My Concubines


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With my cock raging hard, I touched it against her inviting brown hole and to my delight, she actually pushed back - as much as she could with Min Li standing on her. That was so hot to me that I violently plunged my shaft into her, eliciting a loud moan of pain and delight. I fucked her ass roughly, as I buried my face into Min Li's soaking pussy and after a few minutes had a mind shattering orgasm as Lynn came as well.

When I pulled out, I told Lynn to quickly lie on her back and drape her head over the bed so that she could lick my limp cock clean, but soon I had another erection, so I deep throated Lynn as Min Li licked Lynn's pussy and ass. It felt heavenly, but I did not cum this time, so I pulled out and drew both girls with me onto the bed, where we could all cuddle and kiss.

I had Min Li fetch me cream for Lynn's ass and we treated her skin gently and gave her a delicious massage to relax her. We continued rubbing each other, cuddling and kissing as we grew sleepy and Lynn fell asleep in my arms and Min Li curled around both of us. The light breeze was blowing through the French doors and as I drifted off to sleep, the day ended as it began. I realized what a lucky man I am.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Life with the girls is good. When I met Min Li and first conceived the idea of making her my concubine, I had envisioned something like this, but it was turning out even better than I had hoped.

My business was thriving, in part due to Min Li's fabulous organizational skill in her roles within it. We were still traveling as needed to other parts of the world, but now we were including Lynn, who was learning her role in the business end of things as well, and finding she had a knack for it. As a corporate team, we were becoming quite impressive and our clients enjoyed dealing with us. They knew they would be treated knowledgeably and fairly, and two out of the three of us were lovely to look at through the process.

Lynn we found was also an easy traveler, ready to go at a moment's notice and delighted at each new adventure. Min Li and I enjoyed taking her to some of the places we had already seen together and we all enjoyed exploring new sites, sounds and foods together. Min Li remained the ultimate tour guide, as her early training had taught her, and Lynn was precious as a wide-eyed child, drinking in everything.

Of course when not traveling, the girls took care of the household efficiently and smoothly. Each day they wore their lovely uniforms for a minimum of the required time, however, many times they both were so caught up in what they were doing, they went far beyond that minimum, which always gave me such satisfaction.

After her initial training, Lynn began to develop a craving for rimming my ripe anus, a pleasure that I then began to deny her at times, to make the craving stronger. When I did allow her this treat, her pretty tongue would lick and tickle and push with abandon, little whimpers of pleasure escaping her the whole time. Sometimes it almost sounded like she was singing softly as she enjoyed her treat. It didn't take long for her pussy to become drenched with her delightful moisture during this activity and she would begin to squirm beneath me, begging me with her hips to touch her, to give her the release she wanted.

Of course, the ability to enjoy her ministrations and tease her at the same time was a delight for me. I would order her not to cum and then touch her ever so lightly. The whimpering would get louder, and her tongue more demanding, her hips more active, but she would hold herself off. Lifting my fingers to my lips, I would lick them clean of her gooey wetness, pungent and heady with her womanly scent, and then return to tease her some more. I would continue with her this way, until I could tell she was nearly unable to stand it. Then I would do one of two things. I would either order her to cum, which as pent up as she was, she would do almost immediately, the whimpers, going silent, her lips and tongue fastened to me, her body rocking beneath me. Or, I would stand up and walk away, leaving her panting, unfulfilled and glassy-eyed, and then turn and watch her compose herself, bringing herself back from the edge, until she was able to crawl to my feet to thank me. It is important in training that the one being trained never begins to take things for granted. Min Li had learned this lesson long before Lynn joined us and Lynn needed to learn it also. She was doing well.


The girls were a beautifully matched set and I could see that they were falling in love with one another. This was a very good thing. They cared for one another in a way that allowed for no Jealousy. Jealousy is a very dangerous emotion in relationships. As human beings, it does happen at times, but in all relationships, it is one of those things that when it does arise, it needs to be addressed as a valid feeling and worked through, and then let go. So far, it had not been a problem. The girls were happy to share each other and with each other, often volunteering one another for special treats and forgoing it themselves. They also enjoyed teaching each other things that they knew to help the other succeed. A woman with a generous heart is beautiful on the inside as well, and both my girls were exceptional.

