demurely.

"Well, you have been doing well. I am quite pleased each morning that you are taking more and more of my morning stream and without the look of panic in your eyes that I saw that first morning, "I chuckled.

She smiled a bit, and said, "Yes, that first time surprised me a bit. I was not prepared for the taste, nor the warmth or volume. I am getting better though."

"Yes, you are. Do you enjoy it yet?" I asked.

"Honestly, I'm not sure I enjoy the taste yet, Sir. However, I do not dislike it, and I find I am starting to look forward to the morning ritual of receiving from you. It makes me feel as if you are claiming me each morning."

"You have not passed the test yet, my girl, but the day will come and you will know it. The will be the day when you crave the taste my morning urine, when you want it so badly that you beg me to let you go first, instead of Min Li, not just because it claims you, but simply because you thirst for it. Until then, the ritual will continue daily as is. Once you crave it, we will make some slight changes."

"And there is much more to it than simply claiming you. I have already explained this to Min LI and I will explain it to you. I have decided, with rare exceptions, we will indulge in this practice at most once a day. Contrary to popular belief, the urine of a healthy body with no UTI's is safe. The human body has this marvelous mechanism to maintain PH and body electrolytes within a very precise, small range of values. One way it does it thorough eliminating excessive electrolytes through the mechanism of urination. "

"Urine is not a by-product of the body's waste disposal system but of blood filtration. Nutrient-filled blood passes through the liver, where toxins are removed and excreted as solid waste. The purified blood then goes through another filtering process via the kidneys, where components for which the body has no immediate use are collected in a sterile, watery solution. For that reason, it is highly sterile, consisting of 95 per cent water and five per cent nutrients, including nutrients, urea, minerals, enzymes, antibodies and hormones. The urea alone is an antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral agent. Studies have shown that consuming urine, especially the first of the morning can boost the immune system and promote healing."

I continued. "All that being said, when drinking directly from the source, healthy urine is indeed sterile. However, once outside the body and exposed to air, it can quickly become contaminated. This is why I am teaching you the way I am. Min Li knows how to allow me to drink from her and soon I will teach you to drink from each other safely. I have done this regularly for over half a century and other than feeling a bit bloated when a particular lady's bladder had been quite full, I have never suffered any ill effects. In fact, I believe I have benefitted greatly."

I cautioned, "Lynn, you may find though that the first few times you consume a large amount of pee, you will have a bit of discomfort for the first half hour or so afterward, but that will correct itself in time, and is nothing to worry about."

"Yes, that happened with me at first," Min Li chimed in. "But now I don't have that problem at all. Now I just can't stop from having huge orgasms when I drink your morning pee Sir! But I don't think that is a problem. Is it? "The look on her face made us all to dissolve in to companionable laughter and hugs, ending in Lynn pulling Min Li to her for a long kiss.

"Min Li, I would like a few minutes with Lynn now, if you would go begin your chores, I will send her along to you momentarily," I directed.

Obediently, Min Li gave Lynn one more sweet, deep kiss and stroked her face, then stopped to do the same with me before leaving, shutting the door behind her.

Chapter Twenty-Six

"There is another matter I wish to speak of with you," I continued, "It is the matter of what goes out of your body."

"Would you like to drink my urine also Sir?" she asked eagerly.

Laughing, I replied, "Well of course, and I will do so when I decide it is time, but that is not the fluid I was thinking of. I was thinking of your period, it is due in a day or two, is it not."

"Oh, yes it is," she responded a bit surprised, "It is probably coming by tonight or tomorrow."

"Wonderful," I smiled. "You are to let me know as soon as it does. However, I do not wish you to share this information with Min Li. She is not to know when you begin to flow."

She looked at me a bit puzzled, but obediently responded, "Yes Sir, I will let you know immediately, and I will not let on to Min Li, although it will be difficult as we have begun to share, everything."

"Yes, I know, and I am pleased with that, but you have not been together long enough yet to begin cycling together, so she will be unaware unless you tell her."

With that, I sent her off to begin her day. I gave the girls instructions to dress lightly instead of the regular outfits so that if Lynn's period did start, she would be able to conceal that fact from Min Li. Mid-afternoon, while I was in the study working on some plans for the new goat pens, a soft knock came at the door.

"Enter." I called, and Lynn gracefully slipped through the door and closed it behind her.

"My period has started Sir."

"How is your flow when you begin?" I inquired.

"It should remain light for the first 12 hours, and then tomorrow should be heavier Sir. May I ask what your plans are?"

"You may, but I will inform you when I need you to know."

She blushed faintly, "I'm sorry Sir, forgive me. I will go back to my chores now. After giving me the kiss I requested, she departed.

That evening, after the usual delicious dinner I told the girls to go to their individual rooms and come back naked and ready to play. Lynn looked at me a bit quizzically, and hesitated only briefly but I motioned to her and she went off, and came back, about half a minute after Min Li arrived. There was a bit of hesitation in her eyes, as if to say 'Surely, Sir, not tonight?' Nevertheless, she obediently stood and waited for direction.

"Tonight we will forego Lynn's training and move straight onto Min Li's. Lynn, you will help me fasten her to the table please." I directed.

Obediently, she did as she was instructed and soon Min Li was there in all her loveliness. Before having Lynn get into position though, I wanted Min Li, who was already breathing rapidly in anticipation to be fully aroused, so I worked her over lightly with a moderate flogging, bringing her desire up even higher so that she was nearly writhing with anticipation before we even started.

While I flogged her belly and breasts, Lynn was kissing and licking her feet and ankles, and then stroking her legs and inner thighs. We could see the moisture beginning to pool between her lips, clinging to the dark hair, her arousal was so complete.

I put the flogger down and applied clamps to Min Li's nipples. They were light, just enough to put continuous pressure on her nipples as I was afraid the pain from the really tight ones would send her instantly over the edge.

"Now, Lynn... I want you in position now."

She looked at me, still having that question in her eyes. Even though she was much more open than most women were about her body, I could sense a deep shame concerning her monthly flow in her eyes. This was still taboo to her. To open her most vulnerable location at this time to someone, to let them see her bleed was something she was not expecting. It was a huge struggle for her. I could see her fighting herself inside. She had crossed a huge hurdle in desiring the taste of my anus; she was working on desiring my morning urine, but this? Was this pushing her too far?


Min Li turned her head, confused as to what might be going on. I could tell she had no idea why Lynn was hesitating. Taking a deep and ragged breath, I saw the decision happen. The shame did not lesson, but determination joined it, and Lynn moved to the coffee table and crawled over Min Li. She raised her head once in position and looked at me. Triumph joined the other emotions on her face now.

Min Li, beneath her, didn't notice anything out of the ordinary at first. She did murmur after a few minutes that Lynn's scent was different, muskier, deeper, richer...and I could see her struggling to maintain her composure, but her body, already built to just below the boiling point was winning over her control. I had Lynn lean forward so I could position myself in front of her so that she was merely inches from my anus, both girls began to moan softly and I could hear their breathing quicken. After several minutes, the inevitable happened.

A drop of Lynn's sweet menstrual flow dropped softly onto Min Li's lips. Min Li let out a loud moan and her body began to twitch... I reached back and pushed Lynn's hips down onto Min Li's face and at the same time moved back to give Lynn the taste she so desired.

Min Li's lips and tongue found Lynn's pussy full of sweetness, her juices mixed with her menstrual flow making for an elixir that Min Li couldn't seem to get her fill of. Lynn hungrily began tonguing my anus, finally getting the taste she had been longing for. It was too much for both girls, kept in chastity and sexual suspense for so long. Both began to orgasm in a frenzy of passion that caused Min Li's body to wrench against her bonds and Lynn to buck wildly on top of her. Lynn's pussy was again shooting her lovely juices toward Min Li, but this time mixed with a new sweetness, and this time, Min Li could lap it up to her heart's content.

And she didn't stop, she kept Licking and sucking, apparently having found a new passion and seemingly trying to pull every drop out of Lynn's pussy. I allowed them both to have several more orgasms and then I pulled Lynn off her, and mounted Min Li there on the table, filling her sopping wet pussy with my swollen member and licking her face clean of the copious juices and delicious fluids that Lynn's passion had left there.

It would only be a matter of time before Lynn would follow Min Li's lead and be having orgasms simply from licking my anus.

It is all in the training.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

I slept well that night. When I awoke there was a light breeze blowing through the French doors, bringing with it that soft, sweet morning smell that always made me want to go hiking, or to spend the day outside gardening or working on the land in some fashion. Since it was a rare day when little business was pressing, I decided we would spend the day together enjoying the outdoors.

I could hear the girls already stirring in the kitchen preparing breakfast, so I put on my robe and headed out onto the deck. Within minutes, they followed, looking as lovely as ever. Min Li, her straight dark hair and eyes glowing with health and Lynn, moving with her dancer's grace, her open robe showing that her pussy hair was almost fully grown in now, and becoming a wonderful lush bush. I could feel my cock pulse slightly at the mere sight of them. I was a very lucky man.