One of the skills that Lynn had, and one of the few that Min Li had not yet fully mastered was cock sucking. Lynn had been married to a man with a 10-inch cock and vaginal and anal intercourse was always very painful to her, not in a good sense to this little masochist. To satisfy her husband, she had become adept, and learned to love cock sucking and deep throating. Now, I love both of these things also, but very few women are able to do so without scraping their teeth on my shaft. Lynn however, was able to do both without ever having her teeth touch me. I charged Lynn with the duty of refining this skill in Min Li.

I heard them giggling in their rooms one day and set out across the house to see what was going on. They were so caught up in what they were doing they didn't hear me approach. They had apparently purchased some very large dildos and were playing together in Min LI's room. When I arrived, Min Li was on her back and Lynn was straddling her. There were several dildos spread across the bed, but the largest was in Lynn's hands. At least I assume it was the largest, because the other end was buried deep in Min Li's pussy, moving in and out rhythmically as Min Li held onto Lynn's legs...both girls murmuring to one another. Lynn moved the dildo faster and used her other hand to play with Min Li's clit, and soon Min Li's legs stiffened and she silently had a huge orgasm, her pussy clamping down on the dildo, her hands grasping Lynn's thighs as she came, and her head moving from side to side.

Lynn flipped over and the girls kissed deeply, stroking each other's hair. Lynn brought the dildo up and together they licked it clean of all Min Li's gooey juices.

"Now, I'll show you," said Lynn. Apparently, this had been a planned activity, but they had been a bit sidetracked! With that Lynn, lay over the side of the bed with her head hanging down.

"The easiest way to swallow a cock is to lay over the edge of the bed, with your head hanging off backward," she explained. "That way, it follows the natural curve of your throat and will slide right in. Watch"

Taking that same, very large dildo, she placed her lips around it and began to slide it into her mouth. It kept going, deep into her throat, where she held it for a bit, pumping it slightly before bringing it back out.

"Now, it's your turn Min Li. I want to teach you how to do this for Sir."

Min Li obediently positioned herself as Lynn had earlier, and Lynn took up one of the more reasonably sized dildos. She positioned herself behind Min Li and teased her with it, stroking her face and tweaking her nipples, putting her in a headspace to help her imagine it was a real cock.

"Open wide sweet girl, and keep your mouth very open so your teeth stay away. Take a deep breath before you begin, because you won't be able to breathe once it is in your throat," instructed Lynn.

With that, she slid the dildo into Min Li's mouth, pumping it shallowly at first. When she saw Min Li relaxing into it, she slid it further down Min Li's throat. Min Li opened her eyes and looked up at Lynn, her eyes smiling, and continued to look at her as the dildo moved in her throat. As she began to run out of air, her eyes got a bit wider, however, Lynn judged it well, pulled the dildo out, and continued to pump it in her mouth as she took in a breath. Then she put the dildo back into Min Li's throat once again. The next time she pulled it out, she bent down over Min Li, her hair falling like a curtain around her and kissed her deeply.

"I am so glad I am able to teach you something because you have given me so much Min Li. I also can't wait until we can show Sir what you have learned!" I heard her say softly.

With that, I backed away quietly, leaving them to their games and smiled, knowing that there would be a very interesting evening of play coming very soon.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Several days later, I could tell the girls were about to burst with excitement during dinner. We had had a number of quiet days, enjoying the lovely weather and going about daily life as usual.

Well, life as usual at our house may be a bit different from yours. It was a delightful mix of the girls going about their duties inside and outside of the home, dressed in their serving outfits when I was home to appreciate them, and me working at the office on a few new important projects that needed some attention. This meant that I had not been at the house as much as I would have liked for a bit, however, the girls were doing a great job of keeping things up.

The house was spotless, the gardens were well tended, and my absence gave the girls more time to study their music, world history and the energy and electric propulsion sciences that are at the core of my businesses.

However, the way they were acting tonight, I was wondering if they didn't use some of that time scheming together, and possibly experimenting some more with the toys that I was aware they had purchased. I decided I would pretend not to notice their excitement, and wait until they couldn't stand it any longer and let me in on their little secret. I had a feeling it was going to be fun for all of us.

Despite their agitation, the girls as always had prepared a lovely meal. While most of my diet is vegetarian in nature, I do still enjoy meat, fish and shellfish in limited amounts and tonight we had light homemade pasta with shrimp and fresh spinach wilted into it. The sauce was light and lemony tasting with a bit of garlic and an herbaceous flavor that I know was straight out of our gardens. Fresh baked bread sliced thin and toasted, then topped with a bruschetta that was also light and fresh. The whole meal was rounded out by a big pot of my favorite green tea.

I watched Min Li's hands shake slightly as she poured my tea and smiled to myself. She and Lynn had been slyly exchanging glances all through dinner, and as the plates were cleaned and we were sitting back with the final cups of tea, there was an almost expectant pause in the air.

"Sir?" Min Li finally began softly.

"Yes, Min Li?" I replied, not looking at her but gazing off toward the river, pretending I was not overly excited myself waiting to hear what she was going to say.

"Lynn and I bought a few toys recently and have been practicing," She responded with big smile and a bit of a giggle.

"Oh," I said, raising my eyebrows, "what kind of toys?"

"Can we show you, Sir?" Lin interrupted excitedly.

"Well, I suppose that might be the best way to explain yourselves." I said, trying to maintain a stern composure. "After you clean up dinner, you may go get them and bring them to my room."

With that, I left the table and the girls set about cleaning. I am not sure I ever witnessed a quicker and more efficient clean up! There was much giggling going on behind me as they went to and fro and I headed to my room to await their arrival.

It wasn't long before I heard soft footsteps and a knock on the door.

"Can we come in now Sir?"

"Enter," I commanded.

With that, the door opened and they both fairly burst into the room, each with what looked like an armload of assorted dildoes and vibrators of all shapes, sizes and colors. I couldn't help but laugh.

"A few toys?" I chuckled. Both girls actually blushed as they spread their bounty proudly across the bed for me to see. I recognized one or two from my spying the other day, but now there were several more interesting pieces in their collection. I surmised that they had been having quite a bit of fun during their free time when I was not at home!

"So, you just wished to show me you collection, is that all?" I asked, urging them on.

"Oh no, Sir!" Min Li replied excitedly. "I want to show you what I have learned!

With that, the girls came together, their bodies intertwining the way coffee and cream swirl together in a cup, distinct at first and then mingling until they seemed to be one unit. They kissed deeply, their hair draping over each other's shoulders, fingers entwined at first and then moving to loosen what little clothing they had been wearing when they arrived.

As the clothing puddled at their feet, they both turned to me and knelt at my feet, bending to kiss the top of my boots. I drew them up together with my hands in their silky hair and turned from one to the other, kissing them both hard, tasting them on each other's lips.

"Go!" I said, a bit hoarsely, "Show me."

The girls clambered together onto the bed, duplicating what I had seen when they did not know I was watching. Min Li was on her back, her head hanging over the edge, her dark hair hanging almost to the floor. This time however, Lynn chose a larger dildo than when I had watched them and began teasing Min Li with it, proving they had been practicing, and Min Li began to squirm with anticipation. Lynn drew it up Min Li's body, leaning over to nibble on her breasts and to lick her nipples. Min Li kept opening her mouth, wanting to take the dildo, but Lynn was keeping it just out of reach, making her silently beg.

Finally, she let it touch Min Li's lips and Min Li hungrily raised her head and began to lick it and pull it into her mouth. Lynn let her have her way and I watched as Min Li took more and more of it into her mouth, watched as she carefully kept her mouth open wide and watched as it went deep into her throat. Her eyes turned and locked on mine, triumphant and proud and she held it there, her breath stopped until she could no longer stand it and then Lynn slowly pulled it out and Min Li gasped and quickly began licking and sucking again, making happy sounds as she did.