The girls placed the breakfast on the table. Chunks of papaya, mango and some strawberries, a pitcher of fresh goat yogurt to pour over the fruit in our individual bowls, and some slices of bread one of them had baked yesterday afternoon. Min Li poured the tea for us all and Lynn served the fruit. The birds were singing as if to garner an invitation to our feast.

Before we began, I motioned Min Li to my feet. I placed my penis in her mouth and had her take my morning urine. This morning I only allowed her a small amount before stopping my flow and giving the rest to Lynn. Her training was nearing the stage where she would take all of it, from beginning to end. It would be lovely to have the girls alternating mornings, although I knew that Min Li was going to miss her morning treat and orgasm as she invariably orgasmed each time almost as soon as she began to drink. Lynn did not find the process orgasmic yet, but as with everything else, it is in the training. She was becoming more and more aroused each time she drank, and I knew it would not be long before her body would naturally react in this way.

As the girls rose, I kissed each one deeply, tasting myself on them, the lingering tanginess, feeling their healthy bodies pressed to mine, and breathing in the fragrance of healthy womanhood that each one was wrapped in. The scent of each girl was so unique, and so luscious. Yes, I again thought about what a lucky man I was.

We all sat back down and ate in companionable silence for a few minutes, savoring the sweetness of the fruit and the delectable creaminess of the yogurt. The bread was hearty and dense filled with natural organic grain and honey. I enjoy meals like this so much. Natural foods, no preservatives or additives, just simple honest food. The girls were obviously relishing their meals also, and the effects of such eating showed in their bodies, in their hair, eyes, skin, energy level and general health. Diet affects so many things and is one reason I could keep up with these to wonderful women!

Once every drop of breakfast was gone and we were relaxing with our tea, I asked the girls, "What are your thoughts of last night?"

Both girls began to grin. Lynn had a slight blush to her face, but answered, " I never thought I could open myself up in such a vulnerable way to another person, but at one point it was like I broke through a wall and everything was OK, and it was marvelous."

"And your thoughts, Min Li?" I queried.

"She is yummy and even more so last night!" Min Li blurted out "I find I crave her."

Both girls giggled softly and I smiled broadly. "Excellent, "I said, "This is exactly as it should be. However, let's get this day started. Think about how much you enjoy one another today, and we will spend the day out on the property gardening together. I'd like to check on the goats and work with some of the fruit trees and do some work in the garden together."

"Lynn, you spoke to me the other day about wanting to push some other limits, are you feeling up to taking a look at some of those this evening?" I asked her, looking her directly and deeply in her eyes.

She looked back steadily "Sir, I trust you, and I trust Min Li. I want you to take me where I need to go."

"Ok then, let's go spend the day outdoors and get some work done on the property." I said. With that, I stood up, shooed them off to clean up breakfast and we all met outside a short time later.

We spent a marvelous morning with the goats, stopped for a quick lunch and then tended to the fruit trees, vegetables and flower gardens in the afternoon. Supper was fairly early and light, followed by a short rest, after which I had the girls meet me in my bedroom.

The girls entered and dropped to their knees in front of me.

"Lynn, are you ready?" I asked her. There was no softness in my voice.

"Yes Sir." There was no hesitation in hers.

I positioned Lynn on the bed, with her legs down toward the floor, which rounded her ass nicely. She had received canings from me before, but this was to be the caning she had always said she wondered if she could take. I had Min Li get up on the bed and walk Lynn's back while I got prepared, settling her deep into the bed, grounding her. I motioned to Min Li that she was to remain on Lynn's back throughout unless I indicated otherwise.


"Yes Sir." Her reply was strong and held that note of anticipation in it.

I began my swing with the cane. There was no warm up tonight. This was the caning we had discussed. This was the way she said she wanted to experience it, and this is what she was going to get unless she told me to stop, or unless I could see she needed me to stop of course.


The first strike hit its mark and there was no sound but a soft intake of air. I continued in measured strokes, some faster, some slower. Overall, there were 20 very hard, very harsh cane strokes, sufficient to break her skin.

Lynn had surrendered herself so completely to the pain that she didn't even lift her legs after each agonizing blow. Remarkably she processed the searing pain in almost total silence except for a few moans that now that I knew her well, I recognized as pleasure! MIn Li kept standing on her back and on my command fingered her soaking wet pussy to orgasm after orgasm. I also noticed that Lynn's anus was getting delightfully moist. Now Lynn was an anal virgin. Her ex had a 10 inch cock that caused her to develop her amazing cock sucking and deep throating skills, but attempts at anal were too painful and she never explored this again after him.