I was not going to let them have all the fun at this point, so I quickly removed my clothing and moved toward the bed. Min Li saw me coming and immediately had an idea.

She placed Lynn on her back on the edge of the bed so her beautiful ass was exposed for me to penetrate. Then she quickly began to lubricate Lynn's pretty brown hole with her tongue and in turn, my cock with her mouth. I could feel right away how much better her cock sucking skills had become. She guided my cock into Lynn's waiting anus and as I began to press in, Min Li continued to lick my shaft and the entrance it was breaching. Lynn's ass was amazingly accepting and wonderfully tight and soft moans of pleasure were coming from her lips. Min Li' tongue continued to tease her clit while I ass fucked her and after a bit she asked me if she was allowed to orgasm. I gave her permission and she opened her eyes, lifted her head and looked at me as she went over the edge.

After I ass fucked Lynn for a while, Min Li flipped over on her back next to Lynn, in the position she had been in earlier. She suggested that I pull out and deep throat her so she could demonstrate her newly enhanced cock sucking skills.

At this outrageous thought, my cock became even harder and I pulled out almost immediately, sporting a dark brown dollop on its glans. I shoved my cock partly into Min Li's waiting mouth and she eagerly licked it clean, relishing in the bitter taste of Lynn's deep anal content. As she licked me clean I began to fuck her throat without further hesitation. She was right, the practice had worked, and she took me all the way down and eagerly enjoyed my cock moving up and down deep in her throat. Not once did her teeth scrape my shaft.

Lynn got up, went around behind me and began tonguing my anus while I was throat fucking Min Li. My control is very good, but the sensation of Min Li's tight throat around my cock and Lynn's skillful tongue pressing into my little brown hole was too much. I pulled back and then shoved my cock fully into Min Li's throat and held it there as I released deep in her throat, my fingers twisting her hard nipples. I could feel Lynn's hands holding my thighs, her mouth pressed against me and the sensation went on longer than was normal.

I finished and pulled out. Min Li took a very deep gasp of air and sputtered a bit, and Lynn kissed her lightly. I fell over onto the bed and pulled Lynn off Min Li, kissing her and tasting myself on her lips and pulling her close to me. Min Li was still on her back, breathing hard, but I motioned to Lynn and she fell on her, licking her sopping pussy until she too came wildly, clinging to both of us, her lips fastened to mine. We all fell asleep there in a pile, exhausted, sweaty and contented.

I had anticipated an interesting evening of play and I will never underestimate what my girls will come up with.

Chapter Thirty

We all woke early the next morning. Not surprisingly, refreshed from our escapades of the evening before. The girls unwrapped their arms and legs and cuddled closer to me, one on each side. I inhaled their soft morning breath, like baby's breath due to their excellent hygiene and diet and then kissed each of them deeply. I stroked their soft skin, feeling the length of each of them along the length of my body from head to toe. It was a deliciously, languorous feeling and one I did not normally indulge in, normally being more of a man of action. However, I also believed in being fully present in the moment and this was a lovely moment to be present in. I did not intend to rush it.

All too soon though, my body decided it was time for action, and its needs demanded that the moment must come to an end.

"Lynn," I said, turning to her, "Do you think you can take all of my morning pee this morning?"

Her eyes grew wide and a smile broke over her face.

"Oh, yes Sir," she exclaimed!

We had been working her up to being able to take more and more each day, having Min Li begin and letting Lynn finish. Until now, she had never taken the entire amount. This would be a special treat for her.

I moved off the bed, and motioned Lynn into position at my feet. She lovingly ran her hands up my legs and hips and across my belly and then took hold of my penis. Looking me in the eyes, she placed me in her mouth and I reached down and grabbed her hands. I twined my fingers in hers and reached my arms out to the sides, so her arms were stretched away from her body and she was pinioned there on my cock.

With my eyes never leaving hers, I let go and began to flow into her waiting mouth. Her eyes reflected the pleasure she felt in knowing that this morning it was hers alone. I could see them grow darker and I watched her body twitch slightly as the pleasure moved through her body while I continued to release my stream into her. I could feel her mouth and tongue stroking my cock as she swallowed every drop.
